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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Wubsie

  1. Late, but happy birthday. :)

  2. Ugh, i don't feel like bhopping while there's a prick in the fucking server. >_>

  3. Why do people think newborns are cute? They look like aliens. ._.

    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      i'm afraid you don't have a permission to be a legal xenomorph.

    3. TwilizzleFoShizzle
    4. TwilizzleFoShizzle
  4. Sleep is winning teh fight. I am out of reinforcements. Good night. :c

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      May the dreams carry you far. Because I am a non-conformist and thus will not say 'good night'. Over-complicating things is what I am doing. Good night.

    3. NavelColt


      This is me, now.

    4. Wubsie



      Sleep got me already, don't let it have it's way with you too! D:

  5. Aw man got go to sleep so I can wake up in time for the ne- Aw shit..

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Solar☼Flare
    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Well.............fuck. That is depressing. Thank you writers for starting to hype it up 8 MONTHS EARLY.

    4. Wubsie
  6. Crashing doooooown from the sky.

  7. I got...a Genuine AWPer Hand. Finally...all of my wants...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. TwilizzleFoShizzle


      I got a bud today, it goes nice with my unusual and my voodoo juju

    3. SmittyWerbenjagermanjense


      Psst hey buddy i got a nice ghaslty gibus that would look rel nice on ya just gimme those buds and its yours >_>

    4. TwilizzleFoShizzle


      ermahgerd i will takez dat iz gud deel u r ovarpay

  8. This game looks fucking amazing: http://fireemblem.nintendo.com/?did=_FireEmblem_Machinima_Pre-Roll 3DS, Y U HAVE BLACK SCREEN OF DEATH!

    1. Evilshy


      3DS has had several games I really wanted, but FE:A is what clinched it. I'm buying a 3DS tonight, if possible :)

    2. Wubsie


      My 3DS and 3DS XL don't work. :/

  9. My sister is lucky she gets to be homeschooled...

  10. Happy Birthday my Vinyl loving friend. :)

  11. Hey. Haven't talked to you in a while. How are you doing? :3

    1.  spas-ticShotty


      Good. Haven't really been too talkative lately. I like having alone time.

    2. Wubsie


      Don't we all? :P

      It's always good to have some time to yourself.

  12. Everyone awake now, don't go to sleep. Forget sleep. Every night...you let sleep have it's way with you. It's time to stand up and kick sleep's ass. Stay up.

    1. Night Shine
    2. akita-ken


      Unfortunately every time I do that, sleep comes back to rain slow death on me the next day :(

  13. *Scrolls down* Oh...I've never seen so much purple in my life....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marcato


      Not enough gold.

    3. Nohbdy



    4. Wubsie
  14. Brohoof from Feld0 acquired.

  15. Dayum. Section Mod just like that. Nice. :3

  16. Trading Hats for the AWPers Hand in TF2. Add me ( [CBC] Wubsie ) on steam to trade.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wubsie


      Love that Bhop server. :3

    3. Bunni


      I play on their Deathrun servers. Didn't know they had a bhop server as well o.o... Explains the admins bhop skills x)

    4. Wubsie


      Yeah. :P

      I want to be an admin there...

  17. 777 posts..... ohaider CC

    1. Lunar Follower

      Lunar Follower

      Bungie would be proud of the 777 (halo producer reference)

    2. Wubsie
    1. ~Vallo~


      this fad is taking over youtube ;_;

    2. Wubsie


      xD (watch yaow will be the next fad in 2014, I can feel it)

  18. You weren't on my friends list already? D:

    1. duidamasterXD


      Weird right? I just realized that too XD. Thought I'd fix it :)

    2. Wubsie
  19. How do I get stuff from the steam workshop for TF2? .____.

  20. Turns out I went to sleep at 5:00. Woke up at 10:00. Went back to sleep and woke up at 2:00. X.x

    1. Stalliongrad
    2. Wubsie





  21. Happy Birthdaay!!!!!!!! :3

    1. Rainbow Dash Loyalty

      Rainbow Dash Loyalty

      Thanks a lot man! ^.^ U rock c:

  22. You

    1. Wubsie


      i exited the page. sorry XD.

      I meant to say your drawing are amazing. Especially your drawing of Kaynah.

  23. I need a good Coffee Break:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. longgone
    3. Wubsie



      It tastes like dirt. .__.

    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Ah, the young'n can't handle it eh? (Says the childlike adult who has never tried coffee)

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