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private Journey to the Higher Plane

Jack Baker

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"Alright. It seems we are all in travelling condition, Is anyone not?" Turning to Raze, "I believe our best interests lie with pushing on. Of course, if you think a rest would be necessary,  I will not be one to argue."


After saying his piece, Everlast walked over to the small burn made in the forest, opened up his satchel, pulled out the notebook and started reading and looking at the patch.



Turning to the one he saw cause the fire, "If you don't mind, may I ask you a few questions about you and fire?"

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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Raze stood up. "Yeah. If everyone's all patched up, I think we should keep moving for now. We need to find the statue, then we'll be able to figure where we need to go from there." He looked at his wounds, beginning to heal from the sap, then began to move. "C'mon, I'd rather not stick around here."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Bliss nodded and restrapped her belongings, then slowly stood up and limped off after Raze, following close behind while the others spoke. Her leg seemed to swell when she put pressure on it...making her realize she wasn't listening to White's advice and lifted it up as she walked, though walking on three legs was going to take some time getting used to.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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"Yes, we should push on," Clover said. "Hopefully, we can find someplace to camp that isn't infested with timberwolves or diamond dogs! Of course, there's always the castle of the Two Sisters. If we can camp outside, that will be a relatively safe area to spend the night as the denizens of the Everfree avoid it."



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@@Pripyat Pony,


"Sleep at the castle of the two sisters?" Bliss questioned Clover, looking behind her as she three leggedly walked, "but I heard that place was cursed...Something about a legend of a shadow pony... an evil dark force that was the magical creation that escaped from Luna when she was Nightmare Moon!" She blushed then and turned around facing forward, "course um... that's just an old pony tale... Right?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss, "Just an old mare's tale, yes," Clover replied. "Even so, I'd sooner take my chances with that than to be constantly ambushed all night by packs of timberwolves, diamond dogs and other creatures of the Everfree. The fact is that tho the wards I put around the camp will alert us in advance to any attacks made, it won't make for a very restful night if we spend it constantly beating off attacks. So I figured that the castle of the Two Sisters was the lesser of two evils."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Lightning Bliss, @@Pripyat Pony,

Hurricane flew along with the group listening to Clover and Lightning Bliss. "Ya know, the castle of the two sisters really is haunted." she called down to them. "By the evil spirit that corrupted Luna into Nightmare Moon. I mean think about, the evil spirit of had to go somewhere. Wouldn't the castle of the two sisters be the most appropriate place for it to go." she smiled. She really wanted to see some ponies get scared.

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@, @@Pripyat Pony,


Bliss shrugged knowing Hurricane was probably just getting under her skin...but the fear and unknown always did linger in her head. Thinking back to when she was scared of the dark when she went to sleep alone for the first time without her older sister...she remembered crying and checking her closet several times before her father came in on her, yelling at her to get to bed.


-- Memory --


"But daddy...somethings in my cloeset!" She moaned at Fire Strength.


"Don't be an idiot, there's nothing there, quit whining, suck it up and go to bed..." As he turned around to leave, his heart sank some hearing his daughter sob...leaving him to stop from shutting her door, turn around and give her a small...more compassionate words of advice, "Look...Blissy... Here's something to remember. Don't ever be afraid of the dark, instead be afraid what's in it."


"Afraid of what's in it? I don't understand?" The little filly sniffed at her much bigger pegasi father.


"It means, as long as you know your surroundings, as long as you know what's around you... there's no need to be afraid of the dark," he rubbed her head gently, "the dark is just that. The dark, a part of normal life that the great Princess Luna created thousands of years ago. But what you know is around you in the dark, there's less reason to be afraid. You say there's something in your closet?"


She nodded reluctantly.


"What do you know is in your closet?"


"Um.." she sniffed, "my bags, toys and blankies?"


"Are you scared of any of those?" He asked her, seeing his point was getting acrossed.


"Nope!" She smiled and hugged him, feeling confident to go asleep finally. She hugged him and kissed him good night.


-- End Memory --


But this isn't my bedroom...or Ponyville...this is an abaondon castle, she moaned in the back of her mind. It's just a dark...spooky castle... Hurricane is just trying to scare you...And even if there was something there, Clover is specalized in magic runes...We'll be perfectly safe...She nodded to herself, though her tail was obviously tucked between her back legs as she limped onward.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,

Hurricane noticed Lightning Bliss' fear that she was trying to hide. She landed next to her. "I hear that the evil spirit lurks around the castle looking for another pony to possess." she said trying make it sound scary. "If you ask me, I would think that that evil spirit would target and a princess like you. Who knows, tonight, you could go from Princess of Peace to Princess of Punishment." she added trying to freak out Lightning Bliss.

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Blaze turned his head to the stallion he seemed to have not met before. "Yes of course", Blaze replied delightfully. "Always happy to teach what I know," he added while trailing behind the rest of the group that were trotting towards....




@[/b], @@Pripyat Pony[/b], @[/b],


Blaze stopped in his tracks behind the group, "I refuse to enter the shattered castle of the Two Sisters." Blaze stated. "If you choose to seek refuge there for the night, I will wait outside.... But I will not step one hoof into that castle." He said with eyes fixed on the massive stone home.

Edited by I Blaze I


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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"I have a bad history with this place, and I do not wish for those memories I've tried so effortlessly to tarnish, to resurface and haunt me once again." Blaze didn't take his eyes of the castle for even a moment, "I'm not scared of the castle, I just don't want to remember it", he moved his head to Hurricane, "I don't know what type of education you received on the history of Alicorns, but obviously it's corrupted, faulty, or not sticking in your head. Alicorns are not perfect, we are far from it. All of us have problems that limit us from achieving clarity, mine being facing the haunting memories of the barren castle."


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Hurricane thought about what Blaze had to say for a quick second. "But if alicorns have flaws, how do they earn the right to become an alicorn? everypony has flaws. What makes you guys so special?" she asked. "and you have any other personality besides dramatic and calm?" she added with a small smirk.

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Everlast trotted up beside Blaze, ignoring and cutting off another argument from the aggressive pegasus. Both books now hovering in front of him. 

"How did you learn to control the fire the way you do. Understandably it possibly could be done with a few spells or whatnot. By what I see, you are not using any magic. It seems to be done internally in a sense." Everlast paused in his question to flip through a few pages in the elaborately bound book. "How did you become an alicorn, If you were an alicorn from birth, might I know the names of your parents?"

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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@, "Keep your tongue behind your teeth," Clover said to Hurricane. "You sneer at alicorns, yet you yourself are nothing better than a bully. I will tell you this; if you don't quit bullying Lightning Bliss, then I will deal with you. So far, I haven't unleashed my magic on you, but you are testing my patience."


@@Lightning Bliss, "The castle isn't my first choice, but it's the closest," Clover replied. "My first choice would be Sunny Town, where my friend Ruby comes from, but the town is too far away for us to make it before nightfall. When it was under a curse, you could just step right into it from the edge of the forest in Trottingham, but now that the curse is broken, it's reverted to its proper place, deep inside the forest."


@, "It was never my intention to go inside the castle," Clover said to Blaze. "I thought only to camp in the grounds, as the forest creatures avoid it by association."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"How did I learn to control fire the way I do?, well I grew up having to teach myself fire, I guess it just came naturally to me." Blaze stared at Everlast. "My parents.... I don't know my parents..... It's sort of a complicated situation, as far as I know I was born an Alicorn."


@@Pripyat Pony[/b]

"Fine then, whatever you decide for us to rest is fine, doesn't matter unless you decide we're going I'm the castle."


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @@Lightning Bliss,  @,


White listened for a while before deciding to put her two bits in. "I agree. We shouldn't enter the castle. A few years ago, we had to purge a demonic threat from it. That was only a few weeks before I met Raze... it took its toll on the entire group, both from the demonic presence and from... something else. The Demon Lord said that it was a victim of the past, but refused to elaborate further..."


Yes, she could remember the scene. One of the lords of Varlocks' tribes had taken up residence there, and, considering the fearless, bloodthirsty manner of these demons, she found it quite surprising to find it unnerved by the castle. Why, she wondered? There were several possibilities, from mythical Shadow Ponies to portals to the Outer Dark... or, perhaps, portals from the Outer Dark? Maybe it was full of Harmonic Essence. Either way, there was only one way to find out.


She was snapped out of her reverie by Hurricane's continued taunting of Lightning Bliss. "Why are alicorns different? Because they have magic of all three types of ponies flowing through them. They can fly, use magic, and grow plants. That's it." She sighed carefully. "And alicorns just being calm and dramatic isn't true. I've found that it seems to be the case for the standard 'richer than thou' noble, though."


Projecting his thoughts to everyone for the first time on the journey, Ixkom laughed. But aren't all alicorns all more 'holier than thou'? Even if there are exceptions, I meam, seriously. Only a few alicorns haven't let the power go to their heads. I can safely say that the Princesses certainly let it.


"Ixkom, that doesn't help at all. It just causes more drama."


Exactly! Which means more laughs for me as you all are arguing and a demon walks up. By the way, did you know-


"Unless you want me to do something to you that you really don't want me to, Ix, you need to be quiet now."



Edited by Nyx Assassin
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@@Pripyat Pony, @,


Bliss shivered, but she wasn't sure it was from fear or the fact it was late and getting cold. She smiled to Clover for supporting her though knowing Hurricane was merely trying to push her buttons...And it's working... she shrugged to herself, I hate the unknown...what if the place really is haunted.


At that though she really wanted to explain to Hurricane how some of them became alicorns in the first place, but with every time she heard the pegasus speak, the more she felt that she wouldn't care...and that she was merely questioning and snickering at them because she already had a clear idea of what alicorns are to her...Ponies don't change over night I guess... She sighed but still reluctantly answered to Hurricane.


"I'm obviously am not perfect...if I kicked your leg, or got torn up by a timberwolf," she told Hurricane while she went to confront Blaze, "I was...forced ascention by a magic and notion within me... See when I got married to my dragon husband-" She suddenly slipped that out, feeling more embrassed then anything, but at this point it wasn't worth hiding, "when I married him...under war threatening circumstances... I understood the meaning of peace between all sentient beings...he and I embracing that peace in its fullest form...equality in our union. When I realized that spark of clarity...the spark actually came alive inside me, it jumped out of my forehead and wrapped itself around me...throwing me into this...I guess they call it the alicorn dimension. I saw my father there... I guess he was granted this one time from the after life to see me... And Celestia came and explained what was happening. I didn't really have time to figure out what was going on before I was sent back...Only I had a few alterations..." She with that pointed to her horn and her golden hooves. "I can't say I was too happy about it...just if you want to know."



Then after hearing White's words to disregard the castle for the night, she sighed with relief and continue to limp onward, following the others and hoped they found the statue soon. "Dang it... I'm gonna flutter for a bit, my leg is hurting more," she kicked off with her good leg into the air and hovered just a few feet above everypony's heads.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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"Alright. I think that will be all I need for now. Thank you for your time." He seems to fit the bill perfectly, does he know? does he keep it secret intentionally, or does he not understand fully?


@@Lightning Bliss

After hearing mention of someone hurting, Everlast looked up then remembered who he was with. he saw the rainbow alicorn lift off and he saw the leg. Not a great wound. Still something. Perhaps... Everlast sent a thin tendril of his aura creeping toward her, seemingly undetected by the others. When it latched it to her leg, Everlast transferred the wound and pain into himself, curing her without notice. Everlast stumbled a little as he began to suffer a hurting leg. He released Bliss from his magic and began to diffuse the pain into the ether. 

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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"We'll get to the statue soon," Raze said, continuing to find it. "Shouldn't be too far now... aha!" As he rounded a corner, he found the small clearing where the statue was. Looking around it carefully, he found the button that opened the hidden door, and pressed it. The door opened, and Raze looked at the others.


"We can camp in the lab if you guys want to. It might be a bit small, but there should be enough room for everybody," he said to the group, as he stepped down into Starswirl's hidden laboratory.


@@Lightning Bliss,@@purple.teal,@,@,@,

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@@purple.teal, @@Lightning Bliss, @, @, @@Pripyat Pony,

Hurricane just sneered at Clover. She had had to admit that Clover did intimidate her slightly. Then she turned her attention to White's answer to her question."All three magics?" she asked herself slightly confused. After that, she got another more personal answer from Lightning Bliss. "What a touching story. Truly the most inspirational thing I've heard all day." she said sarcastically. After realizing that Everlast had taken Blaze's attention from her. she felt bad for being ignored, so she decided to just left alone. She flew up into the air ignoring Lightning bliss as she went much higher than her while still being able to see the group. She felt free from everypony pony. she spun around in the air and continued to fly above the group.

       When they reached the statue, hurricane landed in a tree still wanting to be away from everypony. She still felt something was wrong with the statue. Hurricane was amazed when Raze pressed the button opening a hidden lab. "I'll sleep out here tonight." she called down to him refusing his offer.

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Bliss almost yelped at the surprise of a magic intruding on her space only to realize it was coming from Everlast...healing her wound to the poin there wasn't anything there at all. She blinked at him for a moment and hovered above him as she inwrapped her leg and splint. Her cutie mark was no longer torn up, nor where their signs of cuts or blood where her muscles where torn, only a few areas of bruising that she could easily ignore. She looked down to him again, smiled and nodded him in a quiet "thank you" gesture. She sensed he was the quiet type and that actions spoke louder then words.



But after she explained her story to Hurricane...and only to get a sarcastic remark back about it... She sighed and realized she and Hurricane would never get along. Even when she gave her the respect to share her personal feelings on the subject, the pegasus still spit it back in her face. She had enough of Hurricane at this point. From now on... I'm not even bothering to talk to her... She's a spoild, rude, mean little brat... she's not worth if she's not going to give you respect in return... She sighed though remembering back to what her mother always said. 'Treat others the way you want to be treated...' She nodded at that remark... and she had been trying... but all she gets is sarcastic bordline replies in return to Hurricane... No, just, just stay out of her way, don't talk to her unless she asks, otherwise just ignore her.



She fluttered down next to Clover, keeping close to at least one of the friends she had in this group as they finally made their way to the statue and into the hidden lab.


"I don't mind sharing in close spaces," she stated to Raze gratefully as she flexed her newly healed leg and trotted down, "long as theres no hauntings I'm good!" She levitated out her sleeping bag, followed by her saddle bags and opened one of them up. One was venting out the fragrance of apples galore, making her stomach growl. "Oh guess I'm hungrier then I thought," she smiled and pulled out a bright red apple.

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Everlast followed the others into the statues secret base, and as they prepared their bedrolls, he admired the surroundings and began levitating Starswirl's artifacts to himself. A great and powerful wizard... We are going to see what he saw. Something he saw fit to die for apparently.


@@Lightning Bliss

Setting the artifacts aside for a second, he grabbed his own two books and walked toward Bliss. I should probably start with her before she falls asleep.

"My lady, Might I ask you a few questions before we sleep? If you are tired from today I will understand and push no further tonight."

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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@@@Lightning Bliss, @,


White shook her head at Hurricane's sarcastic remark, sighing as well. As she walked down with the rest of the group (except Hurricane, thankfully), White stalked down behind Raze, doing a small double-take as she saw the laboratory. "Wow..." she breathed. She walked around, examining all of the devices, and sat down with a sigh. "I bet Starlight would have had a field day with this..." Taking a breath before turning back to the rest of the group, she finally sheathed her blade again before sitting down next to Lightning.


((I love it how nobody batted an eye when a spirit of chaos suddenly spoke to them from inside their minds.))


((Be quiet. They can do what they want.))

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@@Lightning Bliss, Clover smiled at Lightning Bliss and began to unpack her own food. "I'll eat quickly, then I'll set up the wards," she said. "They will protect everypony as long as they remain within them. If that obnoxious brat decides to leave the protection of the wards; too bad for her."


Clover quickly ate her food, then her horn glowed green as she began to set up the wards of protection around the campsite. As each ward was put into place, it glowed green for a moment before going invisible. Nothing could penetrate the wards which meant harm to the group, and as a threat tried, it would mean that the ward would emit an alarm which would warn the group.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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