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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Wubsie

  1. I feel so...chaotic. :3

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. ~Lawful Jordo~

      ~Lawful Jordo~

      @Bass What do you mean?

    3. Nah


      Yes, they are a rare example of being well armed with both weapons and motivation.



    4. Wubsie


      @Jordo - I'm just saying they're pretty damn intimidating IMO. .-.

      Still Chaos > Normal

  2. I feel like I am about to die, stupid chest pain. Stahp.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. chattydash


      i am still puzaled about wubsie please get that checked is that to me or wubs because he was replying to me

    3. lardbobobo


      If I have heart issues to begin with and I thought it would be a great idea to drink 13 redbulls one after the other and still lived, Wubs'll be fine

    4. chattydash


      my dad does the same he takes caffenine pills with them and drinks coffee after words too hes nuts

  3. Not too far from the phoenix badge, 700 brohoofs, and 10k profile views. Someday......

  4. Not too far from the phoenix badge, 700 brohoofs, and 10k profile views. Someday......

  5. Should I do it? Change my name to chaotic?

    1. NavelColt


      If you'd like :3

  6. Happy Birthday inactive person. :)

  7. Who else is waiting until 12 o'clock for Spazzy's awakening?

  8. Everytime I breathe in I feel like my chest is getting stabbed. And when I cough I feel like I'm in hell. ;~;

    1. NavelColt


      Aww :'c What's wrong?

    2. Clarity


      You okay? :C

    3. Wubsie


      I'm not really doing too good...This sucks... :(

  9. Everytime I breathe in I feel like my chest is getting stabbed. And when I cough I feel like I'm in hell. ;~;

  10. Lawful and Chaotic...Put it on my name? I don't need it...I don't need it...I DON'T need it.....

  11. Just noticed I have now been here for 5 months.

    1. StingeMuffin


      I'm nearing on a year and haven't even broken 300 posts. D:

    2. Wubsie


      You need to post more! D:

  12. I love this song so much <3:

  13. Welcome to the forums. c:

  14. Happy Birthday Key Lime!!! :D :D :D

  15. Gypsy Bard is one deep song. .-.

  16. 25 Warning points. That's right....keep going down...

  17. Oh god, your avatar. <3

    1. Clarity


      Apple sisters are very chaotic. ;)

    2. Wubsie


      Chaotic indeed.

  18. Nope....can't...loook...at screeennn anymore...

  19. Gave you your 1000th brohoof. :3

    1. Otter


      Thank you!

    2. Wubsie


      You're welcome. :D

  20. Well played Fluttershy...well played...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wubsie


      I couldn't watch it earlier.

    3. Kamil


      I love how she admits that the whole friendship thing was just a plot to make Discord unable to resist her, but it still works and everybody thinks it was an ethical and effective plan.

    4. Wubsie


      Nice plan indeed.

  21. "Favorite Artist: Vincent Van Gogh" Hell yes. /)

  22. Happy Birthday. :P


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Erza


      then why i got 100 warning points???

      am i only guy who isn't allowed to use these words here????

    3. Wubsie


      It depends on how you used them.

      If you think it's unfair than send in a support ticket.

    4. Erza


      i used it once.

  24. Shhhhhhiiiiiiit. You weren't already added to my friends list? .-.

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