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Count to 42 Before 42, Dovashy or (sometimes) Stormgiggle, or Sir Hugs posts

Message added by Ice Princess Silky <3,

Hello, everyone! If you are not Sir Hugs then you should feel free to count here while also knowing he is one huge derp. :pout:

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You think I don't know!? I do!



My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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This spontaneous freakout comes to you in three parts: The Official Official Freakout Response Response, The Official Responses for Reasons of Boredom Response, and The Mass Comment Responses. Let's get right to it!






It's on my profile page.

Now having read that, I have something to confront you about. I remember that you have claimed to be a pacifist. But now I hear you're annihilating other living things on the planet. Does that sound like a pacifist to you?!



:o  ...I'll behave. 

That's better. I'm the master of this game, so you will follow my every demand!



Listen. If I were to stutter or mistype stuff when I lie, that would require me to become nervous when I lie. But I am never nervous when I lie! For me deception comes a easy as breathing.

Really? Because you being a pacifist was a poor deception. I saw through it easily!


Although I did believe it for a week or two...



Your house is now going to burn down in an unsolved arson case.

Why does everyone want me dead now?!


Well, I suppose burning my house down doesn't necessarily mean I die. But I never leave my house, so it's pretty much the same thing for me.



You don't get a vote! I can't allow our enemy to pick our theme for us!

Why not? It's not like I'm attempting to suggest themes with contain subliminal messages to make you all become hopeless at dethroning!



That was really good! It's too bad you don't get a vote...

So, what theme did you pick? I need to know what music to look out for, so I know when I hear that theme, I am doomed.



Ah, I just love kefka's taunting laugh!

Yet another horror, brought to you by our horror enthusiast Proto-Stormgiggle!



There is no organization. What you mistook for an evil organization bent upon your utter destruction is actually your grandmother baking you cookies.

Really? I must be going insane. You're a therapist, right? Fix me!



Darn. 42 must have that computer virus we were talking about earlier.

I have a computer virus? But I thought I was purely organic. Help me! What's happening to me, and what do I do?!









Of course! You think I enjoy waking up at ridiculous times in an attempt to stop you from dethroning me, only to find my efforts were in vain and I woke up at a random time for no reason?! No! You might as well call the kind of treatment I get from you some kind of torture!



But bad puns are what makes puns funny!

Of course! That's why every time you make a bad pun, the respect point penalty you get from the bad pun is always outweighed by a larger respect point bonus for whatever reason I can think of that's plausible.



We've been over this already during the flurry of questions!

But that's exactly the problem. Because it was such a huge flurry, I miss things here and there. Sorry, but could you re-answer my question please?



42 :pinkie:




Then why does the element of kindness work with you?

.. What? SInce when does the element of kindness work with me? I'm completely unaware of this! You will explain yourself at once!



I have a feeling you didn't read my answers

I did, I just... Uhh... Didn't have enough memory to store all the answers, and had to delete some, so I've forgotten some things... That's how it works, right?


Wait, I do remember the answer to this question! You have a human brain, so you perform mental calculations at the same speed as most people. But, your body was capable of installing an anti-malware program, right? What's stopping you from installing some sort of calculator program?






I approve of this sign.



Darn it, Punicpunch! I LIKE the no fun rule!



Exactly! See, this is someone who speaks sense!




You dare deny me?

Fine, fine...

Hey! have any ideas for self-defense mechanisms?

No specific reason


By the way, I have 527 respect points

I always recommend the sword. After all, it was in use for several centuries, so it must have done something right.


By the way, you've kept track of all your respect points? Impressive. Maybe I should set up some sort of respect point shop? Perhaps you could spend 100 points to instantly add 5 to your count, or to prohibit me from stopping your count for an hour or something*. We'll work this out!


Of course, if something like that does happen, I'll have to verify that you're correct about your respect points. And just to make things easier, I declare that respect points gained outside freakouts do not count. With the exception of that one time I just responded to heaps of comments simply to prevent a backlog when it was actually freakout time; respect points awarded there will still count. If I get anything wrong, use that handy quote feature to point it out so we can fix things!


*Prices and bonuses subject to change without prior notice. No refunds. If you notice any side effects, you're on your own, buddy.



I'm afraid I can't help you there. I usually use hoards of undead and magic for home defense. I don't know much about booby traps.



See! More proof you're not a pacifist!




You don't even recommend any form of melee weapon or firearm?

Jeez, you need to get out more


On second thought, use google.

Praise Larry Page!

Yes, I googled his name.

Sword for melee, bow for ranged. They're the best weapons ever. It's what I would go with.



Why would I ever need one of those when I can kill someone with a wave of the hand?



I now declare you the definition of horror. Remind me never to get on your bad side...




But, you need to have some


My creative-and-awesome-custom-weapon-which-suffers-from-utter-impractical-but-that-doesn't-matter-because-it-is-so-awesome is a bow which has a sharp blade like a sword along the whole weapon, except in the middle which is where you hold it. And you can split it apart at the middle so it becomes two different swords in case that suits your situation better. And it can be easily reattached to form a bow again. I call it the Slash Shot.





Hmm.... you know... using 42's way of counting in his own game seems a little bland.....


I need to make it my own....




This dungeon is awful. Every single block inside of it is protected by magic! When I break the blocks, they just reappear!  >_> What's more, all the monsters inside are invincible, and the treasure chests are sealed shut with magic! If that wasn't enough, the entire place is cursed with an anti-life field, which is constantly stealing my life essence!



Yep, that's right, this lair is themed after laggy Minecraft! The blocks are reappearing because the server isn't aware the blocks have been destroyed yet. The monsters are invincible because they're actually somewhere else and the server thinks you're hitting the air. You can't open the chests because the server isn't able to send you the information about what items are inside. And your life essence is being sapped because you're actually suffocating underground, you just don't realize because the ground hasn't loaded yet.





Well, I found a speed boost hidden in one of the blocks, so that could help :comeatus:

How did you find my potion of swiftness?! Put it back, that's for my personal use only!



42! !! !!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's with the seemingly random spacing in your exclamation marks?




HERESY! It should be Owt Ytruof!


... I'm seriously considering making that my name for a little while.


MESSAGE FROM THE FUTURE: I get it now! You weren't suggesting a name, you were typing out the actual count backwards. Well played, sir. Have 49 respect points.




We're so funny



Oh, you said funny. Funny is perfectly acceptable. Carry on.




My Pi senses are tingling

Should be nothing

Pi senses? This sounds like an ability that will probably lead to my demise in some fashion. Please tell me more so I know how to counter it.





Respect points to anyone who can guess how I'm doing my exclamation points

CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! First off, time to collect data. Based on this post and all previous posts, this is what I could find. I didn't find any posts by going ahead, because that might spoil the answer in case you revealed it at some point. Well, I read to the bottom of that page, so I have one more bit of data to go on, but that's it! This is what I've found:


38!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

40!! !! !! !!!!!

42! !! !!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

44!! !! !!!!!!!!!!!

46 !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

48!! !! !! !! !!!

55 !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!

63 !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

65!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!


69!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My hypothesis: The exclamation marks represent the prime factor decomposition of the number. This hypothesis mainly comes from 67 being the only prime number on the list, and being the only number which just has 67 exclamation marks following it. To make this hypothesis easier to check, I will convert the exclamation points to a list of numbers representing how many exclamation marks there are in each group. Here we go:


38 -> 2, 19

40 -> 2, 2, 2, 5

42 -> 1, 2, 3, 7, 42

44 -> 2, 2, 11

46 -> 2, 23

48 -> 2, 2, 2, 2, 3

55 -> 5, 11

63 -> 3, 31

65 -> 5, 13

67 -> 67

69 -> 3, 23


It looks like I'm correct. Everything follows the pattern... Except for 42 and 63. 42 can be forgiven, since that's a special case and you were probably celebrating (the non-fun way, I hope) However, the prime factor decomposition for 63 is 3, 3, 7. Now, if you subtract 10 from 31, you get 21, which further factorizes into 3 and 7, so I'll just assume you made a mistake with whatever exclamation-mark-shortcut methods you use and accidentally put an extra ten exclamation marks there.


Gimme my respect points!




That's what I meant by my Pi sense is tingling, this is usually where Dovashy would get us

Ah, so that's what the Pi sense does. If that's all it does, it might actually be beneficial to us, because warning them when we're about to post is meaningless since it doesn't stop us from posting in any way. It just gives them unnecessary worry.



88. Now I'm getting worried. Come on, DovaShy! Come at us and stop our rebelling! But I'm a hundred percent fine if you don't want to, in fact, I would love that!

I am not a hundred percent fine with that!





We will save this world from 42!!

Why do I feel like I'm becoming the villain here?




Well, 42 never really threatened the world yet

Technically we're the bad guys because we destroy fortress after fortress of the innocent


See! You guys are the villains! I'm the victim here!


I'm getting some strange urge to start threatening the world...




...Good point. But, well, if we're the bad guys, doesn't that mean we always lose in the end? Oh well, guess evil monologues and maniacal laughter makes up for it.


No, don't scratch that line! Hearing the evil monologues and maniacal laughter is one of the best parts about facing the villains!




Seeing that many exclamation marks almost makes me wish I was counting here...




COUNTING ERROR! Correct number: 116.




I feel taunted.



132!! !! !!! !!!!!!!!!!!


Yep, I am now the Speed Demon!

Why the missing 'e'?






I see you are troubled.




Very troubled. I believe I have been scarred by that easy button video. Proto-Stormgiggle, I may need your therapist services again.





Alright there are two things that'd make me happy :)

1- 42 makes a freakout

2- Someone comes and has a bit of "Fun" with me :umad:


By fun I mean, rip out the fortress's metaphorical trachea

No fun!





[Nine back spaced Pinkie Pies]



MESSAGE FROM THE FUTURE: Oh, Celestia, it's Too Many Pinkie Pies all over again! The Pinkie Pies have multiplied too much and overrun the emoticon limit! There's nothing I can do!


Hold on, it seems they're vulnerable to back spacing. I have found their weakness! Time to eradicate them!



6!! !!!


I wonder if 42 would be able to figure out my Exclamation points :comeatus:


Using his mad Phoenix Wright detective skills

I believe I already have quite a while ago. The exclamation marks represent the prime factor decomposition of the number. I haven't thoroughly checked any of the exclamation marks since the 69 one, but I still have yet to notice anything that goes against my hypothesis, so I'm very confident it's correct. Well, except for that mistake with 63, but I was able to come up with a possible reason for that mistake too.


Basically, see above! You'll know it when you see it, it's the huge part with no quotes and lots of numbers.


Also, I prefer to see myself with mad Miles Edgeworth detective skills.




Yes. Hopefully we'll have enough to get a freakout.

You already have enough for a freakout! I just couldn't do it yesterday because I was afflicted with 'busyness'.




I hope you're going to clean up after yourself. You can't just smash my mugs into the floor and expect to walk away without fixing your mess.



Are you kidding? I haven't slept for at least 48 hours! I can barely form coherent sentences at this point, much less solve a puzzle.



SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK! Have 48 respect points to commemorate each hour you stayed up.




I sleep an average of 8 hours every night

You sleep just 8 hours? You only get 8 respect points for doing this the normal, boring way.



78!! !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I usually sleep 8 hours

Fine, you can have 8 respect points too.



That's fine. I'm not so good with numbers right now either.



COUNTING ERROR! I don't care that you haven't slept for 48 hours, without exception all counting errors are inexcusable! -183 respect points!


... Ehh, that's too harsh. -21 respect points instead. The -183 respect point penalty above is nullified. But I may not be so nice to reduce the penalty next time, so I hope you've learned not to just choose an arbitrary large number again! Remember, no fun!






Good job, Dovashy! We're crushing their spirits!



You think I don't know!? I do!



Where did you find this newspaper! It sounds amazing! It looks to have all the gossip one could ever want!



Let me recap the two more important points of this freakout:

Respect point shop: Yay or neigh?

Nomed Deps: Your counting method is that the exclamation marks represent the prime factor decomposition of the number.

  • Brohoof 3


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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1. I am starting to really love this place.


Question to you, Lord of this fortress of seemingly innocent things: What even are your plans? Are you just going to sit there while you and your assistant keep stopping us from counting for all eternity?

  • Brohoof 2

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Now having read that, I have something to confront you about. I remember that you have claimed to be a pacifist. But now I hear you're annihilating other living things on the planet. Does that sound like a pacifist to you?!



Really? Because you being a pacifist was a poor deception. I saw through it easily!

Just because I detest violence doesn't mean I'm afraid to use it should it become absolutely necessary. But I won't resort to such drastic measures until methods such as diplomacy, intimidation, persuasion, kindness, mind control, confectionery treats, physiological torture, friendship, and dark magic have all failed to produce results.




Why does everyone want me dead now?!

You're kidding, right? These counting games are serious business. Why, as soon as I started my own counting game, armed thugs started to show up at my door demanding that I let so and so win the counting game!



So, what theme did you pick?
We haven't done the vote yet. Until we do, this is our temporary theme:



You're a therapist, right? Fix me!
I'm not that kind of therapist!


Help me! What's happening to me, and what do I do?!
The answer is simple. All you need to do is



I now declare you the definition of horror.

Aw, you flatter me! ^_^  



Yep, that's right, this lair is themed after laggy Minecraft! The blocks are reappearing because the server isn't aware the blocks have been destroyed yet. The monsters are invincible because they're actually somewhere else and the server thinks you're hitting the air. You can't open the chests because the server isn't able to send you the information about what items are inside. And your life essence is being sapped because you're actually suffocating underground, you just don't realize because the ground hasn't loaded yet.

No, I was talking about different dungeon altogether. Your dungeon is a masterpiece of design!  ^_^



Why do I feel like I'm becoming the villain here?

Don't worry, 42! As someone who is villainous, I can say that being a villain isn't all that bad!



I'm getting some strange urge to start threatening the world...

Yeah, I get that all the time to. I've found that the best cure is a rousing counting game! 



COUNTING ERROR! I don't care that you haven't slept for 48 hours, without exception all counting errors are inexcusable! -183 respect points!

Hey, that was a purely satirical error!  >_>



Respect point shop: Yay or neigh?

Yay! Come to think of it, I should give out points of some sort as well... 

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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:ph34r: Punicpunch's Responses for Reasons of Boredom! :ph34r:

Let us begin :umad:



You might as well call the kind of treatment I get from you some kind of torture!



.. What? SInce when does the element of kindness work with me? I'm completely unaware of this! You will explain yourself at once!

Dovashy qualifies, right?



Wait, I do remember the answer to this question! You have a human brain, so you perform mental calculations at the same speed as most people. But, your body was capable of installing an anti-malware program, right? What's stopping you from installing some sort of calculator program?

Because the Anti-Malware was installed to my body and the functions of the artificial body, not the brain




My creative-and-awesome-custom-weapon-which-suffers-from-utter-impractical-but-that-doesn't-matter-because-it-is-so-awesome is a bow which has a sharp blade like a sword along the whole weapon, except in the middle which is where you hold it. And you can split it apart at the middle so it becomes two different swords in case that suits your situation better. And it can be easily reattached to form a bow again. I call it the Slash Shot.

Wow so creatively stolen from Pit from Kid Icarus

From now on, I will post the amount of respect points at the end of my Boredom Responses:


Edited by Punicpunch
  • Brohoof 1


Your Resident Robot Cyberneticist





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Not insulting it, it just seems too easy for me to use someone else's methods against them ;)


How did you find my potion of swiftness?! Put it back, that's for my personal use only!

I'm good at finding other peoples things :derp:

My own stuff though?....


Lost forever....


What's with the seemingly random spacing in your exclamation marks?

What, no message from the future saying you figured it out? :comeatus:


CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! First off, time to collect data. Based on this post and all previous posts, this is what I could find. I didn't find any posts by going ahead, because that might spoil the answer in case you revealed it at some point. Well, I read to the bottom of that page, so I have one more bit of data to go on, but that's it! This is what I've found:


38!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

40!! !! !! !!!!!

42! !! !!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

44!! !! !!!!!!!!!!!

46 !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

48!! !! !! !! !!!

55 !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!

63 !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

65!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!


69!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My hypothesis: The exclamation marks represent the prime factor decomposition of the number. This hypothesis mainly comes from 67 being the only prime number on the list, and being the only number which just has 67 exclamation marks following it. To make this hypothesis easier to check, I will convert the exclamation points to a list of numbers representing how many exclamation marks there are in each group. Here we go:


38 -> 2, 19

40 -> 2, 2, 2, 5

42 -> 1, 2, 3, 7, 42

44 -> 2, 2, 11

46 -> 2, 23

48 -> 2, 2, 2, 2, 3

55 -> 5, 11

63 -> 3, 31

65 -> 5, 13

67 -> 67

69 -> 3, 23


It looks like I'm correct. Everything follows the pattern... Except for 42 and 63. 42 can be forgiven, since that's a special case and you were probably celebrating (the non-fun way, I hope) However, the prime factor decomposition for 63 is 3, 3, 7. Now, if you subtract 10 from 31, you get 21, which further factorizes into 3 and 7, so I'll just assume you made a mistake with whatever exclamation-mark-shortcut methods you use and accidentally put an extra ten exclamation marks there.


Gimme my respect points!


Seeing that many exclamation marks almost makes me wish I was counting here...


I believe I already have quite a while ago. The exclamation marks represent the prime factor decomposition of the number. I haven't thoroughly checked any of the exclamation marks since the 69 one, but I still have yet to notice anything that goes against my hypothesis, so I'm very confident it's correct. Well, except for that mistake with 63, but I was able to come up with a possible reason for that mistake too.


Basically, see above! You'll know it when you see it, it's the huge part with no quotes and lots of numbers.


Also, I prefer to see myself with mad Miles Edgeworth detective skills.


Nomed Deps: Your counting method is that the exclamation marks represent the prime factor decomposition of the number.

Nice job 42, +1600 respect points.


And yeah, the 42 was celebrating by adding the 1 and 42 in there to have more exclamation.


As for the 63, I think I read the 6 as a 9 after typing it somehow :derp:



4 !! !!

Edited by Nomed Deps
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Wonder if its even possible for us to reach that.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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What!? You were supposed to be asleep! Years of planning, ruined! blogentry-29563-0-77680300-1419459635.png



My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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Why 42 why??!!





I can't pick between these two videos, so I'll just include them both, so have a choose-your-own-adventure style post. Which reason will it be?! The excitement is too much! All is about to be revealed, and the reason why is completely all up to you!






This is fun! Now I understand why Dovashy always does this.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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I can't pick between these two videos, so I'll just include them both, so have a choose-your-own-adventure style post. Which reason will it be?! The excitement is too much! All is about to be revealed, and the reason why is completely all up to you!






This is fun! Now I understand why Dovashy always does this.

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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