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gaming World of Warcraft fans, i need your help!


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So here's a huge question. I don't have the game, but say I get an account and download the game onto one computer, but then my computer crashes and I log into my account from my other computer and download the game again... will everything still be there or will I have to start over?

Everything about your account is stored on their servers. You can play on your account from any computer and location, and your characters will carry over.


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Everything about your account is stored on their servers. You can play on your account from any computer and location, and your characters will carry over.


 Yes. All of your characters and stuff are stored server side, not client side.

That's good. I planning to use my old computer for this game.

Oh is it my birthday?!  :D


I could go on for hours about World of Warcraft!


The technical stuff you might have to ask someone else, but when it comes to the game's expansive lore, I'm your man!


What do you want to know about first? Because I can start at the Creation myth and work forwards, but I think you might want something a little more focused.  :lol:


(This would be where you start. Again though, I'm far from tech savvy so don't expect much from me in terms of useful tech support. https://us.battle.net/account/creation/wow/signup/ )

How will I know which server is the best?

Edited by Star Ruby
  • Brohoof 1

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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That's good. I planning to use my old computer for this game.


How will I know which server is the best?

When you first log in, you can have them suggest a server for you. However, are four server types to choose from:


PvP servers: outside of your faction's territory or neutral territory, the opposing faction can attack and kill you. (You can attack and kill them, as well)


PvE servers: functionally the same as PvP servers, but you can't be attacked by the other faction outside of some specific pvp (stands for player vs. player) areas.


RP servers: the same as PvE servers, but this is where people go who are interested in role playing


RPPvP servers: for role players, but you can attack and be attacked by the opposite faction like a PvP server.


Also, there are servers set up for specific time zones. You'll want a west coast server if you live there, ect.

  • Brohoof 1


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When you first log in, you can have them suggest a server for you. However, are four server types to choose from:


PvP servers: outside of your faction's territory or neutral territory, the opposing faction can attack and kill you. (You can attack and kill them, as well)


PvE servers: functionally the same as PvP servers, but you can't be attacked by the other faction outside of some specific pvp (stands for player vs. player) areas.


RP servers: the same as PvE servers, but this is where people go who are interested in role playing


RPPvP servers: for role players, but you can attack and be attacked by the opposite faction like a PvP server.


Also, there are servers set up for specific time zones. You'll want a west coast server if you live there, ect.

Can you still fight stuff on the role playing server? And which server is better for a beginner?

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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I understand Gnomes have divine origins with their connections with the Titans, but how are the Trolls gods? At the most, they had the first great empire of the world besides the Night Elves.


You just don't understand the awesomeness of gnomes and trolls.

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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Can you still fight stuff on the role playing server? And which server is better for a beginner?

Stuff being generic monsters and other people when you wish to? Yes.


For a beginner, do a normal PvE realm.


Oh, and if you want to see other people, choose a high population realm. Something like Area 52, Arthas, or Zul'jin if you want to be Horde, or Sargeras, Stormrage, or Frostmourne if you want to be Alliance.


Actually, judging from WoWProgress, Frostmourne may be the most lively when it comes to world PvP, due to being the most balanced high pop server. And by balanced, I mean it's still 70/30 in favor of the Alliance, which is actually worse than it is on my home server.


EDIT: Arthas, Frostmourne, and Sargeras are PvP servers. MYBAD

Edited by SirHandMan
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You just don't understand the awesomeness of gnomes and trolls.


Ohhhh you're just talking about individual appeal. Okay I get it.

Can you still fight stuff on the role playing server? And which server is better for a beginner?


Well even as a beginner, you do have some idea of what you want to do in the game right? Are you more interested in the competitive aspect of going against other players, fighting more traditional video game enemies and bosses, or getting lost in your character's story and the world of Azeroth?

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Well even as a beginner, you do have some idea of what you want to do in the game right? Are you more interested in the competitive aspect of going against other players, fighting more traditional video game enemies and bosses, or getting lost in your character's story and the world of Azeroth?

I want to do both actually. I want to try everything then I'll probably stick to one thing.

  • Brohoof 1

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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I want to do both actually. I want to try everything then I'll probably stick to one thing.


Then I would suggest a PVE realm just to dip your toes in all aspects. Blizzard allows relatively easy server changes when you decide on which one you want.


Anymore specific lore questions? If you don't have them now, trust me, you will.  :lol:

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Then I would suggest a PVE realm just to dip your toes in all aspects. Blizzard allows relatively easy server changes when you decide on which one you want.


Anymore specific lore questions? If you don't have them now, trust me, you will.  :lol:

Which class do you think is best? Like personally?

  • Brohoof 1

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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Which class do you think is best? Like personally?


Well personally, amongst the choices I gave you, I like the Shaman and Druid best. I like their lore and their powers.


Among my actual main characters though, I prefer the Paladin and most of all, the Monk. Given my past posts though, I suppose you want a little more elaboration as the the reason for each?  :P

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Well personally, amongst the choices I gave you, I like the Shaman and Druid best. I like their lore and their powers.


Among my actual main characters though, I prefer the Paladin and most of all, the Monk. Given my past posts though, I suppose you want a little more elaboration as the the reason for each?  :P

So I heard that there are prepaid cards and they allow more game time. I does it just prolong you not having to get a subscription or is it a subscription? (if that even makes any sense)

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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So I heard that there are prepaid cards and they allow more game time. I does it just prolong you not having to get a subscription or is it a subscription? (if that even makes any sense)

Buying a card is the same as buying a subscription. Only difference is that you can set it up online so that the subscription bills you every month. With the cards, you will have to go out and buy one every month.

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Well to elaborate further ("nopony asked you too" SHUT UP!) the reason I like the monk the best is simply because I can identify the most with it.


I practice the martial arts in my actual life. The abilities, themes, and philosophy of the monk class is very much rooted in Chinese kung-fu and simplified as it is, the essential ideas are there. Key of all is that mastering and controlling yourself is the key to true strength.


My advice for choosing a class is look into their lore and see which one you really click with. Like if it were you in the character's position, those moves or those powers are what you'd want. A class isn't just an array of abilities to the characters, it's often an outlook for the world.

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Oh yeah, I think everyone have a "go to" class they fall in love with. Mine is Shaman. I love the theme of the class and everything it brings to the table. Enhancement is just so much fun to play. I'm not a role-player by any but I'm very into the aesthetics of my character, and being a tauren I'm able to get some mean looking transmogs. Not to mention how much time I spent getting the "Stormbreaker" title and the Vortex Pinnacle mount because they were just right for him. That's how much I love the class and my character. But it wasn't the first class I played by any means. My main character in vanilla was a Druid that I played for a couple of years. So don't be afraid to experiment until you find a class you yourself enjoy


For me it's very important finding the right race/class combo, it has to feel right (male/female can make a huge difference too). That's why I could never enjoy the Paladin, because Tauren and Blood Elf Paladins don't do it for me. If I played alliance, I'd make a Dwarven Paladin in a heartbeat!  :yay:

Edited by Jaref
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Oh yeah, I think everyone have a "go to" class they fall in love with. Mine is Shaman. I love the theme of the class and everything it brings to the table. Enhancement is just so much fun to play. I'm not a role-player by any but I'm very into the aesthetics of my character, and being a tauren I'm able to get some mean looking transmogs. Not to mention how much time I spent getting the "Stormbreaker" title and the Vortex Pinnacle mount because they were just right for him. That's how much I love the class and my character. But it wasn't the first class I played by any means. My main character in vanilla was a Druid that I played for a couple of years. So don't be afraid to experiment until you find a class you yourself enjoy


For me it's very important finding the right race/class combo, it has to feel right (male/female can make a huge difference too). That's why I could never enjoy the Paladin, because Tauren and Blood Elf Paladins don't do it for me. If I played alliance, I'd make a Dwarven Paladin in a heartbeat!  :yay:


I initially choose a Night Elf Druid. I was really into animals and nature back during vanilla. I still love all life now, but it's not something as key to my identity as it was then.


When Crusade came out, I absolutely fell in love with the Draenei and rolled two of them a Paladin and a Shaman. Both actually formed a strange duality to my persona.


My Paladin was born on the Draenei homeworld and has fought the Burning Legion as a Vindicator across the cosmos. He's the old guard, that aspect of me that places value in tradition and turns to the past for truth. While my Shaman was born on Draenor and only recently took up his arts. He's the aspect of me that embraces new paths to wisdom believing that they will lead to the same truths as the old ways.


I also recently tried a Tauren Sunwalker because, well I don't have the same compunctions as you do. I like that different races have different practices but still come to the same conclusions, and thus have similar powers. Plus, I just think having a Native American Knight is just a cool combination.  :P


Agreed though, the race/class combination is key for enjoyment. I can't play the Forsaken of any class, not even a monk. I don't believe the Forsaken are evil on principal (though the Wrathgate and the invasion of Gilneas seem to imply evil is in great power among them) I just can't get into the swing of playing a person bankrupt of emotion and life.

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well technical things I can't really help with but I use to be adicted to the game I spent hours PvPing with other lvl 90s then it became unfair because I would be fighting against people who spend a little too much time playing WoW and I stopped playing after I got my Mage to level 60 but for advice I can help you it only took me 2 weeks to get to level 60 its not hard at all so if you pick Frost Mage or Arms Warrior I can give you what advice I know


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I bounce around classes a lot. I main a monk right now, but it's mostly because I really like the Pandaren (see avatar) and monks seemed pretty important to their culture. Before that, it was an undead death knight. I liked to think of him as a human warrior who decayed too much to return to normal society. He isn't loyal to the horde or the forsaken, only to the Knights of the Ebon Blade. This became a problem for me though, because I couldn't see him caring about anything outside of the Lich King expansion. Before that, I had a Blood Elf rogue. I tend to gravitate towards fast, stealthy characters, and the slender blood elves seemed to fit that nicely.


I find that the race I pick is really important to how I see my character.

Edited by Banul
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The "best class" varies every expansion. The most consistently good would probably be Death Knights. They also have an awesome starting zone, and their rotation of moves is fairly straight forward.


Personally, my main is a warrior. Choose which one "fits" your idea of an epic fantasy character. Want to be a brute battlemaster who uses nothing but sheer will and strength to conquer his opponents? Pick a warrior. Want to be a fighter of the Holy Light? Be a paladin. Want to be an insane necromancer who conjures wicked demons to help slay their enemies? Choose a warlock, and so on and so forth.


Each class has some type of unique ability to make it interesting. For example, part of what draws me in to play a warrior is the "Charge" ability, which lets you dash at and stop the enemy in their tracks. It looks awesome and is effective. They can also duel-wield two two-handed weapons, which I thought was the coolest thing ever when I first heard of it (and still do, xP).


One tip I'll say is to not play as a healer or tank for your first character. They are typically "harder" to play because they are tasked with greater responsibility and less margin of error.

Edited by Rivendare
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The "best class" varies every expansion. The most consistently good would probably be Death Knights. They also have an awesome starting zone, and their rotation of moves is fairly straight forward.


I wouldn't say we're consistently good, per se. At the start of a given expansion, 2-handed Frost is exceptionally good, due to having access to stat inflations that other classes do not, like Killing Machine and Icy Talons. As the expansion moves forward, however, it becomes clear that the amount we benefit from better gear is absolutely horrible compared to other classes, leading to the often-used trigger words "scaling issues."


At the current moment, DK DPS is quite bad, about on par with Retribution Paladins, and lagging behind every other melee DPS spec. Simply put, the same mechanics that put us ahead of the pack near the beginning hurts us near the end. For example, 2-handed frost not only experiences a devaluation of Critical Strike rating of about 20% because of Killing Machine, it gives very little value to Mastery rating, a stat that increases frost damage dealt, due to its signature strike not dealing frost damage, and Haste rating, again, due to Icy Talons, AMS soaking, and a glyph that gives a ridiculous amount of cooldown reduction to AMS.


Frost has suffered from this problem for a very long time, since the start of Cataclysm, which was when KM was changed from affecting Howling Blast and Obliterate to Frost Strike and Obliterate. As it stands on beta, it still to this day suffers from it, with crit and mastery lagging behind by almost 20% compared to versatility, a new secondary stat that just provides a damage increase, a damage taken decrease, and a healing done increase, a stat that no spec should be seeking to stack.


Unholy hasn't had nearly as many problems as Frost has had in the past and present, and has remained a consistently competitive spec (if barely, due to PvP strength regrettably cutting into PvE potential) with little mechanical issues other than clunky AoE rotations. Its disease-centric theme seems to have been lost as of late, but it is our hope that one of our new L100 talents, Necrotic Plague, will provide the gameplay that Unholy deserves and actually saw during 5.2. On beta, however, unholy is looking very weak compared to frost; hopefully a numbers pass will see Noodle stri- I mean, Scourge Strike, as well as Festering Strike buffed to acceptable levels.


Mechanical bullshit aside, Death Knights are pretty straightforward, yes, but my healers in my raid team often cite that the runes/runic power system are too complex. My only suggestion is try it out for yourself once you obtain a level 55 character. I've stuck with it for over 5 and a half years now, and while I've heavily considered rerolling, I will not do so until I extensively dick around with it myself.

  • Brohoof 1


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Mechanical bullshit aside, Death Knights are pretty straightforward, yes, but my healers in my raid team often cite that the runes/runic power system are too complex. My only suggestion is try it out for yourself once you obtain a level 55 character. I've stuck with it for over 5 and a half years now, and while I've heavily considered rerolling, I will not do so until I extensively dick around with it myself.


Yeah, I have a 90 Death Knight myself but stopped playing him quickly because I hated Killing Machine. And if they haven't fixed the issues with frost, I'll probably not level him at all next expansion. I might try Unholy again though. I haven't used Unholy since I did Herald of the Titans on that character


But yeah, in PvP they're interesting to play because they're like a ranged/melee hybrid in a way.

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I initially choose a Night Elf Druid. I was really into animals and nature back during vanilla. I still love all life now, but it's not something as key to my identity as it was then.


When Crusade came out, I absolutely fell in love with the Draenei and rolled two of them a Paladin and a Shaman. Both actually formed a strange duality to my persona.


My Paladin was born on the Draenei homeworld and has fought the Burning Legion as a Vindicator across the cosmos. He's the old guard, that aspect of me that places value in tradition and turns to the past for truth. While my Shaman was born on Draenor and only recently took up his arts. He's the aspect of me that embraces new paths to wisdom believing that they will lead to the same truths as the old ways.


I also recently tried a Tauren Sunwalker because, well I don't have the same compunctions as you do. I like that different races have different practices but still come to the same conclusions, and thus have similar powers. Plus, I just think having a Native American Knight is just a cool combination.  :P


Agreed though, the race/class combination is key for enjoyment. I can't play the Forsaken of any class, not even a monk. I don't believe the Forsaken are evil on principal (though the Wrathgate and the invasion of Gilneas seem to imply evil is in great power among them) I just can't get into the swing of playing a person bankrupt of emotion and life.


Yeah, I have a 90 Death Knight myself but stopped playing him quickly because I hated Killing Machine. And if they haven't fixed the issues with frost, I'll probably not level him at all next expansion. I might try Unholy again though. I haven't used Unholy since I did Herald of the Titans on that character


But yeah, in PvP they're interesting to play because they're like a ranged/melee hybrid in a way.


I wouldn't say we're consistently good, per se. At the start of a given expansion, 2-handed Frost is exceptionally good, due to having access to stat inflations that other classes do not, like Killing Machine and Icy Talons. As the expansion moves forward, however, it becomes clear that the amount we benefit from better gear is absolutely horrible compared to other classes, leading to the often-used trigger words "scaling issues."


At the current moment, DK DPS is quite bad, about on par with Retribution Paladins, and lagging behind every other melee DPS spec. Simply put, the same mechanics that put us ahead of the pack near the beginning hurts us near the end. For example, 2-handed frost not only experiences a devaluation of Critical Strike rating of about 20% because of Killing Machine, it gives very little value to Mastery rating, a stat that increases frost damage dealt, due to its signature strike not dealing frost damage, and Haste rating, again, due to Icy Talons, AMS soaking, and a glyph that gives a ridiculous amount of cooldown reduction to AMS.


Frost has suffered from this problem for a very long time, since the start of Cataclysm, which was when KM was changed from affecting Howling Blast and Obliterate to Frost Strike and Obliterate. As it stands on beta, it still to this day suffers from it, with crit and mastery lagging behind by almost 20% compared to versatility, a new secondary stat that just provides a damage increase, a damage taken decrease, and a healing done increase, a stat that no spec should be seeking to stack.


Unholy hasn't had nearly as many problems as Frost has had in the past and present, and has remained a consistently competitive spec (if barely, due to PvP strength regrettably cutting into PvE potential) with little mechanical issues other than clunky AoE rotations. Its disease-centric theme seems to have been lost as of late, but it is our hope that one of our new L100 talents, Necrotic Plague, will provide the gameplay that Unholy deserves and actually saw during 5.2. On beta, however, unholy is looking very weak compared to frost; hopefully a numbers pass will see Noodle stri- I mean, Scourge Strike, as well as Festering Strike buffed to acceptable levels.


Mechanical bullshit aside, Death Knights are pretty straightforward, yes, but my healers in my raid team often cite that the runes/runic power system are too complex. My only suggestion is try it out for yourself once you obtain a level 55 character. I've stuck with it for over 5 and a half years now, and while I've heavily considered rerolling, I will not do so until I extensively dick around with it myself.

A question for all: How do guild's work?

  • Brohoof 1

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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A question for all: How do guild's work?


In-universe?: However they want to define themselves. Be it a college, mercenary company, or just a loose fellowship of heroes who happen to bump into each other a lot.


Mechanically: Guilds are permanently connected groups of players who cooperate for mutual gain and a greater experience they would get solo or with less regular compatriots. They, like the servers, can be focused on RP, PVE, PVP, or any combination of the three.

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A question for all: How do guild's work?


Guild's are started by a player. They buy a "Guild Charter", create a name for it, and have to find a few people to sign it. When it's formed, the guild leader has control of the Guild Bank (generally used to store items needed for raiding), can create a Guild Tabard (a piece of clothing that can have a unique crest applied to it), all this among other tasks.


You don't "have" to be in a guild, but it's nice to be in one to have others to make friends with each other and form groups easier. A guild can just be friends who chat, people who set up their own raid teams, people who PvP with each other, etc.


(By the way, there is currently a "Guild Leveling System" in place, but it's getting removed in the upcoming expansion, so it isn't really worth considering anymore)

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(By the way, there is currently a "Guild Leveling System" in place, but it's getting removed in the upcoming expansion, so it isn't really worth considering anymore)

Wait! What? Why?!


I mean, I'm not so heavily invested in my guild in the first place for me to be disappointed, but what about those features did Blizzard consider bad?

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