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open To justify the means ( IC RP)

Vae Victis

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Syuren kept flying with samurai on his backside. He was using soul infusion to give himself the strength to haul samurai. Samurai had absorbed a good amount of flame from the town. It was almost completely extinguished, except now, they had attracted the attention of the mind bent flyers. 110 had been left after Oni's scream attack, and 40 had locked on to them, flying behind them!




" man, if it wasn't over a town, you and I could've pulled a move that kaz calls the Flamenado. But that ain't gonna happen. Too dangerous! Shoot em with fire, samurai! You gotta keep em off me!"




Al the while, Lorec was elsewhere, defeating mind bent one at a time, clearing them out.





( sorry for the late reply. Stuff happened.)


The increased speed was helping, a lot. Having the town nearly saved from all damages was going Samurai some good.

That is, until he sees the army of minions about to attack them.


"Remind me to learn that move later! For now, I'll do you one better, Syuren-san. Flaming Horn EXTEND!!!" Casting a spell, Samurai's horn rapidly and constantly extends and retracts, shooting out like a high-powered chain gun! Furthermore, Samurai's horn is protected by his own fire powers. Not only is he rapidly taking down minions, but his flames take down any mind-bent ponies close to the ones that get hit. But most of these hits are made to stun or immobilize. Very few actually have a lethal impact. Still, if it comes to that, Samurai is ready to walk down that road again with his sword.


To think, absorbing a few hundred pieces of wildfire has him back to fighting pretty much back to standard form. Even a camp fire would give him more fuel to burn. Mother nature can create the fire, but Samurai sure knows how to use it. Very few often have similar abilities. And because of this, Syuren has his own personal turret on his back!

Edited by Samurai Equine


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(I'm going to assume you're familiar with a Batman Gambit)

The tendril imbedded inside of Kazas was quickly pulled out of him. As the tendril came out, every inch of it and hat was once inside Kazas was caked in blood. The tendril went back into the soft ground.

In the center of the gravel road, Mason rose up out of the ground like an undead zombie. The 'other Mason' that had been crushed by the building was nothing more than a flesh puppet made out of one of his hooves. He brought his front right leg out of the ground, revealing that it was elongated and attached to the fake dummy body. The leg then retracted back to normal length and the fake body reformed into his hoof.

He smiled and licked some of Kazas' blood off of himself. Femi stepped up behind him. Her horn was glowing, but it had no visible effect.

"Perhaps your methods were brash, but you did get him to expose both wavelengths." Femi said.

"Then you have everything you need?" Mason clarified.

"Yes," Femi said. She closed her eyes and shot a beam out of her horn into the air. When the beam made contact with the dome around the city, it broke a massive hole in it and caused the harmful barrier to decentigrate around them. Femi could disrupt barriers made by her opponents, but only if they were careless enough to give her what she needed, an energy wavelength and a soul wavelength, something that is exposed in the process of soul infusion.

"Never assume to understand the intentions of your opponent." Femi said to Zephrael. Her energy was sapped from the feat, but her task was accomplished. "If you're wrong, you may end up helping them."

Edited by Literally Snails


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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(I'm going to assume you're familiar with a Batman Gambit)

The tendril imbedded inside of Kazas was quickly pulled out of him. As the tendril came out, every inch of it and hat was once inside Kazas was caked in blood. The tendril went back into the soft ground.

In the center of the gravel road, Mason rose up out of the ground like an undead zombie. The 'other Mason' that had been crushed by the building was nothing more than a flesh puppet made out of one of his hooves. He brought his front right leg out of the ground, revealing that it was elongated and attached to the fake dummy body. The leg then retracted back to normal length and the fake body reformed into his hoof.

He smiled and licked some of Kazas' blood off of himself. Femi stepped up behind him. Her horn was glowing, but it had no visible effect."Perhaps your methods were brash, but you did get him to expose both wavelengths." Femi said."Then you have everything you need?" Mason clarified."Yes," Femi said. She closed her eyes and shot a beam out of her horn into the air. When the beam made contact with the dome around the city, it broke a massive hole in it and caused the harmful barrier to decentigrate around them. Femi could disrupt barriers made by her opponents, but only if they were careless enough to give her what she needed, an energy wavelength and a soul wavelength, something that is exposed in the process of soul infusion."Never assume to understand the intentions of your opponent." Femi said to Zephrael. Her energy was sapped from the feat, but her task was accomplished. "If you're wrong, you may end up helping them."


Zephrael simply smiled. It didn't matter if the barrier was shattered. He had gotten what he wanted. A freed kazas, whom had passed out from the pain.




" I'm glad that Avaerus did not bet on a fool whom has no inkling of strategy. But it seems you've helped me as well. I now know of your abilities. All of you. And if need be, I will put it to good use."



A blue energy could be seen exiting zephrael's body, and into the halberd. The soul of his servant primordial. He put away his halberd, slinging the strap of it over his neck and chest, and it rest on his back. He walked over to kazas, and hoisted him over his shoulder, his body seemingly lifeless.



" remember that I wasn't using soul infusion to end the lives of your sovereigns. You all have a long way to go."


He looked at Femi.


" and you.... You were not chosen. Remember this. I'm willing to let you live for now, but make no mistake. If you interlope during the final battle that I hope you all will be able to even arrive at, then I WILL kill you. this is a test for those whom who were deemed worthy for their talents, but you are as expendable as any. Avaerus would not mind if I dragged you to the heavens, if only to burn you from on high and let your ashes salt the Earth."



@Magos amphrose


Zephrael then turned to agririon. He bowed his head.




" for what it's worth.... Face to face, I am sorry. No amount of penance could possibly hope to make up for my crimes. But all I ask is that you understand. Avaerus wants you to be strong. But I fear that his plan may have already taken away what made you strong. I hope.... That you have others that you care about. Because there is nothing that will push you to your limits more than protecting what you care about.... By the way, I sense ezerepth with you. May I... Convene with him one more time?"


The pheonix blade resonated within agririon's cloak. It was obvious that the pheonix wanted nothing more than to meet zephrael once more.




The increased speed was helping, a lot. Having the town nearly saved from all damages was going Samurai some good.

That is, until he sees the army of minions about to attack them.


"Remind me to learn that move later! For now, I'll do you one better, Syuren-san. Flaming Horn EXTEND!!!" Casting a spell, Samurai's horn rapidly and constantly extends and retracts, shooting out like a high-powered chain gun! Furthermore, Samurai's horn is protected by his own fire powers. Not only is he rapidly taking down minions, but his flames take down any mind-bent ponies close to the ones that get hit. But most of these hits are made to stun or immobilize. Very few actually have a lethal impact. Still, if it comes to that, Samurai is ready to walk down that road again with his sword.


To think, absorbing a few hundred pieces of wildfire has him back to fighting pretty much back to standard form. Even a camp fire would give him more fuel to burn. Mother nature can create the fire, but Samurai sure knows how to use it. Very few often have similar abilities. And because of this, Syuren has his own personal turret on his back!


What was once a flaming town had been snuffed out, thanks to samurai. However, this attracted the ire of the left over mind-bent. The forty that had initially been on their trail were sent to the ground by samurai, alive and yet, unconcious. Lorec's ground fighting had left sixty of them, which were now flying upwards and towards the duo.





" oh... That's not good. Samurai! You know how ya wanted to learn that Flamenado? Well welcome to a crash course, buddy! I perfer not to.. You know, kill, so do that stun thing with the fire when we pull this off! Alright buddy, first thing I need you to do is gather up all you've got with that fire! And second.... Hang on tight. What you saw at the tournement wasn't jack compared to what I'm about to pull now! Hang on tight!"


A green aura could be felt from syuren. His wings started to flutter furiously. And in one second, samurai's vision became a blur.... They were traveling extremely fast, even faster than the afterimage run! Syuren was taking them to the fields outside of ponyville for this, leading the mind bent away, along with leaving them in the dust.


" 30 seconds, and we'll be about 5 miles from ponyville. The Flamenado seems a bit overkill for this mess, but hey, you're one smooth unicorn, and I feel like returning the favor you gave us. You proved that kaz is still in there. You've given me hope, brother! And I feel good! So lets ice these fools and call it a win!!!"




@literally snails @descant


Havoc's blow sent the rest of the mind-bent backwards, the force being so great. Less than twenty now... And yet they were still willing to attack when outclassed. Loyalty to their new master was evident.




" it's about time we concluded this battle.... So who wishes to take on the last few?!?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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@literally snails @descant Havoc's blow sent the rest of the mind-bent backwards, the force being so great. Less than twenty now... And yet they were still willing to attack when outclassed. Loyalty to their new master was evident. ____ Alrahm: " it's about time we concluded this battle.... So who wishes to take on the last few?!?"


Something started clanking behind Alrahm. Encore had set down his bag and his tuba, and was going through it. "I got it," Encore claimed, digging through his saddlebag, looking for something a little less lethal. The tuba was overkill for as few as remained.


Before he was able to find his flute, though, the pegasi reached the river, flying over it. And out of the river, like a rocket, launched a yellow blur. Cascade began grappling with the remaining few. She really could fly; her wings stretched out in every direction, tapping each assaulting pegasus lightly. Every time gravity began to pull her back down, her hooves found the head of a pegasus below her, kicking powerfully and bouncing off to gain more air time. 


It wasn't immediately obvious what Cascade was even doing, other than bouncing around inside of a hostile cloud of assailants. But after a few seconds, several smooth dodges of swords, several bounces off of heads, and about two or three taps each, pegasi started to simply fall out of the sky, their wings tensed up. They didn't look broken, but they wouldn't fly. And the remaining cloud of pegasi fell into the river, their bodies unable to keep them airborne. Cascade was the last to fall, wings flailing uselessly in an attempt to remain airborne. And as she splashed into the river, a great rush of water conveniently came along, washing the struggling group of pegasi away, far downstream.


"Uh, nevermind," Encore said, a little nonplussed as he watched the little yellow pony pulling herself out of the river as if the river hadn't just washed everyone away. "How did you do that?" He asked, as Cascade approached the group. She merely giggled in response to his question, and then asked. "Did everyone make it away safe?"




@@Literally Snails


Evergreen merely shook her head. These two were fools. She watched as Kazas was picked up, and his lord began to carry him away. A gleam of deep red amongst the still-flowing blood - the Blood Rose stayed with him. Eve smiled faintly. Zephrael was right, Kazas was free, but he had the means to continue fighting. And as long as she had her rose too, she would know where he was.

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Zephrael simply smiled. It didn't matter if the barrier was shattered. He had gotten what he wanted. A freed kazas, whom had passed out from the pain.



" I'm glad that Avaerus did not bet on a fool whom has no inkling of strategy. But it seems you've helped me as well. I now know of your abilities. All of you. And if need be, I will put it to good use."


A blue energy could be seen exiting zephrael's body, and into the halberd. The soul of his servant primordial. He put away his halberd, slinging the strap of it over his neck and chest, and it rest on his back. He walked over to kazas, and hoisted him over his shoulder, his body seemingly lifeless.



" remember that I wasn't using soul infusion to end the lives of your sovereigns. You all have a long way to go."

He looked at Femi.

" and you.... You were not chosen. Remember this. I'm willing to let you live for now, but make no mistake. If you interlope during the final battle that I hope you all will be able to even arrive at, then I WILL kill you. this is a test for those whom who were deemed worthy for their talents, but you are as expendable as any. Avaerus would not mind if I dragged you to the heavens, if only to burn you from on high and let your ashes salt the Earth."


@Magos amphrose

Zephrael then turned to agririon. He bowed his head.



" for what it's worth.... Face to face, I am sorry. No amount of penance could possibly hope to make up for my crimes. But all I ask is that you understand. Avaerus wants you to be strong. But I fear that his plan may have already taken away what made you strong. I hope.... That you have others that you care about. Because there is nothing that will push you to your limits more than protecting what you care about.... By the way, I sense ezerepth with you. May I... Convene with him one more time?"

The pheonix blade resonated within agririon's cloak. It was obvious that the pheonix wanted nothing more than to meet zephrael once more.


((Zephrael may be strong, but you're getting a little careless about where you have him stand still.))


Femi had done one last thing to complete Mason's gambit. She used her psychic affinity to organize the strongest of Masons minions so that they would know to come toward Zephrael.


Kazas walked to Mason's side and tapped the ground with the tip of his hoof. And a series of red balls of vapor appeared suspended around Zephrael in every direction. Those with high enough spirit awareness would have seen that the red balls were actually tiny demons filled with explosives. Killing them would cause them to detonate.


Above Zephrael, Snowstorm hovered with the banshee shriek readied in its true form, a powerful blue aura emitted from its handle and blade. The sword had grown even stronger since their last encounter.


Oni stepped up to the opposite side of Kierro. He was still filled with Kazas' substantial energy that bolstered his size. He placed a hoof to his throat and opened his mouth. A green light shone from the back of his throat, ready to fire.


Havoc ignored the last twenty mind bent slaves. He dropped his ax in the dirt and slowly walked into Ponyville. As he walked, he loosened the straps on his armor, causing the massive metal plates to fall on the ground and sink their hundreds upon hundreds of pounds of metal into the ground. As he removed them, his body was revealed to be covered in scars where his armor had been, but unlike Lorec, his scars were carved in elaborate, symmetrical patterns. When he removed his helmet, his face had an even deeper scar on his forehead that stretched between his eyes. A red aura surrounded his body once the armor was removed. It extended far from his body, bathing the street in light. He walked up to wear Zephrael was and spearhead his arms to both sides. He started to float up, carried in the air by his own powerful aura until he was level with Zephrael.


Roto would be little help with his injuries, yet he still showed up when called. Because his right leg was so injured, he created his sickle blade with his left leg and nervously waited.


In addition to the top members of the yokai seven, ten other demons arrived as well, arriving from the air or the ground with various energy attacks in their claws and fingers charged and aimed. They were the strongest of the present army (each of them is about as strong as Rando).


"You're not slipping away this time, Zephrael," Mason stated. "You may have great power, but it's useless if you overestimate yourself. Not only do these surround you, but the others your master chose will arrive soon as well. Try to make a move now and you'll die before you can infuse your soul! I don't want to kill you, Zeph, but I'm not going to let you go either."


(You're surrounded by three B class, three upper C class, and eleven upper D class. Please don't make it as if your character can escape from this on a whim.)


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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It seems everyone from Agririon, to Cascade, to Mason, and everyone in between was really bringing their A-game for this. It's truly a wonder how anyone could even hope to stand up against them all.

And yet, while their attentions focus on Zephrael, they fail to see a pair of eyes watching them all from the shadows.


What was once a flaming town had been snuffed out, thanks to samurai. However, this attracted the ire of the left over mind-bent. The forty that had initially been on their trail were sent to the ground by samurai, alive and yet, unconcious. Lorec's ground fighting had left sixty of them, which were now flying upwards and towards the duo.

" oh... That's not good. Samurai! You know how ya wanted to learn that Flamenado? Well welcome to a crash course, buddy! I perfer not to.. You know, kill, so do that stun thing with the fire when we pull this off! Alright buddy, first thing I need you to do is gather up all you've got with that fire! And second.... Hang on tight. What you saw at the tournement wasn't jack compared to what I'm about to pull now! Hang on tight!"

A green aura could be felt from syuren. His wings started to flutter furiously. And in one second, samurai's vision became a blur.... They were traveling extremely fast, even faster than the afterimage run! Syuren was taking them to the fields outside of ponyville for this, leading the mind bent away, along with leaving them in the dust.

" 30 seconds, and we'll be about 5 miles from ponyville. The Flamenado seems a bit overkill for this mess, but hey, you're one smooth unicorn, and I feel like returning the favor you gave us. You proved that kaz is still in there. You've given me hope, brother! And I feel good! So lets ice these fools and call it a win!!!"


Samurai ends his previous barrage of attacks. "What? Really?!" Samurai is surprised that Syuren has changed his mind about performing the attack, but clearly it's now or never. And with a quick shrug, Samurai's ready in an instant!


Samurai's vision quickly became blurred and he has to tilt his head just so he can see what's ahead of him, or at least get a basic idea of where they are going. With speed like this, Syuren's altitude limits should be easy to over come. But Syuren's words ring something in his heart. Hope? Kindness? Either way, Samurai is touched... The kind of touched that fuels magic way more than just absorbing stray flames! "Kyodai? ... Yes. I like that. In this moment, we are brothers!"


Samurai hangs on tight. "Flaming Horn Attack." Samurai says, no energy in the announcement of his attack. He'd rather use that energy to stir up his flame magic, and the red-hot flames on his horn are getting huge! "I'm ready, Syuren-san! Do it now!"

Edited by Samurai Equine


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@@Literally Snails@@@Descant,



Slowly taking a step back from the unraveling flower, but Agririon  growled as the demons were summoned. "Mason, do me a favor and stop summoning demons. I don't especially feel like drawing one of the greater powers of Tartaurs here who then assumes to be the one in charge, especially since at least two of our adversaries used to be souls claimed by them." Slowly stepping away from the demons, he bumped into something- which turned out to be Kazas held by Zephrael. After a quick glace, he took a few deft steps forward, pausing for a moment as some of the demons appeared somewhat curious, although still focused on their target, he stepped out of the circle before drawing the phoenix blade and, from roughly twenty feet away, pointed at Zephrael, ready to move quickly in case something tried to grab it. He then channeled his energy into it, allowing the phoenix lord within to take shape if it so chose. As the form would use his energy, it shouldn't trigger hostile actions from the demons.


Agririon then turned to Evergreen. After examining her for a few moments, he spoke up. "Your bloom is as bright as it was a few years ago, floramancer. Hopefully it will not wilt for a while yet, but I can feel winter coming into this realm."

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@@Literally Snails@@@Descant,



Slowly taking a step back from the unraveling flower, but Agririon  growled as the demons were summoned. "Mason, do me a favor and stop summoning demons. I don't especially feel like drawing one of the greater powers of Tartaurs here who then assumes to be the one in charge, especially since at least two of our adversaries used to be souls claimed by them." Slowly stepping away from the demons, he bumped into something- which turned out to be Kazas held by Zephrael. After a quick glace, he took a few deft steps forward, pausing for a moment as some of the demons appeared somewhat curious, although still focused on their target, he stepped out of the circle before drawing the phoenix blade and, from roughly twenty feet away, pointed at Zephrael, ready to move quickly in case something tried to grab it. He then channeled his energy into it, allowing the phoenix lord within to take shape if it so chose. As the form would use his energy, it shouldn't trigger hostile actions from the demons.


Agririon then turned to Evergreen. After examining her for a few moments, he spoke up. "Your bloom is as bright as it was a few years ago, floramancer. Hopefully it will not wilt for a while yet, but I can feel winter coming into this realm."

Evergreen smiled wistfully. "Eloquent as ever, Voidwalker." She peered at him thoughtfully. "I don't know what role you've played in these affairs, but I hope you still know your way. I was watching. And honestly, I'm not sure who you stand with anymore. You're right, we've already gone through the Fall." A bitter irony lit behind Eve's eyes as she once again pictured the Princesses, struck down without a chance. Agririon had been theirs. Whose was he now? "Winter must be coming, but an evergreen never sheds its leaves, never wilts. I'd hoped you'd have remembered that." She looked past Agririon, ready to spring again if she was needed to, watching the foolish exchange between Mason and Zephrael. 


This moment was one of those rare occasions that Evergreen felt small, out of her league. What should she do? As far as she knew, tackling this guy was suicide, and between Mason, an ally but unknown party with questionable motives, and Agririon, a former ally she'd trusted before with her life, she wasn't sure what to do. Acting reactively with intents to preserve life, she supposed, would have to do. Even if it meant fighting allies to prevent them doing something foolish.

  • Brohoof 1

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((Zephrael may be strong, but you're getting a little careless about where you have him stand still.))

Femi had done one last thing to complete Mason's gambit. She used her psychic affinity to organize the strongest of Masons minions so that they would know to come toward Zephrael.

Kazas walked to Mason's side and tapped the ground with the tip of his hoof. And a series of red balls of vapor appeared suspended around Zephrael in every direction. Those with high enough spirit awareness would have seen that the red balls were actually tiny demons filled with explosives. Killing them would cause them to detonate.

Above Zephrael, Snowstorm hovered with the banshee shriek readied in its true form, a powerful blue aura emitted from its handle and blade. The sword had grown even stronger since their last encounter.

Oni stepped up to the opposite side of Kierro. He was still filled with Kazas' substantial energy that bolstered his size. He placed a hoof to his throat and opened his mouth. A green light shone from the back of his throat, ready to fire.

Havoc ignored the last twenty mind bent slaves. He dropped his ax in the dirt and slowly walked into Ponyville. As he walked, he loosened the straps on his armor, causing the massive metal plates to fall on the ground and sink their hundreds upon hundreds of pounds of metal into the ground. As he removed them, his body was revealed to be covered in scars where his armor had been, but unlike Lorec, his scars were carved in elaborate, symmetrical patterns. When he removed his helmet, his face had an even deeper scar on his forehead that stretched between his eyes. A red aura surrounded his body once the armor was removed. It extended far from his body, bathing the street in light. He walked up to wear Zephrael was and spearhead his arms to both sides. He started to float up, carried in the air by his own powerful aura until he was level with Zephrael.

Roto would be little help with his injuries, yet he still showed up when called. Because his right leg was so injured, he created his sickle blade with his left leg and nervously waited.

In addition to the top members of the yokai seven, ten other demons arrived as well, arriving from the air or the ground with various energy attacks in their claws and fingers charged and aimed. They were the strongest of the present army (each of them is about as strong as Rando).

"You're not slipping away this time, Zephrael," Mason stated. "You may have great power, but it's useless if you overestimate yourself. Not only do these surround you, but the others your master chose will arrive soon as well. Try to make a move now and you'll die before you can infuse your soul! I don't want to kill you, Zeph, but I'm not going to let you go either."

(You're surrounded by three B class, three upper C class, and eleven upper D class. Please don't make it as if your character can escape from this on a whim.)

Zephrael simply smirked, turning away from agririon. His reunion with Ezerepth would have to wait.



Avaerus, with his omniscient capabilities, appeared to zephrael within his mind's eye. He spoke, with a concerned, yet commanding voice. No one but zephrael, and potentially shelevan, would hear and see this.



" Zephrael. Do not strike. You risk killing them all. Instead, let them take you prisoner. Your halberd is on your back, and kazas is covering it. This is perfect. Have Uzuran perform a silent soul transmigration with you. If they seize the weapon, then Uzaran will simply seize it back when the time comes. I wish to see how they interact with you. When the time comes, I shall spring a trap to let you loose in time. When you switch with Uzuran, have him say little to nothing, but command him to slay a few demons in the case that your body or soul are threatened in the process. An ally will be there to retrieve you shortly. Remember that I protect my faithful, zephrael. Trust me. I will disable their abilities to feel any sort of shift in power temporarily without them knowing."


Zephrael simply sighed. A silent soul transmigration? He would have to trust Agririon with his backside. Taken prisoner. A new low for the Azure Terror? Even still, he would follow instruction to the letter. Without the knowledge of anyone present, a second barrier appeared over ponyville, except it was not visible to the naked eye, and jammed any ability to sense changes in power. Zephrael, on a whim, began the silent soul transmigration. This process was similar to infusion, except for one thing; the host and the granted of power switched places. Without the soul of the host in the body, there would be nothing to interfere or mix with the power of the granter, as they would be taking orders directly from the host soul, switched into the weapon.



@@Literally Snails, @, @@Descant,



Slowly taking a step back from the unraveling flower, but Agririon growled as the demons were summoned. "Mason, do me a favor and stop summoning demons. I don't especially feel like drawing one of the greater powers of Tartaurs here who then assumes to be the one in charge, especially since at least two of our adversaries used to be souls claimed by them." Slowly stepping away from the demons, he bumped into something- which turned out to be Kazas held by Zephrael. After a quick glace, he took a few deft steps forward, pausing for a moment as some of the demons appeared somewhat curious, although still focused on their target, he stepped out of the circle before drawing the phoenix blade and, from roughly twenty feet away, pointed at Zephrael, ready to move quickly in case something tried to grab it. He then channeled his energy into it, allowing the phoenix lord within to take shape if it so chose. As the form would use his energy, it shouldn't trigger hostile actions from the demons.


Agririon then turned to Evergreen. After examining her for a few moments, he spoke up. "Your bloom is as bright as it was a few years ago, floramancer. Hopefully it will not wilt for a while yet, but I can feel winter coming into this realm."

Zephrael looked at agririon, who had exited the circle.



" it seems as though Ezerepth and I's meeting must be postponed. I appreciate your effort, but your allies would not approve, and righteously so. Keep the sword. Kazas trusted you with it to deliver power to another. Does this not keep garnering poetics? Death, delivering life?"



He chuckled.


" even so, I guess I have no choice but to concede. You all should be proud, bringing me to my knees like this."



Kazas's body was covering it. They would not see it. Would not feel it. From the halberd, the soul of Uzaran silently absorbed into his body. Zephrael's soul was forced into the halberd. The switch was made. Now it was a matter of time. Uzaran, now in complete control of his master's body and unbound by the inhibitions of a regular mortal's soul, would be in the driver's seat, fooling them.




Something started clanking behind Alrahm. Encore had set down his bag and his tuba, and was going through it. "I got it," Encore claimed, digging through his saddlebag, looking for something a little less lethal. The tuba was overkill for as few as remained. Before he was able to find his flute, though, the pegasi reached the river, flying over it. And out of the river, like a rocket, launched a yellow blur. Cascade began grappling with the remaining few. She really could fly; her wings stretched out in every direction, tapping each assaulting pegasus lightly. Every time gravity began to pull her back down, her hooves found the head of a pegasus below her, kicking powerfully and bouncing off to gain more air time. It wasn't immediately obvious what Cascade was even doing, other than bouncing around inside of a hostile cloud of assailants. But after a few seconds, several smooth dodges of swords, several bounces off of heads, and about two or three taps each, pegasi started to simply fall out of the sky, their wings tensed up. They didn't look broken, but they wouldn't fly. And the remaining cloud of pegasi fell into the river, their bodies unable to keep them airborne. Cascade was the last to fall, wings flailing uselessly in an attempt to remain airborne. And as she splashed into the river, a great rush of water conveniently came along, washing the struggling group of pegasi away, far downstream. "Uh, nevermind," Encore said, a little nonplussed as he watched the little yellow pony pulling herself out of the river as if the river hadn't just washed everyone away. "How did you do that?" He asked, as Cascade approached the group. She merely giggled in response to his question, and then asked. "Did everyone make it away safe?"

@@Literally Snails, Evergreen merely shook her head. These two were fools. She watched as Kazas was picked up, and his lord began to carry him away. A gleam of deep red amongst the still-flowing blood - the Blood Rose stayed with him. Eve smiled faintly. Zephrael was right, Kazas was free, but he had the means to continue fighting. And as long as she had her rose too, she would know where he was.

Kazas was still holding the blood rose in his claw, slumped over on zephrael's body. He regained consciousness for one moment, if but to only say one thing to evergreen. He had a gentle, peaceful look on his face. He was himself.... At least for now. He smiled a light smile at her.



" Th...tha...thank... You... T..the rose... Brings peace...."



Kazas then lost consciousness once more, still clutching the rose.


-----------------( nearing the everfree forest)-----------


Alrahm's jaw dropped. Cascade's technique was amazing, and non-lethal, surprisingly.



" you know, my companion Lorec, the Minotaur of whom you saw in a match against shogun equine, would probably love a sparring match with yourself. Anyways, we are in the clear. Let us move into the everfree. Great job, everyone! There were no casualties on our end! You all did well!"


The everfree was only about fifty yards away from the champions. The large crowd was already reaching the Forest's edge. It was a successful retreat.


-------------( The fields opposite of ponyville, where syuren and samurai are)



It seems everyone from Agririon, to Cascade, to Mason, and everyone in between was really bringing their A-game for this. It's truly a wonder how anyone could even hope to stand up against them all.

And yet, while their attentions focus on Zephrael, they fail to see a pair of eyes watching them all from the shadows.




Samurai ends his previous barrage of attacks. "What? Really?!" Samurai is surprised that Syuren has changed his mind about performing the attack, but clearly it's now or never. And with a quick shrug, Samurai's ready in an instant!


Samurai's vision quickly became blurred and he has to tilt his head just so he can see what's ahead of him, or at least get a basic idea of where they are going. With speed like this, Syuren's altitude limits should be easy to over come. But Syuren's words ring something in his heart. Hope? Kindness? Either way, Samurai is touched... The kind of touched that fuels magic way more than just absorbing stray flames! "Kyodai? ... Yes. I like that. In this moment, we are brothers!"


Samurai hangs on tight. "Flaming Horn Attack." Samurai says, no energy in the announcement of his attack. He'd rather use that energy to stir up his flame magic, and the red-hot flames on his horn are getting huge! "I'm ready, Syuren-san! Do it now!"

Syuren stopped abruptly. They were here. Thanks to samurai hanging on tight, he wasn't flung off by the stop. If samurai were to stare around, then he'd be amazed. Five miles in less than thirty seconds. Syuren's wind abilities with Xirgox could be extremely useful, when he wasn't acting like an idiot.




" got it! Samurai, this will leave me pretty drained, brother! Lets make it worth it!" Now, hang on once more!!!



Syuren flew upwards towards the clouds. He landed with samurai still on his backside. Syuren's eyes began to glow, and he sounded like he was straining himself hard, nearly growling. Clouds started to gather, pushed by the winds. Soon, syuren had gathered a sizable mass of storm cloud. This is where the fun began. He dived off the cloud mass with samurai, and landed back on the ground. He then gathered power within his body, outsourcing it to his wings. This one was one of the D.R.O.'s most powerful combination attacks. Thankfully, samurai was a good substitute for the flame part.


Syuren took off with such force, it left a small crater in the ground! He started to fly in circles under the cloud mass, at extreme speeds, faster than a normal, untrained eye could even begin to comprehend! A whirlwind started to pick up. He kept flying with all of his might in circles. Eventually, the centrifugal force from his flight pattern started to create a vacuum of air, in which a funnel cloud was being forced down. This was it. A tornado. Only a class one, barely capable of destroying a small building, but still strong enough to lift a pony and objects off the ground and fling them for miles. Perfect for samurai's stun flame to be flung. Syuren then flew up toward the tornado's origin cloud, and dived right into the middle of the storm with samurai! They were in the tornado!


The group of 60 mind-bent had arrived, only to behold the temporary storm that syuren had created. Like fools, they tried to find a way around....




" samurai, throw your flame into the tornado walls! It'll absorb! After that, watch the fireworks, buddy!"


----------(above ponyville)------


A portal opened behind shogun equine. It was his eyes that watched zephrael's capture. Avaerus appeared out of the portal, concerned about shogun.




" you are injured... Shogun, come to my embrace. I need you to rescue zephrael on my signal. But first, allow me to take care of your injuries. Your battle with the Minotaur left you excessively mangled..."

Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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-------------( The fields opposite of ponyville, where syuren and samurai are)




Syuren stopped abruptly. They were here. Thanks to samurai hanging on tight, he wasn't flung off by the stop. If samurai were to stare around, then he'd be amazed. Five miles in less than thirty seconds. Syuren's wind abilities with Xirgox could be extremely useful, when he wasn't acting like an idiot.




" got it! Samurai, this will leave me pretty drained, brother! Lets make it worth it!" Now, hang on once more!!!



Syuren flew upwards towards the clouds. He landed with samurai still on his backside. Syuren's eyes began to glow, and he sounded like he was straining himself hard, nearly growling. Clouds started to gather, pushed by the winds. Soon, syuren had gathered a sizable mass of storm cloud. This is where the fun began. He dived off the cloud mass with samurai, and landed back on the ground. He then gathered power within his body, outsourcing it to his wings. This one was one of the D.R.O.'s most powerful combination attacks. Thankfully, samurai was a good substitute for the flame part.


Syuren took off with such force, it left a small crater in the ground! He started to fly in circles under the cloud mass, at extreme speeds, faster than a normal, untrained eye could even begin to comprehend! A whirlwind started to pick up. He kept flying with all of his might in circles. Eventually, the centrifugal force from his flight pattern started to create a vacuum of air, in which a funnel cloud was being forced down. This was it. A tornado. Only a class one, barely capable of destroying a small building, but still strong enough to lift a pony and objects off the ground and fling them for miles. Perfect for samurai's stun flame to be flung. Syuren then flew up toward the tornado's origin cloud, and dived right into the middle of the storm with samurai! They were in the tornado!


The group of 60 mind-bent had arrived, only to behold the temporary storm that syuren had created. Like fools, they tried to find a way around....




" samurai, throw your flame into the tornado walls! It'll absorb! After that, watch the fireworks, buddy!"


----------(above ponyville)------


A portal opened behind shogun equine. It was his eyes that watched zephrael's capture. Avaerus appeared out of the portal, concerned about shogun.




" you are injured... Shogun, come to my embrace. I need you to rescue zephrael on my signal. But first, allow me to take care of your injuries. Your battle with the Minotaur left you excessively mangled..."


"I live to serve and obey, my master." Shogun steps through the portal without any hesitation, returning to Avaerus' side and kneeling before him. "I will not fail you a second time. If you desire, I shall kill in your name."




At the open fields...


Samurai watches the sky as Syuren takes them up the clouds. Oh to fly among the heavens... This is everything Samurai ever dreamed! "The wind, my flames... When two hearts and two elements come together, they form an amazing power that the world has NEVER seen before!" Samurai thinks to himself when they reach the height of the ascension.





(I know, it's not traditional Japanese music, but I wanted something inspiring for once, and I couldn't think of anything better. Wouldn't be the first time I've made a tokusatsu reference here. Beside, in a way, Samurai and Syuren are rampaging in their own right. I thought the instrumental version was more fitting here, but the vocal version is pretty good too. Check that out some time, if you like.)


Abareta kazu dake tsuyoku nareru / The more you rampage, the stronger you'll become!

Abareta kazu dake yasashisa wo shiru / The more you rampage, the kinder you'll become.

Abare Abare Abare Makure Get up! / Rampage, rampage, rampage like crazy! Get up!

Abare Abare Shouri suru made / Rampage, rampage until you've won!




And then the dive, and the epic tuck into a spin to create a tornado. That was Samurai's cue!

"FlameNADO!!!!" Samurai calls out, combining the bulk of his fire powers with the tornado to make a super explosive tornado of flames!

Of course, it doesn't matter what class tornado it is. Samura's fire magic resonates with his will, it only hurts or destroys whatever he is targeting. The result would be the same, regardless.


If this attack doesn't wipe out the remaining mind-bent cannon fodder in the area, nothing will!

Edited by Samurai Equine


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Femi struggled to read Zephrael's mind, though she had had no problem doing so earlier. Something was blocking her, and it wasn't Zephrael.


"Mason, be careful," she warned, "I can't read him. He's conspiring with someone else."

"I don't need a psychic to know that," Mason said. "If he's planning to escape, he'll be sorely disappointed when he finds out I already plan to let him go."

"WHAT?" Oni yelled, "You can't be serious, we should kill him now!"


"Why would I do that? I like him more than my new companions." Mason said. His legs rapidly grew taller, forming massive stilts, until he was at the same height as Zephrael. "I find myself questioning why I'm fighting against you. Your master's style is so similar to mine, massive innocent casualties, no regard for life, and what's his end goal? He wants to push us to become stronger, doesn't he? What a noble goal! How much he must care for you and me!" He quickly stretched his neck outward so that his face was directly in front of Zephrael's. "LOOK AT ME!" He shouted, "Look at how beautiful it is when something pathetic and useless realizes it can become stronger and pushes itself to the brink to obtain power absolute! If this is what he wants, sign me up!"

He calmed down and placed a tendril under Zeph's mouth, frowning. "You're no fun, you know? It's so hard to get you to show me your emotions. In fact, if you weren't so stoic, I wouldn't have had to torture poor Kazas just to get you angry! But I guess that's just one of the countless souls you've harmed today, isn't it?"

He pulled his head back, giving Zephrael a respectable amount of space. "But enough about that nonsense. Why don't you share with me, your master's very scary plan? Why does he want to bring together a diverse team group of Equestria's biggest assholes to fight against him? What's the bigger, badder threat that you don't think we're ready for?"






Kierro was watching Evergreen rather than Mason, though he still remained alert. "You don't trust us, and you're wise to think as such," he said softly. "I can tell from your eyes that you're worried. Don't be. These things will work themselves out."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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((Nuuuu, I think I'm getting sick. I can't handle this right now, I've got three two projects, an essay, two tests and a concert within a span of these next two weeks. I can't expect to manage all of this sick. Not now. Not now. And especially not with Pokemon having just come out.))


Zephrael looked at agririon, who had exited the circle.
" it seems as though Ezerepth and I's meeting must be postponed. I appreciate your effort, but your allies would not approve, and righteously so. Keep the sword. Kazas trusted you with it to deliver power to another. Does this not keep garnering poetics? Death, delivering life?"

He chuckled.

" even so, I guess I have no choice but to concede. You all should be proud, bringing me to my knees like this."

Kazas's body was covering it. They would not see it. Would not feel it. From the halberd, the soul of Uzaran silently absorbed into his body. Zephrael's soul was forced into the halberd. The switch was made. Now it was a matter of time. Uzaran, now in complete control of his master's body and unbound by the inhibitions of a regular mortal's soul, would be in the driver's seat, fooling them.


Kazas was still holding the blood rose in his claw, slumped over on zephrael's body. He regained consciousness for one moment, if but to only say one thing to evergreen. He had a gentle, peaceful look on his face. He was himself.... At least for now. He smiled a light smile at her.
" Th...tha...thank... You... T..the rose... Brings peace...."

Kazas then lost consciousness once more, still clutching the rose.

-----------------( nearing the everfree forest)-----------

Alrahm's jaw dropped. Cascade's technique was amazing, and non-lethal, surprisingly.
" you know, my companion Lorec, the Minotaur of whom you saw in a match against shogun equine, would probably love a sparring match with yourself. Anyways, we are in the clear. Let us move into the everfree. Great job, everyone! There were no casualties on our end! You all did well!"

The everfree was only about fifty yards away from the champions. The large crowd was already reaching the Forest's edge. It was a successful retreat.


Cascade laughed. "You'd have to vouch for me. He probably thinks I'm some dumb kid." She started trotting alongside Alrahm, as Encore began shepherding and organizing the ponies retreating through the edge of the oaks that formed the border of the Everfree. "I'd happily spar with him, but we'd have to figure out when there's time to do it. He'd have to have time to get the feeling back in his legs afterwards." Laughing lightly, the short pony began examining the sorcerer she walked alongside. "Cool beard."



Eve remained impassive as Zephrael approached Agririon, with whom she had been talking. The Star Rose, behind her left ear, opened up wide, almost with alarm, and then poofed up its petals, clearly trying to be bigger than it was. Then the two had a short conversation Evergreen barely understood. She was almost relieved when Zephrael didn't even take notice of her. Was.... Was he giving up? She supposed he was, based on the way he'd spoken to Agririon, and was now offering himself to Mason. Maybe it was a trick, though. And whose side was Ag even on anyway?


Eve's eye caught on Kazas, who was smiling at her. She thought she was seeing the true Kazas for once, from something in his tired eyes. She smiled back, as his eyes closed and he lost consciousness again.


If Zephrael was theirs now, it would probably be her place to take care of the wounded Kazas, as he wouldn't be returned to some mind-wiped doctor without an evil god to carry him away. Even if it was debatable whether he would be carried off or not. As Evergreen began to approach him where he lay, still slumped over Zephrael, she kept on guard, wary of both the Darkgriffon and Mason's demons.


She felt responsible for what had happened to him, even though it hadn't really been her fault. She'd been careful with her torture. Mason, on the other hand, she was sure had taken it too far. She should have done... I don't know. Something. She'd proven her point well enough without his help, and he'd acted without thinking, torturing someone who was already half dead from the first bout, and summoning an army on the demigod he'd just striven so hard to offend? What were they even supposed to do with such a powerful prisoner? Mason was going to get the chewing out of a lifetime once thiw was all over. Why, when she got her hooves on him... 


Kierro was watching Evergreen rather than Mason, though he still remained alert. "You don't trust us, and you're wise to think as such," he said softly. "I can tell from your eyes that you're worried. Don't be. These things will work themselves out."


Eve snorted, still sidling casually towards Kazas, ready to burst out with a floral attack whenever she needed to. Watching Mason taunting Zephrael with a look on her face, she said, "If you really think this is all going to go as according to your little plan, you're as moronic as your boss over there." Conveniently, at that moment Mason chose to almost molest Zephrael's face with a tentacle. Eve felt like that very well proved her point.


He calmed down and placed a tendril under Zeph's mouth, frowning. "You're no fun, you know? It's so hard to get you to show me your emotions. In fact, if you weren't so stoic, I wouldn't have had to torture poor Kazas just to get you angry! But I guess that's just one of the countless souls you've harmed today, isn't it?"


Wait. What? What did he just say? That was it? That was why he'd tortured Kazas? When she had done so, at least it had been for Kazas' benefit, and to protect her team. But this guy? This guy? What even? Her face was still stonily cold, but the flower behind her ear showed quite clearly how she felt right now. Anger. Outrage. Almost pure loathing. All of it directed at Mason. 


She was so gonna have to kick his ass later. But first, Kazas. She continued sidling almost casually towards him, getting close, but waiting to judge that the situation was under control before attempting to revive him and treat his internal injuries.

Edited by Descant
  • Brohoof 1

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Eve snorted, still sidling casually towards Kazas, ready to burst out with a floral attack whenever she needed to. Watching Mason taunting Zephrael with a look on her face, she said, "If you really think this is all going to go as according to your little plan, you're as moronic as your boss over there." Conveniently, at that moment Mason chose to almost molest Zephrael's face with a tentacle. Eve felt like that very well proved her point.

"Do I look like I have a plan?" Kierro asked in a low, calm tone. He removed the metal mask that covered his mouth. There was no hideous deformity or scar underneath it, just a regular mouth. He noticed Evergreen's anger toward Mason. "He isn't bothered by being hated, you know. Every member of the Yokai seven hates Mason, you know, even Mason himself. But If you can put up with his methods, he can do things that only those who think like him can."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@@Literally Snails@, @@Descant,


"Never trust the words of one without light," Agririon spoke aloud, his eyes narrowing as he put away the vibrating blade back underneath it's cloak. "Besides, relaxing is ridiculous at this point. We need to make it into the Everfree, get the survivors some shelter. And then we get onto the path of reclaiming what we can, which we will all have to spill our ideas about."


He turned to Mason, who appeared to be toying with Zephrael. He sighed and shook his head, muttering to himself dark things. Noticing Eve trying to edge near Zephrael and Kazas, he looked towards her, inwardly wincing as he saw the lesser demons float closer, as inquisitive as ever. "I would not get near to the duo- no, trio- right now. These dark beings are known for being inquisitive." However, he made no move to stop him, knowing that she could probably take care of herself in case they decided to get a little too close. Instead, shouldering his weapon, he floated back into the Everfree for the moment.


He winced as he felt rather than heard the last notes of the dirge float across the dimensions. Quietly humming along, creating an almost gloomy atmosphere around him as he drifted along before running into a large group of ponies sprinting into the Everfree, finishing almost as soon as he walked into the crowd, his scythe vanishing as he landed and walked over to the crowd, trying to find someone notable who might seem somewhat familiar...





Meanwhile, however, Shelevan had managed through some magical connection of some sort when Zephrael and Agririons'

shadows touched to find herself in Agririon's shadow instead of Zephraels. Somewhat confused about this, but also accepting it, she bided her time and waited. Seeing her opportunity now, she quickly came out of the shadow and, after taking some time to retain her balance, she stood up and began to search for Alrahm.


It took her a few moments, but she managed to find her, talking to an odd pony who seemed to have some element of water about her. With a sigh, she walked up to him and gently tapped him on the shoulder before taking a step back and waiting.

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@literally snails



What was this? They would let him go? Improbable. But even still, he thought he should humor them. A reverse soul infusion, with zephrae entering the body should be sufficient. Considering the fact that his own soul wouldn't give away enough power to be considered and the fact that Avaerus's barrier was holding up looked promising. Covered by kazas, soul transmigration became reverse soul infusion without a hint given off, and zephrael assumed the reigns once more. Mason's tendril did little to phase zephrael. He answered.




" I Can not tell you. Not yet. But I can give you a hint, at the very least. Despite what many would think, Avaerus is not the sole being who takes that particular form. He is a species, as much as we are. Now... What do sentient beings have? Tis a simple answer, and hard to answer incorrectly when almost every answer is part of a singular group of correct answers."



He waited for mason's response, but then noticed evergreen's edging towards kazas.





" girl, do not tempt fate. Both you and the samurai have given kazas ample ability to succeed in whatever is going on inside. But you must realize that only two have a limited effect. The rest of his friends must invoke his memories, for he cannot himself. You reminded him, with your flower, of what he really is. What I know is truly there. You've probably given him the biggest chance. But now, the others must play their part in his life. But do not think any further effort is wasted on your part. Surely, he will remember you in light."


Zephrael said. He offered her a warm smile. The first he'd ever smiled in nearly a millennium. It was genuine, warm, and inviting.



------------( entering the everfree) ------------


Alrahm stroked his beard, and chuckled lightly at cascade.



" ha ha ha... Why thank you, I grew it myself. Might I say, I find your wings fascinating"


Alrahm's horn lit up, and from a pouch under his robe, a small journal appeared, along with a quill and ink, all floating in air.


" might I have your name, young one? You've earned yourself a place in my sketch-journal."





@@Literally Snails, @, @@Descant,


"Never trust the words of one without light," Agririon spoke aloud, his eyes narrowing as he put away the vibrating blade back underneath it's cloak. "Besides, relaxing is ridiculous at this point. We need to make it into the Everfree, get the survivors some shelter. And then we get onto the path of reclaiming what we can, which we will all have to spill our ideas about."


He turned to Mason, who appeared to be toying with Zephrael. He sighed and shook his head, muttering to himself dark things. Noticing Eve trying to edge near Zephrael and Kazas, he looked towards her, inwardly wincing as he saw the lesser demons float closer, as inquisitive as ever. "I would not get near to the duo- no, trio- right now. These dark beings are known for being inquisitive." However, he made no move to stop him, knowing that she could probably take care of herself in case they decided to get a little too close. Instead, shouldering his weapon, he floated back into the Everfree for the moment.


He winced as he felt rather than heard the last notes of the dirge float across the dimensions. Quietly humming along, creating an almost gloomy atmosphere around him as he drifted along before running into a large group of ponies sprinting into the Everfree, finishing almost as soon as he walked into the crowd, his scythe vanishing as he landed and walked over to the crowd, trying to find someone notable who might seem somewhat familiar...





Meanwhile, however, Shelevan had managed through some magical connection of some sort when Zephrael and Agririons'

shadows touched to find herself in Agririon's shadow instead of Zephraels. Somewhat confused about this, but also accepting it, she bided her time and waited. Seeing her opportunity now, she quickly came out of the shadow and, after taking some time to retain her balance, she stood up and began to search for Alrahm.


It took her a few moments, but she managed to find her, talking to an odd pony who seemed to have some element of water about her. With a sigh, she walked up to him and gently tapped him on the shoulder before taking a step back and waiting.

Shelevan's poking had nearly given him a heart attack. There was only one pony capable of that. He turned around, the flying journal, ink, and quill dropping to the ground. He yelled as he turned around, but then quickly realized who it was.



" VORRIN, THIS IS NOT TH-..... oh.... It's you... I'm... Sorry. I guess old habits die hard. What news do you bring, keeper of shadow, and how may I assist you?"





"I live to serve and obey, my master." Shogun steps through the portal without any hesitation, returning to Avaerus' side and kneeling before him. "I will not fail you a second time. If you desire, I shall kill in your name."




At the open fields...


Samurai watches the sky as Syuren takes them up the clouds. Oh to fly among the heavens... This is everything Samurai ever dreamed! "The wind, my flames... When two hearts and two elements come together, they form an amazing power that the world has NEVER seen before!" Samurai thinks to himself when they reach the height of the ascension.





(I know, it's not traditional Japanese music, but I wanted something inspiring for once, and I couldn't think of anything better. Wouldn't be the first time I've made a tokusatsu reference here. Beside, in a way, Samurai and Syuren are rampaging in their own right. I thought the instrumental version was more fitting here, but the vocal version is pretty good too. Check that out some time, if you like.)


Abareta kazu dake tsuyoku nareru / The more you rampage, the stronger you'll become!

Abareta kazu dake yasashisa wo shiru / The more you rampage, the kinder you'll become.

Abare Abare Abare Makure Get up! / Rampage, rampage, rampage like crazy! Get up!

Abare Abare Shouri suru made / Rampage, rampage until you've won!




And then the dive, and the epic tuck into a spin to create a tornado. That was Samurai's cue!

"FlameNADO!!!!" Samurai calls out, combining the bulk of his fire powers with the tornado to make a super explosive tornado of flames!

Of course, it doesn't matter what class tornado it is. Samura's fire magic resonates with his will, it only hurts or destroys whatever he is targeting. The result would be the same, regardless.


If this attack doesn't wipe out the remaining mind-bent cannon fodder in the area, nothing will!


The tornado lit up and started flinging fireballs all over indiscriminately. Since samurai's controlled fire had only the ability to stun, the attacking pegasi would only be sent to the ground, knocked out. The spread was like a shotgun fired in all directions, hitting everything within a 200 yard radius with as powerful as the Flamenado was.



" yeahhhhhhhhh!!!!! That's right samurai, light em up!"






( Special discovery by Samurai equine and descant for using non-lethal or non- ensured death means to deal with mind-bent!)



~~~~~~[ right outside of ponyville]~~~~~~


The pegasi who were struck by samurai's were slowly waking up. These were regulars of the equestrian army, not royal guard.


" oh, my head..."


" hey... Who are you..... Where are we?!?"


" why can't I remember anything... I was enjoying the tournament on my off day, and then... You know... Nothing."


" By Celestia... Ponyville?!? What happened?!?"


"Everypony calm down, now! We'll walk in, and investigate! But for now, name, rank, and battalion!"


~~~~~~~~~~[near the river flowing into the everfree]~~~~~~~~~~~


Some pegasi had washed up to the beach after left paralyzed in the water by cascade. Only about 10 were there, but it was better than nothing.


" why.... Can't... I.... Move?!?"


"Give it a minute... I've got my left forehoof twitching!"


" what the hell happened? Why can't I remember anything?"


" I like trains."


" wait..... What?"


" he said he likes trains"


" I know what he said, but how does that pertain to this situation?!?"


" I like trains, too."


" have you guys been drinking too much cider?!? This is probably why we are here in the first place! I swear, it's like a movie I saw once where these ponies get messed up and have to back track to find out what happened while they were wasted."


" I too, like trains."


" next pony to say that is dead when Im able to move again!!!"


"..........I like trains."




-------------(in canterlot)-----------



Avaerus had brought shogun back and immediately went to work on him, trying to heal wounds with his own power.




" Actually shogun... Let us hold off on that ambush. I want to observe."

Edited by Hokuto's Heir
  • Brohoof 2

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Mason smiled, almost happy that Zephrael had refused to tell him right away. "Yes, of course you refuse to tell me," he said, "You're not afraid of me, and no amount of torture could change that." He looked at Kazas instead. "But maybe you're not the stone cold bastard you act like. You have a glaring weakness." A tendril slowly snaked out from him toward Kazas, but he was stopped when he heard Femis voice in his head.


"He's suffered enough. You will hurt your cause doing this."


He retracted the tendril and chuckled. "Right as always," he said, looking like he was talking to himself. He looked back to Zephrael. "Tell me more about Avae's species. Is he an ancient Makai? A spirit of the fade? Why do you choose to serve him?"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Mason smiled, almost happy that Zephrael had refused to tell him right away. "Yes, of course you refuse to tell me," he said, "You're not afraid of me, and no amount of torture could change that." He looked at Kazas instead. "But maybe you're not the stone cold bastard you act like. You have a glaring weakness." A tendril slowly snaked out from him toward Kazas, but he was stopped when he heard Femis voice in his head.

"He's suffered enough. You will hurt your cause doing this."

He retracted the tendril and chuckled. "Right as always," he said, looking like he was talking to himself. He looked back to Zephrael. "Tell me more about Avae's species. Is he an ancient Makai? A spirit of the fade? Why do you choose to serve him?"


Zephrael scoffed.



"Avaerus is the full name. At least history remembered 2/3s of it. And he is so much more than those... He is the second son. As for why I serve him, that is none of your concern. I've already told my story to one more righteous. The eldest of the chosen. He will decide if you're worthy enough to be trusted with that information. Now, are you going to let me part ways with you, or will you cause a scene? You've already made the mistake of getting in too close, and mi'lord is waiting. I've also got a ticking time bomb on my backside."





@samurai equine


The Flamenado was weakening, but it had taken out many of the pegasi. Only 7 were left, and even they would be crashing to the ground soon, courtesy of samurai's flame.


( sorry for low quality post. Two hours of sleep

And a double work shift :( )

Edited by Hokuto's Heir
  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"Stand down," Mason ordered to his men without looking at them. The bombs around zephrael disappeared, Havoc descended to the ground and all of the demons lowered their weapons.


"But... Why?" Oni asked again.


Mason looked at Kazas' body. He would die if something wasn't done. "Oni, give Kazas back all of the power you stole before your body loses it." He ordered.


"What?" Oni asked. "We should be killing both of them! Now you want us to let one go and heal the other! How does healing Kazas make us stronger?"


"Because we can't lose him yet! Now do as I command!" Mason shot back.


Oni flinched, then obeyed. He opened his mouth as if he was charging his scream attack and vaporous streams of red light slowly emerged from his throat and enveloped around Kazas. As the energy was slowly absorbed back into his body, Oni started to shrink down until he was his normal size, still quite large, but not a giant. "There."


Mason turned his attention back to Zephrael. "Don't misinterpret anything I'm doing as some shred of a conscience. I'm still a masochistic heartless bastard, yet despite your actions, you don't strike as the same. Kazas has been mortally wounded, so go to your master and tell him that this all worked out exactly as he planned. You know it to be true."

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@samurai equine


The Flamenado was weakening, but it had taken out many of the pegasi. Only 7 were left, and even they would be crashing to the ground soon, courtesy of samurai's flame.


( sorry for low quality post. Two hours of sleep

And a double work shift :( )


Samurai, after watching the Flamenado end, just rolls his eyes. He's surprised it died out before the last 7 could get hit. "Magic Horn Extend." Samurai says in an annoyed kind of sigh, and in the blink of an eye, the last 7 are taken down by his rapid-fire horn.


He then goes over to Syuren. "Syuren-san, are you okay? We need to go back and find the others."


(It's cool. I understand. I really didn't know what to post until now. And also, this may be my last post for a while due to Thanksgiving.)

  • Brohoof 2


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"Stand down," Mason ordered to his men without looking at them. The bombs around zephrael disappeared, Havoc descended to the ground and all of the demons lowered their weapons.


"But... Why?" Oni asked again.


Mason looked at Kazas' body. He would die if something wasn't done. "Oni, give Kazas back all of the power you stole before your body loses it." He ordered.


"What?" Oni asked. "We should be killing both of them! Now you want us to let one go and heal the other! How does healing Kazas make us stronger?"


"Because we can't lose him yet! Now do as I command!" Mason shot back.


Oni flinched, then obeyed. He opened his mouth as if he was charging his scream attack and vaporous streams of red light slowly emerged from his throat and enveloped around Kazas. As the energy was slowly absorbed back into his body, Oni started to shrink down until he was his normal size, still quite large, but not a giant. "There."


Mason turned his attention back to Zephrael. "Don't misinterpret anything I'm doing as some shred of a conscience. I'm still a masochistic heartless bastard, yet despite your actions, you don't strike as the same. Kazas has been mortally wounded, so go to your master and tell him that this all worked out exactly as he planned. You know it to be true."

Zephrael simply smiled while his eyes drilled mason's with what many would call an uncomfortable gaze.



" humph. You know too little and assume too much. From dust, you were born. Make the wrong choices, and to the ashes, you return with all of mortality and every other realm of existence, known and unknown. Farewell."



Zephrael, with kazas on his back, took off suddenly. What mason had said wasn't entirely true. Not all of Avaerus's immediate plans had come to fruition. At least, not yet. Zephrael headed toward canterlot, back to his master. Zephrael had plans of his own, considering how events had occurred. He smiled to himself. He wasn't going to leave the world unbalanced... The griffon on his back would play a crucial part in the aftermath of it all for his fellow keepers.



@literally snails @samurai equine


---------(the fields outside of ponyville)------


Syuren was panting. The soul infusion wore off, and his primordial divine's essence seeped back into his spear. He spoke to samurai.



" y...yeah..I'm good...nothin' to worry about... I feel a little winded, no pun intended..... Lets go... I need to sleep soon. That was wicked awesome, samurai... Ya done good."



With that syuren, with samurai on his back, flew towards ponyville once more. He was too tired to notice the awakened soldiers that samurai had left alive outside of ponyville. Syuren was using the last of what he could muster to tap into the wind divine's power once more, and get them there in a hurry. Eventually, they arrived at ponyville, syuren landing near kierro. He spoke to kierro in an otherwise sarcastic yet tired tone.



" oh... Great... It's you.... Listen buddy... I might be taking a dirt nap soon... If you do anything to my body while I'm outtie, I'll haunt you from beyond. Capish?"


Syuren looked as though he was about to tip over. And indeed, he was.






--------------------(the everfree, with the retreat.)------------


@magos ampharose



Alrahm waited for an answer, when it suddenly struck him; he didn't know where the old castle was.


" actually, keeper of shadow... Would you assist us in finding the old bastion of the twin saints? For I have no directional prowess. Also, I need to find the one who is death incarnate..... We have much to discuss. And since he was the personal bodyguard of the princesses, that technically makes him the leader of all royal guard... And we need all commanders to strategize."

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Mason frowned slightly as he returned to his normal leg length.


"Perhaps you cannot read him as well as you think," Femi said, "Your gift of manipulation can only extend so far."


"As can your gift of reading minds!" Mason spitefully replied.


"His thoughts were blocked, true, but his emotions were not. Regret may fill him, but his resolve is stronger." Femi said.



Havoc began gathering his armor so that he could slowly put it back on. It was curious that he wanted it back as he was clearly stronger with the armor off.



Kierro held out his left front hoof and held seryun over the shoulder so that he wouldn't fall. He was surprised with his luck, touching his cheek to the pegasus' hair gently. "There now, you look like you've been through a lot. You shouldn't over exert yourself." He wrapped his tail around Seryun's back.

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Mason frowned slightly as he returned to his normal leg length.

"Perhaps you cannot read him as well as you think," Femi said, "Your gift of manipulation can only extend so far."

"As can your gift of reading minds!" Mason spitefully replied.

"His thoughts were blocked, true, but his emotions were not. Regret may fill him, but his resolve is stronger." Femi said.

Havoc began gathering his armor so that he could slowly put it back on. It was curious that he wanted it back as he was clearly stronger with the armor off.

Kierro held out his left front hoof and held seryun over the shoulder so that he wouldn't fall. He was surprised with his luck, touching his cheek to the pegasus' hair gently. "There now, you look like you've been through a lot. You shouldn't over exert yourself." He wrapped his tail around Seryun's back.

Syuren began to tremble. It was evident that he'd tapped into too much power. Coughing. He was coughing blood. He turned his head away as to not get any on kierro. Sure, he had tried to splatter his innards over the walls earlier, but obvious recent events forced them all to work together.




" he-..he-....hey... I *cough*...... I need to tell you som-...*cough*... Something.... Ya picked up in it yet.... That griffon... The one who... Took the princesses and vorrin... He's like * cough *... Us. He's usin' a primal soul. Look, I'm not in bad shape 'cause of enemies. I'm in bad shape 'cause of myself. It's the po-..* cough *... The power. We all use a similar power... But we're all different, 'cause of... Stuff. Anyways, use too much... Ya can't handle it. You know? You end up like me. Coughin' up blood, weak, and all. Push even further... Well, ya die, or worse... What I'm tryin to say... You know... Try to outlast 'em. Or make 'em use too much and push his body... But he'd probably kill us before we managed to tire him out. It's a long shot, but something.... To *cough*... Try and consider...."




That was all Syuren managed to say before passing out, some blood still on his lower lip. He was leaning entirely on Kierro, but would fall if kierro moved. Syuren's willpower, along with the demon's support, is all that kept his unconcious body up. He looked as though he were sleeping, and was even smiling. He'd done his job with samurai, and done it well.





Lorec had came back upon the group, left in the aftermath of destruction. Kazas was gone, and he'd felt a familiar presence earlier. Zephrael. But it didn't matter. The town had some ponies trapped underneath rubble, unable to escape cellars and the such. He spotted havoc picking up his armor. His own scars were very symmetrical. Almost as if he carved them there himself.. Or had someone else done the deed? Either way, it peaked Lorec's interest, but not as much as Syuren leaning on kierro, unconcious. He walked over near kierro, hand on his zweihander.




" Im going to stay and help.... Can I trust you to take care of him?"


Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Samurai is glad to arrive at the location, despite Syuren being so tired. If he wasn't insistent on this means of travel, Samurai would have been happy to follow him on hoof. However, they are given a surprise welcome by Kierro. That would be suspicious enough, but seeing Syuren in his weakened state alarms Samurai more. "Syuren-san! Stand aside!" Samurai says, but chances are Kierro probably won't.


Still, Samurai moves in and checks his pulse. "Good. He is still alive, just really tired. I've been there myself before. But I can get artificial sustenance from wild fires. I don't know if Syuren-san can be healed or sustained in any similar way..." Samurai says. Someone taps on his shoulder and he sees his four kurokos. "Oh! Yes! I almost forgot. You four, scour the area. Do whatever you have to do, but make some quick snacks for everyone. And find as much medical supplies as you can. If need be, improvise. Now go." Samurai gives the orders, and his servants bow before vanishing into the shadows to complete their task.


Samurai then looks around. "So, what did I miss?"

Edited by Samurai Equine


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@@Samurai Equine,@, ((Sorry, guys))


Kierro brushed Syuren's damaged hair so that it was once again perfect. With great care, he hoisted him up on his back. "I will be gentle." He promised to Lorec.


Oni answered Samurai's question, "We had the griffon surrounded, we sprung the perfect trap! But Mason decided to let him go!" he snorted angrily. "Ask him why! I still don't understand!"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@@Samurai Equine,@, ((Sorry, guys))


Kierro brushed Syuren's damaged hair so that it was once again perfect. With great care, he hoisted him up on his back. "I will be gentle." He promised to Lorec.


Oni answered Samurai's question, "We had the griffon surrounded, we sprung the perfect trap! But Mason decided to let him go!" he snorted angrily. "Ask him why! I still don't understand!"

(Btw, Syuren imparted some very important information to kierro before losing consciousness. Might be good to have Kierro tell Mason before he departs :))



" Take care of him."


Lorec nodded, and sheathed his sword on his back. He noticed Havoc picking up his armor. It was impressive, how much weight he wore. It must've been for constant training.... Or... Was it to keep his opponents safe from what was underneath? After, he didn't demonstrate that power before the armor came off, and it's only common sense to rid one's self of something that impedes if the situation calls for it. Either way, what truly peaked Lorec's interest was not the armor or the true potential. It was the scars. They were symmetrical, almost as if they were self-inflicted, or quite potentially even inflicted sadistically by someone else. He walked toward Havoc, with a questioning stare upon his gait.




" Self-harm, or something more sinister... Also, you're name. I'd like to know."


Lorec would understand if he wasn't willing to talk to him yet. He looked as honor-bound as Lorec, quite possibly even more so. That, and the fact that he had proven nothing to Havoc quite yet, while Havoc's own power impressed Lorec.




--------------------------( Deep in the everfree)---------------



The mass exodus of civillians had continued unabashed by any further interruptions. Alrahm was helping to guide as best he could in the forest.



" This way, everyone! Come this way!"



His other thoughts were to Roto. He promised to heal him, and he had wondered off, probably in search of that great power... Zephrael and Kazas. Alrahm had known all along. Yet, he would say nothing. These situations resolved themselves.


---------------------------------------( The arena, in Canterlot)------------------


@Samurai Equine


Avaerus had just finished working on shogun equine through his own healing magics. When suddenly, a portal opened into the arena. It was dark... Ominous... Blacker than the most conceivable nightmare in Equestria. It had opened near Vorrin's body, the pony, and ally to Kazas, whom Zephrael had slain. A Figure appeared from the portal. His face was cloaked by cowel and hood. A horn poked out of it. A unicorn. And with him, a wooden staff, with a glass orb sitting atop of it. The Orb contained two ethereal objects. One was bright, with only small blots of darkness. The other was darker than the deepest chamber in Tartarus. They were souls. One was the the unicorn's, and the other... Was something else entirely.



" I have come to collect."



" So you have."



" Are you still disappointed that I turned down your offer?"



" No. Zephrael is more than enough to test them. Looking back, you would've slain them on accident."



" Precisely why I refused. 300 years of undeath gives one incredible foresight."



" Indeed. You're here for the former keeper of shadow, are you not?"



" I am."



" what do you stand to gain from having him?"



"..... Entertainment. I have a test of my own for the mortals."



" you would dare interfere with my strategy?"



" as one who also inhabits this world, well... Yes."




The audacity of this one was astounding. But his power was great, and his foresight and ability to lead, even greater.



" Do not give them a free pass."



" you mistake me for being a charitable fool who donates to an already decided cause. Do not worry. If they seek more power even after it all ends, I will be sure to drive them where they need to be. I shall help them once, when they journey to the Minotaur lands, if they know how to summon him. And sure enough, Lorec and Havoc's race remember the old ways."



" fair enough. Take the corpse and soul and leave my sight."



The unicorn smiled underneath his cowel. His horn glowed, and vorrin's body floated with him. Into the portal, he and the corpse disappeard.


In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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