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You! Bow down before your god! Discord, the creator of chaos, we all are your humble servants. Blind are those who do not see the true beauty of chaos and disharmony without which there would be no life on earth. Fools are those who think you're evil, their eyes were clouded with false speeches of those who have the audacity to call themselves the rulers of Equestria. We are the last who have not forgotten the truth. We are the last who still believes in you.

Alicorns invaded your territory, seeking for your treasure. They managed to defeat you by trickery and deceit, trapping you in stone prison for ever. They underestimated your strength. Soon you will come back and Equestria will go back to its original chaotic state. After receiving your treasures alicorn decided to humiliate you. They named you evil and proclaimed themselves as saviors. They were so greedy that they could not share the wealth and tried to destroy each other. Using your greatest creation, the Elements of harmony, the eldest of the Alicorns trapped her little sister on the moon, since your creation was not created to destroy. As soon as the younger sister was locked on the moon, the elder began lying about the fact that her sister lost her mind and became a monster. Thus older sister again exposed herself as a hero. Fortunately, the Elements could not keep her younger sister in her prison for more than a thousand years. But older sister knew it. She raised herself a pupil who had strong magical abilities and blindly believing in false speeches of the Alicorn. After that, she sent her to fight with her younger sister. Once the pupil has won, the eldest Alicorn wiped the memories of her younger sister not to let her reveal the truth.

We are the only survivors of the powerful chaos order who worship you through centuries. We are here to bring you back and reveal the truth to the world. Glory to our God. Glory to Discord. And let the chaos illuminate your way.

  • Brohoof 3
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Sorry but I would prefer a more perfect order if reminiscent of the one in Equestria than chaotic "order". The princesses are wise and benevolent and don't abuse their powers. They are the shining example of leadership. And Discord did not create the Elements of Harmony (at least this is what I know).

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I also am a Follower of Chaos, but I don´t think this headcanon of yours is right, just like Silver Letter said. This is my believe:

Chaos, opposed to Order, is extremely important. Without it, there would be no fun. No life. Not even a planet to stand on. Just boring giant rocks moving in circles. 

In the beginning, there was Chaos. In the end, there will be Chaos. There is Chaos now, in every thing that is random and unpredictable.

Like Fun. Fantasie. Love. 

Chaos is essential for civilisation. Neither total Chaos nor total Order is good. Good is Harmony. Chaos and Order balanced. 

You can´t have Order without Chaos. You can´t have Chaos without Order. 

Chaos is wonderfull.

But like all wonderfull things, too much of it makes it bad. 

Chaos is not evil. Just like Order, you could use it for evil, or for good.

This is the true meaning of Chaos.

(Just my opinion)

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I have faith in Discord and nopony can change it.

You know why I hate humans? Because they try to explain everithing. They try to classify everything in the universe and place in order like books in a library. They are trying to destroy the hasard and the chaos. Don't deny it.


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You! Bow down before your god! Discord, the creator of chaos, we all are your humble servants. Blind are those who do not see the true beauty of chaos and disharmony without which there would be no life on earth. Fools are those who think you're evil, their eyes were clouded with false speeches of those who have the audacity to call themselves the rulers of Equestria. We are the last who have not forgotten the truth. We are the last who still believes in you.

Alicorns invaded your territory, seeking for your treasure. They managed to defeat you by trickery and deceit, trapping you in stone prison for ever. They underestimated your strength. Soon you will come back and Equestria will go back to its original chaotic state. After receiving your treasures alicorn decided to humiliate you. They named you evil and proclaimed themselves as saviors. They were so greedy that they could not share the wealth and tried to destroy each other. Using your greatest creation, the Elements of harmony, the eldest of the Alicorns trapped her little sister on the moon, since your creation was not created to destroy. As soon as the younger sister was locked on the moon, the elder began lying about the fact that her sister lost her mind and became a monster. Thus older sister again exposed herself as a hero. Fortunately, the Elements could not keep her younger sister in her prison for more than a thousand years. But older sister knew it. She raised herself a pupil who had strong magical abilities and blindly believing in false speeches of the Alicorn. After that, she sent her to fight with her younger sister. Once the pupil has won, the eldest Alicorn wiped the memories of her younger sister not to let her reveal the truth.

We are the only survivors of the powerful chaos order who worship you through centuries. We are here to bring you back and reveal the truth to the world. Glory to our God. Glory to Discord. And let the chaos illuminate your way.

ummmm. no thanks... goodbye

  • Brohoof 1
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Nope, nope... i'd rather become a changeling. This thread makes no sense... i accuse you of trolling good sir.

Often i like to troll people to please my god Discord. I like your way to write. I can see a troll in you...

You were talking about making sense? Are you trying to apply logic? You must be new here...:-)


Edited by DiscordDraconequus
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Often i like to troll people to please my god Discord. I like your way to write. I can see a troll in you...



But seriously tho... Absorb love=Infinite amounts of energy=Able to defeat everyone. You stand no chance.

  • Brohoof 1
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But seriously tho... Absorb love=Infinite amounts of energy=Able to defeat everyone. You stand no chance.

Able to defeat anyone=Destroy life. No life= no power at all=you are weak and helpless
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Well, it's where everything runs smoothly...

hmm well to tell you the truth I serve nopony not Celestia not Luna not Discord and not the Changeling Army I'm a Mercenary I only serve who ever has the bag full of bits good or evil

(I dare somepony to quote this with a mlp bits bag picture)

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, it's where everything runs smoothly...

In this case I used the word Order as a equivalent of a society or a group. Chaos Order is a society who worship chaos

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