Shift 4,272 July 18, 2014 Author Share July 18, 2014 (edited) @, Princess Luna is... lazy, I suppose. She didn't even try to stop our invasion. @, No promises... As a god, I suppose I would be caring towards my worshipers (If I have any, but of course I would, who wouldn't want to worship me?), albeit a bit harsh at times. I don't have time for lollygagging. @, It's... um... going fine? @@CMQuickfireTK, Marriage only hinders one's rule, so no, I will not accept your marriage. I will, however, accept your love. @@S. D., We deserve the love because our race is dying, and it would've taken too long to integrate our hive into pony society. A quick and simple takeover of the major capital of Equestria would've suited our needs, as it is the capital and thousands of ponies brimming with love and positive emotions live there. It would be simple to turn them into thralls and feed off of their love for a bit, and then once our population was stable and sated enough, we could move over to other cities to expand and get more love. Edited July 18, 2014 by Shift 1 Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luna 831 466 July 18, 2014 Share July 18, 2014 Princess luna tis wants to be your friend . ask-princess-luna/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChangelingPhilosophy 45 July 18, 2014 Share July 18, 2014 Dear Queen, as the head scientist for the team studying how to replicate love, do you think we will ever succeed in taking over Canterlot again? If we had a specimen of a pony, we could hook it up to machines, and read signals of its emotions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IridscentNionios 1,420 July 18, 2014 Share July 18, 2014 Why do you have holes? OCs Thorough list of all of them here. FimFiction Profile Deviant Art ((All OC pictures in here)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
otaku4242 183 July 18, 2014 Share July 18, 2014 My dearest queen, I have found a way for you and your subjects to have infinite amounts of love/food. me! because I love you! ALL HAIL THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE My Deviantart | My G-Mail Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
S. D. 49 July 18, 2014 Share July 18, 2014 What if i told you right now that several other hives were working together right now to bring peace into Canterlot. Literally doing a non-violent march as we speak, just to clean up the mess you made. Now think, what if its working, and all of your chances of ruling were just shot out of the sky. Hehehehe... check out this site, you might like it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChangelingPhilosophy 45 July 18, 2014 Share July 18, 2014 My dearest queen, I have found a way for you and your subjects to have infinite amounts of love/food. me! because I love you! I would gladly take you as a specimen. Do you mind a bit of testing first? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
otaku4242 183 July 18, 2014 Share July 18, 2014 I would gladly take you as a specimen. Do you mind a bit of testing first? I dont mind at all, my queen! please, do as you will with me! ALL HAIL THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE My Deviantart | My G-Mail Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IridscentNionios 1,420 July 18, 2014 Share July 18, 2014 I dont mind at all, my queen! please, do as you will with me!That is just a changeling not the Queen. OCs Thorough list of all of them here. FimFiction Profile Deviant Art ((All OC pictures in here)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
otaku4242 183 July 18, 2014 Share July 18, 2014 That is just a changeling not the Queen. I DONT CARE! I JUST WANT TO LOVE HERRRRRRRRRRRRRR 1 ALL HAIL THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE My Deviantart | My G-Mail Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shift 4,272 July 19, 2014 Author Share July 19, 2014 (edited) @, I do not become... friends with ponies, especially the likes of the princess. @@ChangelingPhilosophy, I am sure one day I will succeed in dominating Canterlot. One day... @, We have holes due to the fact that the energy flowing through our veins is too much for our bodies to handle, and thus our hooves begin to hollow out and fade. Eventually our skin learns how to deal with it, but only after a sufficient amount of holes are made. Somelings, including me, cut holes out of our mane to match with the style of our hooves. @@otaku4242, I am not sure if you shall be sufficient enough to feed our whole hive, but eh, beggars can't be choosers. @@S. D., I have formed an alliance with the other four major hives, and have rested my claim on Equestria a whiles ago. We have agreed to split it once one of us is finished dominating a major city. So my spies, and the other queen who sent scouts into Equestria, Latira, (She's a pirate changeling, attacking merchant ships once or twice a year and feeding off of their love, honesty she needs to get rid of that ridiculous accent) have not reported anything about a peace group. And if this is an undercover hive of the sort, me and the other queens would be able to fish them out at our annual meeting. Edited July 19, 2014 by Shift 1 Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luna 831 466 July 19, 2014 Share July 19, 2014 please princess chryslis nightmare moon can help ask-princess-luna/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
S. D. 49 July 19, 2014 Share July 19, 2014 (edited) Hehehe, there are more than 4 major hives now. There are now 7. And the three you do not know of...well, they don't like you at all. What do you think of that? Edited July 19, 2014 by S. D. check out this site, you might like it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IridscentNionios 1,420 July 19, 2014 Share July 19, 2014 Hehehe, there are more than 4 major hives now. There are now 7. And the three you do not know of...well, they don't like you at all. What do you think of that? Well i say if they stand in her way they are in for a world of pain. OCs Thorough list of all of them here. FimFiction Profile Deviant Art ((All OC pictures in here)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shift 4,272 July 19, 2014 Author Share July 19, 2014 @, I highly doubt that. @@S. D., No, last I checked, there are four major hives; Hive Nymph, led by yours truly. We're the more aggressive hive, as we take over and drain entire cities. However, lately we haven't been doing well. Our recent invasion of Canterlot was hardly all of our military forces, but we did lose quite a number of resources. Hive Harbor, led by the changeling I mentioned before, Queen Latira. They're pirates, as mentioned, and we get along rather well due to our similar personalities, and they feed off of fear instead of love. They normally invade ships and proceed to drain the crew dry, or since they are surprisingly professional illusionists, illusion a sea monster and feed off of the fear. Or sometimes they just wander into random towns and scare children and feed off of that, but they find invading ships is more effective. We then have Hive Pillar, led by the ever sassy Queen Saxeus, and they actually have a hive in a volcano and feed off of dragons, griffins, and other sentient creatures that happen to wander upon them, but they don't feed off of ponies for whatever reason. They feed off of anger, and as dragons and griffins usually have short tempers, well. We aren't the best of friends, but we aren't enemies either. Then the last hive, and surprisingly the biggest, Hive Starlight, which is in my opinion the cruelest hive. They integrate themselves into society and then find a weak-minded victim, and the drones then research about the victim while they start to become friends with the pony. Once good friends, then the changeling proceeds to slowly break the victims mind and let the pony fall into despair. They then... feed off of the despair over time and bring it back to the main hive. After the victim is a quivering mess and all despair has been drained, usually through a series of bringing hope and comfort to the victim and then breaking the pony again, instead of turning the victim into a mindless thrall, they murder the pony. Honestly... I-I don't tend to deal with their hive or their leader, Queen Excrucia, who is a total nerd and dork and is one manipulative little genius. Murders, thieves and liars, the lot of them. So... yes. Those are the only major hives, though there are a few minor ones. I only tend to deal with these ones. @, Glad you see it that way. 1 Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luna 831 466 July 19, 2014 Share July 19, 2014 Why do you doubt it ask-princess-luna/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IridscentNionios 1,420 July 19, 2014 Share July 19, 2014 Everything is a means to an end right? I'd say that despite your enemities i don't think you bear true malice on anyone. OCs Thorough list of all of them here. FimFiction Profile Deviant Art ((All OC pictures in here)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silverhoof 2,844 July 19, 2014 Share July 19, 2014 (hands the princess a bag of Hershey's Kisses) "Here Princess, this is from the Human world. Its a bag of Chocolate Covered Love. See, it even says, Kisses on the front." "OK, now for my questions. 1) When the wind blows does it make a whistling sound as it passes through all the holes in your body? 2) Do the holes in your body mean you cannot swim, but rather sink like a stone? UNICORN FAN CLUB: NEW SILVERHOOF Equestrian Physiology 101: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
S. D. 49 July 20, 2014 Share July 20, 2014 Oh, you don't know about Papillon and Vaspira. Allow me to enlighten you of the combined efforts of those Queen's and their daughters. The hives i speak of have mastered the art of pony to changeling complete metamorphose. Translation; they can turn ponies into changelings. And the ponies that have done this all did it willingly. And the 4 daughters of these 2 queens are all in the midst of creating hives as well. In total, thier combined hives changeling total outmatch yours 5 to 1. Now my question for you is, how do you stop an army of your own kind that works with Celestia, and never stops growing? check out this site, you might like it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A Canadian Fritter 187 July 20, 2014 Share July 20, 2014 Dear queen, I just noticed something, every single changeling is a alicorn. How in equestria did you not manage to take over canterlot? Seriously, check, every SINGLE one is an alicorn. It just dosnt make sense Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IridscentNionios 1,420 July 20, 2014 Share July 20, 2014 Now my question for you is, how do you stop an army of your own kind that works with Celestia, and never stops growing? Any army can be defeated. None is infallible. OCs Thorough list of all of them here. FimFiction Profile Deviant Art ((All OC pictures in here)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shift 4,272 July 20, 2014 Author Share July 20, 2014 @, I do not trust working with others unless they are changelings. And besides, isn't the Nightmare vanquished to the moon? @, I actually happen to agree with you, I do not tend to bear true malice. Honestly, I do not harbor any hatred towards Celestia or the ponies, except Cadence and Twilight. They are truly just a means to an end and a last resort. Survival of the fittest. @@Silverhoof, Thank you for the candy, it is filled to the brim with love and other emotions my hive can feed off of. Thank you. For your first question, yes it does. Everyling despises it, after a bit it gets so annoying. It's the reason why most hives tend to not make hives in windy and high areas such as mountains. We can swim, just ask Hive Harbor, but their changelings are adapted to the water, so they can swim better than a usual changeling. Honestly, most hives, including mine, are atrocious swimmers, so we keep away from the water most times. @@S. D., Me and all of the other hives have already developed a way to change ponies into changelings, and we have done it to prisoners of war and willing ponies many times. It's not all that complicated. And as I said, I have three other hives backing me up, and they have spread all over the planet. We would've been informed by one of our daughter queens who are making their own hives, or we ourselves would have been informed of these other hives. If they are starting to form, it would be a simple task to destroy two relatively large hives, and three newborn and weak hives. I do not see a threat. @, We aren't 'alicorns', per se. We have weaker magic than a unicorn and weaker flying than a pegasus, and weaker strength than an earth pony. So though we are fearsome creatures who deserve respect, we are a bit... weaker when going one-on-one. That's why we attack in swarms, strength in numbers. I suppose the five idiots plus the purple moron were able to successfully trick the changelings into fighting each other and going one-on-one with the more intelligent ones. @, I like that line... very motivational. Unless you're talking about my army, which in case YOU SHALL PERISH. NOBODY INSULTS MY CHILDREN AND GETS AWAY WITH IT. 2 Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
S. D. 49 July 20, 2014 Share July 20, 2014 The real threat is that they are already allied. The Princesses have them under their protection. You might want to re-check your chances if Mi Amore Cadenza is there. Also, you may be interested to know some of the drones you lost during the invasion were taken in by these hives. But that's irrelevant, as my question is; do your legs whistle when you fly. check out this site, you might like it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luna 831 466 July 20, 2014 Share July 20, 2014 Queen we can release nightmare moon from the moon. ask-princess-luna/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shift 4,272 July 20, 2014 Author Share July 20, 2014 (edited) @@S. D., Yes, they do, and it is incredibly annoying. And as for Cadenza, honestly, I underestimated her, and she was only up against one hive. Against the four most powerful, largest, and influential hives in the world, however, I hate to say it, but she doesn't have a chance. The 'power of love' was also a heat of the moment kind of thing. I won't make the same mistakes I made last time if I ever go up against her again, and most likely it'll be a stealth mission. @, I would prefer not, I never liked the mare anyway, and she made such a big deal about her sisters betraying her. In fact, I had five sisters once, with as many issues as the Nightmare, and you know what I did? I dueled them to the death for the throne. Honestly, the Nightmare was battling over the most powerful artifacts in the world unguarded. Even I put a ton of changelings were the artifacts were. Edited July 20, 2014 by Shift 1 Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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