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Castoro Chiaro

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Everything posted by Castoro Chiaro

  1. Shaky Shears followed after, though there was some obvious hesitation in his step. He wasn't sure how he felt about this plan, as there was deception at every corner these days. Could never be too careful... "Wh-what if...they're Changelings? How will we know...?"
  2. Well, there went Mr. Enigma. Off to gather the cavalry, no doubt. Couldn't have that, now could they? Discord leaned over Lightning Flicker's shoulder and, casually, as though he was just making idle small-talk, he murmured "What a wet rag. Remind me not to invite him to any of my parties. Booooo-ring."
  3. I completely agree with everything you have to say here, Echo. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the show, but I will never identify as a Brony. The term itself is somewhat problematic. It arose to single out men who enjoyed the show. I wouldn't feel this way if the term existed for previous generations...but it's only come about when the show attracted a larger male fanbase than it had in the past. It might be more neutral now, but the misogyny/sexism in fandom is still pretty much the same as it's always been. I think Neil Cicierega summarized my thoughts quite well in his response to some sort of drama on one of his videos: Funny you should mention the MaxVeers drama, actually...it reminds me of another problem that bugs me when stuff like this comes up. It seemed like most of the anger generated by it wasn't about "hey, some guy forced himself on a minor!". It was "how dare you accuse Bronies of all being like this!". Problems don't go away if you don't talk about them or turn the other way. If you're not like this, yay! But these are serious problems in fandom, and they need to be talked about. So, rock on for doing so, Echo. PS - Sorry if I made it sound like this is an exclusively "male" problem; it's not! I've seen fantastic male fans and pretty horrible female fans.
  4. Cringing at the clatter of the ax against the floor, he hesitated before following after Mask. It was a bit difficult get his long, gangly limbs through the small hole...he managed it, but just barely, landing in a heap outside. It looked better out here than it had back in town...that was good. "...so, uh...wh-where to now...?
  5. Even just having the Elements in the vicinity added to his strength, the hatred and bitterness in their hearts so deliciously poignant he could practically taste it. If his tongue wasn't made of stone and all that, anyway. Mr. Enigma was like sweet icing on the proverbial pie, giving him just the last little bit of power he needed to break the seal. I really should invite you to more of my gatherings. You're a laugh, even if you ARE horrendously boring. The cracks overtook the statue, dark clouds gathering ominously over the garden. A sudden crash of thunder struck the statue, shattering it completely and filling the area with smoke and debris. As the thick smoke began to clear, there on the pedestal stood... nothing. There was nothing there.
  6. Shaky Shears was following alright, but all the while he eyed the ax as though it was a dangerous animal about to strike. He kept expecting Mask to drop it or. He didn't know, something awful to happen. He really didn't like big, sharp objects. Even scissors made him a little anxious. It was a little depressing coming back into the shop and really SEEING how torn apart it was. He'd been here for so long...and in a matter of a day it was all ruined. The shampoos were spilled over the floor, the scissors either broken or scattered across the floor (though one was embedded into the wall rather ominously), and all of the chairs he'd used were spread around in pieces. He released a heartbroken sigh. "...why did they have to come here...?"
  7. Oh, finally this pony was speaking his language. Riddles, riddles. He loved a good riddle. Why would I warn them? For somepony who acts like he knows me so well, you obviously have no appreciation for my sense of humor. I'm more of the 'stir things up a bit, then sit back and see what happens' sort of guy. I'll only get directly involved if I see a need to. For once during the conversation, though, a spike of displeasure cut through his detached amusement. Any that were close enough to the statue to commune with Discord would be able to feel it. I just hope you don't honestly think you'll be keeping me here any longer than another few days. I've got work to do, I don't need more ponies throwing a wrench in things.
  8. I'd say Celestia, and not just because I adore her so much. I've seen people who LIKE her say she has no personality, which I think is really untrue. She's demonstrated the capacity for great wisdom and kindness, but that doesn't mean she's perfect and never makes mistakes. She was pretty quick to get upset with Twilight when she interrupted the rehearsal. Perhaps this hints at the fact she gets frustrated when things aren't done in a certain way or don't go as she intended them to. After all, she seems to have control over most things...so things like the incident with Discord tend to throw a wrench in things, and she doesn't take it very well. I just find her really fascinating from what we've seen and I wish more people did. Most people I talk to say she's boring, though...
  9. "Yes, it does..." Shaky glanced back in the direction they'd come from, absently scratching the erratic curls atop his head with a hoof. "Haven't...used it in--in a while...might be a bit difficult to open..." The quietness of the once bustling little town was starting to get to him. He liked noise. He liked being surrounded in it. Quiet just made everything seem hopeless. Dead. Neither of which he was particularly fond of. He'd stick close to this new companion for as long as possible before heading for the next town. Had to keep going. Had to outrun the swarm. He'd run out of places to hide eventually, but he couldn't think about that.
  10. The rather bamboozled Changeling shook his head, getting a bit dizzy from all the twists and turns in the route his would-be rescuer was taking. "I'm...not really sure. There were others, weren't there...?" he looked vaguely hopeful at the prospect. He remembered hearing other voices outside, shouting to each other to run. So there had to be other survivors out there. There just...had to be.
  11. YOU JUST MADE ME REALIZE I finally have a legitimate excuse to use this ...has the OP even commented here since the whole debate began? Because I can't recall seeing hide or hair of them 'round these parts. Which is a shame, because they've gotten some really helpful feedback on their picture. Hope we didn't scare them off.
  12. I am a total SAP, so I cry pretty easily during shows that get me emotional. I remember crying when I was a little kid at the first episode of Pokemon when Ash takes on the swarm of Spearows by himself. That SCENE got to me for so many years. I watched it again a year or so ago since someone posted a link to all the seasons, and while I didn't cry, it still sort of tugged at my heartstrings. Fullmetal Alchemist made me cry several times, particularly the part with Nina. The ending of the series got me pretty emotional too, but that was because that was it. I had no more DVDs to look forward to, no more new episodes to watch. It kinda got to me. Definitely cried during the episode of Futurama with Seymour, oh man.
  13. Woo, another Applejack fan! Sounds like you got into it about how I did...I saw a bunch of things RELATING to it, then decided to give the series itself a go. Welcome aboard!
  14. Ooh, boy! I've always wanted to get in on one of these debates. Discord is such a fabulous character because he really is a rather morally ambiguous one. He isn't EVIL per se, but he definitely isn't good either. I personally thing there was nothing else that could be done. Banishment probably wouldn't do much because he has enough power to come back if he wants to. Depriving him of his powers would be just as cruel as being trapped in stone, because he'd basically have no purpose. Killing him prooobably wouldn't do much either; he's a spirit, not just a monster. I personally think that his mortal form can "die", but what makes him truly the essence of chaos cannot be destroyed. Some might say he was just making it rain chocolate and making things a little kooky...but he said himself these were only the first modifications. He was planning to do much more. I've always pictured Discord as the type who's constantly trying to outdo his last tricks, and is never satisfied. Constant change is simply the nature of chaos. He didn't care if anyone else liked what he was doing, just that he was having a laugh. So it'd be a pretty miserable state to live in if you weren't. Well. Him. Plus the whole changing people's personalities and turning them into horrible versions of themselves. That's...toeing the line a bit, don't you think? I love Discord oodles and oodles, but even I can say he sorta had it coming. I would never want to see him totally reform, as that would pretty much destroy what's so lovable about his character...but I suppose it might be nice if a compromise could be made, somehow, so that he didn't have to sit in suspended animation FOREVER.
  15. -Bored to sanity? Why, you've been in here for only about three months. You can't be entirely bored just yet. As for who I am, you will see soon enough. How I came? I crashed. I really need to work on my landings.- Ugh, how terribly passe. It's always been my opinion that if you can't make a good first impression, no impression afterwards is going to cut it. I'll know soon enough indeed. In spite of his apparent disinterest, he couldn't help being a little intrigued by a strange energy that was briefly emitted from Mr. Enigma -- which Discord privately decided was a perfect name for the chap and would be henceforth referring to him as such as much as possible -- before it disappeared without a trace. Oh, he was good. Usually Discord could get at least a bit of a reading on the ponies -- names, strengths, those they were closest to -- but this guy. He was drawing a total blank! -Discord are you their?- I'm quite certain I'm not anypony's anything. -Hey discord you there?- His head space was getting too crowded. He said nothing in reply -- though he DID rather like this one's vaguely chocolatey-flavored words as they buzzed around his head -- and simply watched the gathering with some vague sense of amusement that was starting to turn into boredom and impatience.
  16. Well, that was a rather convinving argument wasn't it. Shaky cowered close to Mask's side, peering about as though expecting the unseen swarm Mask was talking about would pop out at any moment. "Okayafteryou," he murmured nervously, keeping a sharp eye out for stragglers.
  17. Help him? Nopony ever went out of their way to help him, not unless they felt sorry for him. Now didn't seem like a very good time for pity, seeings as the very foundations of society were being uprooted...but he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. So to speak. "...yes," swallowing to unstick his throat, he added, "...a-are you sure? I mean, about going into the. The forest? I've heard it's...dangerous..."
  18. [Fluttershy voice]HE'S NOT A DRAGON, HE'S A DRACONEQUUS.[/Fluttershy voice] But seriously, woo! Favorite MLP villain and one of my favorite characters in general. Here's to another year of chaos and mayhem!
  19. Some freak tornado had torn past the barber shop, pulling the boards from the windows and leaving the shop exposed. Shaky didn't dare to move, or to check to see if it was safe. He was absolutely terrified of which side had been responsible, and who he would meet outside. He uttered a choked cry of terror at the sudden appearance of Mask, huddling further under his sewing desk. "Who-who are you? What d-do you want? You can have it! I w-won't put up a fight or anything, I promise."
  20. -Soon enough, you shall be free Discord. And then Chaos will reign as it should. It will be perfect. And I'll finally be able to ditch those loser elements of Harmony as 'friends'. Yes, soon, things will be as they should be.- And it only got better! He hadn't seen a mortal with the ability to commune with his mind for a very, VERY long time. Not since the good ol' days when the gang was still together. Ahh, he could remember it well...wreaking havoc, setting the seeds of chaos so deeply into society that it had taken a total rehaul of the system to completely fix the beautiful chaotic disaster that had been Equestria back in its glory days. Celestia had her little fan club, and he had his. And it wasn't hard to guess at which of his choice elements he was speaking to. The art of deception has always been a personal favorite of mine. Interesting you'd take such a forward path in weaving your web of lies, but you know. Everypony has to start somewhere, I suppose. -How are things within that prison of yours? You must be bored to death.- He couldn't place an element to this one. In fact, he got the impression there was...something off about this one. And that intrigued him even more. Even being bored to death would be better than this. I'm being bored to sanity. I mean, honestly, my thoughts have been so coherent lately, it's unbearable. Every day is the same as the last...it's. PREDICTABLE. Absolutely terrible...but enough about me. Let's talk about you. What brings you crashing face-first into me, hm?
  21. I forgot to mention this; it's a huge point of irritations for me too because I'm not terribly fond of the fandom's headcanons in general.
  22. Dash and Applejack are BFFs, at least in my head they are. Just something about the way they interact just shows there's a special bond there. Don't ship 'em in the least bit, but I think they're my favorite friendship in this show.
  23. The barber's shop had been converted into a makeshift strong-hold, with the windows all boarded up and the door barricaded with every piece of available furniture in the shop. He would have made the door vanish completely, but he was rather exhausted as it was. A disappearing spell would probably make him pass out. So there he was, the Element of Honesty -- though he did not yet know it -- huddled in the back room and, true to his name, shaking. Shaky was a fool to think they wouldn't come here eventually. He just hoped...he'd hoped that he had run far enough, that he was so far inland, in small enough a town, that they would not look here. The Everfree Forest was another factor; it was not often anyone who was not native ventured into or near it. It was a strange, mysterious place and his kind tried to avoid it. But they had come. His customers...his friendly acquaintances (as he didn't really have friends, having kept to himself as much as possible). They could have been taken by now. They might be dead. The idea scared him, but more because he knew he'd be next. They would crush him if they found him. There was no mercy for deserters. So he hid, and silently prayed that the dingy barber's shop would be overlooked as useless. Like he'd always been.
  24. What a day. The sun was shining, its golden rays bathing the land in a welcoming, cheery glow. The birds of all hues and shades fluttered around the palace garden, their beautiful songs all blending together in the most beautiful euphony (as all of them had been specially taught by Fluttershy to sing at the perfect pitch). The sweet smell of the flowers wafted on a light breeze. Yes, it was true. Yet another horrible day. Discord had passed most of the morning arguing with himself about what kind of jelly the stars would be (obviously grape was the superior choice, but noooo. He just insisted on mango. Ugh). So now he couldn't even do that, as he and himself were no longer on speaking terms. So he didn't think. He just watched. And he felt. He felt many things about the land of Equestria, the strongest of which being a supreme sense of disappointment. It was a land with so much opportunity; it could be so much more than it was, unrestrained by the laws of nature that dictated the functions of this boring planet. It could be truly FREE. But DULL-lestia was too close-minded to see it. No, she wanted everything to be nice and orderly and peaceful and friendly. If he had any feeling in his body he was certain the thought would make him feel ill. What good were constants when all they did was make you constantly miserable? What good was trust when those that lied and deceived gained the most because they weren't so limited by society's arbitrary rules? What good was happiness when it came at the cost of absolute freedom and endless opportunity? And they thought he was crazy. Well anyway. No use complaining about it now. Might be another thousand year wait before he'd be released again by somepony chaotic enough to be worthy of his presence. Maybe by then Equestria would have learned to loosen up a bit and stop being so gosh darned sensible about everything. "Fluttershy I have neither the motivation or inclination to do anything with you so id appreciate it if you LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" My, my, what's this? He'd not felt such senseless, unprovoked anger since that faithful day...however long ago it was now. Ohh, it was enough to make him feel positively giddy! He wasn't quite strong enough to make himself heard, but any that had a keen awareness of the presence of spirits would have felt a grand sense of amusement radiating from the statue.
  25. Well, pretending it's totally normal to be kissed by a cartoon character...not sure how I'd feel about being kissed by Celestia. XD If it was just a maternal kiss on the forehead, I'd be pretty happy, though. c:
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