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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Cookie Feather

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Everything posted by Cookie Feather

  1. Newly unboxed blind box ponies, did pretty well. > w < http://i.imgur.com/r1CUdZL.jpg

    1. Scootalove


      They look pretty cute. :3

    2. Cookie Feather

      Cookie Feather

      They are~! Too bad the Applejack one refuses to stand up or else they'd be displayed standing up. lul.

    3. Scootalove


      That is pretty funny. :P Applejack probably hates standing up.

  2. Thank you. <3 Names aren't my best suit as well, but I'm thinking of keeping puff in the name, but I dunno what else to put in there. ; 3 ;
  3. Hey guys -- this isn't much of a happy post but it is an art sharing one. I'm re-designing Honey Puff and perhaps even changing her name. If you're all familiar with me leaving months and months ago, it was because of a certain someone making me afraid of ponies for the time being. Well, not afraid, more so hesitent to like them. He got me into MLP and he even helped me create my ponysona, Honey Puff. After 9 months, he broke up with me because he said that there wasn't any more excitement in the relationship, etc. It's been almost 2 years since this and I need to let go, and the last step is to...rid of Honey Puff or just...make her mine instead of his memory living through her. I do hope that you guys won't look or treat me differently because of this decision, but I will be the same puff you know. I'm just letting go of my sad memories that are within Honey Puff. If you don't understand what I mean, I don't expect you too. This is just something to make me feel comfortable about liking ponies again. I like them now but I lately felt guilty about doing so...so without further stalling, here is Honey Puff re-designed. I'm still re-adjusting from this relationship and because of my relationship, I had to push away my friends because he told me that I only needed him and it was basically a mentally abusive relationship that...is hard to recover from. I formed a horrible habit of becoming dependant and I don't like it, and I don't like the fact that I almost lost an amazing community due to this. Just so you know, I love you, I love all of you, and I hope that you haven't forgotten about me because I most likely haven't forgotten about you. Thank you. <3
  4. My insomnia is getting worse. D8

  5. I made some dumplings. ~<3

    1. Scootalove


      They are probably so delicious. <3

    2. Cookie Feather

      Cookie Feather

      Hopefully. I wish I could share. ; w ;

    3. Scootalove


      I know. <3 But, you will enjoy them though.

  6. Oh egads, it's mah burthday! > w <

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. DND


      Of course there's sausage. You love sausage, right? c=

    3. Cookie Feather

      Cookie Feather

      Sausage is nommy, yus.

    4. Scootalove


      Of course, we can have both cheese and sausage. :) For the birthday girl.

  7. What's your opinion on mac 'n cheese?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cookie Feather

      Cookie Feather

      Yeeeees, 'cause I originally forgot my password and last night I remembered the email I signed up with and stuffs.

    3. DND



    4. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Home made mac'n cheese is best :3

  8. I plan to wake up at 12:30 AM only to wake up at 2 PM. :c

    1. Fanned





  9. I'd love to stay active if i didn't have such a horrible memory. ; 3 ;

  10. My Mom fully supports my obsession with technicolored ponies. = w = Whenever I browse thinkgeek, she's all like, "Hey! Get some of those blind boxed ponies!" I love my mom. (And I think it's just because I'm a girl but what-evers. > w <)
  11. I wanna go to bronycon...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fox


      I don't. It's too expensive.

    3. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      I would love to go..it would be my first BronyCon.

    4. Cookie Feather

      Cookie Feather

      It's sad seeing the banner, so broke, so sad...nooo. ;_;

  12. If you have a Planet Minecraft, could you be so kind as to diamond this? http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/project-steve---get-him-to-the-moon/ It'd make my day. ; o ;

  13. Okay, just going to say it one more time. e w e Skype: jollyholidayjulie.

    1. Friendship_Cannon


      mind if I add you, just got skype like a week ago, need to find people, my skype is: luki-mx-

    2. Cookie Feather
  14. New skype: jollyholidayjulie~ nigh night. n w n

  15. I have a bouncy castle on my server~ http://i.imgur.com/ZskL0kI.jpg

    1. Gone for good

      Gone for good

      This looks friggin' awesome!

    2. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      That looks awesome. What's your server address?

  16. Okay okay, my skype is jollyholidayjulie. Go add me. = w =

  17. In my opinion, Pegasister sounds cuter~ it has a nice ring to it as well. We are family, I got all my pegasisters with me. n w n So no complaining on my end.
  18. Favorite character: Mabel. Favorite episode: Boss Mabel Why?: I really liked the 80's tone of the episode -- Mabel looked adorable with shoulder pads~ Oh wait...about the entire show? I love it because the show has the same type of humor that I hold.
  19. PM me if you want my new Skype? Even if you don't know me, you should. ; o ;

  20. Fantastic~! I just have one little thing to point out. ; o ; I'm a unicorn, I no have wings. But but great so far! I'm really really excited.
  21. Feeling super sick today...I need some snuggles and soup. >:

  22. Please please please please please~! USe Honey Puff, if you did, I'd cry and squee and and please. Please. ; ^ ; Please please. PLease plaeaseasdfgf
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