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Castoro Chiaro

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Everything posted by Castoro Chiaro

  1. This is pretty cute! I like the shape of Applejack's hair especially, you captured it well. I'd suggest erasing a bit more thoroughly next time as I can still see a few bloopers you fixed...and I think the mouths are just a little too low.
  2. It looks to me like you used a base here, and I'd highly suggest not doing so if that's the case. It can become something of a crutch and it doesn't teach you much about anatomy or body structure. In addition, the second image appears to be saved in .jpg format, which is typically a big no-no for digital art as it totally butchers color and quality. If you've got Photoshop or GIMP (which I'd suggest downloading if you don't have it, it's totally free) you can save images in a .png format which compresses the file size and keeps the color clean. TECHNICAL ASPECTS ASIDE, the image itself is alright. You've got the basic shape of hair down well, though I'd suggest making Fluttershy's hair a little less straight, maybe add a little more suggestion of gravity or, if it's resting against her body, curve with the figure. I like that in the second image you added the suggestion of stray hairs. Its little things like that which pull an image together. Also, I'd suggest studying how hair clumps together in locks, as in the first image, the lines seem a little random and don't really convey a sense of separation in her hair. I hope this helps!
  3. Aww yiss, finally a thread I can get into. I'm pretty sure I make it REALLY obvious Celestia's my favorite character. I just find her so fascinating...we're given enough to formulate some idea of what she's like, but enough is left out for the fandom to fill in the blanks. Though it looks like Season 3 is gonna give us even MORE information on the two, which is just awesome. I have ridiculously extensive headcanons formulated about Celestia, but I guess we'll see if the third season supports them or not. XD Eh...not to be rude or anything, but I strongly disagree that people are being too sensitive about Molestia jokes, given the whole joke centers on rape or other nonconsensual contact of the like. That's a very delicate and often distressing subject for some people who might have suffered sexual abuse in the past or knew someone that did. Not everyone is going to find that kind of humor amusing, which is part of the nature of shock humor.
  4. I'm legitimately shocked nobody's mentioned this one yet. Still gets me, even now. This song also gets me pretty pumped when I hear it. So much VITALITY when the chorus hits.
  5. I adore both humanizations and Rule 63. Both require some imagination on the artist's part. I will say, though, I'm not a big fan of the popular male versions of the Mane 6, Discord, and the princesses personally. They're cute, but I kind of wish people wouldn't restrict themselves to just those designs. And Eris bugs me in particular because she looks WAY too young to be Discord...and her character is portrayed as a huge flirt, which to me says that in order to be a female villain, Discord has to be young and sexy. Bleugh. I'd love to see a fem!Discord that's just as cunning and childish as the original. And, y'know old. I'm really not sure why people are saying the humanizations in the first post suck...I thought they were very well drawn. Fluttershy and Pinkie are just PRECIOUS lookin'~ I think it might have looked better if they gave them more natural hair colors, though.
  6. Ha! I love Cupcakes HD. So delightfully demented. Anyways Cupcakes. I'm on a mixed mind on this one. On one hand...it's pretty bad. As in, badly written. The gore is shocking, but it lacks substance. Sweet Apple Massacre is the same way, I really wouldn't recommend reading it. On the other. It's kind of brilliant. But I think that brilliance is its downfall. Let me elucidate. The thing that makes this fic so damn unsettling is Pinkie is depicted as a sociopath. Not an ax-crazy violent maniac or a shady, creepy stalker...but just. Pinkie. With absolutely no morality, no sympathy, no idea that what she's doing is sick and wrong. She's NORMAL. And that aspect alone is what made this fic for me. It's brilliant. The best AUs, I've found, are not those that warp the character into something unrecognizable, but those that take one familiar trait and find a way to twist it into something horribly wrong. But I've never seen anyone that's been able to emulate that brilliance. The famous crookedtrees ask blog, for example? Way off the mark. He tried to depict her as depressed, brooding, and creepy, and it just wasn't close enough to the canonical character to have any real effect on me. Most art I see of Pinkamena has her looking so unlike her normal self, it's just...a painfully generic take on insanity. So for that aspect alone, I commend this author. But other than that. Eh. I've read better fic. LOTS better.
  7. This. This. THIS. Cannot agree more. It makes me uncomfortable when some Bronies (not all Bronies, mind!) insist they make ponies "more manly" or are changing male gender roles, when really, it's more about embracing something feminine. And that's a GOOD thing! It's not bad to like something for girls! Faust herself asserts this in the above mentioned quote: It's a girl's show, and it's good. Not good IN SPITE OF it's intended demographic, but a good girl show.
  8. Oh HECK yes! I've been wanting a Celestia for the longest time, but the customs were always too pricey for me. Once I find my debit card I am placing my order.
  9. So I finally did get to watch Dragon Quest and I must say...what a seriously underrated episode! I know it wasn't quite what people were expecting, but I really loved it. It's probably one of my favorites this season. Spike carried the episode well, and I was legitimately interested in his struggle between what he learned growing up around ponies and dragon culture. Plus Garble is kind of adorable in a grumpy teen way. <3
  10. Honestly? I've not really noticed. Yeah, I'll see people complain that AJ's boring as hell but it's few and far between. I've seen great art for all of them and lots of fans of each and every one of them. So I don't think it's as big an issue as it might seem. Then again I kind of stick to the periphery so my view might not be the most accurate.
  11. Putting Your Hoof Down is the one of the best episodes ever. Why? Iron Hoof. Outside of Discord, I have never been so enamored of a one-time character as I am that guy (obviously I don't mean literally, I just really like him as a character). Plus he's not really a villain so much as overly assertive. In the end he keeps to his word and I think that's pretty cool. I liked Fall Weather Friends pretty well too, because I really like the dynamic Applejack and Rainbow Dash have. It's not quite a rivalry...more like a friendly but competitive sort of thing? They're both pretty proud of their abilities, and they play off each other well. Baby Cakes was pretty great, too. It made me like Pinkie's character a lot more, as it's one of the few times you see HER being annoyed and pushed to her limit. And when she started bawling...gosh, I just wanted to give her a big hug! :c
  12. I adore the cutie mark! Very creative, and fitting to the style of the show. Really dig how you draw eyes, too, they're so pretty and bright~
  13. Oh man, this is completely relevant to my interests! I've been planning an MLP AU that has to do with mental illness, so cool to see someone else had a similar concept. Plus I'm kind of a psychology nut in general, heh. Quick question: do you need me to make a whole new character sheet for my OC if I'm humanizing a pony?
  14. So I saw this image on tumblr and it got me curious! What kind of fan are you? I think I'm a mix between The Analyzer (though much more for the character and culture of the world than the episodes) and the Artist, since I just love drawing pony art since they're relatively simple and quick for me to draw. c: It's a nice way to relax.
  15. OH! My sincerest apologies, I completely misread that! XD Augh, this is what I get for skimming and letting my jimmies get all rustled. Sorry! No, it's not fair at all. Ugh. It's just as creepy when women fondle men without their permission.
  16. You meant misogyny! Misandry is a hatred of men. I see your point, though. I was a little shocked when I first saw this thread, to be honest... ...um. Because women's bodies should be respected?? I'm a little uncomfortable with how you phrased this.
  17. Pff. I thought I made it pretty obvious I was a girl! I guess not. In any case. A woman can still get uncomfortable if you're looking other places than her face. It's her body, and therefore within her rights. I'm...a little uncomfortable with the "you can't get mad or annoyed because some people is looking at you" and Bronium's "I can't help instinct!" arguments. A glance can't be helped, I know this from experience. But outright staring? That can be helped.
  18. Actually, I think the wings look good at that size! They seem more like they can hold her weight. Also I am in love with how you draw eyes, oh my gosh~ there's so much personality in them, it's perfect.
  19. ...is it horrible that when I saw the title, I thought of THIS Equus? Oops. Anyways, I've headached a long while over how the heck their planet works. I mean, apparently the Everfree is self-sustaining, so maybe it's not as simple as controlling the rotation of the planet and the seasons. ugh i don't even know their planet is confusing Maybe, unlike Earth, the celestial bodies rotate around Equus? That might explain why Celestia and Luna control them, rather than the rotation of the planet?
  20. Twilight Sparkle - Seemed like a nice girl, so it irked me she was the butt-monkey for the first episode. I kind of felt her annoyance as I watched the episode XD Applejack - LOVED her almost straight off the bat. Pinkie Pie - Super annoying. Fluttershy - Cute, but not all that interesting. Rainbow Dash - Eh. She didn't make much of an impression. Rarity - Same for her, I didn't think much of her. (I like all of them now!)
  21. If I may, I'd like to offer my own perspective. Women that dress in outfits you might think of as revealing aren't necessarily doing it for attention or for the sake of male gaze. I think that idea gets ground into our heads a lot, that dressing up means you're putting on a display for men, and it's not a healthy attitude for either gender. For girls, it pits us against each other, because NOBODY wants to be a slut (which is a whole other problematic topic, but I'll save that for another day)! And for guys, it generates the expectation that it's an invitation to stare. Sometimes I like to show off a little cleavage. It's not because I want a man or woman to stare at me, or to put on a display. It's because I think it makes me look sexy, to me personally, and I like looking nice. It makes me feel more confident about myself. It's more about how you feel about yourself than how others see you. I hope this makes sense.
  22. I wish people in the Brony fandom were more proactive about calling people out for bad behavior, because I think a lot of the bad stereotypes about Bronies around the net come from the unpleasant vocal majority, rather than the fandom as a whole. I've noticed this fandom has a "don't like, don't look" mentality about a lot of its issues...and in my mind, that doesn't fix anything. Allowing problematic issues to go unchecked just means more trouble in general. I don't personally identify as a Brony, but I've met some awesome people who do. We need to hear more from THEM, not the jerks who are the ones generating such a negative view of the fandom in general. Of course it's unavoidable you'll run into hate for the sheer fact you enjoy a "little girl's show"...and there's really not much you can do in those cases. I think fixing what you can, and knowing when to walk away or tune out negativity is key. At least on the net. In real life, that's a bit more of a prickly situation...
  23. WOW WHY ARE THERE NOT FIFTY REPLIES TO THIS OH MAN I really dig that you put your own spin on the canon style. It almost seems like a mish-mash of G1 and G4. And the humanizations are really nifty. Really diggin' the OCs, too, they all sound quite interesting!
  24. It depends on the class for me, really. During certain classes I just sit and absorb information, and in other, like Creative Writing, I speak up a lot and try to contribute. I'm usually pretty quiet around people I don't know as I worry about saying the wrong thing or just plain don't know WHAT to say. I like other people, I just don't know how to approach them sometimes. I pretty much act online like I do normally, when I'm in situations I'm comfortable with. I don't talk fandom much IRL, though, as I don't know many people who are into the things I am.
  25. I have no idea if this is still active, but I'm really sorry for vanishing! School and work have just been killing my energy and creativity. :c Should I try to get a post up or are we laying this one to rest?
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