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private Journey to the Higher Plane

Jack Baker

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@@Lightning Bliss, @, @,


Clover looked anxious as she saw both Lightning Bliss and Blaze flapping their wings. She kept her own wings firmly clamped to her sides; the very thought of travelling with wings made her shiver, and she hoped that nopony saw that.


"Um... walking is fine with me!" Clover said, far too quickly, a slight tremble in her voice. She knew it was stupid to be so scared of flying, but she couldn't see any way to fix it. She already knew that she was too embarrassed to tell her friend Lightning about it, so how could she admit it to these strange ponies?


"Perhaps we could all go and get something to eat before we leave, if we don't have to leave straight away?"



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@, @@Pripyat Pony,


She chuckled at Blaze's eagerness to get up in the air though her only reason for flapping her wings was just to be a little evil at teasing the others who didn't have luxury of wings. She couldn't think of any better quality to have then the ability to fly. She remembered when she first got off the ground back in her life as a pegasus in Cloudsdale.


Her father to her to the cloud factor where they focused on rain and thunder clouds. He had set up his own obstacle course for her to practice before he signed her up for flight school. She remembered how blunt and determined he was that he wanted her to get off the ground or in their case, clouds, ahead before everypony else. Since she had unsual large ears even for her little body, and her tail to match, she knew he worried about her getting teased by her classmates, and felt best that she get an early start on the flying before any of the others, so they didn't have too much to mock her over.


She was nervous of flying at first...but when she finally got going, and went to flight school...she felt the world was at the tip of her hooves...The joy, the speed and addrillien...the ability to get to places faster...not having to rely on her parents carrying her to places anymore. The joy was overwhelming.


Pulling back out of her memory lane, she notced Clover wasn't flapping alongside her and Blaze. She seemed distraught about something, or rather she simply didn't like her joke. She sighed and closed her wings up against her sides once more. "I wouldn't mind grabbing a bit of dinner before go." She nodded, adding to Clover's suggestion.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,@@Pripyat Pony,@,

Raze looked at Lightning and Blaze flying, then began to wonder what it would be like if he had wings. It probably would have been a big help to him, considering he could get around faster. But then he couldn't exactly imagine what he would look like flying around in the sky doing loops in the air and things like that. He then came to the conclusion that wings didn't suit his personality, but that probably would be what everypony else who didn't have wings might say as well.


"Hmmm...." he said thoughtfully, then shook his head. "Whatever..." He then heard Clover suggest grabbing a bite to eat. "Sure go ahead. We'll leave when everyone's ready so don't be in too much of a rush!"

Edited by Trevor Philips

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Blaze kept his wings out, "As long as ponies still need to get stuff done, maybe there is one last thing I can grab before we leave for this adventure". Blaze raised himself above the others and directed himself towards Canterlot and took off leaving only a line of fire trailing behind him. 'Cloak. Check. Sword. Always check. There's only one thing left'


Blaze arrived at the Canterlot library, he escorted himself to the top section of the library, a section dedicated to a master of arcane sorcery. He opened to the door and began sifting through books.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@@Lightning Bliss, "Would you like to come to a cafe with me?" Clover asked Lightning Bliss. "We ought to get to know one another, since we'll be travelling together. Your husband looks like a sweetie. How long have you been married, and did you have a big wedding?"


Clover genuinely wanted to get to know Lightning Bliss. After all, her friend Stargazer was always telling her that she ought to get out and make more friends.



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@@Pripyat Pony,


"I'd love to!" Bliss smiled at her new alicorn friend and followed her to the cafe. "Oh me and Night Lights and our wedding? Well um..." Her large ears went down like a floopy bunny's would, "our wedding was... well... I guess you could say big, but it wasn't a good big. It's kinda a long story..."


She rubbed her head with her wing as the dark times of the dragon vs gryphon war began to pour out of locked bad times. "If you're up for a middle ground story of it, I could probably tell you, but only if you buy my first apple cider!" She smiled with a hint of a giggle, "no I'll buy the cider and still tell you the story." She levitated the cafe doors open, and followed Clover in, taking a seat at a cushy booth.


"The day of our wedding..." she began, "was the day I actually ascended into an alicorn."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss, Clover smiled as she and Lightning Bliss were seated in a booth. She loved a good story, especially if there was romance in it. "Well, if you insist," she said, "But I'm definitely paying for the food."



A waitress came by and took the order. Clover settled down on the comfy cushioned seat and prepared to listen.



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@@Pripyat Pony,


She nodded, then continued as they waited on their food and drinks.


"Few years back, me and Nights had orginally planned to have our wedding in Ponyville, at an open field just outside the Appel Family Orchird," she explained, "but...little did we know...Night's mother Prya found out."


She sighed, feeling like she was talking ill will of her mother in law, but the story wasn't without it's happy ending, so she continued. "His mother feared her son Nights, had grown weak and pathetic, and was not about to accept a pony as a daughter in law, to her clan of wyvern dragons of the north. She was is the Matriarch of Night's dragon clan...I guess you could say, he's the prince of his clan....But anyways. She sent out a hoard of dragons to hunt and eat me if they could...But Nights and some of our friends were able to fight them off...but only for so long. Meanwhile, the constant flow of dragons of the north, gained the attention of a neighoring kingdom, you might have heard of them? The East Gryphon Empire?"


The waitress approached and gave them two large pints of sweet apple cider, before smiling to say their dinner would be arriving soon.


"Thank you," she smiled to the waitress, then continued. "Anyways, the gryphons were worried that the constant movement of dragons would...spread paranoia to their home terrorist group, known as the Gryphon Pure Force. They believed that the dragons were flying down to the kingdoms of Equestria, because ponies and dragons were uniting together, to create a giant army...to invade the Gryphon Empire." She sipped her cider for a moment, to dabb her tongue, then proceeded, "Not wanting a war to happen between the dragons and gryphons. the empress of the Empire, Nortica, became a life boat for me and Nights, to have our wedding on the Gryphon's sacred grounds. She believed that the dragons feared the location enough, they would dare invade...Unfortunetly we were wrong..." She sipped her cider again, "the Gryphon Empire's best military gryphons, battled agains Prya, and two leader dragons that came with her...All hope seemed lost...untill..." her eyes light up in awe as the memory seemed to be relived again, "I don't know how or why...but I just...couldn't stand to see the bloodshed anymore...or the fear...the anger and hate...I flew up between the captain of the gryphons and Prya...and something happened... A light...from the sacred land...spurt forth, and went through me...creating a atomsphere of peace and serenity...And in that moment both sides saw through their anger and fear...and stopped the battle. Nortica and Prya came to terms with one another, that rather then fight a war that would only end in misery, why not join together in alliances, working together in peace and harmony. They signed a peace treaty, and me and Nights were finally wedded."


Just then their food arrived, her's was a lovely plate of mashed potatoes with extra gravey, followed by grilled esparagus.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss, Clover had ordered vegetable stew with mashed potatoes. "That's a beautiful story," she said, warmly. "And after that, you ascended? My story of ascension isn't nearly as good. In fact, it only happened a short time ago, and I'm not really used to being a princess yet at all."


Clover began to eat her stew, which was delicious. She was glad that she'd suggested going out to eat beforehand; who knew when they might get food like this again, after they set out!



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@@Pripyat Pony,


Bliss smiled happily hearing like her, Clover was also new to the Princess gig. Oh thank Luna I really will have somepony to talk to on this trip! It's going to get a bit lonely without Nights...But then again, this is just another way to make more friends too! "Well actually," she slurped up a piece of esparagus as she tried to end her tail, "I didn't ascend after that. It wasn't till I kissed Nights in our vows that... I realized something."


She put her spoon down just as she was about to scoop up some potatoes, "I realized... I had never been so happy in all my life...To see such peace and friendship amongst us...But even more so, not only was I marrying the male of my dreams... He was a dragon...and we were married to each other...in a time of peace...brought together by our persistence and belief that we ponies, dragons and gryphons, could coexist...together... Right after that...that feeling in my heart burst forth and surrounded me in a magical orb...and somehow I ended up in this weird dimension," she trailed off as she finally scooped up some potatoes, swalled then continued, "I met Celestia there...and even my father...both explaining to me that a new life awaited me in my marriage...that I was the alicorn of peace...Then soon after I was back with my husband and friends...with this," she gestured to her head, "this pointy thing... heh."


She sipped her cider and took another bite of potatoes, really savoring the gravy and buttery textures before continuing. "Honestly I hate being called a Princess too...and I avoid all royal gatherings like the plague. But that's not exactly played in my favor... Let's just say me and Celestia...don't exactly get along well."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss, "I'm a bit in awe of her," Clover said. "She just seems so far away, and I can't really gel with her at all. I get on much better with Twilight. Why don't you get on with Celestia? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, it's just that it's really nice to meet somepony who I can relate to. Somepony who, like me, isn't really quite adjusted to the whole Princess thing."


Clover sighed, taking a sip of her cider. "I know that I ought to be proud that I was made a Princess," she said, "But deep down, it's kind of a burden. A lot of ponies seem to treat me different, as tho I'm better than them, when I don't think that at all. Of course, my friends don't, and I'm glad about that, cuz I'd hate it if they thought I was superior. But the whole royal thing is very difficult to do, and there's nopony I can ask."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,


"I'm right there with you," Bliss nodded and finished her esparagus, "my friends and family really are the only ones that treat me like I always have...though under some 'threatening' circumstances...they tend to put my safety above theirs. I hate that...but at the same time they make arguments I have a hard time fighting against. As for me and Celestia..."


She snorted and finished up her cider, slamming it on the table in a huff.


"She expects me to except who I am as a Princess...and to take it more seriously in my duties and represent myself more to the pony citizens. She wants me to parade around like some show pony, going to events, trading ceremonies, galas and parties etc. She even tried to convince me to move into the castle at Canterlot, or with Princess Cadence back at the Crystal Empire. She said that way she or Cadence would be able to properly teach me magic..." She shrugged once more, placing her head on the table and slouched, more like a young foal then a royal princess, "I never asked for any of this though," she continued, "all I wanted to do was to get married and settle down in Ponyville with my newly wed husband...Not get pulled into country meetings or diplomatic situations. She eventually agreed to let me live where I am for now...along with still having me attend important peace negotiations amongst the dragons and gryphons. Personally I'm comfortable with that. But she's still pushing me to reconsider moving and to attend more events. She just doesn't understand though Clover..." she snorted and turned away, hiding her face behind her wings, "she doesn't know what it's like...to be a normal...well...deformed normal...pegasi...just wanting to get married and have a peaceful life...only to have it turned upside down. She just doesn't get it... But lucky there is one alicorn on my side, well...othern then you I hope?" She peeked out from behind her wings smiling, "Luna has been keeping her elder sister off my tail for the time being, she shares her sympanthy with my situation."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss, "Luna's lovely," Clover replied. "I find it so much easier to talk to her, than to Celestia. Twilight is nice, too; she always puts in an order for my spell books in advance and in return, I personally deliver them. I don't really want to do all the stuffy royal duties; I use the excuse that I have my books to write and lessons to give to unicorn fillies on magic, and it works. It's a good thing too, as doing all the "smile and wave" stuff would interfere with my writing."


Clover smiled at Lightning Bliss as she finished her meal. "I'm so glad I met you. I really hope that we can be friends." Giving a sigh, Clover thought about her own problem. Could she possibly confide in her new friend? Seeing as Lightning Bliss had been a pegasus before ascension and now had to suddenly deal with having the ability to do magic, perhaps she would.


"I have a problem that I hope you can help me with," Clover said, making up her mind. "It's very difficult for me to admit this but... I have wings but I can't fly. I don't mean that I don't have the ability, cuz I do, but the very thought of being up high in the sky terrifies me."

  • Brohoof 1



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Hurricane was sitting in the same café as Lightning Bliss and Clover. She never liked alicorns. She felt like they thought they were better than everypony. It especially upset her when she heard them talking about how well they knew the other princesses. She had a small un noticeable smirk form on her face that she hid with the news paper when she heard Clover couldn't fly. The only alicorn she actually could put up with was Princess Luna because Hurricane absolutely loved the night. Hurricane was sitting alone at a booth at the corner of the café reading today's paper and observing the space around her. She is always alert and pays attention everything around her. She hears and sees everything. Hurricane had heard word of a note telling ponies about a big adventure. she was slightly curious about it. She didn't know what she thought about it yet. As she looked around the area, she spotted a delicious apple cinnamon muffin staring at her in an open refrigerated case. She casually got up from her booth walked up to the case. when no one was looking, she smoothly and swiftly tucked the muffin under wing and started to walk out the door in slightly swift manner right after giving an unkind glare to Lightning Bliss and Clover.

Edited by Vitani
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After everyone left, Raze sat down with White Rose, and watched the night sky. He took out a coin from his coin pouch, and started flipping it in the air and catching it. He then held it up towards the moon, smiling as the moonlight reflected off of it.


If this goes well... I may never have to worry about finding money again, he thought, then looked at White, who was sitting next to him. Me and White could live happily together; I'd never have to leave the house... He then began to think about how he and White moved to Ponyville in the first place: they were demon hunters before; working with two other ponies, protecting Equestria from Chaos and disharmony, and from evil beings like Tirek who had escaped from Tartarus not too long ago. Raze and White weren't there for that, however. Bookworm Princess Twilight, as Raze liked to

call her, and the Elements of Harmony took care of that mess; even getting a shiny makeover somewhere in the process. He didn't mind it, however. He appreciated some help every now and then, and he happened to like his mane and coat the way it was.


Raze loved White, and she loved him back. However, demons from Tartarus tend to feed off of that and use such emotions as a means of turning ponies against each other. That meant love was strictly forbidden in their line of work, but they wanted to be with each other, despite this fact.


So they left, and ran here to Ponyville. The demons would never look here, especially with it being so close to the Royal Sisters' castle.


He sighed, thinking about how much time had passed since then. But that was over now, he didn't need to dwell on the past like that. Now he needed to focus on this thing they were finding. He stood up, and waited for everyone to return.


((OOC: Ok guys, due to some personal stuff, I may not be as active on this as I'd like to be, but I'll see if I can make a post or two every now and then. :) ))

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Blaze had gotten what he needed from the library and paid his final goodbye to Princess Luna and Celestia. He was walking by a cafè when he peered through the window to see Clover and Lightning Bliss sitting down and chatting. It was good that they were getting to know each other, but he also hoped it wouldn't jeopardize the mission in a way as well. He continued walking off to the Town Hall where he would await for the rest to show up.


He wasn't that hungry so there really wasn't any need to enter the cafè. He put his saddle down next him and laid his back against the tree on the opposite side of the entry way to the Town Hall. He also hoped people would start arriving for departure because he was starting to get bored.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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After Hurricane had pulled off the quick steal and exited the café, she picked up her speed going at a quick trot, but still managed to make it look casual. She looked behind her to see if anyone had noticed, but felt something stop her in her tracks. she ran straight into Blaze and fell down and hit the ground. The delicious muffin fell out of her wing and rolled in the dirt. "Great" she muttered under her breath. "Watch where your you're going!" she said as she got up and dusted herself off. She froze for a second when she saw his horn and his wings making him an alicorn. "Oh, you're a royal." she said in a very upset tone giving him an angry look. "Didn't mean to mess up your coat you highness." she said very sarcastically.

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@@Pripyat Pony,


"Heh," bliss chuckled at the irony, "so you have issues with flying, and I'm not so skilled in the magics... Prehaps we can help each other." She smiled, nodding then ordered another round of cider just as she noticed another pony @, leave in a haste, giving a look of annoyance or hate in hers and Clover's general direction. What's her problem? Bliss thought to herself as the pony quickly left the cafe', there something wrong with my tail? She started at her odd gryphon tail and darted a look on her large ears. Oh right...it's cause I'm a freak alicorn isn't it! She shouted in her own mind before snorting as her next round of cider came.


"Sorry, anyways," she continued, "flying as a pegasus filly for the first time I won't lie...it's scary at first." She tried to explain and encourage Clover on the subject, "it's something my father taught me early before I even set hoof in Flight Camp. He wanted me to get a headstart on my classmates...so they wouldn't tease me on that subject at least. My point is," she placed a caring supporting hoof on Clover's, "I can try to help you, like learn the basics, or at least get you off the ground where you feel confident enough. I suppose in return you could teach me a few magic basics? I only know levitation, teleportation, and making my horn glow honestly...Everything else magic wise that happends to me tends to...um...go out on reflex. It's like my own magic has a mind of its own, and will only react when it feels I need it."


(OOC This is true, her magic really only reacts when a time of peace is needed or the vessel ((Her)) of peace is threatened)

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss, Clover smiled. "It's a deal," she said. "Basic magic isn't difficult to master; so if you show me how to do basic flight, I'll gladly do my side of the bargain."


Clover had also noticed the glare from the strange pony and wondered what was up with her. It was likely that the pony was one of those who resented alicorns.



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@@Pripyat Pony,


"Awsome!" Bliss smiled feeling a little better about herself that she made a friend, and not just any friend, but an alicorn friend that could actually help her teach magic so she didn't look like a fool in front of Celestia at least. "We better get going though," she suggested, "I think the others are waiting to get underway." She stood up from her seat, levitating it back under the table. She always remembered her manners when at a restraunt to push the chair back under, her mother was always tedious about it. Then she trotted out the door assuming Clover was following behind.


"After we get going, and make camp, I can teach you the basics of taking off, and landing. Don't worry I won't let you take off, so high that you can't handle it, it will be a safe height for you."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss, Clover was very pleased to have made a friend, and another alicorn as well. One that seemed to be on the same wavelength as her, and perhaps they could help each other.


"Thank you very much," she replied, carefully making sure her chair was neatly under the table. "Yes, it's about time to meet the others." Clover dropped some bits on the table and trotted out after Lightning Bliss, half expecting to see the strange pony about, but she was nowhere to be seen.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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 @, @,


Bliss headed back to the town hall, were she at the corner of her eye, forcing her to stop and turn, noticed Blaze along with the pony who gave her and Clover the stink eye earlier. A part of her wanted to go up to the mare and give her a firm 'what were you staring at' chat, but was too shy and too annoyed with the idea to pursue it. Knowing Blaze, he could handle himself if the mare gave him any lip, and continued on her way with Clover back to Raze and White.


@, @@Pripyat Pony,

"We're done eating Raze," she smiled to the zebra pony, "we going to get this show on the road?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Blaze acknowledged the mate running into him, but he want about to do anything about it. He respected the fact that she noticed his royalty, but not the sarcasm in her apology. He shrugged it off and walked to Raze, "We almost good to go, I'm getting a bit anxious just sitting around here".

Edited by I Blaze I


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@, @@Lightning Bliss, @@Pripyat Pony,


Hurricane was slightly caught off guard when the alicorn totally brushed off her insult. she expected a huge reaction eventually leading to a fight. When he walked away, she looked back at her fallen muffin and sighed clearly upset and angry. "It was the last apple crumble muffin" she said. "Stupid alicorns" she muttered under her breath. "Only caring about themselves." She saw Clover and Lightning bliss coming her way. I gotta get out of here she thought wondering if they saw her steal the muffin. she started to take flight to the everfree forest where she called home.

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Blissy's ears had their advantage of being so big, that she could pick up most conversations from several yards away, only problem was that if there was too much noise, she tened to push them out of her mind and easily ignore it. But she heard the pegasus' pony insults clear as crystal quite abruptly, making her turn and blow fumes out of her nose.


@@Pripyat Pony, @,

"That pony called us stupid!" She snorted to Clover as she galloped after the wouldbe mare, only to skid to a stop as she watched the mare take off out of the town and into the Everfree Forest. "Ya!" Bliss snorted childishly at the mare, feeling hurt more then anything that the pony was so inconsiderate enough to insult her and Clover behind their backs. "You better fly off! Only cowards would talk behind ponies backs like that! Got something to say to us then say it to our faces!" She watched as the pegasus dissappeared into the forest and stomped the ground firmly before snorting and trotting back to the meeting area.


"Seriously what was her problem?" Bliss asked still huffing from the incident, "we did nothing to her... We're just minding our own business and she calls us stupid!"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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