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private Eclipse Chapter one: Unity? (OUTDATED II)

Trevor Bright

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Gale smiled slightly and nodded. "I would appreciate that." She said. "You know, you're probably one of the only ponies not to assume that I eat gems."


Tempest noticed two ponies nearing the city and flew on an intercept course to them. "Who might you be?" He asked.

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Legion turns around and readies himself for the wolfs appearance.


"I shall handle the wolf, mythos take the communicator and head to ponyville, where you and agent david shall wait for me under the oak tree of knowlage, now go, you aren't designed to best a wolf in combat"

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'Damn!' Darts shouted internally as he identified a third dark figure speeding through the thick clouds and plummeting rain to his left. Suddenly he became aware of the crackling of the static electricity that caused the mane on his neck to bristle, struggling to stay calm he quickly fell into a steep dive as a blinding flash of lightning seared the air behind him. The three mysterious shapes quickly followed in pursuit, drawing closer with every passing moment. A wicked smile formed on Darts' face as he realized that two of the tails were accelerating too fast to maintain control. Taking extra care not to telegraph his movements he quickly snapped out his large wings like makeshift parachutes, quickly bringing his rapid descent to a slightly painful halt. Just as he had planned, two of the dark forms went careening into the stormy abyss far below, allowed himself a quick smirk of accomplishment before spinning around just in time to dodge the speeding hoof aiming directly for his face. Swooping back, Darts continued to dodge and parry the hostile pony's attacks until he spied the perfect opening. A strong kick to to the rib cage was easily enough to stun his attacker long enough for him to deliver a powerful uppercut that sent the pony to join its companions far below. Without missing a beat Darts rolled in the air and began shooting through the storm once again heading towards his destination, suddenly the storm dissipated and a loud whistle indicated the end of the simulation. Breathing heavily Darts turned and alighted on the soft cloudstone flooring in front of a blue pegasus stallion. He wrenched off his soaked flight goggles and mask before cocking a smile towards the stallion and waiting for his report.


"Eighteen and a quarter seconds, very impressive Darts, I do believe that is your personal high. Keep practicing and you may even come close to almost beating my record" the stallion said with a smirk of his own, Darts was about to make a witty retort when he caught sight of a very angry looking mare stomping towards him with a bruised jaw and two disgruntled recruits.


"Watch out Soarin, here comes the harpy" Darts chuckled as the fuming mare stopped in front of him. Before she could speak however, Darts raised an orange hoof to silence her, "look I'm sorry about your jaw okay Dusty? To be fair though you did almost take off my tail with that lightning bolt, and I should point out that your hoof-to-hoof technique has been really slacking lately." Lightning Dust glared at Darts clearly sending the message that she planned to fillet him, she probably would have done so right on the spot had Soarin not intervened.


"Okay break it up you two, I don't want to be the one who has to explain to the captain how two of her best fliers killed each other when she gets back" he said before leaving to dismiss the recruits. Following after the blue stallion to regain his attention, Darts called out after Soarin, who turned to regard the younger pegasus with a raised brow.


"Fleetfoot wanted to get all the 'Bolts together comin' up soon and she wanted me to get you to help spread the word. Be sure to let the cap'n know too when she gets back, it just ain't a party without her ya' know" Darts said with a wink before flying off to waste the rest of his down time.


((Sorry this is kind of an awkward first post, but I'm tired and I want to get it up before I got too far behind in this RP. I'll enter Slug later on once I'm all caught up and I have a little better understanding of where everyone is.))

Edited by HunterTSN
  • Brohoof 1


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Dark Wing smiled as he looked back to his brother. "That it is. That it is. I will be nice to see our Princess once again, and nice to spend some time with you."


Looking back to his younger brother, he shook his head at the mention of changelings. "They can't think for themselves. With no leader, there lost. Let's just hope they stay that way."


Dark looked back to his brother at the mention of the Shade. "I see. I guess it was something that happened since I was away. There loss is most unfortunate. Are there any other losses...how many of the original Lunar guard are left."


Dark can see the outline of Manehatten's skyline through the fog.

David nodded, a smile playing across his face. "Indeed it has been unnerving not having somepony to get my back at all times." His smile fades as Dark Wing brings up the changelings  "I agree. Let us hope they do stay mindless. If there is a queen or king, may they go to tartarus." When Dark Wing brings up the Shades, his smile completely fades. "Yes, losing the shades was quite a horrible blow to our espionage branch of the military" When asked about casualties he responds, "Well, I was actually on the south side of the border trying to sort out some changeling shenanigans, but I heard that the shades were totally wiped out. Other casualties though? Very few if reports are to be believed. Though the amount of damage done during the sister's fight is incalculable."


Gale smiled slightly and nodded. "I would appreciate that." She said. "You know, you're probably one of the only ponies not to assume that I eat gems."

Tempest noticed two ponies nearing the city and flew on an intercept course to them. "Who might you be?" He asked.

Forge smirked. "Well, with teeth like that, you'd have to be carnivorous. Yes?"

Paladin stopped in midair and stared at Tempest. ​"I happen to be captain of the Night Guard. Who are you? Name and rank."



Shutter looked up at the mare with as small smile. "Hello Miss. Applejack," he started to stand and quietly laugh to himself at something she had said, "I suppose you're right. It's a little bit of an odd hobby now, but I can't say that I'm on any official business... anymore." Trying not to be rude, he stifled the urge to sigh. "I guess, I'm just being curious about what's been happening outside this town."

Applejack smiled. "Anymore? Were you a reporter or somethin of the like? I suppose it's alright to be curious. We need all the information we can get these days." She tiredly sits down and removes her hat to wipe her brow and lets out a sigh. "It's getting so that a mare can't go ten feet without somepony asking her for some kind of help or some sort." After a bit of a rest, she stands back up and puts her hat back on. "Well, it was good meeting you...what was your name? I don't think we were ever properly introduced." She puts her hoof out for a shake. "You already know me, but I'll say my name anyways. Names Applejack. You are?" She asks with a friendly smile.





Legion turns around and readies himself for the wolfs appearance.

"I shall handle the wolf, mythos take the communicator and head to ponyville, where you and agent david shall wait for me under the oak tree of knowlage, now go, you aren't designed to best a wolf in combat"

"Oh, and you are? Just so you know, my cameras are picking up that this one is enhanced technologically. Who knows what kind of punch he'll pack. And I'm not just following your orders. You do know that Ponyville is crawling with military right now? I'm not going out there. Just take the commutator and run. It's the only logical thing to do when facing and unknown and untested enemy. If he comes in hear, I'll try to distract him ok? I'll...I don't know, maybe I can talk to him. Just get out of here. I've seen enough blood shed already." 



'Damn!' Darts shouted internally as he identified a third dark figure speeding through the thick clouds and plummeting rain to his left. Suddenly he became aware of the crackling of the static electricity that caused the mane on his neck to bristle, struggling to stay calm he quickly fell into a steep dive as a blinding flash of lightning seared the air behind him. The three mysterious shapes quickly followed in pursuit, drawing closer with every passing moment. A wicked smile formed on Darts' face as he realized that two of the tails were accelerating too fast to maintain control. Taking extra care not to telegraph his movements he quickly snapped out his large wings like makeshift parachutes, quickly bringing his rapid descent to a slightly painful halt. Just as he had planned, two of the dark forms went careening into the stormy abyss far below, allowed himself a quick smirk of accomplishment before spinning around just in time to dodge the speeding hoof aiming directly for his face. Swooping back, Darts continued to dodge and parry the hostile pony's attacks until he spied the perfect opening. A strong kick to to the rib cage was easily enough to stun his attacker long enough for him to deliver a powerful uppercut that sent the pony to join its companions far below. Without missing a beat Darts rolled in the air and began shooting through the storm once again heading towards his destination, suddenly the storm dissipated and a loud whistle indicated the end of the simulation. Breathing heavily Darts turned and alighted on the soft cloudstone flooring in front of a blue pegasus stallion. He wrenched off his soaked flight goggles and mask before cocking a smile towards the stallion and waiting for his report.


"Eighteen and a quarter seconds, very impressive Darts, I do believe that is your personal high. Keep practicing and you may even come close to almost beating my record" the stallion said with a smirk of his own, Darts was about to make a witty retort when he caught sight of a very angry looking mare stomping towards him with a bruised jaw and two disgruntled recruits.


"Watch out Soarin, here comes the harpy" Darts chuckled as the fuming mare stopped in front of him. Before she could speak however, Darts raised an orange hoof to silence her, "look I'm sorry about your jaw okay Dusty? To be fair though you did almost take off my tail with that lightning bolt, and I should point out that your hoof-to-hoof technique has been really slacking lately." Lightning Dust glared at Darts clearly sending the message that she planned to fillet him, she probably would have done so right on the spot had Soarin not intervened.


"Okay break it up you two, I don't want to be the one who has to explain to the captain how two of her best fliers killed each other when she gets back" he said before leaving to dismiss the recruits. Following after the blue stallion to regain his attention, Darts called out after Soarin, who turned to regard the younger pegasus with a raised brow.


"Fleetfoot wanted to get all the 'Bolts together comin' up soon and she wanted me to get you to help spread the word. Be sure to let the cap'n know too when she gets back, it just ain't a party without her ya' know" Darts said with a wink before flying off to waste the rest of his down time.


((Sorry this is kind of an awkward first post, but I'm tired and I want to get it up before I got too far behind in this RP. I'll enter Slug later on once I'm all caught up and I have a little better understanding of where everyone is.))

Soarin nodded at Darts and smiled. "Sure thing! I should be submitting a few reports to her, soon. I'll tell her then!" With that, he watched Darts take off. Lightning Dust walks up to him, a sour look on her face. Soarin smirks and says "Good kid, glad he was able to get in. We need someone like him to keep things lively. After Spitfire..." He pauses and the sour look on Lightning's face melts in to one of sadness. "That was a dark day." Is all she says before taking off into the sky. Soarin take off after Lightning, pausing to look south, toward the monument dedicated to their former captain. He shakes his head and shoots off to the north, heading for the castle. He lands at the entrance and, after making sure his ID checks out, walks up the stairs and sits down in front of the captain's office, waiting for Rainbow's return. 

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Legion turns around and readies himself for the wolfs appearance.

"I shall handle the wolf, mythos take the communicator and head to ponyville, where you and agent david shall wait for me under the oak tree of knowlage, now go, you aren't designed to best a wolf in combat"

Seth saw the camera, his implant detecting the inferred sensor that it was emitting. With a glare, he approached it and roar it off from it's mounting. Seeing it was wireless, he squinted in curiosity. Who would want servalince of a ruin? Slowly, he opened the camera and cut the live feed. Going to the transmitter, he attached the relays to a section of his metal forearm. After a few seconds, he had a lock of the receiver. It was close. Real close. The wolf then began to sprint to his target, a slight grin on his face.

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Seth saw the camera, his implant detecting the inferred sensor that it was emitting. With a glare, he approached it and roar it off from it's mounting. Seeing it was wireless, he squinted in curiosity. Who would want servalince of a ruin? Slowly, he opened the camera and cut the live feed. Going to the transmitter, he attached the relays to a section of his metal forearm. After a few seconds, he had a lock of the receiver. It was close. Real close. The wolf then began to sprint to his target, a slight grin on his face.

David sat back and watched as the camera was knocked out of commision. A few keystrokes later, and he saw that it was being traced. 'What should I do. He's tracing the signal.' "Any idea's Poe? I already have the lock set to the archives." "Well, we're buried so deep underground, the archives are the only trackable location." "Yes...I know that. Those two though, they could be hurt if that wolf reaches them." "Try to talk to him?" "You know that I only placed speakers in certain areas. I'll have to wait for him to either go through the throne room, or make it in to the archives before I can talk to him....Hmm." 'Too bad he's no where near the armory. That would be a safe place to try and hold him.' "Either way," David says aloud to Poe. "I guess we'll have to see what happens."

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Legion shakes his head and stands in front of the door of the archive.


"It would be illogical to let such a specimen get away, I am more than able to handle a cyborg wolf, it shall learn that half synthetic is no match for a full synthetic lifeform, even if he is half wolf"

Edited by lonewolf1735
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Applejack smiled. "Anymore? Were you a reporter or somethin of the like? I suppose it's alright to be curious. We need all the information we can get these days." She tiredly sits down and removes her hat to wipe her brow and lets out a sigh. "It's getting so that a mare can't go ten feet without somepony asking her for some kind of help or some sort." After a bit of a rest, she stands back up and puts her hat back on. "Well, it was good meeting you...what was your name? I don't think we were ever properly introduced." She puts her hoof out for a shake. "You already know me, but I'll say my name anyways. Names Applejack. You are?" She asks with a friendly smile.


Shutter's smile seemed to brighten as he thought about Applejack's question. He laughed, at what seemed like an old memory, before responding. "I'll lean more to 'something of the like,' but actually yes; and I couldn't agree more. With all of the changes Equestria has seen lately, it's really important that everyone has an idea of what's going on." After he finished speaking, Shutter placed his notepad on top of his camera, and extend his hoof to shake hers. "Oh, I'm sorry that it slipped my mind earlier, my name's Shutter; and it's good to finally meet you as well Miss. Applejack."


While Applejack and himself spoke, Shutter noticed how tired she seemed. He had heard of Applejack being a proud, and sometimes stubborn, mare when it came to offered help; so he hoped that he wasn't too out of line, when he added. "By the way, you mentioned some mares not being able to go a few feet without being asked for help; and you seem slightly tired. You wouldn't happen to be short a few hooves around here?"

Edited by Contrast

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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"If I couldn't drink, my friend, my life would be much harder than it is right now," Agririon commented, taking the bottle with a grateful nod. After a moment or two, as he opened the bottle, he sighed. "Just be glad that you don't have my job." As he took a swig from the bottle, he sighed. "How many kills do you have to your name on your missions? Last I counted, you had about fifteen."


((Forgot the next part, derp!))


... and thus, I must make my way to Apploosia for the next few days to maintain contact with my still-technical superiors, but it will give me an opportunity to convince Twilight of our cause and perhaps inquire for a bit of support from her. I shall return in a few days. Forgive me this inconvenience, Your Majesty.



Moon Crypt


Placing the letter in an envelope, he quickly obtained his traveling gear and put it on, as well as supplies and weapons. Walking out the door of his 'apartment' and transforming into his public pony form, he quickly met with a junior member of the Inquisition, telling him to send the letter to Princess Luna as soon as possible, and quickly departed from the building, striking out on the main road out of Manehattan with a quick step...

Edited by Magos Amphrose
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Bolt shrugs. "I suppose, though I don't plan on dying anytime soon. Anyways, what are you doing all the way this far north? Trying to avoid the sisters?"


"Yes kinda but honestly i'm just a mercenary even if ponies rarely hire me and if they do it usually killing some pony or protecting something valueable, but sometimes i help ponies in need. i don't plan to join the sisters anytime soon i don't want to become some kind of tool to some stupid princess a tool used to deter other empires from attacking  if you want you come with me on my adventures hmm maybe we can head to appleloosa." she said.


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Tempest glanced at Paladin and smirked. "My name is Tempest Sol, member of Luna's elite guard." He said. "It's good to be among allies. So, where are you coming from?"


"Yeah. Most ponies don't really care about the teeth." Gale said. " I guess that's one more stereotype to add to the list." The dragoness then sighed.

Edited by Majestic Nightfury
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Legion shakes his head and stands in front of the door of the archive.


"It would be illogical to let such a specimen get away, I am more than able to handle a cyborg wolf, it shall learn that half synthetic is no match for a full synthetic lifeform, even if he is half wolf"

David shrugs, even though you can't see him and simply says "Your funeral...or decomposition session or what ever a mechanical pony goes through. How about we hold off on the violence though? Isn't it logical that if blood shed, or oil shed, can be avoided that we do avoid it? Let me try talking to him first ok?" 




Shutter's smile seemed to brighten as he thought about Applejack's question. He laughed, at what seemed like an old memory, before responding. "I'll lean more to 'something of the like,' but actually yes; and I couldn't agree more. With all of the changes Equestria has seen lately, it's really important that everyone has an idea of what's going on." After he finished speaking, Shutter placed his notepad on top of his camera, and extend his hoof to shake hers. "Oh, I'm sorry that it slipped my mind earlier, my name's Shutter; and it's good to finally meet you as well Miss. Applejack."


While Applejack and himself spoke, Shutter noticed how tired she seemed. He had heard of Applejack being a proud, and sometimes stubborn, mare when it came to offered help; so he hoped that he wasn't too out of line, when he added. "By the way, you mentioned some mares not being able to go a few feet without being asked for help; and you seem slightly tired. You wouldn't happen to be short a few hooves around here?"

Applejack smiles and says "Well, I'd be lyin' if I said that we wern't and everypony knows I'm a horrible liar. We are kinda short on hooves at the moment. There are a lot of new folks flooding in to Appleloosa and they all need help gettin' settled down." She pulled her hat off again to wipe her brow before putting it back on again. "Anyways, if ya want ta help, that'd be mighty fine of ya. I know there's a family just a block or two down from the train station with a few fillies trying to move in to one of the little make shift shack's we've been building for all the new arrivals. If you had a mind ta help them, I'd really appreciate it."





"If I couldn't drink, my friend, my life would be much harder than it is right now," Agririon commented, taking the bottle with a grateful nod. After a moment or two, as he opened the bottle, he sighed. "Just be glad that you don't have my job." As he took a swig from the bottle, he sighed. "How many kills do you have to your name on your missions? Last I counted, you had about fifteen."


((Forgot the next part, derp!))


... and thus, I must make my way to Apploosia for the next few days to maintain contact with my still-technical superiors, but it will give me an opportunity to convince Twilight of our cause and perhaps inquire for a bit of support from her. I shall return in a few days. Forgive me this inconvenience, Your Majesty.



Moon Crypt


Placing the letter in an envelope, he quickly obtained his traveling gear and put it on, as well as supplies and weapons. Walking out the door of his 'apartment' and transforming into his public pony form, he quickly met with a junior member of the Inquisition, telling him to send the letter to Princess Luna as soon as possible, and quickly departed from the building, striking out on the main road out of Manehattan with a quick step...

Dusty hesitated at the question and looked down for a moment before looking back up again. His mask betrays nothing of what's going on behind it, but you can tell that he's not the type to brag over something as big as death. "Well, that was on my last few missions that I got during my stay here on cloudsdale. I've been working for the princess much, much longer then that. I've lost count of the number of lives Lea's taken, but it's many to be sure." He pats his rifle fondly then reaches up to remove his helmet. As the helmet comes off, he inhales a deep breath of fresh air and almost smiles. "Fresh air is so much nicer than that recycled air fed to us through this filtration system.He motions towards the bottle (((I meant to say flask in my original post, but oh well *shrugs*))) and after receiving it, takes a deep draw off of it. "That hits the spot."

As you leave the city do you make your way West or South?




"Yes kinda but honestly i'm just a mercenary even if ponies rarely hire me and if they do it usually killing some pony or protecting something valueable, but sometimes i help ponies in need. i don't plan to join the sisters anytime soon i don't want to become some kind of tool to some stupid princess a tool used to deter other empires from attacking  if you want you come with me on my adventures hmm maybe we can head to appleloosa." she said.

Bolt just looks at you for a moment, then starts cackling loudly drawing stares from the few passers by who weren't already staring at the odd couple. Finally he manages to quiet down enough to produce coherent sentences. "So...I've been speaking to some kind of merc this whole time? Should I be worried that somepony hasn't put a hit out on me yet? Because that wouldn't be surprising. I've made a lot of ponies mad. It's kinda...shocking what one little colt can do!" After the bad pun he bursts out into a fit of laughter again, rolling on the ground and actually emitting sparks from his horn. Finally he manages to stand back up and stop laughing. "Why the hay not. The alicorn mercenary and the lightning colt! The dynamic duo! Unless that's been trademarked already..."

Tempest glanced at Paladin and smirked. "My name is Tempest Sol, member of Luna's elite guard." He said. "It's good to be among allies. So, where are you coming from?"


"Yeah. Most ponies don't really care about the teeth." Gale said. " I guess that's one more stereotype to add to the list." The dragoness then sighed.

(((Can you tag me and @Skycoaster next time you post to us? I have to watch the RP so it doesn't really matter for me I suppose, but it would help Sky if you tagged him. Thanks! Btw, if you don't know how to do it, it's minus the spaces.)))


Paladin looked over at Darkwing, eyebrows raised. Looking back he replies "I was picking my brother up from the northern border. Are you off duty?"

Forge tilted his head questioningly to one side. "One more stereotype? It's a biological fact that your teeth are meant for meat rather than anything else. It's nothing to get upset about."

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Applejack smiles and says "Well, I'd be lyin' if I said that we wern't and everypony knows I'm a horrible liar. We are kinda short on hooves at the moment. There are a lot of new folks flooding in to Appleloosa and they all need help gettin' settled down." She pulled her hat off again to wipe her brow before putting it back on again. "Anyways, if ya want ta help, that'd be mighty fine of ya. I know there's a family just a block or two down from the train station with a few fillies trying to move in to one of the little make shift shack's we've been building for all the new arrivals. If you had a mind ta help them, I'd really appreciate it."


Shutter looked off in the direction that Applejack had told him, making a mental note of what she had said, and then nodded his head. "Consider it done. I'll stop by their new home and see if there's anyway I might be able to help out, as soon as I can."


After he finished speaking, Shutter's eyes slowly started to drifted towards his camera. Gradually, his confident attitude had started to diminish. His hoof had started to rise just behind his head, as it often did when he was nervous. "Um, sorry Miss. Applejack, I know you're busy; but before we part, do you think I can get a photo?"

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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   After a long, silent walk, Sensiquill and the Mare were finally rounding Foal Mountain.  As the gruesome wreckage came into view, the painful thoughts began to return to the stallion.  A grim expression overtook his face and the only reason he didn't cry was the mare.  It was peculiar how she acted so upset earlier, yet now she seemed more focused than anything.  The wreck was clearly visible now.  


   "So where is everyone?" The stallion asked with a slightly skeptical tone.  "Any idea where they could've taken your family?" 

Edited by EpicApplejack
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@[members=fictional_author7] @[members=Skycoaster]


Tempest shook his head. "Not really, but I saw you coming towards the city and decided to investigate." He said. "You can never be to careful, especially in times like these."


Gale shrugged slightly and nodded. "You're right," She said. The dragoness wasn't used to being accepted by ponies, but she didn't mind. "Most ponies assume that dragons are big, greedy, fierce creatures that would kill almost any living thing that should stumble into it's territory."

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(((Guys, we should probably slow down to let the other people catch up. XD Good job replying though! I like the enthusiasm.)))

Shutter looked off in the direction that Applejack had told him, making a mental note of what she had said, and then nodded his head. "Consider it done. I'll stop by their new home and see if there's anyway I might be able to help out, as soon as I can."


After he finished speaking, Shutter's eyes slowly started to drifted towards his camera. Gradually, his confident attitude had started to diminish. His hoof had started to rise just behind his head, as it often did when he was nervous. "Um, sorry Miss. Applejack, I know you're busy; but before we part, do you think I can get a photo?"

Applejack smiled. "Sure, I suppose. See no reason why not." She walks back over and sits down, waiting for Shutter to get his camera. 




   After a long, silent walk, Sensiquill and the Mare were finally rounding Foal Mountain.  As the gruesome wreckage came into view, the painful thoughts began to return to the stallion.  A grim expression overtook his face and the only reason he didn't cry was the mare.  It was peculiar how she acted so upset earlier, yet now she seemed more focused than anything.  The wreck was clearly visible now.  


   "So where is everyone?" The stallion asked with a slightly skeptical tone.  "Any idea where they could've taken your family?" 

The mare stops and turns to look at Sensiquill. "I think that they might've taken them...well, I don't know!" She starts crying again, leaning towards Sensiquill for support. You hear her wail, "I jusssst don't know!" Suddenly she stops. She sat up and swears in a most un-mare like way. "I've blown it! That hiss! I always ssslip on my s's!" She turns and starts to walk away and you hear her say to herself "No matter, now that we have this one, all we need is that one down in Appleloosa, and this whole incident will be-" At that moment a tan colored unicorn comes flying out of nowhere and slams in to the mare, knocking her to the ground. You hear a hiss and theres a flash of green light and next thing you know, where there used to be a mare, there is now a changeling. "There's more of them coming in from every side! We're going to have to work together to get out of here!" The unicorn yells at Sensiquill. 

@[members=fictional_author7] @[members=Skycoaster]

Tempest shook his head. "Not really, but I saw you coming towards the city and decided to investigate." He said. "You can never be to careful, especially in times like these."

Gale shrugged slightly and nodded. "You're right," She said. The dragoness wasn't used to being accepted by ponies, but she didn't mind. "Most ponies assume that dragons are big, greedy, fierce creatures that would kill almost any living thing that should stumble into it's territory."

(((Good try, but next time just do @[member=' not members but member.)))

(((Also, I'm leaving the next reply to tempest for Darkwing. But I will reply to Gale.)))

Forge agrees with Gale on this. "Most dragons I've met do seem to act like that. Not all, but most. You're one of the more civil ones though." He smiles and says jokingly "Good thing to, or I might not have a head right now, eh?" They finally make it to his shop and he stops to unlock the door. "Watch your head. The door's a bit small. Meant for ponies. Make yourself comfortable and I'll go get those fish." With that, he turns around and walks a block down, then out of sight. He comes back a few minutes later. "Alright. They should be here pretty soon."

Edited by Fictional_Author7
  • Brohoof 1

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@, @,


Dark Wing watched as the they where approched. He was about to handle it himself, however his brother, the captain of the Night Guard stepped in. For this, he was glad, for he would have handled things a bit different.


Dark Wing nodded to each member pressent. "Indeed. Allies are rare in time like this. I am Lieutenant  Dark Wing, older brother to Captain Paladin. As my brother had staited, I am returning to Manehatten by orders of the Princess herself from my northern post. I have not seen you before, and I have been on duty for many years....Now if you'll excuse me, time is of the essence. I would hate to keep the Princess of the Night waiting longer than she has to."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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@, @,


Dark Wing watched as the they where approched. He was about to handle it himself, however his brother, the captain of the Night Guard stepped in. For this, he was glad, for he would have handled things a bit different.


Dark Wing nodded to each member pressent. "Indeed. Allies are rare in time like this. I am Lieutenant Dark Wing, older brother to Captain Paladin. As my brother had staited, I am returning to Manehatten by orders of the Princess herself from my northern post. I have not seen you before, and I have been on duty for many years....Now if you'll excuse me, time is of the essence. I would hate to keep the Princess of the Night waiting longer than she has to."

Paladin nods "Well said brother." Turning back to tempest he says "We need to be going. The princess is patient, but I don't wish to test her. We should be off." With that he turns to his brother. "Are you ready? I haven't seen her since the war started, so...I will admit, I'm a bit nervous..."

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Applejack smiled. "Sure, I suppose. See no reason why not." She walks back over and sits down, waiting for Shutter to get his camera.


Shutter grins, "Thank you Miss. Applejack!" As she goes to sit down, he picks up his camera and starts to aim it at her. Once his camera was focused, he steadied his hooves and gently pressed the capture button. A small *click* could be heard, and his work was done.


He took a moment to look over the picture and was pleased with the out come. The light outside seemed to make up for his broken flash, and the desert-like background had made for a more fitting photo than he imagined. He thanked her once more, and said, "I guess I'll be on way. It was a pleasure speaking with Miss, Applejack." 

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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As he fallowed the trace to the castle's underground, he recalled it being of the archives. As the wolf approached, he could hear an argument playing out, something about logic. To Seth, it only confirmed his suspicions: raiders looting the archives. His is why he was here. Stepping around the corner, he was met by two ponies, one of which was purely metal. "Well well well, what do we have here? Solar empire, lunar republic, or rebels?" He asked casually.

Edited by arkman575
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Shutter grins, "Thank you Miss. Applejack!" As she goes to sit down, he picks up his camera and starts to aim it at her. Once his camera was focused, he steadied his hooves and gently pressed the capture button. A small *click* could be heard, and his work was done.


He took a moment to look over the picture and was pleased with the out come. The light outside seemed to make up for his broken flash, and the desert-like background had made for a more fitting photo than he imagined. He thanked her once more, and said, "I guess I'll be on way. It was a pleasure speaking with Miss, Applejack." 

Applejack waves and then turns, making her way down and out of the train station, disappearing into a crowd of ponies. As you make your way down to the house, a young mare can be seen running around frantically chasing a small filly. An older looking filly can be seen sitting on top of a cart full of stuff, watching disapprovingly as her mother gave chase to her sister. A young stallion comes out and sighs before going over to the cart to pick up another piece of furniture. It's then he sees you and you can see the desperation in his eyes. "Sir, could I trouble you for your time? Could you help me unload this cart please?"



As he fallowed the trace to the castle's underground, he recalled it being of the archives. As the wolf approached, he could hear an argument playing out, something about logic. To Seth, it only confirmed his suspicions: raiders looting the archives. His is why he was here. Stepping around the corner, he was met by three ponies, one of which was purely metal. "Well well well, what do we have here? Solar empire, lunar republic, or rebels?" He asked casually.

(((Might want to change that to he saw two ponies. David is only speaking over the speaker with a camera mounted on the wall. He's been talking to Mythos and Legion via a small speaker implanted in the wall.))) 


David sighs. "To late. He's here." The camera slowly turns on a swivel from facing Legion and Mythos to the intruding wolf. "Hello! Allow me to introduce myself. I'm David. I'm currently not here at the moment, but I'm observing you through this camera and communicating with this speaker built in to the wall. To answer you question, none of the above. I'm currently exercising a vendetta against changelings. I'm trying to stay out of the sister's way." you hear a small breath out, then an intake of breath. "Well, now that I've introduced myself, why don't you be most civil and do the same? Who are you?"

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@, @,


Dark Wing nodded. "My brother is right, we do not want to anger our leader by being late. It was a pleasure to meet you Tempest. We hope that you stay well in your duties and that we meet under more favorable conditions."


Dark Wing continued to fly towards what was the tallest skyscraper in the city, landing near the roof of what she had transformed into her throne room. He looked over to his brother and smiled. "I must say I like the location. From up here, it will be easy to spot any threats to the city. Also, no flying ponies will have a one doosie of a time climbing all the stairs to reach our Princess."


As he approached the large door, it opened automatically, revealing his beloved ruler in front of them.

  • Brohoof 1

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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@, @,


Dark Wing nodded. "My brother is right, we do not want to anger our leader by being late. It was a pleasure to meet you Tempest. We hope that you stay well in your duties and that we meet under more favorable conditions."


Dark Wing continued to fly towards what was the tallest skyscraper in the city, landing near the roof of what she had transformed into her throne room. He looked over to his brother and smiled. "I must say I like the location. From up here, it will be easy to spot any threats to the city. Also, no flying ponies will have a one doosie of a time climbing all the stairs to reach our Princess."


As he approached the large door, it opened automatically, revealing his beloved ruler in front of them.

Luna sat on her throne. A tall, dark, unnerving presence, so much different from the smaller, cherrier, younger seeming princess Paladin knew from years ago. As he lands he takes a few steps into the building, following Dark Wing inside. Once all the way inside, the doors shut with resounding boom. Luna stood tall, her appearance menacing. She looked around at the guards and says in a commanding voice, "Leave us!" the guards immediately turn and exit the room. She stands up and walks over to Dark Wing and Paladin. Sitting down, a smile cracks her face. "Finally, you've returned. It has been too long. I'm sorry for sending you away, but I had those missions I needed taking care of, and I knew that only my most trusted could've handled them. And I was right." She walks up and sits down in front of them and Paladin has a flash back to the past. The day after Nightmare Night, Luna had come back giddy as a filly, happy that she made friends. She'd talked all day and well in to the night about all the games that she'd played and the candy and all the fun she'd had. Paladin was suddenly pulled out of his flash back by Luna's face right in front of his. "Well, report?" she asked, her tone getting slightly annoyed. "Sorry ma'am." Paladin said automatically. "The south border is secure for the moment, but with the changelings not having much order to them, they're slipping by the borders in one's and twos. Eventually there will be to many to count on our side of the border. I think we need to do something about that before it's compromised." Luna looked thoughtful at this news, and muttered "So, they're disorganized? This is good news. Perhaps we can stop them then." She turn around to face Darkwing now. "And do you have anything to report from the northern border?"

  • Brohoof 1

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Dark Wing bowed showing the deepest respect, only rising when he was addressed. "The northern border is secure. The natural weather and topography of the land plays to our advantage. There is only a narrow passage that is accessible, a choke point if you will should your sister get any bright ideas."  Dark Wing pauses for a small moment before continuing. "I was able to capture a trespasser trying to circumvent the check point....A unicorn, though it is not clear who's faction he belongs to, Celestia's or the Crystal Empire. He put up as fair struggle, but he is being held captive."


Dark Wing pauses once again. "Though the weather was harsh, serving you made it all worth it, You Magnificents."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Dark Wing bowed showing the deepest respect, only rising when he was addressed. "The northern border is secure. The natural weather and topography of the land plays to our advantage. There is only a narrow passage that is accessible, a choke point if you will should your sister get any bright ideas."  Dark Wing pauses for a small moment before continuing. "I was able to capture a trespasser trying to circumvent the check point....A unicorn, though it is not clear who's faction he belongs to, Celestia's or the Crystal Empire. He put up as fair struggle, but he is being held captive."


Dark Wing pauses once again. "Though the weather was harsh, serving you made it all worth it, You Magnificents."

Luna smiles at this. "Good. Good. So he is being interrogated I assume? Hopefully soon we will have some answers as to what our silly sister and her niece are up to. In the mean time, you've traveled a long distance. Please do feel free to take the rest of today, and tomorrow off from your regular duties. I've had a few rooms downstairs prepared for you." As she says this a young batpony opens the door and salutes with is hoof to his chest. "A letter from Lord Moon Crypt ma'am!" Luna looks up at him, an annoyed look on her face. "I suppose I should read this. It seems the paper work never ends. If Tia doesn't do us in, the paperwork just might." She looks up from her mutterings and smiles at the brothers. "Go, relax. I'll handle this." With that, she levitates the letter out of the young messanger's mouth and it zips over to a desk she has tucked away in the corner of the room. She sits down and slowly starts to open the letter and read it. Paladin, taking his que from the princess, bow low and salutes, putting his hoof to his chest before departing, looking over his shoulder to see if his brother was doing likewise. 

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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