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Comics & Books Guide


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Hello and welcome to the Print Media section!  In here, you will find topics, discussion, threads and polls on any official MLP print media, including the large assortment of the IDW comic series and spin-off series to various books and other literature that have been released, such as the Crystal Heart Spell Book and the Journal of the Two Sisters, or any upcoming releases that you are excited to see.
Please keep in mind that this section is for officially licensed material, so any fanfictions or other fandom-created content should not be posted here and would fit best in the main Sugarcube Corner section.  Please be sure do not to post entire comics or stories here as well; it is quite acceptable to share a page or two to illustrate a point you wish to make or to draw attention to something you may have found entertaining, but anything more than this will not be permitted.  And finally, just like any other part of the forums, all forum rules apply so please keep this in mind when posting.
So, without further ado, why not curl up with a nice book (comic or or otherwise) and have a good time?  There is quite a bit to discuss and talk about, so feel free to dive right in!  Favorite story arc, best issue, speculation for future releases?  The only limitation is your imagination, so let it soar!
Have fun and take care!

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