Hiya! You know how some of the awesome musical Bronies write songs and do the instrumentals for 'em... Well, Sweets don't roll that way. I do thing different. I am a singer, who has written a song, but has no talent with instruments whatsoever! I would love to put this song up on YouTube with some cool cover art, but unfortunately, I'm unable to make the music myself.
Does anypony want to make beautiful music with Li'l ole me?
I'll give you the song lyrics in GoogleDocs. The Parts in yellow are what I like. Feel free to use another color to highlight what you like, or dislike. Critique from a potential partner is welcome!
I'm looking for the song to have a quick, Swing/Jazz feel to it. I'll gladly sing part of it for you on Skype, and I'll even accept changes suggested!
Please help me out? It would be SO appreciated! Please show a piece of music you have done, and I'll get back to you about the song. If you ARE going to highlight, please use different colors, and let me know what colors you've used!
Song: https://docs.google....JOBY/edit?pli=1
Parasprites Full.mp3
Don’t feed the Parasprites
They give you grief and strife
They may just end your life
Don’t feed those Parasprites.
You see ‘em swarming
Through the skies
Don’t you dare believe
Their silent lies
You may love ‘em
They’re cute as can be
But take one home
And you will see...
Don’t feed the Parasprites
They give you grief and strife
They may just end your life
Don’t feed those Parasprites.
One and Two and Four and Eight
They’ll eat your dinner-
Even the plate!
They’ll multiply before your eyes
Now’s the time to say goodbye...
You think you can get ‘em to go?
Don’t say I didn’t tell you so!
Don’t feed the Parasprites
They give you grief and strife
They may just end your life
Don’t feed those Parasprites.
(Music, munching and Ponies screaming)
(5 seconds of silence)
Within a day
You’ve got a swarm
It’s always that way
When somepony’s warned.
You look at me with frigthened gaze
And ask me how I’ve learned.
(spoken) Well, *dry chuckle* I’ll tell you...
I fed the Parasprites,
I knew it wasn’t right!
But the little guy was starvin’ out there
If I could go back
I would, I swear!
I fed the Parasprites,
They gave me grief and strife.
So now I’m making right
Wan’dring from town to town
To make sure they don’t chew it down
Don’t feed the Parasprites
Learn this lesson
from my life;
Don’t believe
Everything you see
And you’ll be better off than me.
... Yes, you'll be off better than me...
Cover Artist: Mayuen!