Hello and welcome to the forum! Just about everyone here is as friendly as can be and there are a hand full of us on xbox live as well so you should be able to find friends fairly easy here
The more I play fighting games the more I am begging to realize that it's not about making the charters balanced. It's about making them all equally broken xP
I assume it's referring to the time Fluttershy went a bit crazy at the Gala but that is just a guess.
What/who do you plan to go as next Nightmare Night?
While I love the character I'm not sure if he should get a full episode to himself. I would rather see him as a main character in an episode surrounding the Apple siblings (Applejack, Applebloom, Big Mac).
I was just messing around with drawing my OC trying to get a look to him that I liked a bit more and this is what I came up with. Random position and changed him to a unicorn lol Not really sure if I'm happy with this drawing or not so any criticism would be a big help
Also went back, colored him and made a few changes with GIMP.
Hello and welcome I've actually gotten 4 of my irl friends to become part of the heard though 3 of them I consider closet Bronies because they won't openly talk about it in public and I'm working with them on that lol I'm sure some of your friends will come around eventually. You are sure to make many friends on here!
Mine is someone repeating themselves knowing I heard them the first time, the sound of foot steps walking by my door, and the ringing of a house phone.