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AN: Yet another one-shot. This one is totally crack shipping and non-serious. So yes, it does kind of suck.

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When Princess Celestia takes Princess Luna to a Wonderbolts show, Luna finds more entertainment then she was looking for...



It all started the day Princess Celestia forced her sister Princess Luna to go to a Wonerbolts show. Luna didn't get out enough, and hopefully something exciting would peak her interest. It was rare that Celestia could get our of Canterlot Castle, and Luna was a perfect excuse to do so. The princess of the sun had rare time to enjoy herself, but her concern now was really for her sister.


Luna seemed highly fascinated by the show, much to the pleasure of Celestia. There was also one Wonderbolt in particular she seemed unusually intrigued by, and this did not go unnoticed by Celestia. When the show was over, she surprised Luna by taking her to meet all of the performers, including the firey maned Spitfire.


The troupe introduced themselves, of course, but they all knew of the princesses. Celestia and Luna both greeted all of them, although Celestia couldn't help but notice a slight blush as Luna shook Spitfire's hoof.


After that, Luna told Celestia that she wanted to travel and see Equestria. Celestia would have much preferred for her sister to stay by her side where she could keep an eye on her, but more importantly, she wanted Luna to be happy.


But secretly during her travels, Luna went to every Wonderbolt's show in every town and city. Wherever the next performance was, that's where Luna went next. It could be said that she stalked the traveling showponies.


Luna didn't always go to see them after every show, although she well could have. She preferred to watch Spitfire from afar, afraid to get too close. After all, the firey mare could hate her for her crimes, as Luna felt many of the other ponies in Equestria did. But she was the only reason Luna went to all the shows.


Little did Luna know that some of the Wonderbolts had noticed her hanging around by the autograph table after shows, or how she always sat in the front row, or the way she fidgeted while she waited for her favorite filly flyer.


So after a show one day, Spitfire approached Luna. The blue filly looked around for somepony else whom Spitfire was coming to greet, but she was the only one there. In fact, she was one of the last ponies still at the arena, which happened more often than Luna realized.


The princess was invited to dinner with the troupe, to which she reluctantly accepted. It was be rude not to, but why in the world had they chosen her? Although, since she was a princess, that might have had something to do with it. Perhaps they wanted a chance to perform at the castle for Celestia, or maybe they wanted to talk about the next event in Canterlot... either way, Luna couldn't decline.


But when they arrived at the restaurant, the other members sat a bit further off, leaving herself and Spitfire alone in their own booth. Luna blushed furiously at being left alone with this particular mare, and then blushed even deeper in embarrassment at blushing in the first place. It almost seemed like a date, but Luna knew that that couldn't be possible.


Spitfire, however, acted very nonchalant about the whole thing, making casual conversation during the meal. Luna just felt rather awkward during the whole thing, continually blushing, fidgeting, and looking away—or a combination of all three! Spitfire secretly found her antics rather entertaining. She also explained that she'd noticed Luna coming to their shows rather frequently, which Luna confessed was true.


After their rather awkward meal, Luna was about to excuse herself. She was awfully nervous and just wanted to leave. But Spitfire told her to wait, leaning across the table to stop her. Luna turned back, and found her turquoise eyes locked with Spitfire's own auburn ones. The firey filly leaned forward, pressing her warm lips against Luna's and closing her eyes. Luna's own eyes went wide for a moment, and then she was overwhelmed with pleasure. She'd never kissed anypony—it wasn't allowed for a princess to be in love. But now, Luna didn't care. She'd had a thousand years of suffering, a thousand years of no contact from anypony. But in this moment, Luna forgot all that.

The other Wonderbolt's began to cheer at them, but Spitfire ignored them. Luna couldn't hear them over the racing of her own heart and the whirling in her head. Her body flashed hot, and she closed her eyes as well, just feeling Spitfire so close, closer than anypony had ever been. Love between a princess and a common pony was taboo, they both knew. But for Luna, this was the happiest she had been since her return.


* * *

After that night, Luna traveled with the Wonderbolts, rather than just following in their hoofsteps. She grew in her relationship with Spitfire, but didn't dare tell Celestia for fear of what she might think. But as the tour neared Canterlot, Luna knew that the confrontation was coming. There was no telling how her sister would react.


Celestia, meanwhile, had her suspicions. She knew that Luna was off traveling, but where she would go off to next was always a mystery. But, when she sent letters back, all she ever talked about was the Wonderbolts. Particularly, a certain performing mare kept creeping in. Although, over the past couple of months, Luna's letters had been far more infrequent. Celestia just hoped that everything was alright.

It wasn't until Luna brought Spitfire to the castle that Celestia realized just how serious things really were. Luna was rather embarrassed that she hadn't told her sister sooner, and also that she'd fallen in love with a mare rather than a stallion. But that didn't matter to Celestia, because she could see that her sister was finally happy since her return.


And, although it was unheard of and a rather taboo practice, Celestia blessed them with a foal of their own. Magic can do a lot of things, and though the foal contained both the genes of Luna and Spitfire, one of them had to carry the baby until birth. It wouldn't really do for a princess of Canterlot to be seen pregnant, and so Spitfire was chosen as the 'mother'.


Spitfire lived in the castle with Luna, though at first she protested. She wasn't used to being doted on night and day, and not being able to practice her flying skills drove her crazy. But Luna was there every step of the way, keeping her company.


And Luna was there to hold Spitfire's hoof on the night their beautiful foal was born. She had the same firey mane and auburn eyes as Spitfire. Though her body was a deep blue, much like Luna's. She was a Pegasus, much to the relief of Luna. Her foal would be able to go out into Equestria without everypony necessarily knowing her heritage. She wondered if that had been part of Celestia's doing, or if it had been up to genetics. Either way, the foal was theirs.


She was aptly named Firesky, a combination of her looks and the traits of her mothers. As she grew up, she was always slightly taller than most fillies her age, which came from Luna's side. She was able to study under Celestia and Twilight Sparkle, and therefore had little exposure to the outside world.

Spitfire returned to the Wonderbolt's shortly after Firesky's birth, while the foal remained with Luna. They knew it was the best decision, on the road wasn't a good place to raise a foal. Luna missed her, but she knew that Spitfire's place was with her teammates.


As Firesky grew up, she wanted nothing more than to be a Wonderbolt like Spitfire. She was terribly independent, and never really took to the whole 'royalty' thing. Luna always had her hooves full taking care of Firesky. Spitfire has said that she wants Firesky to travel with the Wonderbolts, once she's a bit older, although Luna is reluctant. She's terribly afraid of Firesky getting hurt.


Firesky is full of energy, and always looking for a race to prove her skill. She can often be found zooming around Canterlot, trying new tricks and often getting into trouble. She's as reckless as she is daring, and Luna can't seem to keep a hold on her. Spitfire doesn't mind the spirited filly though.


Whenever she's in Canterlot, Spitfire stays at Canterlot Castle with Luna and Firesky. Her tales of other cities far and wide and the amazing places she's seen intrigue Firesky, and every time Spitfire makes an appearance Firesky begs to travel with her. Luna wishes to travel with her fillyfriend as well, but they both know that Firesky's education must come first.


Firesky is sometimes made fun of for her heritage, but everypony knows that her aunt is Princess Celestia herself. Nopony dares to say anything to her face, but Luna is still highly aware of it. She doesn't let on to Firesky that she knows. She wants her foal to be happy, even though it means hiding a bit of the truth. But, if Firesky does catch wind of any rumors, she'll set the pony who started them back in their place. Luna would much rather have Firesky avoid quarrels rather than start them, but she is glad that she can take care of herself.


Still, Firesky doesn't have many friends because of her unusual parentage, and also because she's a big of a bragger. She brags about how cool her mom's are, and how awesome a flyer she is. Although both things ARE true, nopony really cares to hear about them. Firesky pretends like that doesn't matter, because she just KNOWS that everypony will adore her once she becomes captain of the Wonderbolts.


Firesky wants to someday take the Wonderbolts to a new level, and create a series of fantastic night revolving shows. Night really is the best time for flying, and it's when the more interesting and eccentric ponies are out and about.


Firesky likes flying at night a lot. Both of those traits come from each side of her genes. She enjoys the stars, and the moon is bright enough to light up everything, but not nearly as bright as the sun so it doesn't blind her. It's also not too hot, so it's the perfect time for flying. Her love of flying and the night sky is evident in her Cutie Mark.


Firesky got her Cutie Mark when she decided that she wanted to be a Wonderbolt. But it wasn't really that. It was a sign of how much she enjoyed flying fast, like Spitfire, and how much she enjoyed the night sky that Luna had made. It was a red crescent moon, a combination of Luna's own white crescent moon, and Spitfire's red lightning bolt.


Luna and Spitfire even got Firesky an exact replica of a Wonderbolt suit, except that it's a bit smaller so it fits her better. Firesky loves wearing it, especially when she goes out flying. Luna always knows she's left the castle when the suit is gone too, which does help her keep track of her little filly.


For now, though, Firesky is actually really glad to be able to have anything she wants, even if all she wants is to fly. Luna is often worried for the young filly's safety, but she does like to see her having fun and enjoying herself. After all, a filly like her could have turned out more like herself, shy and unsure. But Firesky is ready to take on the world, seemingly unafraid. She's a tough little filly, which Spitfire admires, and which Luna is glad of. Two moms may not be the norm, but that isn't going to stop Firesky from achieving her dreams. And if Firesky is happy, and so long as Spitfire is around, Luna is content.

Edited by MyLittlePonyTales



"Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there."

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