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Luriel Maelstrom

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Everything posted by Luriel Maelstrom

  1. I want to say a GIANT thanks to Skar for making me this new epic signature! He is the best! *brohoof* /)

  2. 4/10 seen you sometimes, but not that much
  3. 10/10 Who can forget our random Flare?
  4. I stayed home to get ready for todays exam...I hope it will go well

  5. I didn't want to hurt him, because those kids from other school they show that they are tough, but if you hurt them they will tell parents... that's sad, but he hurted my jaw a bit so I will do the same, but 2x painful!
  6. Oh, and my fight was funny that I could have just beat that kid with 1 right arm, belieave me, I can.
  7. Hello everypony! I just got back from school and I decided to tell all of you my best friends what happend today! It was so funny! So lets begin shall we? Me and my classmate were just walking out the school listening to music on my phone, when we crossed the street we was 6 kids from other school walking, from Latvian school. So my classmate was like "Ugh...kids from Latvian school..." I was like "Look they will start swearing and thinking they are cool again...lets just go." So we started walking and I hear "Hey! You son of a b**ch, remember me?!" I turned around and saw a kid which is only tall to my neck and I told him "Yeah, I remember you" I remember him from yesterday I was on a playground with my friend and my music was playing, so he told me my music suck and I walked to him looking in his eyes and by his reaction I saw that he is really really scared his eyes were shaking, so anyway today he was like "Hey come lets go 1 on 1!" I was like "No I don't have much time." He said "Aha! Afraid! B**tch A** mother f**ker!" then me and my classmate kept walking they were following us shouting and swearing at us when we got almost to my house me and my classmate stopped and looked behind, they were not there, so we decided that we can stop and watch a video on youtube because it costed me only 0.35 Ls per day, we watched only 20 seconds of it and I looked up seeing they were walking out the corner but there were only 3 because I guess other 3 were smart, the short one came to me and said "So lets fight you fat a** b**ch." I looked at my friend and then looked back at him. "You know...I had enough..." I placed my backpack down he gave his phone and backpack to his 2 friends and they started to film us. He said "Which grade are you?! Because I when we were back at school I know that you are in lower grades and that I could beat you! I am from 7th grade! B**ch." I made an evil grin and looked at him "I am from 6th grade!" Then he looked at his friends and said with opened mouth "Oh f**k." I started to laugh "Haha! When you found out in what grade I am now you are afraid?!" He said "Come on lets go!" he started swing his knuckles, I said "I am allowing you to do the first hit." then there was a green cool car driving close and was something like 30-40 year old man in there, so me and him started to fight, he didn't do anything and then started trying to hit me, I didn't want to hurt him for how stupid he was to mess with me I grabbed his arms blocking the from hitting me and I could hit eather, but I didn't want to, so he started to try and reach my head to hit it with his by jumping at me, my classmate and I and those 2 other boys from other school laughed too, then I let that guy go, the man stepped out of the car while the other kid punched me in my left cheek good, but not strong enough, I wanted to jump up and kick him in his head but then I heard that man shouting at the other kid "HEY YOU! Get out of here you monkey stop jumping around!" that kid and his friends looked at me and were stepping back behind the corner and that kid that I was fighting yelled at that man "What did I do?!" And gave that man the middle figer, the man said "You want me to chase you?!" that kids and his other friends ran away but me and my friend were ready to leave when that man stopped us he asked "What happend?" I told him "Those guys are from other school, they have been walking behind us from the school till here, they think they are so cool and didn't though that I could beat them, thank you that you made them run away, because I really wanted to hurt him bad this time!" I chuckled and the man chuckled with me and said "Well, next time beat him down good! I know you can beat him down good! Good luck! I said goodbye and then me and my classmate left. So, this is what happend, my jaw still hurts a bit, but his hit wasn't that hard. Tell me, did this or similair situations ever happend to you? If they did, share with us the story! =)
  8. ♪♫ My style is Hardstyle! ♫♪

  9. About your brother, if his reaction will be bad, tell him that's not that bad, and you can let him talk to bronies his age, like me I'm 13, so if you need anypony to talk to and ask for help, you can ask me
  10. I might have an idea, try to find a free time when your father isn't busy, have a talk with him, make the talk longer as possible and more understandable, explain why you like MLP explain how much people that have the same interest can support you and others, try to show him some videos, It could work most of the times it works, I hope this helps you! Good luck!
  11. ♫ Skipped schoo la la la! ♫

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pinkazoid


      all of my classes are outside and it's gonna rain, my classes are retarded as well, but I still got to go =\, but it's your thing if you don't wan't to go

    3. Luriel Maelstrom

      Luriel Maelstrom

      Mayor headache + a big storm outside = my grandma said I am staying home = WIN!

    4. Luriel Maelstrom

      Luriel Maelstrom

      Mayor headache + a big storm outside = my grandma said I am staying home = WIN!

  12. Exam on Friday! I am not prepared! :(

    1. RippedOffMattress


      Just study then. You have plenty of time. It's only monday after all. :)

    2. Luriel Maelstrom

      Luriel Maelstrom

      But I am too lazy!!!

    3. Luriel Maelstrom

      Luriel Maelstrom

      But I am too lazy!!!

  13. 2 MATH LESSONS WERE REMOVED! *cough* Execuse me for my happiness, we had 5 lessons :) oh and on 1 lesson we are talking about humans body and organs, well and that means learning about gender organs too, and all the girls will laugh when they will see *cough* man and woman 'special' organs...that will be idiotic and not funny :<

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Luriel Maelstrom

      Luriel Maelstrom

      @Viscra Only you? Or some like 3 people? I mean...it's not funny, that's the life!

      1 girl: Oh look a penis and a vagina in the book


      Me: *Sigh* Wow...that's so funny *rolls eyes* idiots...

    3. Finesthour


      But... my teacher was making jokes about the lesson.

    4. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom


      my teacher in 6th grade was the most awesome person ever. it was impossible NOT to laugh when he made such colourful approaches and jokes to stuff like male genitals. incidentally, it was the only sex-edu lesson i ever had in my whole life, to my knowledge, and i turned out pretty fine with my sexuality and underdstanding of human re-production. i owe him that or something, haha.

  14. Alright...lets just...get this over with... 1. I think internet friends are way better than my real life friends 2. When I am playing a games (Resident Evil 4 or Counter Strike 1.6, or any other.) I talk to myself like I am doing a video, when I'm not. 3. Alot of times I skip music school because Music Literature is boring and lie home that I was in music school when I actually was messing around with my friends is streets and playing loud music on my phone 4. When I am hanging out with my friends I swear a lot 5. When I'm home I swear in different language so my grandma won't know what I am saying 6. I don't sleep most of nights, I listen to my phone music and then lie that I was sleeping, I spill some water on my face so I would not be sleepy 7. I was drinking alchocol and l didn't say to other people exept my friends (Now Medium) 8. When no one is home, only me, I start to yell and swear in different languages and call my friends on skype to do some random s**t and I throw stuff across the room and everything... 9. When I don't like something at school I walk to windows and starts to stare at my reflection in a mad way, and when I did that once my classmate came to me and I accidently kicked him in his stomic hard (Really bad things I did and do) 10. When I got a computer I lost 70% of my knowlage 11. One time my grandma pissed me so much I hoped for her to die and then I sat down on the chair and didn't move to 5 hours because I was pissed 12. When I am angry I hit things in my house, once I was pissed and grabbed a christmas tree ball and went to the shower while I was standing there I was hitting it with my fist, it was made out of glass, I broke it and my fist was all in blood 13. Often I turn on loud music on my headphones to ignore my grandma 14. I do NOT obey my parents rules 15. I was swearing a lot at my brother 16. Once I accidently yelled FUCK in my class at English lesson because the girl behind me stabbed with a pencil which was really sharp, good that the teacher was distracted 17. Sometimes I like to be girly (Girly colour, girly look, girly voice.. ect. ) 18. When I'm mad I hurt myself very much 19. I draw on my hand and other body parts with pen for no reason 20. I sometimes swing my hair for no reason 21. Sometimes I turn off skype to trick my friends that I am not online but I am playing games, because they call me and it's annoying 22. I am very addicted to not real world, RolePlay, game style, imagination. 23. I am rude towards people who show off 24. I have very high feelings, I can start crying just if I saw a really cute or sad picture, and I can go mad if someone talks lies about me (Probably the worst...) 25. Sometimes during the day if I get mad I am starting *cough* clop/fap *cough* To NSFW pictures, counting in Rule34 Ponies and other pictures, at my anger metter which can get to 100+% for some reasons, I can decrease it by watching NSFW pictures, mostly ponies...
  15. I feel really bad :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DJ MUFF1N D3RP

      DJ MUFF1N D3RP

      what's the matter Luri?

    3. Luriel Maelstrom

      Luriel Maelstrom

      Arghh...just this stupid headache that I have all day! My head really hurts and I get the feeling that someone is twisting and breaking my bones...

    4. Luriel Maelstrom

      Luriel Maelstrom

      Arghh...just this stupid headache that I have all day! My head really hurts and I get the feeling that someone is twisting and breaking my bones...

  16. Simple, write 3 words Example:I love anime! GO GO GO! I watch Ponies!
  17. Welcome to the forum, hope you like it in here
  18. The Horribly Day Has Come...I fell under Magnetic Feild of the Sun, now I see everything blury, I have a mayor headache and my bones feel like they are breaking :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Luriel Maelstrom

      Luriel Maelstrom

      Magnetic Feild from the Sun. Not sure if it will go away...feeling terrible :(

    3. Luriel Maelstrom

      Luriel Maelstrom

      Magnetic Feild from the Sun. Not sure if it will go away...feeling terrible :(

    4. Lunatic


      isnt it just hay fever?

  19. Seriously...It's the second day I get tired when it is 22:36...Why can't I get tired when it is 23:00 when I have to go to bed? D:

    1. Ninja Derpy

      Ninja Derpy


  20. I had a 9 hour sleep, and I am still very tired :(

    1. Robojot


      i got 4 hours and im not sleepy <.<

    2. Luriel Maelstrom
    3. Luriel Maelstrom
  21. For all you Skyrim fans...there is a Hardstyle in the story...

  22. That's my grandma's name xD How about... Laurence?
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