Thanks oodles! I'm sure I will. c:
Oof, tough call! It's a tie between Return to Harmony and A Canterlot Wedding. Both featured some pretty awesome villains, but I think the emotional stakes were higher in the finale so I might go with that.
Mostly fan-art, though I have a few of my own original stories floating around my headspace as well. I draw to relax, so I just draw what makes me happy. As for writing, I write fiction, primarily surreal fiction because I love twisting the world in subtle ways to see what it might be like. As for what I like to DO, I love to swim, and depending on the day, I enjoy a good bike ride. Love a good philosophical discussion as well. I might not be the best with words at times, but there's something really invigorating about just. THINKING. Especially when it's something you don't think about much.
I'm a pretty avid RPer as well, so I might yammer about that sometimes.