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open Battle for Equestria RolePlay thread

The Last Derp

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(This is the roleplay thread for Battle for Equestria. Sign up here:http://mlpforums.com/topic/107683-battle-for-equestria/ )


It was 3:00am in Ponyville. Nothing but darkness, and silence. The cold wind tickled Lucky's muzzle as he was trotting home, looking left and right to make sure 'they' weren't lurking. That 'they' weren't waiting to pounce and take their next victim. The only sounds that could be heard was the sound of Lucky's hooves, and the breeze slowly blowing, peacefully but at the same time having that very menacing feel. Something rustled. Lucky turned his head quickly to the bush. It was shaking, slowly. Then, one of 'them' pounced out. Lucky jolted back and started galloping, making sure to not look. He heard 'them'. 'They' had arrived. Lucky was galloping as fast as he could, his home now in sight. He burst through the door, shut it and locked it. He sat down in the front of the door, looking at the mud and dust covering his legs. Something had to be done about 'them'. 'They' must be stopped. He would have to gather backup. Close friends to help in the battle against 'them'...


Derp derp derpity durp. Signature by Blue Moon



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Somwhere in the heart of Japon, a distance yet very oriental land in Equestria, an armored pony patrols the weary streets. He has been known to break up crowd disturbances, send Diamond Dogs running back home with their tails between their legs, keeping Timber Wolves at bay, and make sure Snow Leopards don't interrupt days meant to be sunny. However as of lately, something else entirely grabs his attention, something that keeps him up at night. Something so mysterious and illusive, it could even make ninjas jealous... He can't find what it is just yet, but he knows it's out there. He knows because others have felt the ominous presence.


In his investigation, he has heard from fellow ponies about being haunted by something scary, perhaps not of this world. Yet there was never any solid evidence left behind. Be that as it may, this armored pony felt it his duty to investigate. As a honorable retainer, he sent a written message to Celestia, leader of the solar kingdom which he is most loyal to. However, no word came back. No orders, no confirmations, and nothing dispelling what could be a potential threat. However, whatever was lurking among pony kind could not be ignored. It was possible that this threat has reached far beyond his humble land.


To make absolute sure, this armored pony has been giving visitors and tourists advisory pamphlets. These ponies would take these pamphlets, give them a read, and quickly toss it aside as a joke. Some would throw theirs away when they got home, forgetting that they had it. And as luck would have it, one of those discarded pamphlets had somehow reached Lucky's yard. When he rushed home, that very pamphlet latched on to his hoof, and fell to the floor as he locks his door. It is dirty with mud, but still readable and waiting for him to discover it.


It reads... "If you ever feel as if the shadows are haunting you, contact Samurai Equine." Information on how to do so was was listed within.

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It was the next morning. Lucky had gotten no sleep that night as he was restless from the chase with 'them'. He was poreparing his breakfast when his window suddenly opened. Looking out of it, he saw the damp piece of paper with hoof marks all over it. Not even hesitating to do so,_ he climbed out of the window slowly and picked up the paper.


It was soggy and covered in mud, but suprisingly readable. He read what it said: "If you ever feel as if the shadows are haunting you, contact Samurai Equine. So there is somebody else out there who knows of the deadly shadows. But where is this Samurai Equine?".


Lucky took the note inside, and after grabbing his cappuccino, sat down at the table. " Ive got to find him" he said "but Equestria is so big, I probably never will..." He sighed as he took a sip of his cappuccino, not caring if it was hot or not. He was sat their for hours trying to figure out where he would be, and realised, a samurai would be in Japon!


'To get there would be a big task, as Japon is quite far away' he said, his smile quickly fading into a frown. But he couldnt give up. He wont let the shadows devour him. No, he would set off to try and find Samurai. But he first needed to prepare himself for the long journey ahead of him.


As he quickly put the note in his bag, he never noticed the information located on the other side...

Edited by Lucky Clover 777


Derp derp derpity durp. Signature by Blue Moon



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Red Sage walked to his house. He was on his way home from a show. While he was walking he heard talking around an alley. He looked into the alley and saw 2 black figures. One saw him and started to walk towards him the other followed. Red Sage started to run. The 2 black figures started to run as well. Red Sage was heading to his house. He had a some guns there. He hope 'they' didn't get them. Red Sage's heart was thumping in his ears. Why were they following me? As he ran another mysterious figure appeared from out of another alley way. Whatever they were talking about most have been pretty important. Red Sage got to his house. He ran inside and locked the door. He looked outside the window. "What the hell?" No one was there. "Where did they go?" he asked himself "I swear they were following me" Red Sage was confused. The fact that they weren't there made Red Sage even more scared. He ran upstairs to get his double barrel. When he got up their he gasped. The gun was missing. Not just the gun the whole gun cabinet. This couldn't have robbers. They would have left the cabinet. He thought to himself. Red Sage looked in his closet for his .44 magnum. It wasn't there. But that was impossible. Only he knew the gun was there and in his hidding spot. He was the only person who knew he had the gun. CRASH!!! A brick flew into the window. Red Sage ran to the window. He looked down onto his lawn. On it he saw the 3 dark figures. And they each had a bottle of liquid in their hooves. And something else. A small silver rectangle. "What is that?" Red Sage whispered about the rectangle. It finally hit Red Sage. It was a lighter.

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As Lucky was trotting out of his house, being very careful not to be caught by 'them', he sniffed up some smoke as it was trailing from a few houses down. He knew this couldnt be good. He galloped to the house and saw 'them'. He hid behind the bush, hoping the wouldnt notice him when he slipped and smashed into the mud puddle nearby. 'They' all stared at him. "Oh crap" Lucky muttered under his breath as he got up and backed away slowly. One of them lit the lighter and threw it onto Sempers house, starting a small fire that gradually got bigger. 'They' laughed. Lucky burst into the house shouting "WATCH OUT!! THERES A FIRE!!" The stairs were covered in flames and 'they' walked in.


Lucky was backing away slowly, and as the tip of his tail set on fire, he started spinning and moving towards 'them'. He set 'them' on fire until they were nothing more than mere pieces of black dust. He set the fire out, getting kind of worried at the damage, shouted "You'll thank me later!" and walked out of the door, smiling after getting rid of three of 'them'.


Derp derp derpity durp. Signature by Blue Moon



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chain has goten up from a 2 hour paranoa nap "cant have the luexury of sleep often! no I cant me. well right now I need more baracades" chain got up from a torn up bed "now just do this and then have your 6 hourly snack!" chain gets some spare wood from the basment "some ponys would go insane in this surcumstance good thing I'm not! right me." he built MORE baracades now you cant even see a remanence of a window he's done it so much "ok now I am going to eat and observe things from my adic window" he got his last carrot from the cabnit chain know that this was bad mabey even hopeless but he couldent just die "wait Is that fire?" It was from tow houses down are there was survivers he thoult to him self could they need help? he opened the window "hey hello? do you need help? no responce came but he saw at least one pony fighting shadows "should I help? yes you should! but I might die. you might but you have to help! fine. good thing the owner of this house has a spell book!" chain blinked to the sidewalk and entered the burning building casting a heavy fire spell on one shadow "hello friends!"


(I cant spell vary well please dount be rude ok)

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The trip to Japon would be long, but thankfully unnecessary. The pamphlet unfolds, revealing a mailing addressing. This made it easier for Lucky to contact Samurai Equine and invite him over. You'd be surprised how fast Pegasi can deliver airmail!


To make sure he got there as fast as he could, Samurai travels by train. He goes over the instructions he got from Lucky, which include his address and a photo of what he looks like. "Perhaps this is where I make comrades that I can fight beside... For Equestria!"


The train pulls in to the station, and Samurai gets off. However, he notices quickly that he is surrounded by laughing shadows! In fact, a few of the conductors and train staff are acting like zombies, possessed by the shadows. "Wicked shadow demons! Disperse, all of you!" Samurai bucks and punches with his horseshoe covered hooves, but physical attacks do nothing! "No effect? Then face my Flaming Horn attack!" Summoning his magic, red flames surround Samurai's horn. With a wave of his head, the flames shoot out, and burn the shadow creatures away! The train staff are freed and relatively unharmed. "The shadows draw closer with every minute. I can't waist anymore time!" Samurai Equine trots as fast as he can to his destination.


Samurai arrives at Lucky's house. "This looks like the place."

Edited by Samurai Equine


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"hello and good bey shadows!" chain summons more fire from his horn and attacks another shadow as the other ponys attack the other shadow there chain was hit from the shadow but the others were not injured "lets get out of here!" chain said as the other ponys noded in agreement *1 minute later* "wow thats some fire...wait its spreading!" the fire was spreading to the agasent houses "uh guys would it be ok to loot the burning building? nah i'm just going to do it!" chain ran into the newly burning building "food food food wepons wepons wepons tools tools tools" this is what chain did when looting houses each thing had a more importance than something else exept food chain was picky he only got caned food,baged food and refrigerated food in fear that he might get sick and weak "ok baged bread,baged apples,and last but not least canned peaches now wepones" chain got a base ball bat and a glock "I also found some iron! yes you did me! wait...crap" the door was engulfed in fire "great" but the spell book had a pertection spell in it so chain used it and got back with the other ponys "this is great!" chain said just before colasping from spell exostion

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"Errrr, Chain?" Lucky said getting very worried at the collapsed pony. He dragged him along back to his house where he saw Samurai waiting outside his door. "Oh, its you. Nice to meet you." He invited Samurai in as he dragged Chains body to the sofa and sat him down. "So, are you the guy who sent me the pamphlets?".


The two went on talking for hours about the shadows and what they would do to stop them, such as escape to the mountains or stay home and board up the doors and windows. That was until, they heard banging upstairs as the lights flickered on and off and they heard voices whispering and chuckling. Lucky knew that it was the shadows. They had arrived to kill the only three ponies that were actually strong enough to fight them. They would use the strongest one of their kind, the big one.


Lucky was the first to jump up. He grabbed his kitchen knife and slowly walked upstairs trying not to make a sound. Then, the stairs creaked, and Lucky was pushed down the stairs, and the kitchen knife luckily landed right next to him, sticking in the floor. He grabbed the knife, and as soon as he saw one of them move in the darkness, He threw it at them making them nothing morr but dust.


Derp derp derpity durp. Signature by Blue Moon



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Samurai decides to stay below on the ground floor, keeping an eye on Chain until he gets his strength back. As the shadows envelope, Samurai once again leaps into action! As he fights and leaps around the room, he accidentally turns on a radio or something. With music playing, Samurai shrugs and begins to dance to it. Delighted by the sight, the shadow creatures begin to dance in unison with Samurai. It's really nice choreography! And when their guard is down, he uses his horn extending spell to stab and defeat them one at a time. "Magic Horn Extend!"


In the hallway, Samurai kneels down as the shadows fly up from above and ambush him! "Woah! Woah! Woah! Here, hold this." He hands a nearby vase to one of the shadow creatures, confusing it long enough for Samurai to punch him in the face and make him vanish! Who knew Lucky owned a vase? Samurai bucks a few others into nothingness before moving on to the next room.


In one of the back rooms of the house, Samurai keeps fighting off the shadow creatures until he accidentally crashes into a closet. Coming out of it, Samurai is now covered in a dark sheet. The shadows get close, then stop, thinking that Samurai is actually one of them. Using this opportunity, Samurai points, pretending to be a shadow creature that knows where their opponent went. As soon as they fly away, Samurai takes off the sheet, grabs a nearby rope, and lassos the shadows together! "Now burn! Flaming Horn!" Summoning his magic, Samurai uses his fire powers to burn away the shadows he lassoed together.


It goes on like this for hours. Samurai fights through the night to defend Lucky's home.


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*after samurai defended lucky's home* samurai was egsosted from fighting all of the shadows when chain woke up "uh what did I miss?" seeing samurai the way he was "alot I can guess. wait how much time has it been! and where am I?! You guys arent going to take my stuff and kill me are you?" every pony looked at chain with a realy? kind of look "sorry this sichuation...changes ponys" chain said in a weird way "but I am ok and your my friends so...great!" chain looked around "so any of you got a plan to take these shadows out before we run out of food?" the ponys all looked at each other not thinking of it before "so I have a plan 2 groups of 2 will be formed 1 group will go out and serch for food and other stuff the other group will go to the ponyville lab/observatory and set up shop for the expariments but we can talk about that another time so how wants to be in witch group? I call going to the lab!" chain waited to here a response from the ponys as he had the a map of ponyville out leading to the routes the groups will take

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