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Count to 42 Before 42, Dovashy or (sometimes) Stormgiggle, or Sir Hugs posts

Message added by Ice Princess Silky <3,

Hello, everyone! If you are not Sir Hugs then you should feel free to count here while also knowing he is one huge derp. :pout:

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"And from the depths of chaos a voice spoke to me and said ‘Smile, and be happy, things could be worse’ - and thus I smiled, and was happy, and things got worse."
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42 will most likely respond to all of the posts here tomorrow. However, he has no idea when he will stop talking in third person.
Yes you distance yourself my friend as more and more of the days is belong to us........the Colt'iok is coming and many months of exacting conditions are falling into place....soon this thread and the entire Colosseum will be mine haha  and then I shall start my expanse into the rest of the forum and my influence is sure to be doubled....




"by Quartz I mean @Lady Kiriness" (P.s I asked her if she could do a commission for me and she insisted that it was for free, so she is the real star here)

  • Brohoof 3

img-36235-1-img-36235-1-img-36235-1-img-  points from 42 =139 and 2 coupons 

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"And from the depths of chaos a voice spoke to me and said ‘Smile, and be happy, things could be worse’ - and thus I smiled, and was happy, and things got worse."
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"And from the depths of chaos a voice spoke to me and said ‘Smile, and be happy, things could be worse’ - and thus I smiled, and was happy, and things got worse."
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"And from the depths of chaos a voice spoke to me and said ‘Smile, and be happy, things could be worse’ - and thus I smiled, and was happy, and things got worse."
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"And from the depths of chaos a voice spoke to me and said ‘Smile, and be happy, things could be worse’ - and thus I smiled, and was happy, and things got worse."
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I only brought it up because you just introduced a point system based on things you like and then immediately stated how good it was for me to always give credit without even considering giving it any points? All i'm saying is maybe give a couple points (at least 1 or 2) to everything you at least consider mentioning that you like?




yes and you also like science haha (here's one I was saving for you haha)


[This post had too many pictures, so 42 had to remove some. Go to the original post to see them!]

"by RubleGun"


and armored ponies as well haha


[Removed picture]


"by cmaggot"




I know you read all the posts on here of that i'm almost certain...But not all of this story that you where in was on this post, but if it wasn't then you where quoted which is why I brought that bit up haha




although it was mostly a war between me and Stormgiggle you did play quite a big part? and I am surprised you don't remember it as you where the one who had to deal with my robot army including the (much less advanced) Sweetiebot unit?


[Removed picture]


"by EuropaMaxima"


although technology has gotten much more advanced since then thanks to my "immortality" project where I have gotten the DNA and arcane synchronicity of most of the big hitters (if you remember that at least) and my cyber ponies and warships are nigh unbeatable (at least to my knowledge) ...I should really make a list of accounts and when they happened for everyone else haha


[Removed picture]


"by Magdalene-Cross"




what why not? it's really funny sometime watching you set up all your traps..but it is funnier to see others fall for them ¦D 

[Removed picture]

"by Alexbalix"


Although I need to ask..who is your friend, the one that always walks down your halls at around 3:45 every night with a bear trap? he never seems to place it anywhere and i'm pretty sure he can teleport to as I keep loosing track of him?


[Removed picture]


"by Siansaar"




hmmmmm have you considered asking someone who appears to be on all the time? one of your biggest ralliers of counting and someone with alot of influence in getting many bored people to what he asks just because he make it sound cool? (if you havent got it yet have you considered asking me?)


[Removed picture]




"by @Crecious

You make a good point! I shall award points to people for all sorts of things I like, whether it's good maths, incredible pictures, witty comments or whatever else.


With all those pictures, you are clearly pandering to me. This is heavily encouraged. +2 points!


Scootaloo explaining science to an attentive Sweetie Belle and an uninterested Apple Bloom. +3 points!

Armored ponies. +4 points!

You're bringing up some painful memories of being blasted with so many painful lasers as I fought off all those Sweetie Bot units. They hurt! -2 points.

Sci-fi ponies. +2 points!

Partaking in the enjoyment of seeing others fall for your traps. +1 point!

A pony with a bear trap for a hoof is quite horrific but also kind of cool. Overall that's neutral, +0 points.


All those points directly correlate with how much I like each image, by the way. (Except the Sweetie Bot image, that's more of a joke penalty. I'd rate it at 1 point.)


And one last thing; I noticed you're keeping track of your 42 points in your signature. That's dedication! Have an extra +1 point for that!


Well, you're probably my most active counter at this point. If I hired you as a counter-stopper, that would probably be overkill. And things seem to have gotten much more quiet lately, so I don't think I actually need any more counter stoppers.





Not really catch Stormgiggle though. More like storing his essence, it's not easy considering he's made of a material containing basically everything's destruction. He's really biohazardous. I'm the hero there. :/


Nope, your former thrones. I must say that the Coup Dé'tat is doing pretty well. That, or I could just raze them all. ;p


@ @Lightwing

Well... How did I see this coming? Aiding the enemy? Shame... I ruin Buzz's OTP now. Look up October 24th.



How many thrones do you have after stealing so many from me? I've certainly lost count. Are you really going to raze them all?


I don't like revealing my real birthday. So let's use a fake one! Assuming I was born on the 4/2 (ordered the Australian way, so that means the fourth of February, not the second of April!), that means I am wrapping up winter with DJ Pon-3. I do quite like electronic music, so I think that'll work well.



I've developed an odd way of explaining math ever since i was a math tutor at college for 2 and a half years. Let's just say I find only some of the people I helped understood when I explained the "what", but it stuck a lot better when I went into detail about the "why" you do it a certain way and why it works, and it stuck even better when I took some random off-the-wall method of doing it. Also I may have developed a bad habit of overly dumbing stuff down to the point I accidentally insult your intelligence.



... GAH HOW COULD I HAVE MADE SUCH AN OBVIOUS MISTAKE?!?!?! What's wrong with me? I even checked to see if it worked on integers but somehow I bungled it up. I don't even know. The shame shall be eternal!  :blush:



Oh no no no, don't misunderstand. I wouldn't dream of being a counter-stopper!


So each post counting up by one is signifying the disarming of one additional trap, am I right? So I'm basically just tagging along behind and re-arming traps, decreasing the number of traps disarmed and, in essence, decreasing the count by one. Something of this nature:


someone-13, someone-14, someone-15, someone-16, me-15, someone-16, someone-17, etc.



Mwahaha! The early lead is mine! Granted, soon I'm sure it'll look something like this:


Trottermare Galamane: 1307

CinnamonPop: 1037

Lightwing: 772

Totally Not Lyra: 112


But I have something none of them do! I'm still the proud owner of a 42 coupon.  ^_^



Hey now, don't be stealing my ideas! You're unworthy of serving our great and generous overlord!!!



Awwwww, why can't my birthday be November 13. :(




Everyone has different strengths in maths! We miss things all the time! Just earlier today, I said that 2r2=(2r)2. Such a rudimentary mistake!


As far as I can tell, your the most mathematically inclined of my counters, so that gives you a big advantage with the points. Although Trottermare is very good at finding great images and he knows my personal tastes very well, so that gives him a big advantage too. I think you two are going to be fierce rivals!


I never considered having someone on my side who only subtracts from the count instead of setting it to zero. That's probably a much better way of doing it! Although like I said earlier, things are getting slower around here so the need for any sort of aid has become very low. Still, +5 points for a good suggestion!


Oh yeah, I vaguely remember handing out some sort of coupon a while back. I still haven't come up with a use for them.


You know what, let's try something. I'm giving you two more 42 coupons, for a total of three. You can spend them once per post to either increase the count by 2 or decrease the count by 2, whichever you feel like. Consider this a trial of a potential system I might implement later; if people like it, I'll start giving out more 42 coupons.



A single quinate





? I see a contradiction right here....anyway, Unworthy...really? I stood toe to toe with stormgiggle when 42 was his minion haha I was cursed to be spaghetti king so that I could help Cinni with the Cinnidoo and the following conflict almost destroyed all creation, with the presence of many cosmic entities thrown into conflict, including the Empress of Pony kind (Picture underneath) (who by the way sided with me) and we even found out what StormGiggle actually is...(which by the way was very hard to grasp and we even had all the logic and principles down..in it's simplest form, if stormgiggle was to merge with our multiverse it would create another fundamental law of physics like Gravity or the strong force etc but one we cannot comprehend until it happens) so I wouldn't say that i'm unworthy haha (p.s I really need to go back and find the page's there on it was a totally ball'er story)




"by EuropaMaxima"


I doubt you will be that far behind pal haha



And I have something here fears and something he really wants  haha (like REALLY wants)



Yay I get to be best friends with Luna haha Yay..




 "by Rain-Gear"

You two seem to be having a lot of competition over who gets to be my next counter-stopper. Which seems a little futile, given there's no position open in the first place. Although I did just give Not Lyra's 42 Coupons a potential count-reducing use, so I guess technically you could say he won?


Also, +2 points for more EPIC art!





Yes I have finally found it haha @FortyTwo42 come here and listen closely this was a b**ch to find (better get some good points for this pal) 


OK so I found the war posts from me and stormgiggle and you weren't a big a part of it as I remember (also it was on the "Last post wins" topic) 


so before I show you remember these fact's...


1:I was King Colt'iok (spaghetti king) at the time 


2:I had the Cinnidoo (voodoo doll of @CinnamonPop


3:It is a long read covering 7 pages (and alot of that doesn't relate)


This is a fairly intense situation and by the end you will know what Stomgiggle really is and how he could be the reason why our multiverse could soon have a new law of physics ‡o


  start here https://mlpforums.com/topic/300-last-poster-wins/page-3105#entry4318095and ends near the start of page 3112...what do you think?

Good work finding something that happened so long ago in such a busy thread! +5 points!


And yes, I remember now! The problem was I thought you were referring to an event that happened in this counting game, which is why I couldn't remember it. I wasn't really there for much of it, though; I was just doing some basic minion tasks for Stormgiggle at the start and then I disappeared.





I great haha although I am running out of good *boop* pictures to use on you (only about 90 or so left unless before I have to really look for them) 


"by South-Fur"

Nopony should have that much power... Now I can't be next to any computer monitor or I may get booped out of nowhere!

+2 points, one for each boop.





Hooray, I got a piece of virtual candy....aaaaannnnnd it's gone.

Yeah, it's annoying when your virtual stuff dissapears. But you know what doesn't dissapear? 42's points! Here, have 5!





oh....I missed it, I guess i'm just going to have to come back at a more shocking time haha


"by Sandwich-Anomaly"

... +5 points, then -5 points for a horrible pun. Although that's quite a striking picture, so have an extra +1 point.



What happened was people left me all by myself in this dark lair for 2 whole days. It's scary in here, I thought I heard ghosts but it's too dark to know for sure. T_T



Did you fall through one of my trapdoors and have to wait 2 days before someone else rescued you? That must've sucked. Which means my traps are working wonderfully!




Thank you again, Dovashy!



Darn it, Dovashy. Stay. In. Your. Cage. :=:



Hey, stop putting Dovashy in a cage! That's so...

*Steps on pressure plate.*

Gah! Where'd this cage come from! Don't tell me I just fell into one of Cinnamon's traps... This is meant to be happening the other way around! Well, with all three of us in cages, I better make sure I hold onto my handy remote so I can still make sure the rest of my traps continue to work protect my lair while I try to escape... :adorkable:


I think you need a huge point penalty for such actions, but giving you such a penalty would probably only prompt you to torture me, so I suppose I'll refrain from assigning any point penalties. For now. :dry:





remind me to never get on Cinny's bad side. o_O

Here's your reminder: Never get on Cinny's bad side! You might end up caged!







Yes you distance yourself my friend as more and more of the days is belong to us........the Colt'iok is coming and many months of exacting conditions are falling into place....soon this thread and the entire Colosseum will be mine haha  and then I shall start my expanse into the rest of the forum and my influence is sure to be doubled....




"by Quartz I mean @Lady Kiriness" (P.s I asked her if she could do a commission for me and she insisted that it was for free, so she is the real star here)

Yeah, I suppose 42 must be trying to distance himself from you. Although he thinks the main reason is that talking in third person can be fun. It can also be very hard to do; there's been many times when 42 attempted to talk in third person and then accidentally used a word like 'I' or 'me'. In fact, once 42 finished making this post and proofread it all, he noticed he even made one of those mistakes in this very paragraph! He refrained from fixing it, so he'll leave it up to you to find.


That picture is amazing! You really do look ready to do some underhanded tricks to destroy me and take over everything I own. (And yes, this paragraph was meant to be said in first person.)





@Trottermare Galamane I was happy to do it! It was no big deal, really. :blush:

Hey, thanks for making such a great drawing! It's not often I see the artist of one of Trottermare's pictures come to my game.





42 has alot of posts to go through....

Indeed he does.





Indeed he does

Whoa, you just completely read my mind. That's a bit creepy, but also awesome. Have +5 points for that!


(It really did happen that way; when I saw Trottermare's post, I thought to myself 'Indeed I do', and then I read Crescent's post and was certainly surprised by how close that matched my thoughs!)


So, the point summary:

Totally Not Lyra: 90 (+5)

Trottermare Galamane: 42 (+21) (This number may or may not have been intentional)

Crescent Light: 5 (+5)

Wolf General Alpha: 5 (+5)

Lightwing: 2 (+0)


And in case you missed it, Totally Not Lyra has three 42 Coupons, each of which he can spend to either increase of decrease the count by 2, whichever he chooses. This is a trial system, whether or not you like such a system will determine whether I keep doing this or never mention it again!

  • Brohoof 5


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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"And from the depths of chaos a voice spoke to me and said ‘Smile, and be happy, things could be worse’ - and thus I smiled, and was happy, and things got worse."
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Everyone has different strengths in maths! We miss things all the time! Just earlier today, I said that 2r2=(2r)2. Such a rudimentary mistake!


As far as I can tell, your the most mathematically inclined of my counters, so that gives you a big advantage with the points. Although Trottermare is very good at finding great images and he knows my personal tastes very well, so that gives him a big advantage too. I think you two are going to be fierce rivals!


I never considered having someone on my side who only subtracts from the count instead of setting it to zero. That's probably a much better way of doing it! Although like I said earlier, things are getting slower around here so the need for any sort of aid has become very low. Still, +5 points for a good suggestion!


Oh yeah, I vaguely remember handing out some sort of coupon a while back. I still haven't come up with a use for them.


You know what, let's try something. I'm giving you two more 42 coupons, for a total of three. You can spend them once per post to either increase the count by 2 or decrease the count by 2, whichever you feel like. Consider this a trial of a potential system I might implement later; if people like it, I'll start giving out more 42 coupons.

2r2=(2r)2 ? That'd be crazy! Unless of course if r=0 it's a true statement. This may not be crazy anymore but it's certainly very silly, after all what's the point of a circle if it's radius is 0. Hmm, if you yourself were the circle then no one could ever divide by you again I suppose.


Speaking of silly, you've just done something very silly indeed 42. You gave me more power. The way I see it, there's 3 different ways I can sew chaos with these coupons. First is this, what if I were to use one as the first or second post of a count, causing the count to go negative? As the count symbolizes traps we've disarmed, having a -2 would mean there's 2 more traps than there were originally, I've just created something from nothing, I've broken physics as we know it! Second choice would be to completely skip a dethrone, for example skipping from 41 to 43 with it. One does not simply skip over the thrown we've disarmed 41 other traps to get to, that's crazy talk! And what's more, what if I saved it and skipped over the big one, that's right what if i skipped over 1764. Pure chaos would ensue.


I think though that I'll choose the third choice, the most cunning and devious of the choices: I'll just keep them. You've given them a value, but it's a value that no one knows what is worth, not even you I bet. Are they too powerful, are they too weak? People will wonder, and they'll want them, giving them even more value. And if anyone ever wants to see their power revealed, then you'll have to give out another coupon. I'll be forcing your hand, and now that you know that's part of my plan you can't do it, you can't let me control you can you? You see, I now hold ALL the power in my sneaky little hands. You're too kind to me 42.



Did you fall through one of my trapdoors and have to wait 2 days before someone else rescued you? That must've sucked. Which means my traps are working wonderfully!

It was terrifying. It was just me, my imagination, and the ghosts for 2 days. The ghosts were scary, but my imagination was the worst part as I could only imagine what terrible ends my fellow counters had come to. Did they perhaps fall into a hole just like this one and after a while of being alone just like me did something worse come to finish them off? I hope not super slow moving spikes, that would suck. Woops you didn't hear that, I didn't just give you an idea for a new trap. D:



Here's your reminder: Never get on Cinny's bad side! You might end up caged!




Yeah, I suppose 42 must be trying to distance himself from you. Although he thinks the main reason is that talking in third person can be fun. It can also be very hard to do; there's been many times when 42 attempted to talk in third person and then accidentally used a word like 'I' or 'me'. In fact, once 42 finished making this post and proofread it all, he noticed he even made one of those mistakes in this very paragraph! He refrained from fixing it, so he'll leave it up to you to find.

Yeah, I suppose 42 must be trying to distance himself from you

Yeah, I suppose

... Nailed it!  :yay:



So, the point summary:

Totally Not Lyra: 90 (+5)

Trottermare Galamane: 42 (+21) (This number may or may not have been intentional)

Crescent Light: 5 (+5)

Wolf General Alpha: 5 (+5)

Lightwing: 2 (+0)

Totally Not Lyra (+5)

Trottermare Galamane (+21)


It's already happening! D:




Edited by Totally Not Lyra
  • Brohoof 1

Signature made by @Sparklefan1234 (Thank you!)

Want to know something? Ask me, Nyx, Lyra, or Roseluck anything.

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