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Alex Night

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Status Updates posted by Alex Night

  1. Happy birthday, SilverHeart! I hope you are enjoying it. =)

    1. SilverHeart


      Thank you Alex!

  2. Michelle Creber is so awesome and funny. I'm glad I got an autograph and picture with her. :D

    1. Yuna Crescent

      Yuna Crescent

      ...you lucky duck!!!! D:

    2. Alex Night

      Alex Night

      What can I say?... I'll say she was so cool! :)

  3. Mega Man the Board Game... Why Capcom?!?!?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Alex Night

      Alex Night

      I'm angry at Capcom for more reasons than that. Their franchises have been decreasing with quality except for the Street Fighter franchise... I mean, Mega Man is coming for Smash Bros 4 but that's just it for Mega Man in video games...

    3. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      Too true. Mega Man's their flagship series. Sure, Inafune left, but there's got to be somebody else who can "do" Mega Man right, right?


      Heck, look at all the great-looking fan game projects for the series. FAN GAME PROJECTS.

    4. Alex Night

      Alex Night

      I've played Mega Man Unlimited and it's hard. Like Mega Man 1 hard. :P


      *sigh* Nintendo should just buy the Mega Man franchise. I can't think of any other recent titles except for Mega Man 9 and 10 which was like 4 years ago I think.

  4. It's time for Yami no Game.

  5. Who do I have to mind crush for bringing us 2.6 Sonic in Project M?...

    1. Wingnut


      They deserve a fate worse than that. Make them listen to Brooklyn Rage 20 times in a row! XD

    2. Alex Night

      Alex Night

      Seriously, though. Sonic in Project M 2.6 feels so limited and no fun to play with. He just feels annoying to play with without Spin Wavedash.

  6. Friendship is Mind Crush.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Alex Night

      Alex Night

      The only thing that the world needs is the power of my leather pants.

    3. Solar Wind
    4. Alex Night

      Alex Night

      What does my shoes have to do with anything?...

  7. I want to play a game...

  8. Superman may have the power of the sun, but I got the power of Kaioken.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alex Night

      Alex Night

      YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY! I love free food!

  9. You sir are awesome for putting in that Austin Powers reference in the intolerance thread. *brohoof*

  10. Goku has the best spiky hair ever... Any questions?

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Alex Night

      Alex Night

      Ew, a bandana soaked in other people's blood? That could kill you if you get a head wound from mixing the blood in it with yours.

    3. Bardock


      Badasses like me learn to live with it.

  11. It's never fun when you're throwing up like I did just five minutes ago... It's only the aftereffects when it feels great...

  12. I'd like to thank everypony who wished me a happy birthday. It feels great to be noticed every once in a while and it truly was a special day yesterday. Again, thank you for your kind words. Truly.

  13. Alex looks so AWESOME like this. He NOW looks like a real stallion hero.

  14. Hey Uncle Joe, in case you haven't been welcomed properly, I'll do it for you. Welcome to MLPforums!

    1. ComradeUncleJoe


      Why thank ya kind sir.

    2. Alex Night

      Alex Night

      No problem, we could always need more fans of the show here. I hope you find everything you're looking for here and if not, talk to me and I'll do my best to help you. :)

    3. ComradeUncleJoe


      Thank you. If I have trouble finding something I'll be sure to come to you

  15. Also, I love your page background. Very pretty. Did Aurora pick that one out?

  16. Hello, SAPF1995. Name's Alex Night. I see you're a fan of Sonic and MLP as well. Would you be interested in joining a Sonic/MLP Crossover RP? We are almost done with signups and just need a couple more spots to fill up. :)

  17. Wow... Just wow... Rarity looks breathtaking. Nice work, Vexx.

    1. Vexx3


      Thank you! ^^

  18. Luna is a very pretty pony. Nice work on the banner by the way.

  19. Hey, man. Are you really backing out of the Sonic RP? I'd really hate to see you go, especially since I have yet to have Sonic call Eggman "Baldy McNosehair".. XD I'll understand if you want to go though.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alex Night

      Alex Night

      I can't possibly explain it all over again, so here is the OOC thread. http://mlpforums.com/topic/30067-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-the-seventh-element-of-harmony-ooc/

      Basically, it is about a group of ponies who journey through Equestria, not just Ponyville and Canterlot. Their goal, as requested by Princess Celestia, is to seek out the mysterious 7th Element of Harmony and stop whatever new plan Queen Chrysalis is preparing to unleash. It may look like a simple RP, but I...

    3. Cranium Tyranus

      Cranium Tyranus

      Wow, I've read through the OOC and the first page of the RP topic, I wish I got in on it when you first opened it, I wanna read through the rest before I try and join in at any point. But I noticed in the OOC that the rest of the RP is happening on a different forum. Can I get the link?

    4. Alex Night

      Alex Night

      Actually, we aren't having the RP happen there anymore because of a disagreement with some former members from MLPforum along with the admin there. I won't state their names because I don't say any ill about others ever. So, I moved it back here. Tonight, I'm going to make another post in the RP thread to jumpstart it back into motion. Please don't ask why I moved it there in the first place because I don't wish to go into it again. Also, thanks for your interest...

  20. Hey, Aur. Nobody has locked my RP yet, have they??? Cause, I kinda take it back.

    1. Aureity


      You could just take a look. 0_o

  21. Lovin' my new avatar. Twilight is just so.... Adorkable! :3

    1. Indiana_Dash


      Yeah, she is х)

    2. Electrobolt


      Um... Might wanna change your status update XD

  22. Villan, Sonic, Shadow, Twi, and RD weren't gonna run to Canterlot. They were still there waiting for Shadow to use Chaos Control. -_- Oh well, still a good post. ^_^

    1. Lost Profile

      Lost Profile

      Well.... Fuck... Well I guess I could say that manic went after Amy when she left...

  23. By the way, Berry Burton. Pinkie Pie needs you at Sonic's party! :D

    1. Opalicious


      Oh noez! I must go there immediately!

    2. Opalicious


      There! It's not the best, I admit, but it'll have to do :/

  24. Hey, Ninja. Real quick thing I gotta ask. What is the new name you registered at the new forum where the 7th Element RP will be hosted? Is it the same as here?

  25. Hey, Fresh Prince. We need you over in the Emergence RP! It's finally started!

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