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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Sweets

  1. I did multiple lines for multiple parts, I really hope that's okay ^^; I say who I'm doing before the line, so it's not exactly unorganized. Ponies Row The 3rd Audition.mp3
  2. I knew about the 'Tune in next month!' thing. But I was a little frustrated I suppose because of the rumors. At any rate, September isn't bad. Also, it doesn't matter does it? They'll be showing it Saturday morning at any rate.
  3. Can we please get some links as confirmation? Where is everyone hearing August and September? DX it's driving me absolutely crazy just waiting here and not seeing any sources! (And WTF is with this frigging 100 characters minimum?)
  4. You know you're a Brony when you won't do anything that disrupts new Ponies.

    1. Flicker Sweet

      Flicker Sweet


  5. You are absolutely right. She would make for a fantastic episode. But, people gotta be butthurt because of the way she sounded originally...
  6. I HAVE DONE IT! I have converted my 9 year old cousin to Bronyism! Who's awesome?! Me! That's who!

  7. A lovely, preppy little schoolgirl. Half rabbit, half cat. I love the way she turned out, she's so adorable. Her skirt looks good too. Now, through a series of transformations, this lovely lady becomes... THIS gorgeous lady. Do you see similar design elements? I adore the pair of them, and don't know what inspired me to do it. But they both turned out well ('Cept the Magical Girl's ears and eyes.)
  8. LONG AGO... WHEN PONIES WERE IN THEIR FIRST SEASON... I JOINED AN MLP: FiM RP SITE.... At the time of my joining, I was a little depressed, and planned for my username to be 'SweetWhispers.HiddenPain' or something (I have my emo moments...) but it was too long. So, shrugging off my depression, I managed to settle on Sweetwhispers. And I met many new friends, one of which I talk to quite a bit. He got into the habit of calling me 'Sweets.' I began to mull my screenname over in my head and decided something, 'You know, that name is REALLY very sexually suggestive. I am not a sexual person, not really anyway.' So, I really was close to this friend, and decided, 'Okay, I'll become Sweets!' and everyone was actually pretty happy. And I was pretty surprised to find that something so pony (Sweets being a very popular food in Equestria) that nopony had ever taken it before! I was not only happy, but proud to be so original and simple! So that's all there is to it.
  9. Okay, I'm sick enough to give some actual thought to this Twilight would die first. Cause of Death: "1000 Things to do Before You Die," is the name of the book she read before she went skydiving, which was number 421, I believe. Her parachute was not properly packed, did not open, and she fell to her death. Then, Pinkie Pie Cause of Death: Diabetic Shock. All the years of sweets consumption will finally catch up to her and her pancreas will give out, sending her in diabetic shock, inducing a coma she won't be able to come out of. Next, Rarity. Cause of Death: Sewing Machine Malfunction. Her sewing machine ends up sewing her to her newest creation, the needle stabbing her through the eye or right through the head, instantly killing her. This saddens me... Applejack. Cause of Death: Crushed to Death. By a tree. Come on, after being bucked so many times, one of those trees is sure to give out after one kick too many. Big Mac, he might have been okay, but Applejack's whole body would be crushed. Spine severed and all vitals turned to mush. Rainbow Dash is next to last. Cause of Death: Impacted Skull. That's right. She flew fast, but didn't look where she was going, and her busted her skull wide open ramming herself into a building. And last... Oh god ... Fluttershy. Cause of Death: Heart Attack. Come on, she's such a scaredy cat sometimes, you all agree even if we love da Shy. Her heart's had one scare too many, and fails after stepping hoof outside for the first time since the death of her friends. What scared her? Well... Let's just say the leaf that blew in front of her is being prosecuted for ponyslaughter.
  10. By popular demand, the vocals without any instrumentals have been put up in the original post, with the lyrics.
  11. Ponies! Ponies! So much ponies! This is a sea I am more than happy to drown in!

    1. Flicker Sweet
    2. Proctra Music

      Proctra Music

      That is a quote I am willing to repeat!!


  12. I personally don't think you are, but that's just me. It's not like you identify completely with cats or anything. Most people want to be an animal. Furries take it to a whole other level.
  13. First of all, I'm a proud furry artist. Second, I'm also a VERY proud Brony. I think the conflict is not that Furries hate Bronies or vice versa... I think it's the stigma that all furries are sexual fiends who love the idea if having sex with (Or as) and animal. While these people do exist, they're a small part of the furry fandom, and should be ignored like a lot of the internet trolls who hate on Bronies. Kind of the same speak 'Hurr-durr, bronies are gay lmao ftw.'/ 'Hurr-durr, wanna yiff any1? lmao ftw sexsexsex.' Kind of the same, huh? I mean, if I was a brony who didn't know anything about furries, I'd be a little upset because I didn't know. The normal mind must think "Furry = sex, so if I'm associated with them, am I a pervert by association?' It's pretty reasonable, all you need to do is educate.
  14. Wow, I'm the first? Yay! I actually like Rarity's part of the song a lot. Love is usually a pretty good reason to do something (Except anything criminal). I also like Applejack's, because it was so hopeful and upbeat.
  15. That's my Cuddle bunny! KissKissKissKiss!!
  16. Kisses for MY Special Somepony! ~<3
  17. I've always wanted to Kiss a princess ^.~
  18. Actually, I respect you greatly for giving me a little criticism. I suppose, because her colors were so bright, I wanted her clothing to be a little more naturally colored, to make her seem even brighter. Thank you, though, very much A pink kitty girl! Whee! I love the way her ears and paws came out. Her dress looks awesome too, I absolutely love it! And a not so happy one... She's a character I made for a furry sci-fi RP. Her name's Miyu! Poor baby. I love her eyes and her shading though. She came out really well.
  19. *Smooch~* For killing with kindness, hon.
  20. For protecting our love, I give you a *Smooch!~*
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