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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Sweets

  1. Kisses for my Turtle-dovey lovey!!! *Mwahmwahmwahmwahmwah!!!*
  2. Kiss~! Cuz you banished the pony who kissed my Schmoopie-Poo!!
  3. ^ Banish to the moon. I like ya, but my eyeballs hurt from your sig's repetition.
  4. Well, first off, I'm definitely NOT just gonna ignore you ^.~ you took your time to reply to this. Secondly, I appreciate your willingness to help with the art very much! I could just HUG you! In fact... *HUG!* I'll talk to ya more over private message or Instant message, if you want, My AIM, Yahoo, and Skype are on my profile. I'm always more than happy to have you. Yay for art collaboration!
  5. Oh no! I haven't chosen anyone yet. I'm just saying when I do choose, I'll rely on them a lot for the music.
  6. Okay, let it be known I have no CLUE about chords or music theory. I'm gonna rely on the chosen brony very heavily ^^;
  7. Hiya! You know how some of the awesome musical Bronies write songs and do the instrumentals for 'em... Well, Sweets don't roll that way. I do thing different. I am a singer, who has written a song, but has no talent with instruments whatsoever! I would love to put this song up on YouTube with some cool cover art, but unfortunately, I'm unable to make the music myself. Does anypony want to make beautiful music with Li'l ole me? I'll give you the song lyrics in GoogleDocs. The Parts in yellow are what I like. Feel free to use another color to highlight what you like, or dislike. Critique from a potential partner is welcome! I'm looking for the song to have a quick, Swing/Jazz feel to it. I'll gladly sing part of it for you on Skype, and I'll even accept changes suggested! Please help me out? It would be SO appreciated! Please show a piece of music you have done, and I'll get back to you about the song. If you ARE going to highlight, please use different colors, and let me know what colors you've used! Song: https://docs.google....JOBY/edit?pli=1 Parasprites Full.mp3 Don’t feed the Parasprites They give you grief and strife They may just end your life Don’t feed those Parasprites. You see ‘em swarming Through the skies Don’t you dare believe Their silent lies You may love ‘em They’re cute as can be But take one home And you will see... Don’t feed the Parasprites They give you grief and strife They may just end your life Don’t feed those Parasprites. One and Two and Four and Eight They’ll eat your dinner- Even the plate! They’ll multiply before your eyes Now’s the time to say goodbye... You think you can get ‘em to go? Don’t say I didn’t tell you so! Don’t feed the Parasprites They give you grief and strife They may just end your life Don’t feed those Parasprites. (Music, munching and Ponies screaming) (5 seconds of silence) Within a day You’ve got a swarm It’s always that way When somepony’s warned. You look at me with frigthened gaze And ask me how I’ve learned. (spoken) Well, *dry chuckle* I’ll tell you... I fed the Parasprites, I knew it wasn’t right! But the little guy was starvin’ out there If I could go back I would, I swear! I fed the Parasprites, They gave me grief and strife. So now I’m making right Wan’dring from town to town To make sure they don’t chew it down Don’t feed the Parasprites Learn this lesson from my life; Don’t believe Everything you see And you’ll be better off than me. ... Yes, you'll be off better than me... Cover Artist: Mayuen!
  8. Here's something else that's very cute! I was drawing a cat, and she didn't seem to be standing on anything, and her back seemed bare... So I added a pretty pair of purple wings, and she became a faerie! The sparkles were added to make it all that more girly- because it's a pink faerie cat, it's certainly not girly enough alone. But this faerie isn't so happy I don't know why. I thought it'd be fun to draw faeries expressing different emotions. I only have and angry one, but I'll try and do more! (And yes, this is another feline faerie. )
  9. Thanks ^^ I'm not ashamed to show my art, or admit that I've been a furry for many many years. I don't do any of the sexual stuff. The sexiest I do is show some cleavage every now and again. But I do it with humans, too! I just don't draw them as often! Also, this is a really good topic for ponies who want some brohoofs. I'll brohoof every commenting post!
  10. Here's my Art stuffs!!! I do a style reminiscent of anime and I do A LOT of furries! Here's one of my favorite works, and I'll add more as I see fit! I call it Rainy Day Vixen. I love how the colors turned out. Also, note that all my work is HAND DRAWN and then scanned. The only alterations I might do it to color over some erase lines or a shadow the paper made while it was scanned. But the drawings are all hand drawn and hand inked.
  11. Sweets


  12. My cuddle-ducky is gone!!! TT__TT I'm so sad! Where's my special somepony gone??

    1. Victoria and Co.

      Victoria and Co.

      Don't worry, honey-biscuit, I'm back now! :D <3

  13. I have my Special Somepony! My widdle kissy-wissy snuggy-wuggy sugar bear!! <3

    1. Victoria and Co.

      Victoria and Co.

      Hey cuddle-muffin! <3

    2. Sweets


      My smoochie-boo!

  14. Bronies are the best friends a girl coudl ever have!!!

  15. LOL, honestly I need to make her spots a bit bigger. But I love her design.
  16. Why do I feel so worthless all of a sudden...?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Victoria and Co.

      Victoria and Co.

      If you have kidneys I'm sure someone will find some worth to you.


      I jest of course.

    3. Sweets


      Vinyl- You're so silly. Thanks so much. All of you ^^


    4. Victoria and Co.

      Victoria and Co.

      I am the silly master, none can compete.

  17. *checks pockets* ... *moth flies out* I REALLY want to go. I wanna get a job, put some money away, and go next year! Darn it, I will to AnimeBoston and BronyCon!!! Come on, make it happen Sweets! ... How much do you all think my soul is worth?
  18. EDIT: Actually, my OC is more like This: Except, the body is more this color: She wears a striped yellow scarf and a red flower in her hair. Kind of like a lily or hibiscus. Sorry, that was gonna bug me ^^;
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if they turned France into Prance, to be honest. These are intentional, completely. There is no way these can all hurt so bad without being intentional.
  20. I tihnk I'd like to be Fluttershy's sister. She'd be kind and caring. We both like animals and she's very shy around people, like I am. I'd be about as old as the CMC, and naturally I would be a pegasus, who could zip around her all day. The only difference is I'd probably end up being another pony to help her build social skills. And, more likely than not, she would help me build some self worth. ^.^
  21. Appaloosa, Las Pegasus, Fillydelphia, Trottingham... Mother of God, they hurt sometimes XD
  22. Wow, really?? ^^; thanks. And yea. There's noise because i started recording before the lyrics. The noise is just the fans going on in the room. The end is me trying to find the keyboard and saying 'That's the end of that.' I can give ya the edited version and just the vocals.
  23. My first piece of merchandise was a Hot Topic t-shirt. It had Fluttershy on it along with 'yay.' I showed my uncle (Who had driven me to the mall) "It may be snug but I WILL make it fit, Uncle." My second piece of merch was a six pack of PVC Blindbag figurines. I got Two Applejacks, Rarity, Fluttershy, and two of a pony name Bumblesweet. (She's a Pinkie recolor) I love them so much.
  24. I wanna play Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity! But, sicne I can't, I'll go play Rainbow Dash Attack X3

  25. Okay, I was finally alone in my house long enough to take a crack at it. Just gonna put the link down here: https://www.box.com/s/56ddfc4e2ddecb7a557b God, I suck so hard.
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