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Status Updates posted by DarligPegasi

  1. So I just watched Friendship is Manly...That was the funniest freaking thing!

  2. Just drew my two newest OC's :D

  3. So tomorrow's my bday and I'm gonna wear my Pinkie Pie shirt! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special


    3. longgone


      Happy early birthday X3 *puts party hat on Darlig*

    4. DarligPegasi
  4. I want pancakes and maple syrup...But I do not like maple syrup...Yet I craaave it

    1. Tobium Fission

      Tobium Fission

      Yea that happens. You crave something even though don't like it. It get annoying after awhile if I pressits.

  5. I am so done right now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ron J

      Ron J

      Oh, your name is simply fabulous, darlig...

    3. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy


    4. DarligPegasi


      :D Thanks! And um...Hello Orc Warrior? :o
  6. So I finally created and drew my ponysona, of course it came out weird. But that's no surprise cause I'm a freaking weirdo. xD

    1. sunne


      aww, you're not weird! anyway I wanna seeeeee

    2. DarligPegasi


      :D And you shall, as soon as I scan it to mah computer :D
  7. Raccoons or Possums?

  8. So I just drew all 10 of the official disney princesses in pony form! :P Too bad I can't scan them T.T

  9. My internet connection is being a huge jerk right now, im gonna cry

    1. repsol rave

      repsol rave

      i know how you feel ;_; stay strong, for better connection will come

    2. DarligPegasi


      Hehe, thanks. :3

  10. Just made a CMC Tumblr ask blog! Ask me questions please! :Dhttp://cutiemarkcrusadersyay.tumblr.com/

  11. Question; Artists, would you rather someone tell you that they don't like your art or just not say anything at all. (on the subject of requests)

    1. WonderColt


      Depends, if they give genuine good critique then yes, If they just say 'This sucks' then no.

  12. I am official done for today. Thank you and good freaking night.

  13. My mom just called Big Mac a dope. This family is falling apart at the seams T.T

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Moonlight


      Don't most people assume that he's shy or something? .-.

    3. Jadefire


      @Wheatley Only bronies, but that's because we have a mountain of fanfics and speculation coloring our assumptions. When taken completely out of context (such as someone who doesn't know about bronies seeing the show for the first time), he does seem like he's kinda slow.

    4. DarligPegasi


      @Jadeofblades Yes, exactly!

  14. Who is that member with the avatar gif of Apple Jack chewing on her hat?

  15. The chrysalis banner looks like Zira and the outsiders

    1. ~Sole~


      I think its meant to be a scar and hyeena refrence...

    2. DarligPegasi
  16. SHWOOPS There it is!

  17. Yo, is there a complain thread on this site? Or just a general ranting place?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Crispy


      Depends on the severity of the problem. Life advice for something that's kinda srs bsnes. Everfree usually works for random, general things.

    3. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      @DarligPegasi Are you wanting to complain about the site? That's what I'm assuming.

    4. DarligPegasi


      >.< Okay guys never mind, please stop commenting on this. -.-

  18. So I just drew my family as Zebra pegasi.

    1. pinkiepool


      that is cool!

  19. Wow. Rude much?

    1. Flicker Sweet
    2. DarligPegasi


      Oh sorry I was just a little peeved yesterday, ehehe. i'm over it now, I just forgot to change my status. :D

  20. So I just sung Hearts and Hooves day in Transformice with two other awesome people :D

  21. So my mom claims she hates MLP, but she remembers Spike's name..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AfroPony


      She's a Brony in denial, She will be asimilated into the herd, Resistance is futile.

    3. AfroPony


      She's a Brony in denial, She will be asimilated into the herd, Resistance is futile.

    4. DarligPegasi
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