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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Shift

  1. I find myself loving this site already... and I haven't even broke the surface!

  2. I find myself loving this site already... and I haven't even broke the surface!


  4. sparrow, CAPTAIN jack, sparrow.

  5. Okay...I need someone's help. No matter what I do I can't make this character. I need someone talented enough to help me.

  6. Okay...I need someone's help. No matter what I do I can't make this character. I need someone talented enough to help me.

  7. I hihgly recomend Super Lesbian Horse RPG!!........ Its a very detailed, funny, witty, and overall an enjoyable gaming experiene!!! 10/10

  8. When you think about it, Genghis Khan was probably the most successful human in history.

  9. I hihgly recomend Super Lesbian Horse RPG!!........ Its a very detailed, funny, witty, and overall an enjoyable gaming experiene!!! 10/10

  10. that avatar is adorable. just saying.

  11. that avatar is adorable. just saying.

  12. Watched the RR trailer yesterday, and if there's one thing in it that gave me a laugh, it's Spike photobombing Rarity's selfie. XP

  13. ...Oh my god. Smash Bros works GREAT on 3DS.

  14. ...Oh my god. Smash Bros works GREAT on 3DS.

  15. mars

    mars    Shift

    So I take it you're getting Omega Ruby? c:

  16. You visit Tumblr occasionally, but you also have a 4Chan joke in your Title. So what are you?

  17. You visit Tumblr occasionally, but you also have a 4Chan joke in your Title. So what are you?

  18. You visit Tumblr occasionally, but you also have a 4Chan joke in your Title. So what are you?

  19. You visit Tumblr occasionally, but you also have a 4Chan joke in your Title. So what are you?

  20. You visit Tumblr occasionally, but you also have a 4Chan joke in your Title. So what are you?

  21. You visit Tumblr occasionally, but you also have a 4Chan joke in your Title. So what are you?

  22. You visit Tumblr occasionally, but you also have a 4Chan joke in your Title. So what are you?

  23. You visit Tumblr occasionally, but you also have a 4Chan joke in your Title. So what are you?

  24. You visit Tumblr occasionally, but you also have a 4Chan joke in your Title. So what are you?

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