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Cherry Blossom

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Everything posted by Cherry Blossom

  1. Would anyone like to talk with me?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Krystal


      Oh the one in my yard is alive. But just barely ;_;

    3. Cherry Blossom

      Cherry Blossom

      Hey, it's still alive isn't it? Just be glad that it still hasn't died yet.

    4. Krystal


      I'm a little afraid that a treehugger will go past my house and try to pull off a "free willy" sort of thing with it xP

  2. I'm wondering if I could also be included in this? I mean if nopony minds at all. Do I need a static avatar if I'm going to be added to the tree?
  3. If I was discorded, I would stop coming on the forums and discontinue watching MLP:FiM. I mean that would make sense being discorded and all right? I'd also probably be a pretty mean and wilder person.
  4. I really love this episode, but rounding around with Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Luna just makes it 20% cooler! Does anypony else feel like they can relate to this episode, by having an older/younger sibling?
  5. I can't wait to celebrate Christmas!

    1. Krystal


      Best holiday of the year /)^3^(\

  6. 3 Element bearers were killed(since they left the RP) and the remaining ponies are taking fortification from inside a church. Cherry Blossom and Apple Mint are attacking the church with skeleponies. By the way, Dawnpath did you shoot some magic bolt at me or something?
  7. Maybe I shouldn't talk to anyone at school.

    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. Cherry Blossom

      Cherry Blossom

      Oh well. Thanks for the talk though, I feel much better.

    3. Krystal


      Good. Glad I could help :) please remember my offer. Just PM me anytime and I'll try to help you with my schoolwork.

    4. Cherry Blossom
  8. I've met a few bronies and pegasisters at my school and they are relatively friendly. Though would I'd be startled of someone I didn't came up to me and asked for a brohoof. But it hasn't happened to me before and I can't really add much about it. I can relate to being shy since I've hesitated to talk to others in person. Maybe if you used a much calmer tone, she may have reacted differently.
  9. Both of them are really fantastic! It's really creative what you did with the muffin smoothie! I don't have a problem with the first one. Since you don't really have to sip on a straw constantly, right? Now I just appreciate Ditzy Doo even more!
  10. Yay! I finally reached level 60! I'm not having a lot of bugs or glitches going around as some of you do. Though I seriously think they should've added more ponies to the game. Not only that, but I believe that it needs more content that involves gameplay.
  11. Zhinzo will be joining the RP as Kindness, so please don't be alarmed or anything. Just act naturally.
  12. Sour Blossom facehoofed as the changelings were easily dispatched in the church. "Skeleponies! Go in there and bring me their heads!" she yelled as the skeleponies nodded and started intruding the church. Apple Mint jumped and smashed through one of the windows, allowing him entry and an attack from above. Queen Chrysalis began to brighten up as a few of the Element bearers were already killed.
  13. I'm sorry everypony, I just put the RP on the back of my mind and felt it was going to fall apart. But since all of you are so determined to continue, even after a few days passed, I will go ahead and post.
  14. I do wear glasses, but I hardly remember to put them on. I did terrible on the eye exam, only being able to read the big letters. I have two pairs, since I thought I lost one and my family had to buy another one. Turns out it was still in my locker at school, silly me. Whenever I do put them on, it seems like everything is in higher quality and with muchg more detail. Although I still find my glasses to be a bit useless in some cases.
  15. Goodnight oh cruel world.

    1. Krystal


      Wait... what? That status is making me a little worried for you.

    2. Cherry Blossom

      Cherry Blossom

      I'm just feeling a little down, that's all.

  16. I have a sundae and I cover it with the best variety of toppings called friends, but from a package called MLP Forums.

  17. I actually did think of this a long while ago, but considering what the new season 3 episodes are like, I find it unlikely to happen. @, That is also something true in this case, so I would have to agree with Turpow. And I also feel that Hasbro is going to do something that we wouldn't expect, like Apple Bloom not even getting an apple related cutiemark. Though I have to agree that would be so adorable!
  18. Sour Blossom felt something wasn't going to go right for her inside the church, but she couldn't send her skeleponies in. Though she was able to send any changelings that remained from the last fight, so she went ahead and did so. At the same time, Apple Mint regrouped with Sour Blossom and awaited for the results.
  19. You can find items on your own, but as long as it is necessary. That means don't go around collecting 500 antidotes in just 1 post.
  20. I don't like spiders at all! Sometimes I panic and make a short shriek when I see a spider, or even any insect at all. Even a ladybug made me scream. I mean a creature with multiple eyes, sharp and poisonous pincers, and 6 long hairy legs?! In addition to being able to spin webs and for goodness sake I saw a web that was large enough to fit my face! I'm terrified of those little things! It's like something worse from a Starship Troopers movie or the Alien movies!
  21. The great and apologetic Trixie! I totally loved how they disguised Applebloom and Sweetie Belle! Granny Smith and Big Macintosh too!
  22. Does anypony remember their first time at Build-A-Bear Workshop?

    1. go away seb

      go away seb

      My first and last time.

    2. Bari


      Yeah, a little.

  23. I don't feel like my usual self anymore.

    1. Discovery Dream

      Discovery Dream

      Here, perhaps this will help:

    2. Cherry Blossom

      Cherry Blossom

      I'm not upset though.

    3. Discovery Dream

      Discovery Dream

      That's all I know how to do though :<

  24. Apple Mint smiled and swung his scythe in the air to blow off the blood on it. Then he started running towards Ponyville, hopefully to encounter any other Element bearers that were there. Sour Blossom began to walk towards the church where the two ponies had run off to. Something made her uneasy about entering the holy building.
  25. I'm sure there isn't a thread like this, because I used the search function. If there is, then I probably didn't use the search function correctly. A few days ago while I was at school, I randomly thought, "What would I do if the world was going to end in ten minutes from now?" I thought I was just going nuts, because of a reoccurring headache I was having for a few days(including today). As I was playing volleyball during P.E. at my school, I asked a few friends what they would do. They came up with some silly answers, but I asked them. "Wouldn't you want to call your mom and dad?" Then it just hit me in the heart and I quickly knew what I would do. I would've went back down to the locker rooms, grab nothing, but my iphone and run back up to the administration office. Then I would've asked politely if I couid borrow their school phone. I would call my mother on the iphone and call my father on the school phone. I felt myself apologizing and keeping these last couple of minutes talking to my parents. I'd thank them, apologize to them, and talk about Heaven with them. And I definitely included saying, "Mom, dad, I love you both!" I saw myself, crying my heart out and sobbing. I nearly started tearing up during class almost as if I was watching a sad scene from a movie. Then today I quickly realized that I forgot to call my big brother. I love my big brother, I really do, but I just can't believe I forgot all about him. Though it does feel like I'm an only child when my brother is so far away from me. He's all the way at California in college, while I'm here in Maryland. Question 1: What would you do if the world was going to end in 10 minutes while you are at school, college, and/or work? Question 2: What would you do if the world was going to end in an hour while you are at school, college, and/or work? Question 3: What would you do if the world was going to end in one day, while you're at home with your family?
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