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@@Comet Starflash,


"What is that copper guy talking about?" asked Riley.


Time for Plan B, thought Anala. She showed everyone the money and forced herself to laugh. "Oh, Riley, you're so gullible! I had money all along! You walked right into that prank!"


Riley started laughing. "Good one, Anala!"

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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Sun saw the mare take out all of the money and show it to him. He thought everything would be alright after that and she would have to pay for herself. However she laughed, an obvious fake laugh, and to Sun's surprise the colt started laughing with her! Sun rolled his eyes and stood up, finally heading towards the counter to grab a coffee and a sandwich.


"Some ponies are so gullible. Either that or he is just incredibly blinded by love. Which, by the way, she is stringing you along." He said to himself.


He sat back down at the window table, and beckoned the others over, mouthing "lunch is on me" through the window.

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Chrystal Heart, on a sight seeing trip to the city, walked towards the cafe. it was quiet. she liked the quiet cafe as opposed to the busy, crouded, restaurants in manehaten. she knoticed a sports car outside and wondered why it was there. most sports car owning ponies wouldn't park near a cafe like the one near it. noticeing some ponys laughing near it she walked over and said "hello! i couldn't help but knotice your car. nice taste!" her chrystal mane and coat shone in the sun.


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy,


Anala and Riley noticed the new pony. "Hi there!" greeted Anala. "I'm Anala, and this is Riley, who I totally wasn't trying to manipulate into buying me lunch!"


@@Comet Starflash,


Anala was trying very hard not to look Sun in the eye, so Riley was the only one of them who saw him beckoning. "Guys, I think Sun is trying to call us," he observed.

Edited by Blue Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@Blue Eclipse@C. Thunder Dash@Comet Starflash@RainMuffin,


Chrystal Heart acknoleged the pony's wave and said "mind if i join you guys for lunch in the cafe?" she giggled "i've gotten myself intrigued so it'll be hard to get myself unintrigued until i indulge my intrigue." then remembering that ponys have to pay for things "don't worry i'll pay for myself."


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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@,@, @@Comet Starflash, @@@Alicorn Fluttershy,



"Well...everypony ready?" Nitro asked. He then saw a crystal pony. "You can climb in to!" Nitro said to the pony giving his Saleen a little rev. He waited for the others to see what other plans they had. "Alright, I'll be leaving in a few seconds to the restaurant a couple blocks down." He announced. 

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Patterson and River walked down the sidewalk in the direction of the cafe on the other side of the street, already having passed by the orange sports car. However they did not notice, as they were engaged in... conversation.


River: "Manehatten is a beautiful city, but I'm glad we don't live here. There's too much noise..."


She suddenly became silent and slunk down into her wheelchair a little as a pony passed them on the sidewalk. once the pony had passed by, River resumed.


"... And too many ponies."


Pat thought to himself that someday she ought to learn not to be so shy... but... really, he liked her this way. It was adorable, and he really couldn't imagine her any other way. He smiled a little, but did not say a word.

Edited by Pat.Rio.T.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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@@Pat.Rio.T.@@C. Thunder Dash,@@Alicorn Fluttershy,@,@@Comet Starflash,


Rain looked startled somewhat, then she just slumped in her seat and pouted slightly for no reason in Particular and pulled out her notepad again, then she quickly scribbled something and moved it in front of nitro's face with her magic. The note said 'Sun is beckoning us towards the cafe." In neat yet sloppy cursive under some type of sketch design. 

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"Alrighty then...I guess we should get a move on. Is everypony buckled up?" Nitro asked as he revved his Saleen twice loudly. He then waited for the ready to go from everypony else in the car before he would take off towards the restaurant where the other pony was waiting. 

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@@Pat.Rio.T.@@C. Thunder Dash,@@Alicorn Fluttershy,@,@@Comet Starflash


Rain simple slumped in her seat again and tightening the seat belt for safe measures. Then she pulled out her notepad and began doodling again. Then she looked over at Anala and Riley, looked at her notepad, then back at them before going back to scribbling on a new page. Then she looked at crystal heart, realizing she never heard her name "Umm may I ask what your name is?" rain asked.


(OOC: Im sorry Im slow to reply, parents are weiiirrrdd and i'm frustrated because when I tried to draw my tablet kept spazzing on me...)

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"Chrystal Heart" she said, jumping in the car. "nice to meet you." she was a little nervous traveling with ponys she didn't know but her intrigue got the better of her. "so what do you guys wanna eat?" she said to bering about conversation. she didn't like long pauses


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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@,@@Alicorn Fluttershy,


"The restaurant that's around the corner serves mostly everything. They serve seafood, hayburgers, pizza, pasta, veggies you name it." Nitro stated as he made sure everypony was buckled in. "Alright everypony...hang on!" Nitro said slamming the gas. The car jolted forward with it's tires squealing. Nitro took it up to 65mph.   

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"i could go for a hayburger." said Chrystal Heart. once they had arrived at the resaurant she walked through the doors and waited for the other ponys. she didn't like walking ahead of other ponys. it kept her away from the conversation and that was no fun.


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy,


"Hey there, missy!" greeted Riley to the new passenger. "What I'll have to eat? Uh..." He couldn't resist taking a glance at Anala's plump rear end again. "I'm thinking the hot-plot stew - er, erm, hot-pot stew!" he quickly corrected himself, stammering.


Anala stuck her head out of the window, allowing her braids to flow freely.

Edited by Blue Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Pat.Rio.T.@@C. Thunder Dash,@@Alicorn Fluttershy,@,@@Comet Starflash


Rain squeaked as the car took off, dropping her notepad for probably the hundredth time today. She'll never get used to that will she? Nope. She picked up her notebook and scanned over it before turning her attention to the task at hand. "uhhh they have salads right?" she asked with a innocent smile on her face.

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"salad." Chrystal Heart said "good choice."she had begun to think of Rain as a friend. she began to think up good topics of conversation she could bring up as they waited for food. "so do all of you live here?" she asked wanting to get to know the ponys around her better.


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy,@, @,


(OOC: We have not arrived at the restaurant yet Crystal, we just departed from where Nitro was)


Nitro continued to drive. He gracefully weaved through a couple of taxis before drifting around a corner. The restaurant was only 400ft away. He then started to slow down before he turned into the restaurant. He then parked the car and turned the engine off. "Alright, we're here everypony." Nitro stated.  

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy,

@@C. Thunder Dash,


"Whelp, I dunno about these guys, but yeah, me and Riley both live here in Manehattan," replied Anala. "I probably made that sound like we're a couple. We're just friends."


Riley cringed in his seat. "Eheh... yeah... just friends..."


The two of them exited the car when it stopped by the restaurant.

OCs: RileyAnala

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(OOC:sorry :awqward apologetic smile:)


@@C. Thunder Dash,@, @,  


"I see" said Chrystal, "is it just me or did none of you know eachother before today minus Anala and Riley?" the situation was become more intrigueing by the second. "most ponys don't ride around with ponys they don't know. its kinda dangerous." she cringed at the irony and hipocrisy that she had just said "then again i've been doing it too."

Edited by Alicorn Fluttershy


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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Pat and River continued walking down the street, when suddenly the sports car roared past them in an orange flash, startling River to death.


River: "EEP!"


She practically jumped into the air, but tipped her wheelchair over towards Pat, who caught her on the way down while River latched on to him with all her might.




River stuttered.


Pat: "Don't worry River, it's just... a speed demon. Who... I'm sure has made multiple traffic violations."


He tried to reassure her, whilst she clung to him as if for her dear life.

Edited by Pat.Rio.T.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy@


"Well see...I've been acting like a chauffer, you know, driving ponies around to where they want instead of paying bits for a taxi...since taxis don't come cheap...especially in a city like Manehattan." Nitro said as he went to the restaurant's doors and held it for everypony. 

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@@Pat.Rio.T.@@C. Thunder Dash,@@Alicorn Fluttershy,@,@@Comet Starflash


Rain got out of the car and looked at crystal "Iv only just met them today, but we arn't total strangers I guess" Rain grinned lightly while waiting for the others, still slightly doodling in her notepad which was taken with her. "Oh and I do live here in Manehatten, actually a little bit towards the outskirts of town, but that still counts right?"

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy,

@@C. Thunder Dash,


"Well, we didn't know Nitro Spark before today, but I'd heard of him from a pony called Thunder Dash at the birthday party for an alicorn, Lightning Bliss. To describe all three of them in one word: AWESOME!" Riley threw his hoof in the air.


Riley and Anala trotted over to the restaurant. Riley waved at Sun. Anala would have glared angrily at Sun, but he was paying for lunch for all of them.

OCs: RileyAnala

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