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Everything posted by NinjaCPU

  1. Well, Hazmat is going north, so it'll make more sense if the hills would be in the lower end.
  2. With the lack of description of any large masses of water, you could probably take away North-Central Equestria. Though, for all purposes, we could really just place it in any random place. Not really much purpose for the group (no overarching plot, which is fine now, but it'll be a problem later.) so you can really find a random place for it and go for it. I said the north-east Equestria.
  3. Yeah, the map really only gives the bare bones (or in this case the important parts of the book itself, not of it's lore). Since this is a prequel or even a AU (depends on how you play it) you could really mess around with the world building to it. Trying to remember, the shack was there a mile away from a town or "strip." If it is either of those, the new characters could probably convene there.
  4. Well, if I recall, wasn't there a ministry that the group went to? Wouldnt' that mean they're around Central or East of North Equestria?
  5. Let's be honest here, I don't think we've really used the skills to the fullest extent. They're more used to show what they are good at. (I.e. Steam is good at repairing, thus her rifle was repaired with junk parts and still worked fine.). Plus, I'm not sure, but I think it just means to use it optimal. I remember getting a Missile Launcher in Fallout Vegas right now and I'm at 25 Explosive. You need 75 Explosive (3 was different story.)
  6. "Sounds like.... power armor." The voice from the radio comes out. Distortion from the armor is real, sounding more of a speaker so they could talk. Rangers and Enclave had such problems. "From somewhere else, not from the same position as the rifle..." Something didn't add up, if that was the case then why start firing? Was this some type of bait and switch tactic? "Tango, active motars from set point 3c, 2d, 7a, and 8d." There was acknowledgement as he heard the sound of Tango's magic connecting to each mortar. All of them having Pulse, Frag, and then Smoke in a set place.. A interesting process to connect them all, but easy to navigate for somepony like Tango. Telekinetic feeling the lines come across as then the mortars all fired at once. More so over around the area where he heard the speaker and the rifle shot. It might set off some frag mines in the process. Oh well, didn't want anypony to come through and the caps aren't an issues these days... @@Defender of Tomorrow, Listen to her proclaiming at this rag tag ponies were just in the right place and the right time. Only to separate, she frown slightly hearing the trigger happy Hazmat eave. Hoping to head her advice, least if he was going to do something like that. Have more ponies then himself and that robot. A little stupid, if not suicidal. The others she didn't have a clear thought on them. Steady did seem pushy and this pony was vague and silent. Seeming to want to hide in the cloak. She must've not known that she stare at the pony in the scope of rifle. She knew that she was Enclave. Not like she cared anyway, no issues with either faction. Odd, being in someodd years in her job these days. Steam looked down and thought about it, her mouth coming dry as this felt more of truth. Even with the sudden rain coming forth, she didn't bother to cover up. A look of contemplating her thoughts, her eyes glances from one side to the other, "Everypony has... flaws." She scratched the back of her neck, "We can't always be perfect and even if I agree that Bazooka Joe(She like that name better for Hazel) and Steady aren't exactly somepony I can always be around all the time, they would be good when you need your six covered." "I guess that's what trust is all about...if you ponies had it." Her voice become soft, that was more to herself than Kayle.
  7. Are you all waiting for me? Lot of talking here but not much of roleplaying...
  8. No, it's been somewhat active around the night time. If I learned anything from doing long-term roleplays, they'll be times where characters will appear and it can flow well. (You can even reference the story as well.) Also, I join only a few pages ago. Right now some characters are split-up so it should be a good time to do it now, if you all like. (Though Suzi might say otherwise, I doubt it.)
  9. NinjaCPU

    mega thread Feminist Club!

    I have a inquiry here. Pretty sure this has been asked before, but reading almost 350 posts isn't exactly appealing. As a feminist, what do you want? I mean specifically? Why aren't you instead, a Egalitarian instead of Feminist? Hope I'm not stepping on toes here, I'm just curious.
  10. @, Smoke around the ceiling, a rifle that reached the same size as this unicorn. Cigarette, one of the last pleasing pleasure he can take. As nicotine gives him triggers that old dopamine transmitter. Taking a inhale and blowing it out his nose. The sudden sound of a bullet comes forward as he it heard not far from here. His horn glowed as he took out some pencil and paper, writing down "Sniper Rifle. Distance... 400 Meters." the unicorn went over and grabbed his trusty rifle from the wall as he waited again. If the pony made another move, be it disarming the mine or another shot. It'll just be matter of time to take a shot.... or so he thought. Instead, an explosion from the south coming by. Another pony deciding to be stupid and get blown up. Those mines aren't exactly easy to replace. These ponies just don't understand what his masterpiece is creating. These street MUST be protected at any cost. What would happen if these ponies decide to look. They'll be aghast at what might be a what if. A glow from his horn as a radio comes out of his saddle bags. "Tango... you heard the sounds right..." "Yeah... make some noise. Bait'em out. Give me a X on the target. We can't have another incident like before... damn pony." he growled to himself. Failing to get a kill shot from some pony. He might not be the best sniper around, but if he got coordinates. Just give him a second and he'll get ya.... So that's what Tango does and just like that a furry of bullets come forth. Static came from the radio. What anypony does when they fear. They see "ponies" and start going trigger happy. Darkness does help matters a lot. The static cease and then Tango said... "I got the coordinates.. hear some noises, he might have a robot" the voice on the other sound was weak. Did he get shot? Maybe, but he'll just have to kill somepony. @, Trying to bring her back to him, she saw the radio, catching it with her hoof. The green pony looked at him and then throw the radio back at him. "Sorry, Ranger. Somepony in uniform is someone I just LOVE to deal with. Especially since most of them have such a GREAT reputation for being nice to somepony like myself." Sarcasm was oozing out of each of her words. Hard enough to trust anypony, but these suits don't exactly show trust. Not anymore... She shook her head waving her hoof at him. @@Defender of Tomorrow, @, Nods at Steady, seeming to be try to help as he goes off and gets a cart. Now, the earth pony goes over and trots over to the fire where the other pony seem to have kept herself. The pony seem to be off in her own world. Maybe remembering better days or worst, she couldn't tell. Instead she looked at the fire, The rifle strapped on her back. Steam stare over the fire, no wood to keep it alive. She thought aloud, "You ponies have any idea on what you're doing?" Somepony departing, another pony following the same path to the north. Were these ponies in a group or just some random strangers? Deciding to group up here for a giant trade?
  11. Good feeling to have only four classes instead of five. With three of them online, it'll probably feel about the same as last semester.

  12. I know my summer vacation ends in a little more than 2 weeks. Though, I think it's a little longer for others. I think Day After Labor Day is when most students go back to school. Though that's in America so I have no clue how it works for others.
  13. @@Defender of Tomorrow, @, The shack never was much of a place to hide from sniping position and the pony who came out had to be more inconspicuous then before. Then again, she didn't give off the hostility to have any of them in a sniping position. Sure, she was nervous in certain bits when conversation wasn't about guns. The scoff did want to chew the mare out. Who was in comforting herself in the small warmth of the dying flame. Instead, she ignore her turned back to the unicorn, Steady. Who had decided to be overzealous of himself and change the barrel and handle. Gloating on how it was a better rifle by adding returning it to the original design of the rifle. The parts were far better than the one's she had, but still. She specifically asked for the handle only. Her hooves took her rifle and she felt a bit of a weight issue, though it was insignificant, the weight felt less on the front. It wouldn't effect bipod holds, but to quick snipe, it would have to be calibrated on the scope. The longer the shot, the more reconfiguration there would have to be. Still, she said to him "There's some balancing issues, the duct tape added weight to the rifle so I have to change for distance and scope calibration. I'd have to use this on somepony or something to get a good feel to it." she explain to him. Taking all of the old spare parts she has on the floor and placing them back in the saddle. Maybe to change it back or get spare caps for them. The mare had lost track of what she was asking, a little more caught up in the complaints of her gun and even snorting when he saw Hazel ask for transportation. Steam doubt Hazel was talking particularly to her, but still. She didn't trust him, "Either way... thanks. I'm Steam." she said.
  14. @, "If we meet again, maybe." a wave her hoof as the mysterious stallion with his anomalous robot go off. The mare hoped she would listen to her words. Even with her own Agility (10) and Intelligence (8) wasn't match for quick action. It had to be planned and look over. Could she try? Maybe, but that wasn't something she was planning to do. Speaking of plans... @, Once again was a little speechless by the unicorn whose name was Steady. Next thing she knew, she was embraced by some random unicorn she just meant a few minutes ago. Her only response was just, "Uhhhhhhh...." as he pulls off and returns to his regularly special program about going back to the north. Wasn't really in any of her plans, as he then pulls off the cloak as she picks it up and places it in her saddlebags as he shows how "easy" it was to dissemble a rifle. Her response was this, as she pulled off the duct-tape handle on her rifle as she shows him a few things, "Not all mods are alike... Steady." her hooves go down to the lower part where the clip as she showed her little invention. Two taped clipped, they weren't large enough to disturb the bipod. "and for that matter... when I said I needed a welder." she sighed, not really wanting to really detaped the barrel, but.... her hoof picked on it as she slowly tears it apart. The sound of it tearing apart was a bit of a unplesant sound to her, knowing that it would take some time to retape it. She pressed the rifle and the barrel together as they.... didn't attach. They seem to be the exact size, but... there wasn't any way to fit it without breaking something or welding it "I need something to weld the barrel together so that they can connect. This isn't for the same rifle. This is for a anti-material rifle. The same barrel that takes down basically anything with a .50 cal bullet. I adjusted for length and size" she rubbed along the barrel, feeling the metal along her hooves. "and bam. You got still got a rifle that can shoot up to 2550 yards." she was feeling more confident. This was a bit of her craft, having to get scrap parts after the rifle gets worn out and replace it with something that might change the weapon actual design. However... she did glance at the handle of her rifle, seeing how the duct tape wouldn't be too perfect for it, "Though, if you got something to fix up the handle, that'd be good." She had to remember to back and retape the barrel. Might take a little while to get it right to where the sniper wanted it.
  15. @, Though it was a nice gesture, the tall mare shook her head. She wasn't comfortable with that kind of help. She doesn't really care to win any type of beauty contest anyhow "It's quite alright. Just don't want anypony to be a statistic for that pony." she really didn't like that pony. Taking a note to see if she could take over that street whenever she had the time. Maybe get a pull right into his/her eye. The sky is the limit here. The pony referring to the Steel Ranger as Hazel. "Hazel, huh? Not exactly a name where you really strike fear into victims." she commented. @, Then came... this unicorn. A slight glance from him I could tell she didn't like something about him. A small instance of distaste in her mouth, but was poke by the pony she uttered to. Right when she reply to Hazmat, this unicorn came in. Not exactly anything speculate, something like he's just 'average', least physically. Then... came the remark. Part of her (the irrational one) wanted to get that duct tape handle on that rifle of hers and Rifle Whip somepony some respect, but that probably would lead to guns and any type of negotiation would just end in failure. (if not death). Instead, she did what she's been doing... being a sarcastic one. "OH! You must be one of those 'smart' unicorn who can tell me that I, a young magicless earth pony know how to weld on a anti-material rifle barrel with no welder or possible burn to a fire to a sniper rifle? Is it frienship? Please tell me it's friendship!" her two front hooves were wiggle around, an failed attempt at "Jazz Hands." Sarcasm from him or not, she doesn't like nopony to talk about her "mods." Regardless of how atheistic displeasing they may be, they do the job done. She snorts at him, answering his question. "Telling him to avoid traveling North until he moves past one of the streets. Somepony has given them the almighty power of mines and rifles to not let nopony in."
  16. @, @, "Oh? Um.... Down past here is a stretch of a small road which leads to the next town. That whole road is basically full of traps and mines." Steam has ponder for a bit, trying to get the words out, but she's was getting nervous. "D-don't know why, could be some damn Raiders or someone who has some sick sense of humor, but that pony has a good shot." Her hoof raised up, a slight mark around bend of the forehoof, a gaze of the bullet. "Somehow, I don't think you have the stealth and agility to be able to past by. You might need someone with a shot or big guns like Bazooka Joe over here." she points her hoof at Steelhooves. She turned around and see he got more ponies to come by... lovely. "Do you really need more big guns to compensate for your lack of a shot?" Steam shouldn't of said that, but she still couldn't help herself. She started to feel a little more like an ass, but this mare got to compensate for something as well...
  17. @, Felt the something plastic touch her, as she turned around and saw the pony she told to stop. She smiled nervously and said to him, "Oh, you're back..." she turned and had to think of her repose. Then realizing that she remember what to tell Hazmat, "If you're going to up there, you need to travel east for a three miles. Going straight north is just begging for trouble, but... of course you can go off and kill yourself." her words flowed more. She forgotten how sarcasm can be use to help her speak better. Sure it made her more of an asshole, but you have to take one thing for another.
  18. I've seen Alicorn OCs (least one) be good at roleplays before. I think for the most part, It's more of the person themselves. You can still make Peagsus and Unicorn be very OP and become a Mary Sue/Gary Stu. The reason why they're made like that is because they're a self-insert who wants to do what they want. Even Powermod themselves into victory. No matter what happens, it's solely on the writing skills of the writer to see what they're doing wrong. The only reason why Alicorns are looked frown upon in the roleplay/fanfiction community is because they can be easily manipulated into being OP. I don't hate Alicorns, I hate people who say screw the other roleplayers and powermod there way into victory.
  19. The familiar feeling of the wasteland push along the hooves, taking a casual pace to trot over to the shack. Wasn't too long before Steam saw another pony with some kind sprite bot. A slight glance at them as they took the same path as she took for her sniper spot. That wasn't particularly a safe path to take. In fact, if it weren't for agility and stealth. She would've taken other paths like taking turn to the east THAN north. Her mouth open, trying to speak clearly and loud but her voice came only with a soft feminine "wait..." she blushed embarrassingly. Thankful for the darkness for anypony to see her red cheeks. Feeling that she's lost her will to speak. She can talk comfortable about caps and targets, but to help? Apparently was out of her grasp. Maybe he heard it, maybe not, but she didn't have time to really wait and find out. As just continue to trot... A look of contempt was on her. Any red on her cheek worn off and her eyelids lower to look aggravated. Steam heard the loud voice of what was the Steel Rangers. "Geez, Steel Rangers must be SO subtle." she thought aloud. She took the same pace and ignore that Steel Rangers threat. More comfortable with the pace she is on. Part of her wanted to move faster while the other part wanted to see how well she draw her weapon to just shoot the bastard. She didn't change the scope to zero mark and no-scoping is a dumb idea. She just sighed in contempt and walked towards the small group. Seeming to be more tense, she scratched her cheek. A bit nervous about talking to anybody but contractors, but she gulped and said, "Who's the leader of this group?" she asked them. Her pitch higher than before, but her voice was clear. Taking a glance at each and every one of them. Trying to get a better look at who was who. Considering her options at how close she is.
  20. 129,673 My first netbook got wet and it broke down and gave me the blue screen of death. Took it to a friend and payed him 15 dollars for the new processor overclock (which was a stupid idea. You want to avoid overclocking on a laptop at all cost. That usually would just burn your motherboard and CPU to pieces. Too bad I never knew since my sister stepped on it. ) Opening it isn't the hard part, it's desoldering it and then resoldering the new one.It takes a good amount of skill or maybe just diving in. I "desolder" a psp battery once to get a Hacked PSP. Too bad I did it so badly that it started leaking Battery ^^''
  21. 129663 @BasementPrincess Well upgrading something like RAM is usually pretty basic. Find the same ram as your laptop and you can probably double your RAM space. Unscrew the back and there should be one or two slots and there you go. You can have more programs open, hooray! Same could be said about the hard drive. They usually make it pretty easy to unscrew and upgrade if needbe. However, if you want to change something like CPU/GPU. You probably need some soldiering skill. Well, it's not impossible, though I'm not sure what parts they use on their All in Ones. I think they might use mobile processor in laptop since All in One aren't exactly large and probably use very slim motherboards for the case of the monitor. This would probably involve soldering skills (maybe.)
  22. @Dovashy Computers these days are actually pretty easy to break down and put back up. If you're using something like a desktop computer. You would have to get some canned air and clean out the dust. I thought I couldn't do it myself but this last year I added a Graphics Card to my old desktop and this year I've made my own computer. It's becoming easier and easier to make or upgrade computers. Laptops on the under hand... 129649
  23. 129645 You should also understand that compare to what there knowledge is, they see yours as something a lot better. Thus they think you're a computer genius.
  24. @Respol Do you know what your graphics card is? 129642
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