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open After the Last Day (Space Adventure Human RP)


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The SIRI made a sound like a huff but spoke at a barely aubible level, "Already assuming such familial terms." then shut off its light. This made Bruce's SIRI's dim glow visible with the path ahead barely illuminated but put everything directly around them into complete darkness.



It was very obvious to Bruce that the light ahead had suddenly went out. Bruce's SIRI responded at a lower volume, "Oh of course it's best that I'm not heard, no one wants to listen to me anyways. Oh well. Umm, he's made his SIRI - 633k turn off his lighting now, he's male, I don't know what you want to know, every species is so different about distinctions. Oh and he's carrying a bit of sharp metal that species so often kill each other with."

Edited by Torrent505
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Daniel had been about to ask his Siri where he could find the rest of the survivors when he saw someone approaching. Figuring he didn't really have anything to lose at this point, he waved at them. "Hey! I guess you're another survivor. Wait... do you speak English? I'd hate to think I'm just confusing you." 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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@@Alex Kennedy
The only word that Guiseppe understood was 'English'. "English?" Guiseppe asked confusedly. He then figured that the man must have been speaking English and wondered if SIRI could translate for him. "SIRI, si può tradurre quello che dice?*" He asked the robot.

"Naturalmente, signor Feldinaro. Ma perché? Ho assunto tutte le specie parlavano la stessa lingua.**" SIRI asked back as he translated what the other person said.

"Sì, gli esseri umani hanno un linguaggio globale, ma la maggior parte degli esseri umani parlano lingue diverse. Diversi dialetti ... direi che dici da da tutto il mondo, a seconda di dove sono. L'inglese è la più comune però.***" He listened to the translation and smiled, He waved back and introduced himself. "Certo che sono un compagno sopravvissuto! Il mio nome è Giuseppe Feldinaro. Che cosa è il vostro?****"


*SIRI, can you translate what he's saying?
**Of course, Mister Feldinaro. But why? I assumed all of your species spoke the same language.
***Yes, humans have an overall language but most humans speak different languages. Different ... dialects I'd guess you say from from all over the world, depending on where they are. English is the most common one though.
****Of course I'm a fellow survivor! My name is Guiseppe Feldinaro. What's yours?

Edited by Dji



What else am I meant to put here?


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David was a bit slow to remember all that had happened. This usually happened to him when a lot of things happen in one day. He normally lives a boring, isolated life.


End of the world...hiding in the basement...I don't want to die...


...I hate my life, I don't trust people, but I don't want the world to end...


...reports of alien spaceships...impossible!...no, just improbable!


I'm alive now...maybe they can save us...


As he recollected his thoughts, he realized the corridor of metal...


and then a floating electronic and mechanical ball floated towards him, with a glowing blue light...


"What is this?" David asked. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"


It spoke to him in a voice not unlike that of the computer aboard the Starship Enterprise. He had enjoyed Star Trek very much in his days on Earth and dreamt of that kind of vision human progress.


"I am a standard information relaying interface, you may refer to me as SIRI. I am provided by the ship to supply new passengers with any necessary infromation. You are currently on board a Galactic Alliance vessel, in your language it would be call Reprieve. You have been selected by the Galactic Alliance as a representative of your race to be save from extinction as per a protective clause for civilizations currently under consideration for acceptance into the galactic community."


"Selected...how many are there?...did you let the rest of them die?"


"You have been unconscious by your species identification of time, six hours four minutes and 10 seconds. The ship picked up 700 million humans exactly. The ship is equipped with the weaponry to destroy the threat to your planet but authorization for such action was not received from the Galactic Alliance Council. Should the authorization be received it would no longer make a difference, contact between the two astral bodies occurred twelve minutes and forty three seconds ago."


"You let this happen...you could have saved all of the world and instead you just pick and choose at random a population less than China?" David's tone grew more angry. "What about my family? What about the billions of others you could have saved? You could have saved all of them!"


He listened to the close sounds the other survivors with a bit of intimidation. He always wanted a new life, but yet was too afraid of the unknown.


This is the new normal. This is what the rest of our lives might be like...


"Siri..." He couldn't believe he was saying this. He didn't care to be reminded of Apple products.


"Who are they? Why us? What is your mission?"

Edited by Wind Chaser
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How had this happened? What was he to do? A bright light illuminated nearby.

"What's that?"


"It appears another SIRI as activated flood lights, sir"


"Call me Atlas, alright"


"Of course, Atlas" With a groan I got up from my position. Hurt later. I threw the worries and grieves in the trunk in my mind then locked the trunk. Might as well see what that is. What did I have on me? A passport? Oh, yeah. The embassy.


"Do you take this? I want to get to your countriy?"


"What is this, Atlas?"


"A passport"


"I see. the GA does not accept passports from the United States of America"


"Of course you don't" I mumbled. 


"If you knew why did you ask, sir?"


"It's called humor. Ever heard of it?"


"No, sir. I have noted it in my databases" I rolled my eyes. What else? My journal and a pen. Might come in handy. Bingo! My pocket knife. 


"Is it okay If I have this, SIRI?"


"Yes, Atlas. May I ask what it is?"


"A knife. Never seen one?"


"Ah, very different from other species. I advise you keep it. Others may be hostile against you"


"Thanks for the advise"


"You're very welcome, sir" Other species? What had he meant by that? I added that to the "Holy shit, I need to know about that" list. 


"Mind killing your lights, SIRI" The lights went out and I followed the new light from the other hall. Oh, thank God he was speaking English. Another human... Or maybe a robot... I pulled out my knife and crept into viesw. In front of me stood a human with another SIRI thing.


"This means quiet" I put my finger to my lips as I whispered. I ditched my shoes where I stood. Silence is a fragile thing. Like a tiger hunting my prey I crept on the unknown. Slowly I raised my knife then I pounced. My knife to his neck and my free arm above that I had him just where I wanted him.



"Alright, friend. Keep quiet and you'll be fine" I really don't know why I had snuck up on his like this. Fear? No. Danger? No. Trust? Maybe.

"Do not resist" I said still in a whisper. I slowly began to walk backwards forcing him with me. I kept en eye on that other SIRI. He didn't look like he was going to turn on me. Good. Once back into the hall I had started in along with my shoes I talk again in a normal voice.


"Alright, friend. Who are, where are you from, and tell me anything else of importance. Till then I can only assume you mean me harm"


((I normally wouldn't control someone like this and this will be the most I will at any time for future reference. After this I won't control Eric again))

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Daniel didn't quite understand what just happened, but he understood what the man was saying now. The SIRIs were probably doing something. "My name is Daniel. So... have you been awake long? I just woke up a few minutes ago and I'm trying to get my bearings. It's a lot to take in, you know? 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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@@Alex Kennedy

"Ciao Daniel. Probabilmente ho stato svegliare la stessa quantità di tempo come voi.*" Guiseppe answered and tilted his head. "Sicuramente è molto da prendere in. Avete notato la scritta sui muri? Cosa pensi significano?**" Guiseppe asked curiously, looking at the writing near the ceiling. He didn't even care if the metal ball answered for the stranger. "Ma dobbiamo stare insieme, sai?***"




*Hello Daniel. I've probably been wake the same amount of time as you.

**It definitely is a lot to take in. Have you noticed the writing on the walls? What do you think they mean?

***But we gotta stick together, you know?



What else am I meant to put here?


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@@Firehearted (I'm actually perfectly okay with this, usually I don't approve of control like that but given the situation, Eric was completely distracted by the scene he was looking at and he's medic not much of a fighter so he wouldn't have resisted and gone with you anyways he knows how fast he would die from a cut throat. So this just moves things along much faster, just be careful on the future, if you do too much I'll warn you and if people don't like it if you do it too often I'll have to boot you so be smart about it.)


"Human? You're human right? SIRI he's human right?" Eric was obviously scared he had a knife to his throat but at least the one holding it seemed to be human.


"Yes, he is human." Both SIRIs answered simultaneously, they were slowly circling the two of them.


Eric relaxed some, that was a relief, he could hopefully reason with a person. He wouldn't know what to with an alien. "My name is Eric, I'm a paramedic and you keep calling me friend while you're holding a knife to my throat, that's a little contradictory. I've got a pair of medical kits, worst I could do is jab you with a scalpel. There are bigger things for us to be worrying about did you even look down the hall before grabbing me?!"

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"I buy it" I let go of Eric giving him some breathing room. "Jackson Boyd, archaeologist" 


"I believe you told me your name was Atlas, sir"


"Ever heard of a nickname, SIRI?"


"No, sir"


"It's as substitute name that friends often give each other for convenience"


"Noted, sir"


"So, yeah. Just call me Atlas" I turned back to Eric. "Sorry about the whole 'I'll cut you' moment. Just a precaution. Not everyday you get sucked into some alien craft" I pulled out my journal and jotted down a note as well as a sketch of the SIRI with me. 

9/8/14 Day One

Found another human named, Eric. Seems trustworthy. Will keep an eye one him though.


"I guess we're in this together... Say, what do you mean down the hall? All I saw was you and another one of those things" I pointed at his SIRI.

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Daniel shrugged. "I hadn't really noticed, but there's way too much I don't understand about any of this for me to have any ideas as to what it might be. You're right about us sticking together, though. We should look for more survivors and try to group up with any of the others who are out like we are instead of frozen." 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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@@Wind Chaser (Hehehe yup good old Siri I thought that was a pretty good joke, especially since they are made to spy on you and there's those conspiracy theorist)

"They?" The drone turned to look towards the voices, the four outside projector irises spun in a circle as it searched, it was starting to learn it would have to assume meanings with this human. So it assumed he meant the two males in the next hall and ran their voices, "They are Guiseppe Feldirnaro, Italian, age 20 and Daniel O'Reilly, American(right?), age 20. You were selected at mostly at random, exceptions being leaders, soldiers and humans already under criminal by your species; too often such individuals try to turn against the G.A. and are deemed to dangerous of pick up. The SIRI are here to maintain ship functions and to watch individuals for mannerisms and behavior for a concept of the species overall relating to the G.A. Citizenship applications process."

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Bruce nodded" brighten up but direct it at the other human I want him dazed for a few seconds " Bruce said

(going ahead and having him do it ) the Siri brightened up to flood light level directing it at Conor

"don't move " Bruce called "one chance are you hostile" Bruce activated the laser sight (basically a laser pointer that is aligned with the barrel to show where the bullet will hit ) the red dot appeared over Conors heart

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Eric stared at the man, "Atlas huh. I think I'll call you Jackson for now; I don't know many archaeologist but I don't think most of them hold knives to peoples throats." He didn't trust this guy, especially after the knife. While 'Atlas' was busy with his journal and sketching Eric conversed quietly with his SIRI, "I've got some questions about those aliens back there. The ones clustered together, the group of five, they had a metal thing with them moving still, was one of them alive? Was that some type of signal for help?"


"They were Ibisi, however the metal object was not ibisi. Life signs were uncertain, ibisi may enter into a hibernation when grievously injured and it is very similar to death; it may be possible that it was a sign of life." The SIRI was maddeningly unhelpful.


But it seemed that Jackson had finished with his journal, "yes we're in this together but maybe we can get another ally. There were aliens down that hall and they were hurt or dead but one of them might be alive. Come with me, I'm going to see if I can do something to treat it and if they're dead I think they had guns by them that killed another big alien... You know what just follow me." He motioned Atlas to follow and headed back towards where all the bodies were.

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Dylan gave out a surprise cry as SIRI nearly whacked him on the head, "Whoa, what happened SIr-" Dylan's word trailed off at the sight before him, another SIRI and next to it was a-"another human! A survivor! Ahhh That makes me happy." Dylan said running his fingers though his hair; he didn't want to say but SIRI's humming HAD started to get annoying.

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"Alright, suit yourself" I responded. I really didn't care which he called me right now. "Most of the people I work with don't carry knives either. Makes me feel safe though. I've used it before" I listened to his plan. "Wait, hold it. Are you off your rocker? Aliens are on board?" Come to think of it that was a stupid thing to ask. Another thing to add to the list.


"Still, Aliens. We don't know about them. As soon as we save it the thing might cut our heads off. Any intel on this, Scrap" Scrap. It seemed to fit the SIRI bot well.


"Was that meant for me, sir?" The SIRI asked in his stereotypical accent. 


"Yes. Anything?"


"If you would like I can program to respond to that designation"


"Fine then. You are now Scrap"


"Very well, sir... Designation complete... Anything else, sir?"


"Yes, scrap. Anything else to add to the Ibisi?" I had mispronounced the name horribly but Scrap got it.


"I'm sorry, Atlas but no" I sighed. 


"Well, Eric. You're the only on with a plan here. Let's do it" I pulled back out my knife and began to follow.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Connor didn't really react to the bright light activating in front of him, having his sunglasses on did help dim the light, he did however cross his arm in front of his face.


"That depends on if you keep pointing that gun at me"


He then muttered under his breath.


"Bloody Americans"

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@@Alex Kennedy@@Wind Chaser

Guiseppe looked around and saw a branching hallway from the direction he had come from a bit away from down the hall. "C'è un corridoio lì. Me idiota, naturalmente ci sarebbero altri corridoi SIRI , ci sono altri sopravvissuti nelle vicinanze ?*" Guiseppe asked his SIRI.


"Sì. C'è un altro vicino. Posso prendere sia per lui se volete.**" The SIRI said. Guiseppe nodded and smiled.


"Sembra che ci sia un altro sopravvissuto vicino, andiamo." Guiseppe said and beckoned for Daniel to follow. He then followed his SIRI as he led the way to the other survivor.




*There's a hallway there. Idiot me, of course there would be other hallways. SIRI, are there any other survivors close by?

**Yes. There is one other close by. I can take you both to him if you would like.

***Seems like there's another survivor close by, come on.



What else am I meant to put here?


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Daniel nodded and quickly followed after him. Whatever the hell was to come, he'd rather not face it alone, and the more people around to help the better. After all, the ability to work together and organize was one of humanities greatest strengths. If they were supposed to represent their species, they should show it. 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Tanya looked over Dylan and sighed "You got any weapons? Anything?"


During her extensive walk she had been keeping anneye out for anything useful. If she was indeed aboard an alien ship, she didn't want to be caught unaware by a foreign species. She had only come across a few loose wires and screws, nothing good.

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Connor rolled his eyes.


"I have whisky already, why would I try to rob you, its not like I can spend any money you have, Earths gone, unless you carrying space cash your fine"


Connor then pats his pockets, looking for something, he sighs and gives up.


"You got any cigarettes?"

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Eric lead Atlas toward the alien bodies telling his SIRI to turn its lights back up again so Atlas could get a good look at them. "So take it in but try not flip out or anything, a real alien encounter and they're pretty damn freaky looking... But they aren't moving and given where we are it's not too surprising to meet aliens. They did order the ship to save us after all." He glanced at his SIRI again, "you seemed like you knew more about these species, am I right or do you and scrap have the same info?"


"SIRI M007 currently designated Scrap has different data stores than me, all SIRI AI drones have varying information stores. Galanex are a species similar to your planets insects, a savage primitive species with a civilization based around a colony and roaming exploratory rogues. Their planet's star began to die becoming a dwarf and their planet cooled to almost uninhabitable temperatures, they evolved to survive extreme cold and are very hardy being able to survive much but they are susceptible to heat. Observation suggests relocation to an ice based zoo or nature preserve planet. This one seems to have died from wounds inflicted by a plasma weapon. Ibisi, most similar to your planets reptiles. They are an extremely logical and peaceful race resorting to violence and unplanned actions only as last resorts. However a religious cult devoted to creating chaos and violence developed among a minority and they forced a nuclear holocaust on their planet. Few struggling survivors were found and collected, no chaos creators identified. Observation suggests approval for G.A. Citizenship. These seemed to have suffered harsh wounds from the Galanex's claws." the SIRI floated just next to the dead Galanex now.


Eric pressed against the wall trying to stay as far from the alien beast as possible, the SIRI said it was dead but also they didn't die easy and he didn't want to risk anything. He tried to focus on the ibisi and the moving metal thing, "So they're usually logical and peaceful? That's a good sign, maybe if I can save him he can help us around the ship."


He was between the two alien species now the metal cylindrical thing had stopped thrashing about. He started to move forward slowly with his arms stretched forward to show they were empty. He spoke to the metal thing and hopefully unconscious alien, "I'm peaceful, I'm going to try and help you. Just let me come closer and look."


The metal hose thing whipped out wrapping around his arm with crushing strength, it yanked Eric to his knees and began pull him towards the ibisi pile. Eric couldn't help but scream from the pain and surprise of the sudden strike, trying futilely pull away or stop being dragged forward.

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bruce tirned the saftey on and put the gun away "sorry about that you never know if you can trust people im bruce my friends call me steel heart" bruce said pulling his bag of his back and pulling out a carten of cigarettes (190) he tossed one to conor and lit one for himself and took a long draw after blowing out the smoke "so whats you name friend"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Connor lit the cigarette and took a long pull and sighed with some relief.


"The names Connor, associates of mine call me Mr suit and Tie, due to me never being seen with out them, can I ask why your packing heat, other than the fact your american and its you right to bear arms"

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