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Castoro Chiaro

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Everything posted by Castoro Chiaro

  1. No worries. c: We all gotta start somewhere. I would suggest checking out some tutorials and references, they're super useful when you're learning!
  2. There's a couple options open to you. GIMP's a pretty good, flexible program since I can't afford Photoshop and it's rather easy to use. Paint for newer versions of Windows is actually pretty good too from what I've seen; while you can't do layers and things, I've seem some quality work produced from it and it's even simpler to use. SAI's great for line work and there's free translated versions floating around if you know where to look. Most folks that do vectors and such for MLP use Adobe Flash, but I don't have that so I know nil about it. As for drawing itself, if you've got a scanner you could draw by hand and then paste the image into GIMP. Or alternatively, if you've got a digital camera, you could do it that way. A tablet isn't necessary to produce digital art; I've colored my pictures digitally for years without one.
  3. I'm really impressed if this is only your second sketch! You're a quick study. Super useful tutorial here! I'll keep this in my back pocket for future reference.
  4. Let's see. Good work on the shading, it all obviously originates from the same source and that can be difficult to get down. The coloring of her eyes is nice, too. The mane and tail look great! The shape's pretty smooth and you got it very close to how it is in the show. In terms of critique, I would suggest putting a bit more shape into her body. Pony's flanks are usually a bit more rounded with a bit of a curve in their spine. Her bangs are a little too broad, and front legs are a little awkwardly positioned. I really hope this helps!
  5. Oh my GOSH, so pretty~ I love the color scheme here, such beautiful soft colors that all work so nicely together...plus that's just a really nice light blue. The cutie mark is both creative, yet not overly extravagant and confusing. Well done!
  6. This is a silly little video series I started on a whim because I thought it'd be a funny challenge. Basically, I'll be making videos featuring Discord paired off with one of the Mane Six, as well as a few other side characters (so far, I'm thinking Discord/Luna, Discord/Celestia, poooossibly a joke Discord/Spike video). I'd be open to other ideas if you guys have them! Most Recent http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJQ5vPn20pQ Completed Videos To Do Discord/Rarity Discord/Rainbow Dash Discord/Luna Discord/Celestia Discord/Spike
  7. About as seriously as I take any other fandom I'm in. I can't say it's changed my life, but it's been a positive influence on it. Definitely seems to have reignited my creative spark and my desire to draw. And it helps me smile on my bad days, sometimes.
  8. I like this one a lot! It's a good suggestion. ...judging by his cutie mark, you could call him Trojan Hoof. XD Outside of that...hm. Something to do with war history or studies, I suppose. Having trouble coming up with alternatives, so I'll come back when I've got new ideas.
  9. "AUDIENCE?? What are you doing learning about friendship, Audience??" HA! I love that he even has his diamond sword as a cutie mark. The expression is just perfect, and the way you translated his hair into a mane works quite well.
  10. Thanks oodles! I'm sure I will. c: Oof, tough call! It's a tie between Return to Harmony and A Canterlot Wedding. Both featured some pretty awesome villains, but I think the emotional stakes were higher in the finale so I might go with that. Mostly fan-art, though I have a few of my own original stories floating around my headspace as well. I draw to relax, so I just draw what makes me happy. As for writing, I write fiction, primarily surreal fiction because I love twisting the world in subtle ways to see what it might be like. As for what I like to DO, I love to swim, and depending on the day, I enjoy a good bike ride. Love a good philosophical discussion as well. I might not be the best with words at times, but there's something really invigorating about just. THINKING. Especially when it's something you don't think about much. I'm a pretty avid RPer as well, so I might yammer about that sometimes.
  11. I've been thinking about this a lot lately! I find humanizations to be a fun exercise in creativity, so here's my headcanons. Twilight: Egyptian. I think it's her eye shape, as well as the tone of her coat. Seems like it'd transition well into a human design. Rarity: I love the idea of her being Asian, actually. I saw a drawing of her a while back as a curvaceous Asian woman and it was oddly perfect. Rainbow Dash: Spanish. I love RD's with a deeper skin tone, and the idea of her mouthing off to someone in quick, staccatoed Spanish is very amusing to me. Fluttershy: White, with skin so fair she actually burns in the sun. She's a girl who's too small for her body in my mind, so she's a bit on the plump, big side. But very cuddly and just adorable to boot. Applejack: Biracial mix of Caucasian and African, perhaps? Pinkie Pie: I could see her being white, too. But I see her as the sort who's half-way between plump and skinny. She's got wide hips and a bit of a tummy from too much sweets, but stays active enough that her metabolism keeps her pretty slim for the most part.
  12. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Applejack How did you find MLP Forums?: I received an Ask on tumblr inquiring if I had an account and my interest was piqued! I'd been meaning to get involved in fandom somehow, so I figured a forum was a good place to go. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Honestly? It started invading a fandom I was already in -- 9, if you're familiar with the film -- and I eventually caved, wanting to understand what all the hullabaloo was about. I wasn't INSTANTLY hooked, but the second episode won me over, and solidified Applejack as my favorite. GREETINGS FELLOW INTERNET DENIZENS. I AM-- Oh, pardon me. [/royal Canterlot voice] I am Castoro Chiaro. c: I've sort of remained at the periphery of the fandom for a while, but as I've gotten myself more and more into the show and my own little headcanons and story ideas, I've felt the need to tap into the creative side of the fandom more and more. So hey! Figure it'd be nice to have a place to frequent where I can babble about my MLP-related thoughts and feelings, as there have been many as of late. Judging by the rules of the site, I think I'll really like it here. You all seem like lovely people. So! Good to be here, and pleased to make your acquaintance.
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