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Commander Urdnot

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Status Updates posted by Commander Urdnot

  1. Microsoft Excel, I love you<3

  2. Liking the new banner.

  3. AWWWW YYYEEEEEAHHHHHHH Finally found the "Smile Smile Smile" music from the MLP app!

  4. How often do I make chemistry jokes? ...Periodically!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Killian Jones

      Killian Jones

      Titanium is a most amorous metal. When it gets hot, it'll combine with anything.

    3. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      I realized that I weighed nothing on a milligram scale. I was like, "0MG"

    4. Bronium


      Fluorine is such a whore. You can never find here alone.

  5. Hmm... Should I make an ask Urdnot Shepard thread? It seems like the cool thing everybody is doing...

  6. Math makes me sad. :(

    1. MagicalStarRain


      I feel the way you do about math...

  7. I approve of this new banner.

  8. This mod just got me back into Skyrim:

  9. Gaben says Pinkie Pie is best pony, he is right:

    1. Vaporeon


      Gabe Newell is best pony.

  10. Yes, no, maybe... I don't know...

  11. Just finished the Season 3 premier.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. NinjaCPU


      Though, they are building up something. So, it could be interesting.

    3. Commander Urdnot
    4. NinjaCPU


      Overall it was a good season premier. Nothing as amazing as the others premier, but building up for some good stuff. Hopefully, it will pan out.

  12. So who else is on the livestream?

    1. Dr_Waveband


      I would be if my Internet connection could handle it...

    2. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      You're not missing much, just a bunch of people talking at once.

    3. PonyEcho


      i kept getting lag, and the chat box kept crashing :(

  13. Finally finished my signature. It shows how bad I am at art. lol

  14. Who wants to be my friend on the My Little Pony iPhone game? I need hearts to get Zecora...

    1. StingeMuffin


      You're a horrible liar. I can tell just by looking at your face.

    2. StingeMuffin


      And your lack of vibrancy...

    3. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      I have no idea what you're talking about.

  15. The game.

    1. Winona the Dog
    2. Darty
    3. PonyEcho


      I stopped playing that game a long time ago

  16. Just got the My Little Pony iphone app. It's magical.

    1. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Waiting for an Android version...

  17. I think I'm going to use a sick day today.

  18. Just saw a My Little Pony commercial on TV. IT WAS MAGICAL!

  19. Should I make an OC? It seems like a lot of people have one...

    1. longgone


      What ever you feel like.

    2. Killian Jones

      Killian Jones

      Something to represent you is cool enough, I have a pony, no real personality, just something to identify me by.

  20. I hate Economics class...

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