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Everything posted by cmarston1

  1. Have you seen Rollercoaster of Friendship? There's no way Applejack and Rarity are straight.
  2. I just assumed that Rarity's parents lost custody of Sweetie Belle due to child neglect.
  3. So Neighsay is going from a professional, although blatantly racist, to a super villain that frees Tirek and attacks children. Hopefully his character doesn't change to drastically, or at the very least give him a believable sanity slippage to get us to this point. I am predicting that he releases Tirek to show that the School of Friendship is not beneficial to Equestria's safety, but things end up going terribly wrong.
  4. Rarity is pretty much Asami from The Legend of Korra all the way down to having a tomboy girlfriend with super-strength.


  5. Just saw the new Steven Universe episode, Legs From Here to Homeworld.


    White Diamond was not quite what I was expecting her to be.  Also she seems pretty darn creepy already.

    I am wondering how that cliffhanger will be resolved.

    I liked it and I want to see the last two episodes of the season even more now.

  6. I kinda knew about Sci Twi going to Equestria because of the leaks, but not because I saw the leaks, but I spoiled myself on that by reading people talk about the leaks. But with that aside, I am so down for seeing an EQG special where the main 7 or at least some of them go to Equestria. I am hoping that all of them end up going, because I would love to see how all of them would react to becoming ponies and dealing with being in a whole new world.
  7. My reaction to a Steven Universe movie being announced at SDCC
    Image result for garnet happy alone together
  8. Just saw the first episode of Rise of the TMNT on Nick.com, and yeah I was right to be optimistic about it.

    The animation is really really good, and I am digging how the characters play off one another. 

  9. Image result for oh my god

    It only took 6 seasons, 52 episodes, and 2 years, but Voltron is finally gonna deliver some sweet, sweet LGBT content.


  10. The trailer for the series finale of Adventure Time
  11. Lookin good!


  12. I thought that this episode was a fairly cute and harmless one. Not one of my favorites, but entertaining enough. Some of my favorite moments were the mane 6 trying to get each other to tell Pinkie she sucks at the instrument, Rarity saying applelutely (which I wonder if that was a slip up that the crew decided to keep in), not even Fluttershy can understand Gummy, the references to Horse Play, alcoholic Pinkie, and Pinkie mentioning that yaks are perfectionists. This episode went by pretty quickly, and I really liked how the mane 6 were characterized here.
  13. Sorry guys, but I just had to.




  14. DCEU be like:


  15. Shut up and take my money!

  16. Image result for rarijack rollercoaster of friendship

    Where have I seen this before?

    Image result for korrasami finale

  17. Steve: I guess I'm just too tough to cry.

    Bucky: Just the other day, you were crying about snakes.

    Steve: They don't have any arms!

  18. Hope: When you said "magical in bed" this isn't exactly what I was expecting.

    Scott: (holds up 8 of hearts) Is this your card?

    Hope: Holy shit

  19. This seems pretty interesting.  Looking forward to seeing how this turns out.

  20. My reaction to the She-Ra controversy


    1. Megas


      Yeah, honestly, it actually looks great, I don't know why there's any controversy surrounding it


  21. My reaction to a live action Rugrats movie being announced

    Image result for oh no korra gif

    1. Sparklefan1234
    2. Megas


      I guess they never learned their lesson after The Last Airbender

  22. Twilight: Tara Rarity: Rachel Applejack: Jacklyn with Jackie as a nickname Pinkie Pie: Piper Rainbow Dash: Danielle with Dani as a nickname Fluttershy: either Frieda, Faith or Flora
  23. The Shape of Water (2017) Guillermo Del Toro 

    Related image

  24. Fluttershy is adorable

    Image result for fluttershy so much more to me

    that is all

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