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Flash Lighter

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Everything posted by Flash Lighter

  1. Wait, wait wait wait a second.. did i see clearly? Twilight gets EXILED??!!, I mean, The Savior of Equestria? The Protectorate of The Crystal Empire?, The Element of Magic? and then gets exiled?? This is Madness! SPARTA!! Madness! Anyway, the theory about Trixie getting Sombra's power is not entirely impossible, but extremely hard to believe. Did Trixie even venture out near the blast site? Will it even be visible? or Will it get buried?. We won't find out until we watch. -ChEeRz
  2. As Flash walks near the dormitory, he sees many ponies on the windows, laughing and chatting. "How i wish i had some friends here, all my friends are at ponyville." He mumbles to himself after passing. Flash then entered the dorm. He then gave his KeyCard to the guard. "Good morning sir. (The guard scans the Key.) Ok sir, your room is at The 3rd Floor. Number 1337." "Thank You." Flash said as he started to walk through the hallway. Flash then arrived at his Room. "It's very roomy.. I think i could place a couple of extra things here.." Flash then chants a spell. (a very, Non-Understandable spell, but it works.) "OHMAHIWAGANGBAGILABASMONAANGGAMITKO!" Flash's roommates hear this, and they chuckle. Suddenly the room is arranged like his home! "Home Sweet Home.." He said.
  3. As Flash arrived near the gates, he notices the big building of ManeHattan. "I wish they have a dorm, cause i really want to stay here! Saying as he passes by the skyscrapers. He then arrives at the gates of the university, He steps out, And stands for 5 seconds in awe. "Here goes nothing, LEROY JENKINNNNSS!!" He shouts as he Dashes through the gates.
  4. Flash was walking through his house when suddenly a wild mail appears! He then Read what is inside the letter. "Dear Mr.Hoof.We are glad to tell you that you are accepted to University X. Please proceed to Manehattan at once. -Administration" After reading the letter, Flash jumped in joy to know that he has been accepted. He quickly got his suitcase, Packed, And got into his magic-powered car.
  5. I forgot to Mention on my last topic that sadly, somebody already beat me to Rarity. But Flash Lighter is okay with that. Right? -He nods Reluctantly- See? [[ilol'd]
  6. As Flash Hoof Drives around Equestria in his Magic-Driven Car, He sees people panicking and running around. Hearing fillies crying. As he starts to arrive near his home he stops and says to himself "There are many people panicking.. but are they sure that it is true?" Saying as He stops just to get into his house to pack.
  7. Flash Hoof started to take a small walk outside mumbling to himself."I just lost my parents, and now i'm losing Everything? Equestria's gonna fall and.. and take us with it!". He takes a small seat in a bench and sadly weeps when suddenly an idea came up."Since i know already Equestria's gonna fall and take us with it, i should try going out more.. I will take life to the fullest!" He said as he wiped his tears of his face. He stood up and got in his car.
  8. In my kid days, my art was still considerable, cause i really did'nt have problems.. YET. but since the 7th grade, i've been facing tough ones.I think that was the time that i sucked, but, im still trying and im planning to draw my oc tomorrow.
  9. That smile, just made everything 50% cuter! of course it can haz belly wubs, infact, i would wub that belly till my arms cramp! I can giv belly wubz? I wish i can draw like that...
  10. I like it, i think it sounds like the song in ROCK VERSION, WOOT! [MetalSign] Guitar pro 6? Looks like i haven't got that yet, I use FruityLoops Please make more, for the bronies, the pegasisters and of course, the lulz.
  11. I don't actually comment on art, but when i do, its always optimistic. Nice drawing, especially on a sketch, I must say, if you actually colored it.. It would be awesome. And to think that you included your OC, Cool. I wish i had your drawing skills, I sucked since the 7th Grade. Straight to the point, it is nice. I hope you make more (sometimes people just disregard this post cause im a blankflank. Don't underestimate newcoming bronies.)
  12. Dear god, im starting to remember Friday the 13th cause of this.. Adore anything even if its creepy. Adorably Creepy. Cutely Creepy??
  13. Haha, You actually read the location? it was intended to be a pun so... The location was a fakey fakey (to troll stalkers) Anyways, Im glad to be in this community -GT
  14. I'd go with pinkie pie, cause she's very easy to convince (just let her in ur house and turn those speakers up!) and haz enough power to do it!
  15. Anyway, I have one VERY NOOBY question, i assure it wont happen again, but where is the sig section located in the UCP? I can't seem to find it...
  16. Thanks for the warm welcome! ..song.. anyway i hope to be a good part of this community, checking out MLPFIM page right... NOW! I iz brony and iz proud! iz accualy dolan lolz -GT
  17. If only RD was driving that one, it would be armed with Sonic Rainboom Shells that could blast any thing and everything, lol that would be so epic.., Anyway The drawing was awesome, more better than some that i have tried to draw.. I hope you continue on with this. -GT
  18. Hello there! Bronies and Pegasisters! I am GlobeTrollers, But you can call me GT, If you'd like. Anyway i just discovered this forum thanks to google, i am excited to see what this community brings! Anyway, Here's some stuff about me. I love rainbow dash. (In case you didn't see that above me) And the episode i really like is The Canterlot Wedding, waz fun. And of course, I LUV SONIC RAINBUWS!! BroHoofz To You All! -GT -Edit- Changed my name to Flash Lighter for the lulz and to suit My OC (made with GeneralZoi's pony creator). You can still call me GT Though.
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