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Cookie Feather

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Everything posted by Cookie Feather

  1. What can you do if you're being heavily internet bullied? >:

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Cookie Feather
    3. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Meh. There's nothing wrong with cancer at all. You still have caring friends here. Well, maybe I'm not. We just met. XD

      The point is, laugh. There's no reason not to laugh and be happy. There's no reason to care about insults as well. They're just them. Words. Nothing important.

    4. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      :( I never really had to deal with internet bullying, so I guess I am kind of lucky. I did have to deal with real life bullying when I was younger. I know ignoring them is easier said than done, but it really is the only advice I have. Well if it's on a social media, like facebook, you can ignore them, and block any posts made by them, and set your profile to where only your friends see you profile. Other than that I'm not sure what other advice I can give. Hope things get better fro...
  2. What can you do if you're being heavily internet bullied? >:

  3. Should I get a Skype?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      It's really up to you. I guess I could see the benefit of it if you had a lot of people you kept in contact with. If you don't then it may just be an waste of memory on your hard drive.

    3. Radiance64


      A whole lot of people here use it, so if you want another way to talk with your forum buddies I don't see why not.

    4. Cookie Feather

      Cookie Feather

      I think I will...

  4. Nigh night my lovely ponies~

  5. Who wants to play factions with me? n w n

    1. Chigens and Kay
    2. Just some guy

      Just some guy

      Guild Wars: Factions or...?

    3. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Factions? You mean on Minecraft?

  6. The 80's and 90's music are my favorite out of all of them! You're totally not alone~ I love the 80's culture more than anything. n w n Ugly sweaters and big hair, oh my gosh!
  7. Nigh night, I'm going to kill you with wubs~ *wubs you all* n w n

  8. Detailing the inside of my palace now~ http://i.imgur.com/zn9iIg3.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cookie Feather
    3. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      It just isn't my thing :P


      I can appreciate your awesome palace though. Far better than most things I have seen in the game.

    4. Cookie Feather

      Cookie Feather



      Awh, thankies~

  9. Look at what I'm building on my server~ http://i.imgur.com/0DbdNRI.jpg

    1. aRegularPony


      Woah. That building is beautiful. Also, texturepack?

    2. Cookie Feather

      Cookie Feather

      Thank you! And the texpack is a modified version of Doku.

  10. I made them in Paint-tool Sai, I've made a tutorial on how to make them that's located in my blogs somewhere. Thank you so much! 8D
  11. Wowies, a few of my friends are mods on here now. Congrats!

  12. Thanks for all the kind feedback guys, it really makes me happy that you all enjoy my OC's. cx I surely missed you all~! And hopefully I stay here. xD
  13. Thank you~ and Angelbutt is my deviantart name, silly, I know. xD Maybe I can start it up again, maybeee...if I get lots of interest.
  14. It's been such a while, oh my gosh! And I've got some new OC's to show ya'll. 8D First one is-- Radical Comet! She is an 80's-themed pony. She's green and has a different angled horn because I was trying to capture an alien-different look. With the sweater -- come on, who doesn't love them ugly things~ Next one is -- Flower Angel! She is a pegasus pony that loves the earth and nature -- she really loves rolling around in leaves and grass! Please enjoy and great to see you all again! n w n
  15. You're making me hungry~
  16. Everybody do the flop!

    1. UnPause


      Why helo to you, Honey Puff <3

    2. Cookie Feather
  17. Eugh, headache. >:

    1. Jonke


      Hopefully not for long. :)

    2. Cookie Feather
  18. Nigh night. <3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. thegoodhen


      :3 why thank you! :3 (I still don't get why I should say "why" at the start of thank you, but apparently, it makes it look 20% cooler).

    3. Cookie Feather

      Cookie Feather

      You've got that right~

    4. Chigens and Kay
  19. Since when have we had a Minecraft server? o.o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cookie Feather

      Cookie Feather

      Welp, I'm super late huehue.

    3. Shiki


      The Skype group is already dead and gone.


      We've had a Minecraft server since like... forever. :u

    4. Cookie Feather

      Cookie Feather

      What the butts.

  20. Ello. c:

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Cookie Feather

      Cookie Feather

      Maybe I'm back, I'm not too sure, I've been really busy with a server lately, but...yuh.

    3. ParsoOfEquestria


      I know how that feels, I just have a website host mine for me :3

    4. Cookie Feather

      Cookie Feather

      That's neato. :>

  21. I've been lurking on the forums today, I still miss you all. >: I just went to Disney World, but my trip was cut short due to my uncle dying back at home. Busy busy.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cookie Feather

      Cookie Feather

      He was a very mean uncle. So I don't know how to feel.

    3. Wubsie


      My uncle was mean and he died not to long ago.

      I was still sad because we did have some fun times pranking people. ;)

      Sorry for your loss.

    4. DND


      Hm... first Disney World, and then your uncle dying... sounds eventful. :P


      I'm really truly sorry though... losses happen a lot in my family to. I know how you feel.

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