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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Wubsie

  1. Want a soda?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wubsie


      Who doesn't?

    3. Moog the Kvlt

      Moog the Kvlt

      ...organic food lovers

    4. Wubsie


      Yeah. -_-

      I know what they need...

      Starts with an s and ends with r

  2. You play Counter Strike? :D

    1. Azura


      If you're talking about CS:S and CS:GO, then yes. :3

  3. Oh shizz you play Wizard101? :P

    1. LowfatEnvelope


      Not much anymore, though I used to play it a lot. I played through most of Celestia (I think) then quit playing. Was playing before Celestia came out however. I also bought every area I went to with crowns in case I ever wanted to play through it again lol

    2. Wubsie


      Nice. :3

      I don;t play it much either, it's cool the game is still getting good updates though. :P

  4. I feel like this banner need something else. See dat huge gaping hope of nothing? could've put a few rocks or a bucket right there. I guess there's always next time lol.

  5. So where's the mountain?

  6. I've noticed you don't have a signature. Would you like me to make you one? c:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Antismurf9001


      Oh, cool! Okay, let me think...

      Hm... I suppose putting my account name in it makes sense... Perhaps Octavia (huge surprise) and/or Fluttershy? I don't know, whatever you think looks good. I'm no graphic designer, and I'm sure that whatever you come up with will be awesome. Thanks again!

    3. Wubsie


      Would you like an avatar too?

    4. Antismurf9001


      Oh goodness... You'd do that as well? Wow... I really don't know what to say. If it honestly isn't a problem for you, that would be awesome as well!

      I suppose I would go for a similar description to the signature (minus the account name). Again, whatever you think looks good. You're the expert. Let me know if I'm being too vague or something though. I don't want this to be a problem for you.

  7. Shit, when did you become an admin? O.o I always knew you would become an admin, I think you deserved it. c:

    1. NavelColt


      Last night :3 Within the last ten hours xP And thanks ^^

    2. Wubsie


      You're welcome!

      I saw your name red an the only thing I thought was:

  8. I'm gonna get on RotMG today. Would you like to join me? (I'm asking LF to join as well :3)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wubsie


      Really? That ducks. :c

      Anyways I didn't get too far. But better than last time. ^_^

    3. Clarity


      Unlocked any new classes? ;)

    4. Wubsie


      Only the priest. xD

      I guess that's improvement. c:


  9. Hey, I'm getting on RotMG later on today. Wanna join me? :P

    1. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      Sorry man. Have school. :(

    2. Wubsie
    3. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      I'm home now. XP When I wrote that I was at school. ;)

  10. I now have a bully. Wonderful, another chunk of bullshit I have to deal with. -_-

    1. Key Lime Pie

      Key Lime Pie

      Throw him out a window. Thats how I take care of bullies.

    2. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      Put firecrackers in his shoes. That'll show him who's boss. :3

  11. Banner hasn't changed...weird.

    1. StingeMuffin


      How frequently is it changed? I never bothered to keep track. :P

    2. TailsIsNotAlone


      Maybe they're punishing the AJ fans by just leaving the same one up there. xD

    3. Wubsie


      It changes every sunday or monday. @Tails - Maybe. xD

  12. Welcome to the internet, to your left you can see 4Chan, and to the right you can see eh....I don't think you wanna look to the right.

    1. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      *looks to the right*


      Oh no! WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!?!?



    2. Wubsie


      Yep, to your right is /b/

      If you want to keep your sanity, I suggest not going in there.

  13. Badass Name. Check.

    1. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Thank you! XD

    2. Wubsie


      Your welcome. xD

  14. Thanks for the add! :)

    1. Erza


      you are always welcome.

  15. Anyone here play Counter Strike on Steam?

  16. Damn it why did I press F10....Now people are gonna think I fell for that when I meant to press backspace....

  17. d-_-b 5,893 Dubstep songs and counting. Along with 45 albums, and Audiophile headphones.

  18. Pump pump pump it up!

  19. You remind me of someone. Some chinese girl. You both have the exact same member title.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wubsie
    3. Wubsie


      You have the same adorable levels as her though. haaaax

      That's impossible.

    4. The Ultimate Brony
  20. The exact SAME motherfucker is still messing with my sister.

    1. Concord


      Kick his ass!

    2. Wubsie


      I shall. (although I did already a few months back)

  21. Happy happy birthday!!!

    1. MatrixChicken


      Thanky thanky thank you!


      ...No idea where that came from... xD

    2. Wubsie
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