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Status Replies posted by moneyshredderofdeath

  1. Had a good college tour. Definitely applying. Hope I get accepted!

  2. I wish magical talent tattoos would randomly appear on my ass...

  3. Guess what no one! I've bought my first Brony shirt. I will love and cherish it forever.

  4. Can anyone tell me why I get an error message saying my post contains 0 characters?

  5. Can anyone tell me why I get an error message saying my post contains 0 characters?

    1. moneyshredderofdeath


      I seem to be having issues myself, with quick reply. I can at least get a post through w/o use of shortcuts.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  6. The green of my name and the red of my avatar make me think of Christmas.

  7. Lordbababa for finnish dictator 2013!!!!

  8. People call me a troll just because I like to use facts and degrade stupid people for being bullies.

    1. moneyshredderofdeath


      Using "troll" like that is pretty much a desperate last defense. 'nuff said.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. There's another MLP Forums!: My Les Paul forums xD

  10. Did you set it to 'Wumbo'?

    1. moneyshredderofdeath


      Wumbology, the study of Wumbo... it's first grade, SpongeBob!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. I can't help but make a " :\ " face when I see someone kissing up to a moderator or popular member.

    1. moneyshredderofdeath


      There was a forum I used to go to that had a MAJOR brown nose. He kissed up to anyone on staff yet tore anyone newer than him into pieces. He even changed his title to "Moderator in Training". People called him out on his fabricated personality, etc. and he pretty much snapped once everyone knew he was a fake.

    2. (See 33 other replies to this status update)

  12. Thinking about telling my parents that I'm a brony. But my dad said he would kill me if I was gay, and he almost did when I said I liked spongebob, non-the-less My Little Pony. Your thoughts?

  13. I sigh a lot when I look at my name on here. I got it from an OC name generator. I wish I put more thought into it.

    1. moneyshredderofdeath


      You can change your name once enough time's passed, so if you can think of something you like more there's that.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. Please, please...all I need is a bucket of ice right now...T_T So hot.

  15. I haven't watched MLP in a while now....

    1. moneyshredderofdeath


      I don't like rewatching shows much. Maybe I should rewatch MLP for the heck of it thu. xD

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  16. Question: I am making an OC for RP using the ponycreater, but I need a cutiemark. I have what I want, it's hust I need a transparent background. Who knows how to do this. Please help.

    1. moneyshredderofdeath


      I use Paint.Net which is free to download, use the Magic Wand tool and adjust the tolerance until removing the surrounding background gets a good result

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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