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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

On 2024-04-25 at 2:55 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"But we will be sure to look forward to the opportunity to speak with him, when time is fortunate for him. I cannot say for certain whom of us will be here to speak with him on the day, as our duties require us to handle things here and there, with some degree of urgency at times. But there should be someone to take his visit, with as little delay as is possible."

The siblings nodded and smiled, looking forward to the day they’d get to see the kitsune again with Elder Ghilan. It was a strange time for them, especially Sen, to be filled with this kind of glee. The last time he was among the kitsune, he remembered the pranks a few of the young tried to play on him. They tried to break his concentration and get him out of his meditative state, but he wouldn’t give them that satisfaction. After all, he was treading on very shaky ground with creatures who helped his sister and his friend; it wouldn’t be right to lose it on something so harmless. Fortunately, things turned out for the better, and it made meeting with the kitsune now much smoother. Perhaps if the situation were reversed, the siblings would find themselves as the kitsune’s gracious hosts were they to visit. 

Being here and interacting with the kitsune elders was a delight, and Sen couldn’t imagine being in this position in the past. His younger self would’ve been skeptical, having never imagined the possibility that such a thing could happen. Then again, exile and living away from his fellow longma didn’t seem possible either. Yet now, a normal life in the village was a distant pipe dream that would remain as such. For now, the siblings would leave things at that think of the day when Elder Ghilan would find himself on the receiving end of a kit’s pranks.

On 2024-04-25 at 2:55 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I do not understand, but I am not sure if that is good or bad. Mother says that we adapt, and learn from mistakes. Master Discord said that life is chaos, and I should just flow with it. So I try and experience things as they happen, and learn from them. I do not know if that is the right thing to do, but when he were gone, and Mother said I had to try and live myself, it were the only way I could think of, to do as they told me. There have been many unknown things I have seen like this, but I have not seen anything, that I think made me scared. And nothing that explained to me how it would be, to be afraid. Emotions are very hard, when you have not tried them,. like you have.

Also I do not know what I am supposed to do, except keep you safe. I believe that you and Lin will know what to do, long as I can do this."

“I wouldn’t know what it would be like if I were in your place, Omen. Being born with emotions makes feeling things natural as if it is part of us. When I feel afraid, it’s like something is holding me down or stopping me from moving. Breathing and speaking become difficult; I know I should fight or run, but at times, everything about myself tightens until I’m frozen stiff.”

“I don’t know if that’s the best way I can describe what being afraid is like, but it’s what I feel when it happens. Still, I am not alone now, so I am not as afraid; when the time comes for us to do things we must, we’ll do our best. I hope what I described could help you understand what fear is like, although I admit, I am not really sure how it works.”

Lin listened on but remained silent, thinking about what her brother described. Even Sen was rather caught off-guard by his way of going about explaining emotions, but there was a certain kind of instinct that came with it. Emotions were a tricky thing to process, but knowing and articulating the things he felt with certain emotions meant he could tune into things associated with them. Though they weren't exact, the descriptions, if close enough, could help Omen get a better idea of what certain emotions feel like. It was an unexpected thing to hear, but to her, it may be a nice way of going about explaining emotions. Granted, it would still be difficult to go about it for some other emotions, but it was always worth a shot. She likened it to describing colors to someone visually impaired: a challenge but one that got her to exercise her creativity. 

On 2024-04-25 at 2:55 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"You are thinking of spirits of the dead, more than likely. Those are different, than those whom I commune with. The ones I am connected with, are spirits of nature. Born of it, living as ensouled flickers of the world that we inhabits, and yet, their souls are not like yours or mine. They are warm and light. Breaths of the natural order, given form, until their time pass. It is not for us to understand why they come into existence, or what happens after. They simply are, and brief or long, we cherish their presence, as they nature the world around us.

I have been in places, where there are not even the smallest, frolicking wind spirit. Those places reeks of death, and stagnation. Places not meant for mortal paws to thread upon.

As for the souls of us mortal beings, there are those who can commune with those too. But that is the realm of another elder to speak of with more readiness, and expertise. Sadly he is not present, as he were needed somewhere else for the day, but perhaps another time, you can meet him, and hear what he has to say of the matter. Perhaps he can offer some insight, that you seek. Including on the ways that mortal spirits interact with the world. Something very different, from the way that those of nature does.

Elder Sohe confirmed Lin’s suspicions that she was describing a ghost and that nature spirits were different. It was rather odd that even spirits sounded like they had definite lifespans, or what could be lifespans according to her understanding of mortality. Then again, the longma’s very limited understanding of spirits means that this discussion would need more time, time that the siblings just didn’t have. Lin accepted that, though she hoped she could learn a little more. Alas, it wouldn’t be so, but she got the answers to her question.

With the gates open, it seemed like there was still an exchange of ideas and more for all to learn. Moments like these were what Lin sought, opportunities to learn for the sake of it and nothing more. But for now, there was much to prepare for, and the elders may also need some time to themselves. 

“I suppose this is where we part ways for now, and as much as we would like to stay and learn more from you, there is much for us to do. Elder Sohe, Elder Zhao, thank you for helping us and for the insights you shared.”

“Our arrival here was unexpected, but you still accommodated us and helped when we couldn’t offer more in return. I hope we can return with good news and repay your kindness properly. For now, we have taken up your precious time, and we wouldn’t want to intrude, but we appreciate all that you did for us.”

The siblings bowed to the two elders before turning to Omen to let her know that they were ready to head back to the village, though Lin would offer to open a gate directly back to their home. The hours were now counting down to their departure for the big event, and they would still have a few more things to settle. It was now an opportune time to inform Ghilan about what transpired in the ruins, as well as a meeting with the kitsune when he had some time to visit. Conflicting as those things may be, it would be best for all to be aware of what was happening now and what all can expect moving forward. 

  • Brohoof 1
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@Blitz Boom
"Firstly, there seems to be a misunderstanding." "I do know for a fact that this pony was from my world, this world simply does not have the required technology for such body modification." "When I say 'our side', I meant it quite literally; my Equestria is split in two, not physically, but politically, it is two empires fighting for power, thus our focus on war." "So when I said he isn't from our side, I meant he was from the other Empire." "And this is in fact irrelevant, as the culture on both sides of the border, when regarding kobolds, is pretty much identical." "And from what I know of kobolds as species, they tend to share the relevant aspects in their nature, regardless of region."

  "The reason why kobolds faced such fate in both empires, is because regardless of their tiny size, they make excellent workers, their upkeep is smaller than bigger creatures, yet they are more hard-working and efficient than even earth ponies." "There's a reason why it took machines to replace them." maybe a bit of a cold way to talk about living creatures, but he was simply stating the facts "And your assessment on my world's views is accurate, for kobolds are barely above wild animals in worth." "It is not unique to their kind however, anything non-pony is seen as lesser; Dragons got a break as they are very useful, and very loyal in the military; However, because even generations of slavery didn't break the spirit of kobolds, and they are simply too numerous to eliminate, after they became less useful, they ended up in this weird spot where they are treated as less than other intelligent species, yet are above animals in that animals don't need to be kept happy to avoid rebellion." "Luckily for our rulers, they are seemingly remarkably easy to keep happy, just leave them alone."  

"While you are working on misunderstanding of my meaning, you still bring up few points I need to look into, however, as I have failed to keep my information up to date regarding kobolds, due to them not being relevant to my duties at home, I will need to contact certain individuals to discuss them with; something I'm unable to do at this exact moment, and thus has to wait."

"The feeling of betrayal is a possibility, as the one thing that has been made very clear to me lately, is that kobolds take that extremely seriously; Traitors are not only banished from their communities, but shunned by the entire species, and if they don't know their place, killed." "And from my limited experience, it seems that redemption is not an option, I wonder if their kind even has the concept." "Long term plan is also not out of the question, as their kind is known for being quite clever; and I have been given information that does hint that there has been a plan brewing under our very eyes since the day we first breached their homes." while he was very matter-of-fact, maybe even slightly robotic, there was a hint in Solar's way of speaking that he felt guilt, especially every time he mentioned things done by ponies, the way he said 'our' and 'we' especially hinted at this. 

"And I indeed am keeping myself open for speculation, after all, like I said, this was mainly to bounce my thoughts off of someone; It isn't even high priority in things I need to solve, as what happens in my world is only relevant in what kind of arrivals I can expect finding; learning the details is more for personal closure" the sea wasn't far, so they'd probably arrive on the shore before the conversation concluded "What I do need to figure out is if the kobolds behind the killing came here too." "Because three kobolds from my world of origin has already arrived here, and while only one of them has been actively malevolent, considering the situation, there's a risk for unnecessary violence." "Not that any of them likes me, but as hated as I am among their kind, I am also currently the only one who can try to calm them down, as I understand their point of view." "There has been no reports of such of course, but they are small and clever creatures, they would have no trouble staying unnoticed here."

When at the shore, one of Solar's eyes seemed to focus on the water, however, no other action was taken by him for now, in fact, he didn't even stop talking for it. This lasted for ten or so seconds, and if not asked about it, he didn't acknowledge it in any way, and instead, after Magma had finished whatever her potential response was, and possibly after stating he scanned the water if asked about it; he'd state. "I need a boat." 


Ruby, unsurprisingly, was not very amused about any of this, though that didn't mean she couldn't at least try to take some humor out of it, as in her efforts to distract herself from...lot of things, she thought to herself that maybe that one pony suggesting her to learn breathing exercises year or so ago wasn't totally off the mark after all, because those started to actually sound like a good idea here...or maybe she was just getting delirious.

The darkness didn't really concern Ruby, while her vision in the dark was slightly weakened in this form, due to the required shape of the eyes to look correct, she didn't need to see to know where she was going, after all, she lived in caves, those often were pitch black, meaning that even nocturnal creatures couldn't see anything. Not that she needed to worry about it, since Leviathan got a torch. She also didn't pay much attention to the walls, though it was mostly due to keeping her focus on the deer, she trusted that Leviathan would tell her if she saw something essential.  "Not the first time I've seen a deal with a being leading to undeath, though the one I was aware of before this is a spirit rather than the corpse." Ruby mentioned, "Maybe hoofed creatures should just stop interacting with shady beings?" she added in attempt at humor, though it was clear from voice that it was just that, an attempt. 

 Seeing the room was the first thing Ruby was glad about after entering this place, not because of the size necessarily, but because of the hole in the roof, as while she still tried to keep up the form for now, if she did finally break here, she had a way out, even in the case this didn't work; death was also a way out after all. However, even with this hope, it didn't really make her feel any better, in fact, she could swear she started to feel even worse, she was starting to almost feel dizzy from...she still didn't know what it was, it felt like she was suffocating, but she could factually deduce that she was physically fine, sure this form limited her oxygen intake, but not to that extent.

After Leviathan had gotten things ready, Ruby tried to move in a way that it would lure the deer close enough in the front of the coffin for Leviathan to push the deer in, what she did beyond this, depended on what exactly happened.

If Leviathan managed to push the deer in, and in general things went as planned, she'd help, as a pony, in any lifting or pushing she could, without directly touching the deer, because while lot weaker than in her real form obviously, she was still stronger than your average pony. If there was mild trouble, like for example Leviathan being able to push the deer in, but not able to drop the coffin while also keeping the deer in, then Ruby would help with that, as a pony; and in general, she'd help to best to her ability based on the situation as a pony, even to the extend of risking it and physically pushing the deer herself if must, trying to deal with potential consequences as they came.

However, if it seemed that things just didn't go as planned, or if Leviathan was seemingly hurt or otherwise endangered, she'd transform to her real form if possible, and take things into her own claws, quite literally, she wouldn't bother loosening the strap holding her box with her, so said strap would snap, and the box would fall on the floor. Her plan here would be to grab the deer, stuff him into the coffin, and then seal him in, adapting to the situation depending on what happened.

Lastly, if the situation got to the point she tried to transform, but something was actively stopping her from breaking the spell keeping her as a pony, she'd freeze with uncharacteristic panic on her face, followed by a full blown panic attack, which naturally would throw everything out of the window, as Leviathan would now have entirely new problem to deal with, which to her would come out of nowhere, as there was no visible indications of the attempted transformation.


The kobolds weren't ones to judge anyone's outfits, but they did find Neon's style...unique, partly because the notable lack of clothes ponies and kobolds usually had, it meant that when someone wore specific clothing, it was not just an active choice of style, but an active choice to wear clothing in the first place, thus a style like this was....peculiar; not in a bad way though. Speaking of clothing, the kobolds made a mental note on that, they'd need to find someone to make them clothes, not for style, but to protect them from the sun, as the way it radiated heat was bit uncomfortable to them, mainly due to not being used to it. Trox also wanted to be able to hide his arm and leg in case he wanted to go somewhere and stick out less. 

 "Those limits are the problem." Sheska stated "It doesn't really matter how big the space is, when the limits are something else than size." "You see, it's a big part of our culture to change things as are needed; it isn't really possible if you need a permit from some pony for...well anything." "So how does that tend to be here?" "It's easy to say now that we need certain amount of space, as we'll need the living quarters themselves, but also room for me to practice my field of work, and for Trox's workshop." "But what about if and when we find partners? one clutch of eggs is on average five eggs, and these things happen pretty quick, so it will be quite inconvenient if we need to go through long process of bureaucracy to build a room, if we need it for ten more kobolds." "If we could even build it for our needs, no doubt whoever is in control of these, would want the building be such that it can be sold in case we move out? That's only possible if it was build to accommodate ponies." 

"I'm sorry if we seem bit negative, but we'd like to know how these things usually are here, so that we know if we should even waste time going through the official channels, or if we should just pick a direction, and walk until we are far enough from any settlement to do what we want." Sheska then added thoughtfully "There's also the question of money, we don't have a single coin to our name, or anything else on that matter, what we own you see on us." that being only the makeshift straps they had used to carry the 'grenades', they had left the weapons in the tavern, thought they didn't own those either. "Chega would probably be more than happy to pay for us, but that's way too much to ask from her, it's already too much that she pays for our room." 







  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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On 2024-04-26 at 5:11 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I wouldn’t know what it would be like if I were in your place, Omen. Being born with emotions makes feeling things natural as if it is part of us. When I feel afraid, it’s like something is holding me down or stopping me from moving. Breathing and speaking become difficult; I know I should fight or run, but at times, everything about myself tightens until I’m frozen stiff.”

“I don’t know if that’s the best way I can describe what being afraid is like, but it’s what I feel when it happens. Still, I am not alone now, so I am not as afraid; when the time comes for us to do things we must, we’ll do our best. I hope what I described could help you understand what fear is like, although I admit, I am not really sure how it works.”

"I still do not understand it, but I will try and think about what you said later. Maybe it will make sense to me then."

She had doubts that it would, but sometimes, randomly thinking on things like this, would just make something click for her. Emotions did not tend to be that, but she had a description of sorts now... Maybe she'd try and seek out some cold places sometime, and slide under a large rock, or fallen tree trunk. Maybe she'd get to experience fear then? Then again, maybe you had to be able to feel cold if that were. She kinda did, as she could tell the difference, between being out wandering the frozen northern mountains, and sitting in literal fire, but neither were uncomfortable for her, and the way extreme cold were told to her, it wasn't cold, unless you had to add some extra layers, or sit near a fire.

That said, from recent experiences, she had felt more of the extremes, and could say that whilst she were indifferent per se, she would sit in the fire over the snow, if given the option. The fire made her feel something a little more than the snow, and she usually didn't have to share her seating, plus the crackling were a good background sound. It helped deafen out other sounds, that might distract her when she'd go and try to think. And the coal had a good crunch.

On 2024-04-26 at 5:11 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I suppose this is where we part ways for now, and as much as we would like to stay and learn more from you, there is much for us to do. Elder Sohe, Elder Zhao, thank you for helping us and for the insights you shared.”

“Our arrival here was unexpected, but you still accommodated us and helped when we couldn’t offer more in return. I hope we can return with good news and repay your kindness properly. For now, we have taken up your precious time, and we wouldn’t want to intrude, but we appreciate all that you did for us.”

"Then 'til our paths cross again, may you wander a blessed path."

"Face your trials with your head raised high, and your paws firmly on the ground."

Omen would close her gates, when Lin would open her path, which would get a reaction from River, who would poke at the air, where the gate had been before, then look down towards the one that Lin had opened, angling to see if the dark figures were in there too, yet they were not.

It would go and face Sohe, who slowly nodded, seemingly acting on something that it said to her, before it returned to the flow of the water.

"Omen? If I may, a word with you in private?"

Omen would not go through the gate then, and go closer to the elder, who would speak with her in a whisper, not wanting to be overheard by others than Zhao. Who couldn't help but overhear this, as her ears were large, and she knew that if the elder had wanted more privacy, she would not have spoken this close to her.

Omen would go through the gate soon enough, after they had spoken for a few minutes, and look around where they had arrived. It were this moment, that Shrimp would decide to stretch, yawn, and then open up his eyes, looking around to see what were happening. It appeared they were home, or someplace that smelled like it at least.

"What should we do now?"



@Catpone Cerberus

Magma would nod along, taking in the facts as they came.

It appeared that she had misunderstood something slightly, as the pony had indeed come from that other world. That made a possible way things had gone down somewhat more likely for her, but she would wait to make her assessment until later. He were speaking, and though his voice were somewhat devoid of proper emotions, he spoke important words. Some that appeared to be under emotional affect still here and there, with the conclusion she had to make from it, and the context of his words, being that he had done some things himself. Things that he thankfully regretted. She imagined it were not all against other beings like Kobolds either, but other ponies, changelings, and so forth. Likely grizzly stuff, but he appeared to try and do things that helped others, so she would think of him as trying to redeem a shady past. One that he likely wouldn't appreciate her digging into too much. At least she would consider that an understandable position.

They had managed to go as far as to the edge of the sea, when he finally finished what he said. It appeared their path took them here, which were not exactly her assumption at first, but it were only a slight inconvenience, in her experience. Nothing that should cause an actual issue.

"Fascinating... With the context, might I then present the option that as he were from your world, he were not a favorable individual to the kobolds who knew him? It could well be that of the kobolds from your dimension, more than you are aware of managed to come over, and one or more of them, learned that a noble from your dimension resided here. As such they got together with those from this side, and managed to convince them to retaliate? Potentially as vengeance, or as a precautionary move. Any kobold who lived through what you mention, would likely not want history to repeat itself here. Killing off those from the corrupted dimension, from their perspective, would be a matter of survival.

Or all the kobolds were from your dimension, and they planned this. Potentially from becoming more enlightened, after seeing how things are here, compared to their home?

We can speculate all day, but in the end, we will need to speak with some involved, to get actual answers. I think what the kobolds know, will be of the outmost importance, to solve the case. As well as to understand what motivated them, and if there is circumstances that would present this as being a crime done in good faith."

5 hours ago, Catpone Cerberus said:

When at the shore, one of Solar's eyes seemed to focus on the water, however, no other action was taken by him for now, in fact, he didn't even stop talking for it. This lasted for ten or so seconds, and if not asked about it, he didn't acknowledge it in any way, and instead, after Magma had finished whatever her potential response was, and possibly after stating he scanned the water if asked about it; he'd state. "I need a boat." 

"I believe that if we follow the edge of the sea more towards town, we will reach a harbor. There is a fair chance that there might be a boat there you can rent.

Or we can try and make our own. It depends on your preferences, though I will say that it is not something I have done for quite some years. Not since I were a filly, and thought it fun to make rafts to ride on the lake."

A small smile would come to her face, as she stated things with her usual, factual tone of voice. Those were some good, simple times back then, before she grew smarter, and thus began working harder, which in turn eventually led her to be noticed by Center Zero. A great honor to be sure, but she did miss those simple times every now and again. Not much time for such frivolous activities, with all the lab work that had to be done.



@Catpone Cerberus

5 hours ago, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Not the first time I've seen a deal with a being leading to undeath, though the one I was aware of before this is a spirit rather than the corpse." Ruby mentioned, "Maybe hoofed creatures should just stop interacting with shady beings?" she added in attempt at humor, though it was clear from voice that it was just that, an attempt. 

"Heh, yeah. You know how it is with the short lived races sometimes though. Eventually some of 'em gets scared about their own mortality, and then they start bargaining. You'd think history would teach them how unwise that were. Especially with Sphinx. Even if you stick to your word, they tend to word their deals carefully, to leave themselves some wriggle room to come out on top. Smart beings just accept it, and get on with their lives. These ones might have done the dumber option."

Honestly she wouldn't be surprised. There were idiots among all races, and you could warn off the smartest one of them, but eventually someone were gonna be dumb, and then they'd be on the hook for something, or everyone they knew were dead, and they had gotten twisted into some amalgamation of flesh and teeth.

Admittedly, that last one was just a story (she hoped), but the author of the book it were in, sure hadn't held their punches in visualizing it. Some nasty stuff there.

Point were, that sometimes, some being were really stupid, just like Ruby said, and then bad stuff could come from it. Like say, a temple full of undead wandering about. That didn't seem like a good thing to her, and it didn't sound like they found it all that thrilling either.

5 hours ago, Catpone Cerberus said:

However, if it seemed that things just didn't go as planned, or if Leviathan was seemingly hurt or otherwise endangered, she'd transform to her real form if possible, and take things into her own claws, quite literally, she wouldn't bother loosening the strap holding her box with her, so said strap would snap, and the box would fall on the floor. Her plan here would be to grab the deer, stuff him into the coffin, and then seal him in, adapting to the situation depending on what happened.

Lastly, if the situation got to the point she tried to transform, but something was actively stopping her from breaking the spell keeping her as a pony, she'd freeze with uncharacteristic panic on her face, followed by a full blown panic attack, which naturally would throw everything out of the window, as Leviathan would now have entirely new problem to deal with, which to her would come out of nowhere, as there was no visible indications of the attempted transformation.

Things did not go as planned, sadly. The deer would go to just about the edge of the coffin, and then stop. He were slowly about to move a hoof to the side, seemingly not wanting to get in here, which prompted Leviathan to just go and push him in. She could still use magic, but it hurt doing so, because of the darn curse, so she didn't want to. Besides, this were a quick push, no fuss, right?


The second she touched the deer, she'd tense up in her entire body, and she'd open her mouth and eyes wide, with a mixture of surprise and panic briefly showing, as darkness would pour out of her, and seep into the pores of the deer. It would take but a few seconds, and if Ruby tried to pull her away, the tether to the deer would remain, until seemingly there were no more to take from Leviathan.

She'd let out a gasp for air when it were done, and take some deep breaths, her hands going to her face, feeling if she were starting to rot or something, and then to her stomach, in increasing surprise.

"The curse, it... It's gone. And I ain't rotting. or anything. Holy heck, that was a relief."

She'd try and pop some magic in her hand, just to make sure it hadn't been taken out, but no, it were still there. And as she did this, regardless of if Ruby had changed or not, the deer would then turn around, and look towards Ruby. It appeared that perhaps, it were possible to use this to their advantage, and it might not be an issue for them, as much as just the local undead, and they were just suckered into dealing with their problem for them.

If Ruby had grabbed the deer, she would feel as if she were frozen, unable to move, as her maw and eyes would open, leaving room for the dark magic to get pulled out of her. A strange, likely unwelcome feeling, as it would feel as if something akin to fluids, would be sucked out of her entire being. But she would also feel the icky feeling of the curse fleet away, with the more darkness that were taken from her. The pain would more or less just vanish after about ten seconds, like it had with Leviathan. It seemed that somehow, this deer either intentionally, or automatically, were able to drain dark magic. Beneficial to them, but utterly detrimental to the undead in this place likely.



@Catpone Cerberus

"Well, the spots right here, are not per se something you have to lay down cash for, if you don't have it. But you do have to accept to work to make up for it. usually with yard work, helping at the apple farm, and so on, in case you can't afford it initially. The mayor knows the whole plan better, but you're not the only one without a coin to your name, so I think the option were up because of that. The two mares in there is the same. I can imagine that they're ironing out the details.

But if need room to just expand when it's needed, you probably can't work in the town itself, but... Hmmm..."

She'd tap her chin, thinking over something. Her back left hoof tapping the ground in a beat, that tended to help her remember these sorts of things a bit better. Got the blood flowing and all that.

"There might be somewhere that would fit you. There used to be a hermit out in the woods. Made himself a big house, and from what I heard, initially he lived there with his brother, and his family. Story goes the brother and his wife left, when she got pregnant, and he was worried they couldn't keep the foal safe, and that Sky High went a bit bonkers after that. Started to barely get out of town, kept expanding the house, that sort of thing. Then eventually he got eaten by an alligator.

It's not a nice story, but it happened like, four years ago, roughly? The old house is probably still there. It'll need some repairs, and you might need to ask the dryad to make any alligators there, move away, if they're still in the lower area of the home. I'm sure she can make a deal with them, to sort things.

I roughly know where it is, but would you mind if we waited until morning? I don't really know what's roaming around in there at night, and I ain't sure I want to know. You two look tough, I ain't saying anything there. I wouldn't have mentioned a house out in the swamp if it wasn't, but I might get eaten. I stand out like a sore hoof, around the greens and browns, and I don't really wanna try and be ambushed by a hungry timberwolf.

There's one other place out there without alligators if it is, but I dunno how safe it is. It's the hut Blitz lived in. A filly with amnesia that lived out there, made lots of various gadgets, and explosions. Kept the area around the hut more or less flat, and there's a forge if you need that. But I dunno if it it safe, after she left. There might be a few explosions still lying around there. Maybe you know how to disarm that kinda thing if it is? She mostly made fireworks, so it's relatively safe, and the wildlife stays away from the area. Too much noise and fire, you know?

It's also smaller, but were used until recently, and you can build on it, so... For like, shelter right now, it'd probably be better, long as you think you can handle what she might have left in there. Probably nothing too nasty. She's the sweetest little thing, but you know tinkerers, yeah? You just never know."

Wasn't going exactly as planned, but it was okay, there were still options. She were fairly sure that they could sort something out for the two of them. It just had to be moved to the forest, where there were more room to expand as required. You just had weirder neighbors.

Well okay, Pinkie Pie and Discord was living in town, so... Maybe not weirder. Just another flavor, sort of.



@Evil Pink One

On 2024-04-24 at 11:48 PM, Evil Pink One said:

Light would prefer not to share Sharks beauty, and seeing anyone look at her for too long would bee met by his gaze of warning.

In a way Light became paranoid and a bit over protective of Shark.

Chop would glare back, his gaze as hard as iron, as no emotions were shown on his face. He were neutral, but his usual expression, and the way he looked, tended to give him an intimidating look, even when he were just looking back, and returning the favor, as it were.

"...I used to be a shark rider, for the Coastal Guard."

Shark gasped, and rose her head from the food.

"Shark know of guards! Mom was there, to make egg! Shark was egg."

Chop would raise an eyebrow at that, and look at her with some curiosity in his eyes.

"Another time, I want to hear more."

He would leave, while Shark would wave at him, with a big grin on her face, then turn to Light.

"Bite friend know egg place! Shark did not think friends would know egg place."

She had no love interest in Chop at all. Light were her mate, and she would not pick another mate, but to her, it were still fun that they had found someone that knew where she had probably been spawned. Not that she knew anything more than that, but still, it was nice. Mother had talked about that place well, the few times they had stopped to chatter briefly, when their paths crossed. Wasn't often, but then again, Shark hadn't been that old either.

On 2024-04-24 at 11:48 PM, Evil Pink One said:

Light would prefer that no one waits for him; as soon as Shark finishes her food, he'd take to go his order if there are still some left on his plate.

" shall we head back to school? I think the gead mistress needs a detailed report on what we've been doing, especially with the kits.... If anything happened to those two, our relationship to the kitsunes will get bad."

She'd nom down every bit on the plate, and then lick it clean afterwards, showing that she thoroughly enjoyed her food. She'd then take the last water in the can, drink half, and then pour the rest over herself. Wouldn't be a lot, and her mane took most of the moisture. She just needed to freshen up, and then she were ready to go.

"Shark want to go school. See fluffy ones, and touch soft tails."

She had absolutely no idea what she were supposed to actually do at a school yet, but it were where her sleeping lake were were, her chew toy, and the fluffy ones were. And she wanted to try and touch the kitsune's tails this time. They looked so big and fluffy. Had to be very, very soft right? Like blooming seaweed, waving on the ocean floor.

"Mate like fluffy ones too?"

She'd follow him, with oddly enough, no one stopping them from leaving. The barista even gave them a grin and a wave, thinking them some of her most fun customers of the day. The food were nice too, so maybe not the last time, that they should swing by here. Shark definitely wanted to, though she should be taught of the value of stuff. Money wasn't really a thing in her life, before this, so she'd have to find some sort of work, or find stuff that was worth it to others, so she could get money for fun stuff, and eating out. Light couldn't keep handling things. He didn't have a job either. Not currently at least, though who knew? Perhaps one of his cutie mark talents, would include being great at tracking and harvesting precious ore. Always a good amount to gain from gold.

  • Hugs 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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1 hour ago, Blitz Boom said:

...I used to be a shark rider, for the Coastal Guard."

Deep within Light's mind had an overload of thought and would eventually conclude and answered himself:


Yes the two had understand each others stare and gave an answer; but it was still an unexpected answer, especially being a shark rider.

Throughout all the dimensions Light has been. A pony riding a shark is the first he has ever encountered.

"... oh ... Okay."

Light's stare at this point, was emotionless and confused 😕.

2 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Bite friend know egg place! Shark did not think friends would know egg place.

Light's thoughts has ran around the world a hundred times and assumed the possible outcome of what she meant.

Why does she need to know where her birth place is? Hone sick? Or perhaps she wants to have one?

His mind runs wild eventually making him blush, as his thoughts become more ridiculous by the second.

2 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Shark want to go school. See fluffy ones, and touch soft tails."

She had absolutely no idea what she were supposed to actually do at a school yet, but it were where her sleeping lake were were, her chew toy, and the fluffy ones were. And she wanted to try and touch the kitsune's tails this time. They looked so big and fluffy. Had to be very, very soft right? Like blooming seaweed, waving on the ocean floor.

"Mate like fluffy ones too?"

She'd follow him, with oddly enough, no one stopping them from leaving. The barista even gave them a grin and a wave, thinking them some of her most fun customers of the day. The food were nice too, so maybe not the last time, that they should swing by here. Shark definitely wanted to, though she should be taught of the value of stuff. Money wasn't really a thing in her life, before this, so she'd have to find some sort of work, or find stuff that was worth it to others, so she could get money for fun stuff, and eating out. Light couldn't keep handling things. He didn't have a job either. Not currently at least, though who knew? Perhaps one of his cutie mark talents, would include being great at tracking and harvesting precious ore. Always a good amount to gain from gold.

" just be mindful of their personal space okay Shark?" His only advice towards the kit.

Their walk towards the school and had an idle chatter. His thoughts towards the future with Shark was always looming over him.

His stack of gold would eventually run out and work would be needed, but it is still far ways off, but still. Finding a part time would probably till help and teach Shark how to work with others.

Eventually they'd reach the school and into the head mistresses office.

( depending on the situation.)

@Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom (Sorry this is late, anyways)

Actually, back on my great walk, as I like to call it. I met an old fellow who taught me all this. That was the only time I really took a multi-day break for walking. For 3 days I lived with that man, and for 3 days, he taught me his secrets, and the ways of origami. How to fold both fast and carefully at the same time, and how to make something, just by looking at it.

*He then pulled out an origami piece of him in his Golem form.*

He made this for me. He wanted me to have a little something to remind of the great strength I had, and how even someone of my power, could achieve inner peace.

*There was some writing in Japanese on the back.*

The writing says, "In order to properly fold, ones mind must first be at peace. And you my student, have successfully achieved that. May you find good health and prosperity on your travels young one. Your flower has now bloomed, no go and spread your wonderful pollen to the world. -Signed, Master Zhen Li."

Yeah, the Japanese used a lot of weird metaphors, but the pollen thing is supposed to be good. And I'd love to come see your Dad's shows some time, and the rest of your family! Heck, I'll even bring Slipstream, if he wants to come!

*Just then, Slipstream burst in, and hid under the coffee table.*

I was almost spotted!

By who?

You know who. Rainbow Dash. I'm sunk now.

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@Blitz Boom

On 2024-04-29 at 7:12 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I still do not understand it, but I will try and think about what you said later. Maybe it will make sense to me then."

“Take all the time you need. Emotions are difficult, and sometimes, even I don’t understand them. Maybe it’ll all make more sense one day…”

For the longest time, emotions and what Sen felt just seemed so natural. There wasn’t a reason to think about them apart from what just happens in the heat of the moment. With Omen, he and, by extension, Lin, had to process what they felt. It was rather odd to find themselves picking apart the things they took for granted for what felt like a lifetime’s worth of experiences and getting into the very things that made them feel. 

Truth be told, it was a nice change of pace. Slowing down to examine how they responded to certain situations was enlightening in certain respects. Being in tune with emotions meant they could attempt to be rather creative in the ways they described what they felt. It was an unconventional learning experience, but sometimes, the lessons learned can be those that leave lasting marks. 

On 2024-04-29 at 7:12 AM, Blitz Boom said:

Omen would go through the gate soon enough, after they had spoken for a few minutes, and look around where they had arrived. It were this moment, that Shrimp would decide to stretch, yawn, and then open up his eyes, looking around to see what were happening. It appeared they were home, or someplace that smelled like it at least.

"What should we do now?"

Elders Sohe’s and Zhao’s words were uplifting, partially dispelling some of Sen’s insecurities and doubts about the things that were to come. He still harbored some worries about the other elders and how a lot of things that could happen were unknown, but he could take an example from Omen. They knew their objective and approach; if they focused on that, they probably wouldn’t need to worry too much about the things that are out of their control. 

For now, they were home, and the sun had long dipped below the horizon. Nightfall was here, and the day’s bustle subsided to bring in the quietude of the evening. After what was very much a long day, this moment was perfect for simply finding solace. After all, Lin still has not fully recovered and hoped to spend some moments in the comfort of their home. However, that wouldn’t take the form of a night in bed, as she had spent enough time knocked out or partially bedridden. 

“For now, let’s rest. We’ve had a very long day, and I suppose we still have some time to give Elder Ghian an update on what’s happened recently. Maybe we can also find Xin tomorrow and let him know we’re doing all right.” 

“Some rest will do us good, and knowing the amount of traveling we’ll be doing soon, we need to keep our strength up. Or we could do a little bit of preparation. Between the meeting with the elders and the looming threat of a group of unknown creatures coming for the longma, we should at least know what we’re up against.”

“That’s true. Elder Zhao gave us a scroll with some information on meditation and the ways we could improve our technique. If this can help us against creatures that can take over our minds, we should consider reading it sooner rather than later. How about it, Omen? Shall we spend some time reading?” 

“Oh, there is one other thing. If you don’t mind me asking, and if it is okay for you to say, what did you and Elder Sohe talk about before we left? I’ll understand if it is a private matter.”

If everyone was up for it, Sen would prepare their home for a lengthy reading and, possibly, a practice session to let them try some mediation techniques from the kitsune. Given the time of day and how the village was rather quiet in the evenings, it was a perfect moment to spend some time meditating. Sen knew of its benefits, but being able to capitalize on them was something even he didn't think of at first. Then again, now was also a good time for dinner; Shrimp might be a little hungry after what felt like a whole afternoon spent with the kitsune elders. 

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Omen would gaze out of the window as they arrived, seeing the sun were gone. It had been nice and bright in Neighpon, but it were far, far from here. The difference in time zone, still gave them some bright hours before darkness would fall, and they would begin to find rest for the evening, but here, it wouldn't be far now, until the town would more or less become quiet, as normal beings would come to find rest.

She wondered what that might be, but then, so did she many a times, as the centuries had passed. As did she why it were that some would still be awake at night, and seemingly thrive more, despite looking the same as others. The ponies and such had that at least. The longma might have too? At least some guards, which seemed to be normal to have wandering around, after the night had fallen. Or with bat ponies, when it were day time. Though she knew they used traps from experience, because she had stumbled into several of them. Sometimes the same, more than once.

But these were questions that she could probably find out in large parts, by simply watching and observing. Right now, she should focus on Sen and Lin, and what were happening in the near future for them. It were important to do that, especially when the kitsune had said that those meditation techniques could end up being important, in case more things happened with the ruins, or the presence might try and go in here without them. It would be good if they were able to resist that, the next time it happened. She apparently didn't need to, as her head weren't normal, so she might get time to think when it came to that time, where the two would begin and meditate. That could be well spent time.

"She asked me three questions, but said to not tell you about it. That you had enough things to think about already."

She honestly wasn't even sure about why she were told that, nor the subtext of the question in the long run, as she didn't get told anything after she answered it, and it were strange to her, but maybe they would see later. Could be that she would tell them, when all the meetings and such were done, and Sen and Lin wouldn't have to think about those things anymore? They would see, though Omen were as curious about this as they were. Usually others didn't want to talk to her in private, and the questions were strange.

Shrimp would take this time, to smack his lips, and whine lowly, pointing at his mouth.

"Hu... Hugeh."


She'd stand still for a few seconds, as a bulge would start to go up her throat, before opening her maw, and pulling out the bag of dried fruit she still had. Shrimp eagerly taking some pieces when it were opened and offered to him, munching them down. Though, he'd start to cough after being halfway through the second one.

"Water now, yes?"

She wasn't sure if there were water here, but regardless of that option, she'd still open a gate, and take him to the river Sen had shown them some days ago, in the quiet place, where she had also left some of Shrimp's things. Like that puppet she got at the festival, and a few other things. It might be time to get those, and put them in the box too.

She'd be back like, ten minutes later, with Shrimp wrestling the voodoo doll on her back, with her tongue wrapped around the various things she had there. It wasn't much though. Just a small bag of the stuff they had before the festival, something from it that hadn't gone here yet, and a bottle of dragon chili hot sauce. She had forgotten she had that one, until she found it there.

She'd otherwise just spend some time observing the two of them as they were meditating, or preparing to do so at the least. And hopefully they'd have some fun with it, since it wouldn't be long now, until something would happen. Midnight were approaching bit by bit, and when the bell were about to ring, regardless of what they were doing, things would start in earnest.



@Lawyer Slip

Ziggy would observe the little origami figure, that she were presented with, and did hear what he had said, but she had no time to answer, as their flighty little friend would rush in, and hide himself, akin to how a foal would. It were utterly adorable, and Ziggy couldn't help but giggle as her first response, as she saw this. Especially when she heard his reason, which made a small snort sneak into her tone too.

She'd duck down, and watch him face to face, even if she had to angle or move around the table to get the chance to do so, before talking to him. Unless he kept avoiding her gaze, in which case they'd have a bit of a contest with her trying, him avoiding, and eventually giving up after a few minutes, and just talk. Though he probably wouldn't.. Maybe? She didn't know him well enough to tell. It'd be fine either way.

"Come on out. There's no need to be scared of Rainbow Dash. She's just a little speedster, who likes to zoom around. And she gets a really funny look on her face, if she gets flustered. I know, I saw it when I was zooming around her, and then yoinked her into a hug. She was so confused! Applejack had a great laugh at it though. Made Dashie go all blushy, hehe.

You like zooming around too, so I bet you two could be great friends. She'd probably love having a rival who can show her some competition. I couldn't do it. I don't fly straight enough to keep up with her when she starts putting in effort."

She'd go up over the table after that. Kind of. She'd have her eyes raised above the edge of the table, looking up towards her new alicorn friend, though Slipstream would be the one to see her grin if it were. There were no real reason for her to do this. She just kinda felt like it.

"Hey, that writing you showed me? It looked a lot like Neighponese, but sharper. Maybe the place you went, isn't that different from there?

Oh! And - Ouchies."

She'd have bounced upwards, as she remembered something else, and thusly hit her snout on the underside of the table, halting her from going further up. It also caused her to giggle again, finding this honestly rather funny.

"Hehe. You said like, inner peace and stuff. Do you do lots of meditation too?"



@Evil Pink One

On 2024-04-29 at 3:20 AM, Evil Pink One said:

Deep within Light's mind had an overload of thought and would eventually conclude and answered himself:


Yes the two had understand each others stare and gave an answer; but it was still an unexpected answer, especially being a shark rider.

Throughout all the dimensions Light has been. A pony riding a shark is the first he has ever encountered.

"... oh ... Okay."

Light's stare at this point, was emotionless and confused 😕.

Shark Riders were the Coastal Guards pride and joy. A regiment that had a strong connection with their sharks, to the point where they'd be able to ride them, and have them help them in battle when there were a coastal, or underwater threat. Which weren't infrequent, as the coast had a fair few monsters that wasn't ever known to Equestria, because the guard stopped them before they got on land and became an actual issue.

There were more than sharks though. A few had some other marine animals they had bonded with, and the general herself, had her tamed giant octopus.  Had caused quite the stir when it had attacked headquarters in the first place, but time and effort, after she had bonked him out, had gotten them to the point where they were quite close, and thus they had the understanding needed to help one another. Though mostly he were in the ocean, doing his own things. She weren't his owner, but his partner, and a part of having the respect to have this going, were to know to give him his space, unless something were off the rails.

As an outsider though, Light would know none of this, but he might want to ask in more, or go see for himself someday. Shark Bay had a lot of tourists come in to see the shark riders, so they'd fit right in.

On 2024-04-29 at 3:20 AM, Evil Pink One said:

Light's thoughts has ran around the world a hundred times and assumed the possible outcome of what she meant.

Why does she need to know where her birth place is? Hone sick? Or perhaps she wants to have one?

His mind runs wild eventually making him blush, as his thoughts become more ridiculous by the second.

Shark wasn't sure why his face turned more red, but she'd grin a bit wider as she saw it. Her mate looked so cute when he were being all weird and stuff, and this wasn't even her showing him some affection. Such a silly mate he was.

On 2024-04-29 at 3:20 AM, Evil Pink One said:

" just be mindful of their personal space okay Shark?" His only advice towards the kit.

Their walk towards the school and had an idle chatter. His thoughts towards the future with Shark was always looming over him.

His stack of gold would eventually run out and work would be needed, but it is still far ways off, but still. Finding a part time would probably till help and teach Shark how to work with others.

Eventually they'd reach the school and into the head mistresses office.

They wouldn't get the chance to enter the office, as there were a line of parents and some students and even teachers, that looked like they'd occupy her time for the next hour at the least.

Still, the school were otherwise getting back to its buzzing and chattering, as things began to settle in slowly once more. Ponyville had a fair few odd occurrences, so it wasn't the first time the locals had to just get going, soon as things were easing up again. A bit jaded perhaps, but it were what it were, and it showed in how most that were headed to the office, seemed to be newcomers, or outsiders in some fashion. Not the kits though. They would come out from around the corner instead, with Zhing now wearing a fresh kimono, in light blues and flowery patterns, that were in even starker contrast to the darker one that Hachi wore. She also had a pin in her head, with a blooming flower motif, resting on her neck. It added a bit of elegance to her looks, and she did certainly draw some eyes. Then again, so did Hachi, because it were still weird for others to see kitsune here. And that was a word that many were still learning, as not that many here even knew what a kitsune were.

"Hello again. Are you looking to talk to the head mistress? We don't think you will have much luck with that. She's pretty busy, it looks like."

Shark would be thrilled seeing them, and would turn around on the spot, her tail wagging a little from side to side, and her mouth spread in a big, toothy grin, that made a few that were getting near, move in a larger bow around her. She did not really notice, nor cared. Fluffy ones were here! That were nice.

"Hello fluffy ones! You go back to school too? And you, you have new thing on. *sniff* *sniff* And flower. Smell nice."

There were a vague perfume smell that came from Zhing. Not a lot, but Shark had a good nose. She could tell, and it honestly didn't smell bad. So she'd just keep sniffing, her head leaning closer towards them to get the aroma in properly. Looked a bit odd, but with this group, what didn't? Light were probably the most normal acting out of all of them, and that were saying something at times.

  • Hugs 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

No Ziggy, the Rainbow Dash you know is different from the Rainbow Dash I know. 

*Sigh* You might as well tell her now

Slipstream got up from the coffee table, sighed, and then revealed his secret.

You would think that Rainbow Dash would want to be friends with me, and have friendly competition speed-wise, but this is sadly not the case. She doesn't see me as a competitor, but rather a threat to her own awesome streak. 

And y'know how her whole thing is being able to create a Sonic Rainboom meaning she can go faster than the speed of sound, and she's the only one who can make a Rainboom? Well, after I popped into existence, I had a race with Rich, with Apple Bloom as the referee, and during the race, I became the second pony in history to perform a Sonic Rainboom.

Rainbooms aren't exactly things you can 'keep under wraps' so to say. So Rainbow Dash found out about it pretty quickly, and she said, according to Apple Bloom, that if she ever found who did the Rainboom, she'd give them a piece of her mind, and her hoof. Essentially meaning, if she found out it was me, she'd punch my lights out. And I happen to stick out like a sore thumb in this town, being as vibrant as I am.

He slumped down in sadness. Rich decided to change the subject by answering Ziggy's questions.

Uh, I wouldn't know if it was like Japan at all. Like I said, I'm still new to this planet. And, yeah I do meditate occasionally, helps keep my golem form in check.

Rich was still having fun with him and Slipstream's new found friend, but Slipstream just kept thinking about Rainbow Dash. And just when it couldn't get any worse, it did. 

A rather aggressive knock was then heard on the door. Followed by a faint, WHICH ONE OF YOU MADE THE RAINBOOM?!?!

She was here.

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12 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

They wouldn't get the chance to enter the office, as there were a line of parents and some students and even teachers, that looked like they'd occupy her time for the next hour at the least.

Light would casually ask other students who would pass by, the cause of this line.

" what's with the line?"

12 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Hello again. Are you looking to talk to the head mistress? We don't think you will have much luck with that. She's pretty busy, it looks like."

Shark would be thrilled seeing them, and would turn around on the spot, her tail wagging a little from side to side, and her mouth spread in a big, toothy grin, that made a few that were getting near, move in a larger bow around her. She did not really notice, nor cared. Fluffy ones were here! That were nice.

"Hello fluffy ones! You go back to school too? And you, you have new thing on. *sniff* *sniff* And flower. Smell nice."

There were a vague perfume smell that came from Zhing. Not a lot, but Shark had a good nose. She could tell, and it honestly didn't smell bad. So she'd just keep sniffing, her head leaning closer towards them to get the aroma in properly. Looked a bit odd, but with this group, what didn't? Light were probably the most normal acting out of all of them, and that were saying something at times.

" it's nice finally meeting you two." He gave a quick bow.

"Knowing you guys are alright took a thorn out of me. Did anything specific happened while i was out that i need to know?" He asked the kits.

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@Blitz Boom

On 2024-05-01 at 5:26 PM, Blitz Boom said:


"She asked me three questions, but said to not tell you about it. That you had enough things to think about already."

She honestly wasn't even sure about why she were told that, nor the subtext of the question in the long run, as she didn't get told anything after she answered it, and it were strange to her, but maybe they would see later. Could be that she would tell them, when all the meetings and such were done, and Sen and Lin wouldn't have to think about those things anymore? They would see, though Omen were as curious about this as they were. Usually others didn't want to talk to her in private, and the questions were strange.

“Ah, a matter of privacy and concern? Then I won’t ask further. I’ll spend the evening making some preparations of my own, though I’ll just take some moments to rest, but I may go out for a walk later. I feel like I need to move my legs around a little bit.” 

“Don’t go too far, sister. The village guards will suspect you’re up to something if you’re wandering around. The same is true for you, Omen; no need to draw unwanted attention in the village.”

“Even after all this time away, I haven’t forgotten. No need to worry about me.” 

Lin’s curiosity couldn’t be sated this time, but she gave her word that she wouldn’t pry any further from Omen if the matter between her and Elder Sohe was private. As much as she wanted to know more, Omen’s words rang true: they had enough things to think about already. With the meeting coming soon, they had some things to plan and do before leaving. There was time, and with that, the siblings would need to keep their friends within the village updated on what was going to happen. 

For now, it was a moment that would be best spent doing a little bit to get ready before turning in for the night, at least for Sen. Though even now would be an appropriate moment for some food based on Shrimp’s behavior. Supplies for the road are just as important to follow up for tomorrow, but Omen and Shrimp appeared to be heading out sooner. As Sen started to prepare some food for a light evening snack, he’d periodically keep his eye on what was happening in their home. 

On 2024-05-01 at 5:26 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Hu... Hugeh."


She'd stand still for a few seconds, as a bulge would start to go up her throat, before opening her maw, and pulling out the bag of dried fruit she still had. Shrimp eagerly taking some pieces when it were opened and offered to him, munching them down. Though, he'd start to cough after being halfway through the second one.

"Water now, yes?"

“Omen? There are some berries in the hidden sanctuary we went to if you need to grab some more food for Shrimp. Actually, it pretty much has everything important as far as basic needs go. Fresh water, food, and shelter, though the last one wouldn’t be ideal if there was a storm.”

The longma would continue making his preparations until they had a few bits of dried watercress and warm tea in case anyone was hungry. Lin just happened to be by as her brother finished, and she quickly grabbed some before sitting with him at the center of their hut. It was the most spacious part of their home, and it was about the closest they got to a living room despite it also being used as a kitchen and dining room. All business for the family was conducted in that open space, and the siblings would be there to study the kitsunes’ scroll. 

Or that was the case had it not been for Sen and Lin deciding to just meditate the way the former usually did. It was an unusual feeling despite the familiarity with such a practice. Sen missed this feeling of bliss, but he continued to just revel and take in everything that made such meditations enjoyable. It felt like there was nothing to worry about, and the more he sat and focused, his worries just started to come into view, then fade, if only for a moment. There was only so much he could do with focusing on being mindful, even if it was on something as simple as his breathing. What was needed now was clarity.

By the time he concluded with his meditative technique, he turned to the scroll with his sister, and they began to read its contents. Perhaps they might discover some super secret technique to guard their minds from unwanted influence or control... If Omen wanted, she could join them. She may not need it, but it might be fun to just simply talk about the content together and bounce their ideas off each other in case they came across something unclear. It certainly felt like this was their way of learning in the absence of a teacher, and they’d be at it long into the night, even as midnight approached. 

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@Blitz Boom
Solar seemed amused by Magma's suggestion regarding the noble, but didn't interrupt her, instead addressing it when she was done "It amuses me that you even consider the possibility that the 'noble' was in any way a good individual." "My choice of the word 'elite' is a purposeful one, with all the negative connotations that come with it; they are all egotistical, pompous, war-profiteers." "I'm no saint myself, but what they have done for their riches, makes me feel like one." "I am well aware of how....performative, their kindness towards their servants were, yet, manipulation is a strong tool, I've seen it myself." "The victims of abuse often fail to realize they are victims." "I would be lying if I said I had any sympathy for this pony." 

"It also seems that I have failed to mention a quite important detail, the pony arrived dead." "That is why it is a question rather a known fact if the kobolds behind the attack are here, as the body is at least few days old, and if those few days were in my world's side, then there's no reason why they would have still been near enough to it to come with it." "That is why we are here, I'm hoping to find something that gives me a timeline." 

"For the boat, renting is the way to go for now, as what I need it for takes less time than building one." he again glanced towards the water "Actually, forget that, I think I can just fly there, one moment." he then took off towards the sea, flew far enough that he was still visible but still quite far away, circled few times in the air, looking down, before suddenly diving down, into the water. 

He was gone for couple of minutes, after which he surfaced near the shore, poking his head out of the water "Good news, I found a kobold, bad news however..." he got fully out of the water and landed near Magma "...it only rises more questions." "It wasn't a servant, it was wearing a full set of armor; I left it down there as it was way too deep to recover, but I managed to scan it, seems like they were taken out by a Nightmare." He paused for a moment as he realized Magma had no clue what that was "A Nightmare is what the other empire calls their super soldiers; think me, but blue and steel instead of orange and gold."  he scratched his chin thoughtfully "Why was a fully equipped kobold in dead elite's room in the capital? fighting a Nightmare no less." "And why wasn't the body recovered?" he seemed to sink into his thoughts for a moment, before seemingly realizing something "Could it be?" "If so, this changes things a lot." 


Ruby did in fact transform as she saw Leviathan to tense up, but she didn't get to try to pull Leviathan away or to push the deer, as things didn't go as planned for her either. Her plan was to transform and then act right away in matter of couple of seconds, like she usually did, but there was nothing usual about this; her transformation itself (presumably) went perfectly fine, but when complete, she almost fell over from feeling of dizziness, it didn't last long, but it lasted long enough, and she needed to catch her breath a little after too, so at the point she was ready to act, Leviathan had time to speak. Transforming made her feel notably better, it didn't take away the odd, unpleasant feeling entirely, but it did make it lot more tolerable, though she also felt like throwing up, which she didn't do, at least yet.

She narrowed her eyes a bit at Leviathan's words, there had to be a catch, it couldn't be this simple; however, she decided to try her luck, and touched the deer in turn, and after the unpleasant experience came and went, she looked at the deer "So is that it, can we just leave?" "Because if so..." she picked up her box which had separated from her, and threw it through the hole in the roof "...we should hurry before they realize what has happened and seal the exits again." 

If the answer was yes, but Leviathan seemed slow to leave for any reason, Ruby would unceremoniously pick Leviathan up and make sure she was out before Ruby.

"Mandatory work for debt? that sounds...risky." Trox commented, though Sheska was bit more blunt "Sounds like few steps from slavery to me." unsurprisingly, the two were bit wary of stuff like that, not that they were directly accusing anyone of anything, but it was like the saying said about good intentions. 

"While it's hard to say from description alone, it sounds like the latter would be more fitting, mainly because it sounds like it will have less need for remodeling, we will most likely build a new building from scratch anyway, because pony made structures have the problem of being made for ponies." "Forge could also be useful; explosives are no problem, we have been dealing with military grade explosives for most of our lives. Maybe I can even repurpose some of them" "And sure we can wait, it's good to see how the place is at day, as that also affects how attractive the place is." for someone who had lived a big part of their lives in random caves and abandoned bunkers, the two were quite tough customers, but maybe that was exactly why, they had been the subject of others will for so long, that now that they got some control back over their lives, they'd use it to its full potential.








  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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The scroll would not contain much in the way of any secret. It were simply presenting ways to have a more focused meditation, and discussing how during it, you could enter a zen-like state, where you could begin to feel your full being, physically and mentally. The idea being that if you did things correctly, you would be so in tune with yourself spiritually, that you would be harder to infiltrate, as you knew your mind, and thus would be able to feel out an intruder. There were some techniques to fortify your mind further, but you needed to grasp the basics first, and this were not meant specifically to fight intruders, like the entity. It were at its core, meant to help you become focused, and in control of yourself. It would help against things, but specific studies were a more advanced topic, and they would have to master this first. If they didn't, they might not get anything done. Or worse yet, they could end up hurting themselves.

Omen wouldn't partake, but she would observe them with interest. At least for the time it would take, before suddenly something would happen.

While they may have forgotten it, in all the other things that had happened, they had been requested to join for the ceremony, regarding the voices in the orb, getting their own bodies. Tonight was that night, and as with last time, the coins that Scarcity had given them, would come into effect, causing the ones holding it to be whisked away with naught a sound, except for the giggles of unseen hands, combined with the faint smell of roasted hazelnuts.

That would be the regular plan, but Lin at the least, would not have her coin on her right now. If Sen didn't either, none of them would be whisked away, but instead a gate would open, and Hammond would jump through. His necklace were now replaced with a more fitting little jacket, with a smaller version of the gem keeping him hidden, being embedded in the outer chest area. It looked rather nicely on him, and there were a smaller chance of the gem going missing, due to him dropping it, than the chain were. Though she still had that. She liked to accessorize him a little.

He'd be silent as always, but would keep poking at them, insisting that they went through to the other side, that would lead to the entrance they were in last time. As would the transportation, if Sen hadn't put his coin elsewhere, or lost it in the confusion.

As for Lin's coin? It should have been in her possession, when she had to get treatment, considering Scarcity's insistence that they were to keep this with them, and if so, it had been in her possession, when they were getting help in Neighpon. Which would result in the appearance of a rather confused looking young kitsune. One of the school nurses to be exact, looking around with her tail hairs getting all bristled due to instinctual wariness of what were happening. She had just found this when they were cleaning for the night, and had been about to put the coin in a small box, until the next time they returned. Kind of. She had been eyeing it curiously for a half hour, wondering what the gem in it were, but she weren't gonna keep it! Probably Depended on if they started asking for it.

And yet the coin were gone, she were in a weird place that smelled vaguely like clay and scented torches, and there were a strange pony, eyeing her curiously. It would be a blessing when Sen, Lin, and/or Omen would show up, since she at least knew who they were.

If it were not in her possession at the time, whatever she had stashed it in would be there instead. The ferrymen were specific about picking up things attached. That were the deal.

Either way, they would be going there. Either via being pulled there, in Sen's case, or by all being guided there by Hammond. Tonight was something special, and frankly, it might not be bad for them to go and meet up with them regardless. They might know something of this presence, or the Longma's past, that could be useful.

Whenever the case were, Scarcity would smile and nod her head at them, her own gem that hid her from Omen and her ilk, forged into a stylish mane clasp.

"Good evening. I hope you hadn't forgotten about tonight's event, and you were interrupted in something? If so, that is unfortunate, but my associates doesn't ponder such nuances often, I'm afraid."



@Lawyer Slip

"Oh, you two worry too much. Dashie's just very competitive, and head strong. She'd probably just flared up at the chance of getting a real challenge, and you've become nervous about her forwardness.

I'll go talk to her, and clear it all up, okay?."

It didn't sound like the Rainbow Dash she knew and heard of at least, to be rude and potentially aggressive towards others. Now being head strong and seeming like she were having a bad streak? Yeah, that she'd heard about, but that were just her competitive side that made her more forward and brash, far as she'd been told. She'd just go and get this cleared up, and her nervous little friend could be relaxed when looking up towards the sky.

When over at the door, Ziggy would knock back twice, and start off by speaking to Rainbow Dash through the door.

"I'm coming out."

She'd open up, and if Dashie tried to go in, she'd block the path, and close the door again. She'd continue to do this, until Dashie would be calm enough for her to go out and meet her, without the mare trying to be invasive and break in. And when they would have a chance, she'd look down towards the mare. Which were not meant as in arrogance. It was just that at her height, it were rare for her to meet somepony that she didn't actually look down on.

"Okay then, can you keep calm now, Dashie? It's not good for your health to flare up too much you know."

It were probably fine at her age, but still, it were good not to get too riled up in general. It could give you all sorts of issues, if you let it go for too long.



@Evil Pink One

On 2024-05-02 at 12:00 AM, Evil Pink One said:

Light would casually ask other students who would pass by, the cause of this line.

" what's with the line?"

One of the other students - a young filly with glasses almost as big as her head, would turn around, and look up towards him, with her father more than likely - a sleepy looking stallion with a huge mustache, and a bored expression that clearly showed he didn't want to be here - not even bothering to turn around. it was a school, what was the worst that would happen from her talking to somepony?

"HUh? Oh I dunno. Mom said that dad should go and talk to her."


He was listening, but weren't a stallion of many words. Ideally his wife would have handled this, but she were busy elsewhere, and thus it fell on him. Honestly not his forte. Nor were standing in line for this long.

On 2024-05-02 at 12:00 AM, Evil Pink One said:

" it's nice finally meeting you two." He gave a quick bow.

"Knowing you guys are alright took a thorn out of me. Did anything specific happened while i was out that i need to know?" He asked the kits.

"Not really. Just some parents who are here to talk to the headmistress. I think the attack spooked some of them."

"Fluffy ones okay? No scared?"

"We were more worried about you. Someone said that you were poisoned, Light. Are you okay now?"

The two looked at him worried, wondering if he were actually a lot more ill than he seemed right now. Maybe not, but... It were hard to say. Some showed it less than others.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2024-05-04 at 12:36 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

Solar seemed amused by Magma's suggestion regarding the noble, but didn't interrupt her, instead addressing it when she was done "It amuses me that you even consider the possibility that the 'noble' was in any way a good individual." "My choice of the word 'elite' is a purposeful one, with all the negative connotations that come with it; they are all egotistical, pompous, war-profiteers." "I'm no saint myself, but what they have done for their riches, makes me feel like one." "I am well aware of how....performative, their kindness towards their servants were, yet, manipulation is a strong tool, I've seen it myself." "The victims of abuse often fail to realize they are victims." "I would be lying if I said I had any sympathy for this pony." 

"It also seems that I have failed to mention a quite important detail, the pony arrived dead." "That is why it is a question rather a known fact if the kobolds behind the attack are here, as the body is at least few days old, and if those few days were in my world's side, then there's no reason why they would have still been near enough to it to come with it." "That is why we are here, I'm hoping to find something that gives me a timeline." 

"For the boat, renting is the way to go for now, as what I need it for takes less time than building one." he again glanced towards the water "Actually, forget that, I think I can just fly there, one moment."

Before he would go off, she would give him a quick rebuttal to one of his points.

"I did not mention that the victim were innocent, nor guilty. I do not have the data to know better, and thus I remained neutral on the matter. But if he came from your side, then I will take your word on this, and assume him a villain in this tale. It does not answer what happened to him though, but we can discuss more later."

She would still assume an act of rebellion in some way, but it were hard to say without more evidence, so for now, she would simply observe as he took off on his own, and then think further on this, though she didn't get much further, nor closer to an answer, before he would return from the sea again.

On 2024-05-04 at 12:36 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

He was gone for couple of minutes, after which he surfaced near the shore, poking his head out of the water "Good news, I found a kobold, bad news however..." he got fully out of the water and landed near Magma "...it only rises more questions." "It wasn't a servant, it was wearing a full set of armor; I left it down there as it was way too deep to recover, but I managed to scan it, seems like they were taken out by a Nightmare." He paused for a moment as he realized Magma had no clue what that was "A Nightmare is what the other empire calls their super soldiers; think me, but blue and steel instead of orange and gold."  he scratched his chin thoughtfully "Why was a fully equipped kobold in dead elite's room in the capital? fighting a Nightmare no less." "And why wasn't the body recovered?" he seemed to sink into his thoughts for a moment, before seemingly realizing something "Could it be?" "If so, this changes things a lot." 

"Hmm... My first thought would be that there is an armed rebellion happening from the kobolds side, but that might be somewhat presumptuous. Though it would fit them being in armor, having killed members of the elite, as well as one of their high soldiers.

As for the body not being recovered... Maybe a part of your world were torn away, and the corpses ended here, before they could be retrieved? You seem to have an idea of what may have occurred, so perhaps you can enlighten me to your theory?"

This were becoming a potential multi-dimensional conflict. That were... Concerning, as that opened up the prospect of it all spilling out into this dimension, with live war. And considering the condition of those she had thus far seen from the other world, it might cause some serious trouble for the local residents, if it got to that point. Of course one always hoped it wouldn't, but there were a lot of factors in this that were unknown, and it left the door open for heavy speculation. And one had to acknowledge the worst possible outcome scenarios then, which in this case, would likely include the leaders of the other dimension's flock to come here, and cause havoc. Whom she would at this point, suspect were corrupted versions of the princesses. It would make the most sense, considering the talk about nightmares, and a sun kingdom. Dreadful business, that they had thankfully avoided, but it seemed not all dimensions were as lucky.

"Also, might I inquire of your joint and the salty water? I am assuming you are at least to a certain degree water proof, but can it cause any sort of issues for you, if it is not dealt with properly? I mean no disrespect of course. It is simply that I've known things marked as waterproof, that would end up getting damaged by prolonged residual sea water. The salt can be problematic for some parts, as I understand it."



@Catpone Cerberus

"I'm game for that idea. Not our problem anymore, so we outta bounce. I guess uh... Thanks dude?"

She'd give a thumbs up to the deer. He did not seem to know what that meant, as he were tilting his head, and then looked upwards, to see if she were pointing towards something. Didn't matter much either she supposed. They just outta get out of here before more nasty surprises came rambling in he-

She didn't even get past the thought, before a sound were heard from where they had entered. A loud, reverberating boom, echoing down the hall, followed by scattered bones, spears, and helmets pushed through the air, and landing on the floor, slightly singed. And who would follow them, but their employer herself, who'd brush some dust off her coat pocket.

"Bloody hay, this place's crawling with 'em. Better find those two so- What the? How'd a big dragon get in here?"

She'd notice Ruby before anypony else. Hard not to, considering how much the dragon took of space in here. At that point, Leviathan may well have just been tossed up through the hole, having wanted to wait for Ruby, as she were worried the dragoness might get stuck otherwise. The hole in the roof of this room didn't lead all the way out after all, but just a few floors up. They'd still need to find a way out from there, and there weren't room for her true form there.

"Y'know, ain't important. You've seen a lil' lanky dragoness? Blueish, talks a lot, likes using magic? Her and her pony friend waddled in here, and things have become a right mess from the looks of it. Their lil' dragon friends all shaky outside, scared outta his scales, worried 'bout 'em."

She were hoping some friendly talk would be working. But she were also holding a card with the feathers on her left wing, just in case this one turned out to not be so friendly. She were trying to do a rescue, after a mess she had unintentionally send them into, but she weren't keen on the idea of dying for the trouble.

That this were Ruby, she hadn't the foggiest idea about currently. Just looked like a general, larger end dragon to her.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2024-05-04 at 12:36 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Mandatory work for debt? that sounds...risky." Trox commented, though Sheska was bit more blunt "Sounds like few steps from slavery to me." unsurprisingly, the two were bit wary of stuff like that, not that they were directly accusing anyone of anything, but it was like the saying said about good intentions. 

"Yeah, it's better than I put it I guess. Does sound a bit like indentured servitude, huh? It's not that though. You aren't getting trapped, and used for free labor until you can't do a thing anymore. But I think it's best you ask the mayor or her assistant someday instead. They'd be able to explain it without making it sound bad."

It honestly weren't so bad. It was more like... Community service of sorts. Just stuff like helping out in various places, at the festivals, helping at the orchard if it got tough, etc. And it could lead you to find something you really liked to do. One of the ones that had come to town a few years ago, had ended up helping out a lot at the orphanage, and found essentially his calling, as he were a stable there now, helping with the thankfully shrinking population. And it were a good thing, as the kids getting adopted, rather than just growing up there, were very ideal. As were it if no new orphans were added to the roster, but things were sometimes uncertain.

On 2024-05-04 at 12:36 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"While it's hard to say from description alone, it sounds like the latter would be more fitting, mainly because it sounds like it will have less need for remodeling, we will most likely build a new building from scratch anyway, because pony made structures have the problem of being made for ponies." "Forge could also be useful; explosives are no problem, we have been dealing with military grade explosives for most of our lives. Maybe I can even repurpose some of them" "And sure we can wait, it's good to see how the place is at day, as that also affects how attractive the place is." for someone who had lived a big part of their lives in random caves and abandoned bunkers, the two were quite tough customers, but maybe that was exactly why, they had been the subject of others will for so long, that now that they got some control back over their lives, they'd use it to its full potential.

"Great! I have a day off tomorrow, so I can show you where it is. Had to go there myself every once in a while, to make sure that Blitz were okay. A lovely little one, but between the explosives, and her overworking until she passed out, we had to keep an eye on her, every once in a while. And ideally, have her at the orphanage, or in school, but they got worried when she brought grenades in for show and tell, and they weren't able to stop her from making stuff.

One even told me that she took the content of a half filled paper trash can, and somehow made it into a fireworks display. I still have no idea how she'd do it, but I've heard crazier in Ponyville...

Anyway, sorry for the story lesson. When do you wanna meet up for it? I can't say I know if you folks might be nocturnal, or late sleepers. But I'd love to know, and I'll try and make things fit the best around what's best for you. Oh, ad should I find you, or would you prefer to come to my place and say when you're ready?"

She'd be able to take it, early or later after midday if that were better. She just had to know a where and when, and then she'd properly be off to home again, until then. A chance to get some rest and all that. She'd offer them the couch, but it sounded as if they had a room at the inn for the night? If not, they'd probably say so, and she could bring it up. Wasn't a lot of space, but she couldn't just let 'em wander the streets until morning. Wasn't good for their health.

If they wanted to go to her place tomorrow, or indicated they needed a place to crash for the night, she could bring them around, or tell them where she lived. Which were about halfway between the inn and the hospital, and looked fairly normal on the outside. A plain, red brick house, with a coat of lemon colored paint on it. Looked homely and welcome, though the windows did all seem to have the drapes shut, so it weren't possible to look in. Might be the outside look were deceiving. The nails on the door would indicate that there were room to hand things there, as well as on the small hook screws in the wall around the door. Might just be where holiday stuff would usually be hung. It were hard to say.

  • Hugs 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

*Dashie had calmed down a little bit, and after that she stormed into the house.*


*Slipstream gulped.* "M-m-m-m-me?"

"You got a lotta nerve thinkin' you can just show me up, by doing something ONLY I SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO!"

"Oi! Calm down, Ms. Dash, is it? Can't you see he's upset and distressed?"

*Slipstream cowered behind Rich.*

"Well. All I want, is a race between the two of us. To truly prove, who is better than the other. Who the fastest pony alive is."

"That is of course, if Ziggy has any objections."

*Slipstream then had a realization deep inside of him. A realization about speed, and how much he truly longed for it. A realization about all his counterparts across the multiverse who were depending on him. So at long last, he knew what he had to do. And stepped out from behind Rich, now a changed pony.*

"Well, unless there are no further objections, I accept your challenge Rainbow Dash."

  • Brohoof 1
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@Blitz Boom

On 2024-05-07 at 8:25 AM, Blitz Boom said:

The scroll would not contain much in the way of any secret. It were simply presenting ways to have a more focused meditation, and discussing how during it, you could enter a zen-like state, where you could begin to feel your full being, physically and mentally. The idea being that if you did things correctly, you would be so in tune with yourself spiritually, that you would be harder to infiltrate, as you knew your mind, and thus would be able to feel out an intruder. There were some techniques to fortify your mind further, but you needed to grasp the basics first, and this were not meant specifically to fight intruders, like the entity. It were at its core, meant to help you become focused, and in control of yourself. It would help against things, but specific studies were a more advanced topic, and they would have to master this first. If they didn't, they might not get anything done. Or worse yet, they could end up hurting themselves.

Despite what Sen managed to pick up from his time learning the common language, which left him somewhat disadvantaged when reading the kitsune’s scroll, he still found himself engrossed in its content. He may not know what a zen-like state felt like, but he hoped to have more time to meditate for himself and hopefully learn more. Perhaps it was similar to the state he found himself in when he was in the domain of the kitsune, minding his own business while trying to not indulge in the shenanigans of the young kits attempting to break his concentration. If it were a mastery of inner focus, it would take time to explore and achieve. 

Lin, however, didn’t seem to find herself as engaged in the task. For now, there was a lot more to consider, and she would soon leave her brother to his meditations while she returned to her privacy and rest. Or at least, that was what she planned to do. She had an inkling that something was amiss, but couldn’t tell what. It was only as she attempted to leave that her brother was suddenly whisked away, saddlebag, scroll, and all.

The longma was left behind, panicking for a brief moment while confused and attempting to find her footing. Luckily, Hammond’s arrival was enough to calm her down. There wouldn’t be a moment to talk with the little creature poking at her to walk through the gate. On the other side was Sen, who was caught unaware and bewildered, initially assuming his mediation unlocked some odd power. 

It was only upon their arrival and seeing Scarcity again did the whole thing began to dawn on them: the golems and the disembodied voices receiving their new bodies.

On 2024-05-07 at 8:25 AM, Blitz Boom said:

Either way, they would be going there. Either via being pulled there, in Sen's case, or by all being guided there by Hammond. Tonight was something special, and frankly, it might not be bad for them to go and meet up with them regardless. They might know something of this presence, or the Longma's past, that could be useful.

Whenever the case were, Scarcity would smile and nod her head at them, her own gem that hid her from Omen and her ilk, forged into a stylish mane clasp.

"Good evening. I hope you hadn't forgotten about tonight's event, and you were interrupted in something? If so, that is unfortunate, but my associates doesn't ponder such nuances often, I'm afraid."

“I… I, uh…. It’s just been a long day, that’s all.”

“I think I remember what’s happening now. But why did I get taken here without Lin?”

“Oh… Oh no… I didn’t have it on me? I should have been more careful!”

Though Sen wouldn’t check, it turned out both of their coins were in Sen’s saddlebag. When those activated, they ended up taking only Sen to Scarcity’s location, which likely explains why Hammond was at their hut and pointed to have Lin walk through the gate and guide her to the others. It was truly a long day, and Lin’s mind was scrambled, leaving her with only glimpses and disparate details about what was going to happen now. She remembered to bow to the mare with her brother, the event that was to happen now slowly becoming more apparent.

“I guess what was happening back before my brother was suddenly transported here is not important, Ms. Scarcity. And thank you as well, Hammond. You both are looking good today. Is that a new jacket? Did Ms. Scarcity make that for you?”

“It looks like we’re going to see our friends get new bodies tonight. Is there anything we need to do before we proceed?”

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If Sen checked, he would find that as with last time, the coins were gone. The ferrymen were there to transport them, and the coins - more specifically the crystals in the coins - were their payment, that would be taken during the ride. Which considering the ride were near instantaneous, were rather impressive. Yet their presence and touch were too gentle and brief for Omen to get a scent from any of them, when they did this. Perhaps she'd have a chance, if ever they were to take her a few times in a row, but it were unlikely, and that were all for the best. As Scarcity had said to them once, they did not trust others much, and they preferred being left alone. Her deal with them had taken time, and required her to keep most of what she knew of them to herself, and as one who traded heavily in secrets, she had plenty of training doing that.

It might be tempting to think she'd sell them out to others, but it were hardly her method. She rewarded good workers well, and thus kept them happy in her service. It cost her more granted, but you really couldn't put a price on loyalty. Or well, you could. She had several spreadsheets determining that, as a matter of fact, but that were going into semantics. She gained little to nothing from selling off some whom she had a great working relationship with, and stood to lose much, if it were seen that she would be willing to so easily toss aside those that she worked with. It would be an annoying unravelling of what she had worked for, and thus, were very much not worthwhile for her. Lest the ones in question had done something unspeakable, or broken a code of sorts, she took well care of her own.

"Hardly anything for you to do now, but wait for the last members of our entourage.

As for Hammond, you are correct that I commissioned him that jacket. My tailor is a marvelously competent stallion, and relished the challenge to make something stylish and efficient for my dear Hammond. It is only proper that he looks his best, is it not?"

As for the last members of their entourage? That question would be answered shortly. Yet first, Hammond would look up towards Sen and Lin, and point towards his jacket, and then the crystal, that he'd knock on a few times. After, he'd calmly walking a small circle, nearly face to tail, showing it off in motion, as he had done, when his master had given him this outfit. Yet it would be a short lived time, as he would open a tiny gate, jump through, and close behind him. Not many seconds after however, he would return, opening a bigger one, showing off their last two members: One being Rosa, who were halfway through a talk with the one he wandered in with.

"-ever the finer details is elusive. I hold theories of course, but it is unsubstantiated. I can look for the correct answers though, when this is done?"

"Please do. I am most curious about the answer."

Next to him, wearing the exact same outfit as Scarcity, stood... Scarcity. Wandering with the grace and finesse she always seemed to, and yet, they were also talking to her, as she stood with Sen and Lin. Were this a copycat?

Rosa would at least halt as he saw her, yet the two Scarcity's would meet their gazes, and smirk. Doubly so when Omen looked between them, confused, before settling on her brother.

"Brother? Who is your real master?"

He would point up towards the Scarcity that he had just collected, who would let out a short, pearly laughter.

"Ah splendid. My experiment bears fruit after all.

Do forgive the confusion darlings, but I wanted to see if these were able to hide not just my position, but also my identity, around one with similar appearance. It would appear that it does indeed. How fortuitous.

You can ease up now dear, and thank you for the assistance."

"Seeing that look on Rosa's face were worth every second, ma'am."

The Scarcity that stood with Sen and Lin changed her tone and posture entire, going into an impish grin, while the soft, all knowing eyes, would change focus to be sharp and attentive, starring with a challenge in her eyes, right at Rosa. Her tail swaying slowly from side to side, as Rosa seemed to understand what were happening here. The voice all but giving it away, as it were not the smoothness of Scarcity's voice anymore, but rather a teasing, tomboy'ish tone, that sounded younger than Scarcity's more refined voice.

"You. It's been... Not nearly long enough."

"Awh, what's with the long face love? You still hate surprises? Or lemme guess, you're wondering if I hid something else in your new shack, eh? I could tell you... But where'd the fun be in that, heh.

You wanna introduce me to your friends, or would you rather that I continued to be whom they thought I were?"

It were creepy to Rosa, how seamlessly her tone, stance, and voice returned instantly to mimic Scarcity again.

"Please refrain from doing that. It is disturbing.

Sen, Lin, Omen? It is good to see you once again. I wish I could say the same for our present company, but alas, such is not the case. Still, if for nothing else than to make her stop doing this, let me introduce you to probably the best infiltrator that I've ever known: C. G."

They may recall him having mentioned her before, as a mare that not even the experienced teachers at the spy school he had went to, were able to keep track off fully. And she were good at it, as her pretend Scarcity act, were disturbingly accurate. The only thing that could have given her away, were the *smell*, and the crystals seemed to keep that fully cloaked.

"You can call me Crow Greeter too, if you want. At least this time."



@Lawyer Slip

Whoops. Seemed like Dashie had managed to sneak in past her after all. Odd, since she were pretty sure that she had blocked the mare, but she were tall. If you knew how to wriggle, you could get past her, by for instance just wander between her legs, or slide by, as her legs weren't exactly tree trunks. Nor were her torso, but still more, though it were higher up.

Anyway, thinking of how Dashie had gotten past aside, she'd spin around, and have a look as the conversation unfolded. Which did not start with a hoof fight. See? Things were gonna be fiiiine. No need to be nervous. Probably.

And it were fine. Dashie were a bit aggressive, but just like she had expected, it were her competitiveness that were kicking in. Se wanted a race, and it seemed that Slipstream were receptive to the idea, how fortunate. Even if it did seem like it took a few seconds for him to get there. Probably just gathering some courage to prepare for things proper, yeah? Dashie could be a bit head strong at times.

"See, SLipstream? I told you she'd just want to race you. You got nothing to worry about.

And I don't have much of a complaint, but then again, I dunno how you two are. Can I give you both a quick check, to make sure you're both up for it?"

It would be quick. A few minutes of her doing short range zooms around them, lifting legs, looking into ears, and checking wings. The usual.

"Fit as fiddles, you're fine to go. But that rainboom thingie sounds like it could be pretty loud. I'm gonna have to insist that you do your race over the large fields after the Everfree Forest. Nice and quiet there, long as the train isn't passing through.

Should Rich and I be the judges? I wanna be there for sure. I wanna see how fast you are. And in case something happens, you'll have a doctor at your hooves. Nice and practical, yeah?"

  • Hugs 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

"Yeah, I'm down with being a judge. Also open fields would be the best idea. I've seen how fast Slipstream can go, and he would absolutely break not only the sound barrier, but also probably the shockwave would blow away several small bushes."

*Around half an hour later, the four ponies had arrived at the open fields, Rich began setting up the field while the others prepared. He set up a large banner that would act as a start and finish line, while also setting up a table and chairs for him and Ziggy. He made Ziggy's larger as to suit her size.*

"Here you go fellow judge. I hope this ends well."

*Rainbow Dash was stretching herself out. But Slipstream? Well . . .*

Well Slipstream, this is it. This is the moment where you finally find out if you're the fastest pony alive. Don't let your fear get the best of you, just, take deep breaths, and race to your hearts content.

"Hey! Greenie! You ready or not!" *Rainbow Dash was already at the starting line, waiting impatiently for him.*

*Slipstream bolted over.* "Sorry about that."

"Whatever, I hope you're ready to eat my dust, because, there'll be a lot of it."

"We'll see."

  • Brohoof 1
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@Blitz Boom
Solar addressed the latter part first, as he had less to say about it "The effects of elements were one of the first things to be taken care of in the design of cybernetics, as combat tools aren't that good if little bit of water or sand breaks them." "However, I am not a coastal guard, so if I made it a habit to swim around in the sea without proper maintenance, it would cause problems in long term." "But I just need a bit more thorough bath to avoid that"

"For the situation, I do indeed have an idea on one potential answer, but it needs to be emphasized that this is entirely speculation at this point." "Your guess of armed rebellion was on the right track, but not quite there." "Another detail I haven't mentioned, as I didn't see it as relevant, was that in the last moments of the pony, one could hear the city's alarm going off, I didn't pay attention to this, because the pony didn't seem to bothered by it, and thus I assumed it was either a test, or some smaller scale issue, something that our capital also had lot of, there was an active war going on after all." 

"Some time ago here, I got a message that was sent directly into my system, it was back then from unknown source, but I have later learned it was from my old commander, who apparently ended up here when she went missing some years before I got transported." "It was in a language we call 'common koboldian', a language that the kobolds created to be able to communicate with each other from different communities." "'When the blood of our unison fills the streets, the oppressors shall drown in our sacrifice. In the name of our ancestors, our brothers, our sisters, our daughters and our sons, our hard work shall bear fruit. One for all, all for one, but never shall our will to fall'" "I asked few kobolds that appeared here not so long ago, if they knew what it was, but even though they had been active in their side's rebel-groups, they had never heard it." "I asked my old commander about it, but her answers were vague and unhelpful, as she only told me to think about it, that I'm smart enough to figure it out. Then muttering something about 'those clever little things'." 

"But something hit me, while I admittedly have failed to study kobolds as much as I should have, I started thinking about what I do know." "They are extremely loyal to each other, and betrayal is a crime above all else, leading to you being exiled from not just your community, but the whole species, seemingly without a chance for redemption." "They also outnumbered us non-kobolds to at least four to one, possibly even more, as the empire didn't care to count their population." "And what jobs did they keep when slavery got less popular? Servants, maintenance, cleaning, and other jobs that weren't easily done with machines, yet were too dirty for us 'better' creatures..." the 'better' was said with clear sarcasm "...or involved small places." "It was also always curious how....content they were, while they clearly hated us, for a good reason, yet they rarely caused trouble, being rare in rebel groups, and generally just moving on the best they could, they never even tried to free those left in servitude, and some of them even willingly worked for objectively awful compensation."

"The general assumption was that they just had learned their place, after all, they were barely above animals, yet, with my personal experiences with them lately, they don't strike me as a species that just submits like that." 

"So, we have a species that outnumbers us, has justified hatred towards us, are known to work together better than any other species without a hivemind, and are ignored by most due to how unimportant they are to them." "They have direct access to our elites, have access to areas most don't; they keep our water running, know every corner of tour sewage systems, every part of the machines running our cities, and so on." "They are everywhere like rodents, and like rodents, they are ignored. They rarely cause trouble, so their settlements, which are often in places that are hard to traverse or straight up hostile, get lot less oversight from the guard." 

"It's not a rebellion, it's a full blown revolution, a declaration of war." "And they have been planning it from the start." he looked concerned "And if Sheez is anything to go by, it won't be pretty, it will only end when one side is driven to the edge of extinction." "There's also a risk of it getting even messier if the United decides to take its chance and lead an assault against Equestria while they are busy with the kobolds." "Though, if I'm to take any positives from it, it should make my job here lot easier, because as grim as it is, if the Empires fall, the possibility of dangerous individuals coming here gets smaller." 


Ruby, naturally, got ready for action when there was a sudden boom, though she calmed down seeing Spicy, but wasn't necessarily happy to see her here, as it wasn't good idea to have anyone in here; though, she also didn't care about Spicy in the same way she did for the two dragons, so if Spicy got captured, the tough luck, she'd need to find a new business partner. "So that explains why he hasn't moved for a good while." Ruby remarked mainly to herself "You know Spicy, I was hoping this would come up in better circumstances." she could tell that Spicy didn't recognize her, so dropping her name was mainly to see how she'd react, and it wasn't like she really had time to explain the situation. In this form, her voice was deeper than her pony voice, and of course more dragonic in general, but there was still a hint of something similar, so somebody could make a connection from that, not that Spicy needed to, as she'd get more clear hints soon. 

"Leviathan is up there." "And now, you will have questions, but this is not the time or place for that." she wasn't really on the mood to care that Spicy would learn the truth, in fact, she knew this day would come if they would interact more anyway, since the act was getting quite unpleasant for her, and Spicy was already suspecting her based on her drunken confession, even if she had been wrong on the details.  

She however didn't transform right away, as while she planned to, she stopped due to feeling something, she rose up her front leg and stared at it for a bit, it was shaking; this was certainly unusual, just preparing to transform made her uncomfortable to the level that she started shaking a bit, but well, what can you do. After that, she once more took her pony form, though, assuming nothing stopped her, it was not pleasant, and when complete, she could feel herself shaking from discomfort, it wasn't strong enough to be easily visible, but she herself was well aware of it; she also stumbled a bit, as the unpleasant feelings from earlier came back with a force, this was getting quite inconvenient for her. "Just so you know, Marley figured this out almost immediately, the bird just promised to keep his beak shut." Ruby's voice betrayed her, as her discomfort was getting quite obvious, but she paid no mind to that, and instead started making her way up the pillar, she had to get out of here, as what had started as mainly mental anguish, was now actively hindering her physically, and with the feeling of suffocation, she was getting worried that she may actually pass out.

If something did stop her from activating the spell however, she'd look around her, then up, and then she'd state "Well this is a problem." 


"It is probably better that you come to us, to the tavern, as we are not the ones with a work day behind us, and we aren't that familiar with this town yet." "We don't really have a sleeping schedule, as for various reasons we are used to sleeping whenever we get a chance and feel like we need to." "Today has also been very uneventful, so we'll probably have a quite a short night, so you can come whenever you're ready." they were used to short sleep, it wasn't necessarily perfectly healthy to them, but when you have learned to do something for most of the life, it would take quite a while to break those habits; part of the reason why they wanted her to come to them instead other way around, was because they were kinda bad with going somewhere at specific time, not because they were late often, but the opposite, they weren't good at just sitting in place and killing time until leaving somewhere, so they'd have most likely been at her door lot earlier than planned. 





  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

There wouldn’t be a trace of any coins left in Sen’s bags, but the longma was a little too preoccupied with the slew of events happening before him and his sister. It was definitely a veritable cast of new and familiar faces, so much so that it was a little difficult to keep up with everyone and everything happening at the moment. That would be true for Lin, whose mind was working overtime to remember old and assimilate new information about those present, though she tried her best to keep up. Thankfully, Scarcity being here was more reassuring than she thought, and having something to distract her was appreciated. Frankly, a lot was going on here and at home, and a little something to get her mind off of the latter would be preferable. 

On 2024-05-10 at 1:52 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Hardly anything for you to do now, but wait for the last members of our entourage.

As for Hammond, you are correct that I commissioned him that jacket. My tailor is a marvelously competent stallion, and relished the challenge to make something stylish and efficient for my dear Hammond. It is only proper that he looks his best, is it not?"

As for the last members of their entourage? That question would be answered shortly. Yet first, Hammond would look up towards Sen and Lin, and point towards his jacket, and then the crystal, that he'd knock on a few times. After, he'd calmly walking a small circle, nearly face to tail, showing it off in motion, as he had done, when his master had given him this outfit. Yet it would be a short lived time, as he would open a tiny gate, jump through, and close behind him. Not many seconds after however, he would return, opening a bigger one, showing off their last two members: One being Rosa, who were halfway through a talk with the one he wandered in with.

Then again, seeing Hammond in a nice jacket was a cute sight, and she didn’t hesitate to play along with the little creature, clapping her claws as he showed off. It was a nice distraction to give her some breathing room before the information overload hit her. Fortunately, the arrival of another familiar face was a comforting sight and made her a lot happier in a span of about a few seconds. 

Well… a familiar sight mixed with an odd one. Two Scarcities in one place, and they were about as identical as they could be. 

“Whoa! What the?!”

“Huh? There’s two of them?! How?”

Before either sibling could get another word out, Omen’s question and Scarcity, the real one, revealed more about what was afoot. It seemed like there was more going on, though it was nothing to worry about. Then again, what this implied about Scarcity’s plans; though processes could simply be beyond what Sen or Lin could imagine, and they wouldn’t try pressing the matter further. After all, the false Scarcity was standing next to the siblings, catching them off-guard and scaring them. It wouldn't be inaccurate to say that Sen and Lin were about as confused as Omen, at least for a while.

On 2024-05-10 at 1:52 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Please refrain from doing that. It is disturbing.

Sen, Lin, Omen? It is good to see you once again. I wish I could say the same for our present company, but alas, such is not the case. Still, if for nothing else than to make her stop doing this, let me introduce you to probably the best infiltrator that I've ever known: C. G."

They may recall him having mentioned her before, as a mare that not even the experienced teachers at the spy school he had went to, were able to keep track off fully. And she were good at it, as her pretend Scarcity act, were disturbingly accurate. The only thing that could have given her away, were the *smell*, and the crystals seemed to keep that fully cloaked.

"You can call me Crow Greeter too, if you want. At least this time."

Once the shock subsided, they would turn their attention to Rosa, then to the second Scarcity, now identified as Crow Greeter, to whom they would bow and proceed with the introductions.

“Well met, Crow Greeter. I, uh… suppose you might have been told about us, but I am Sen, and with me are Lin and Omen. I sense there is a lot of history between you and Rosa, at least based on what I'm seeing now. How exactly do you know Ms. Scarcity?”

While Sen chatted with Crow, Lin approached Rosa, doing her best to make herself appear about as normal as she could without giving away her predicament following the last visit with the kitsune. Then again, even her exhaustion from her ordeal before and after meeting the kitsune could be noticeable to the thestral, and he might pick up on something being rather off about the longma.

“Rosa! It’s so good to see you! How have you been? What has happened since we last met?” 

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18 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“Well met, Crow Greeter. I, uh… suppose you might have been told about us, but I am Sen, and with me are Lin and Omen. I sense there is a lot of history between you and Rosa, at least based on what I'm seeing now. How exactly do you know Ms. Scarcity?”

"Why I work for her, of course. She surprised me during one of my jobs, back at the consortium. Orchestrated things just the right way, to where she knew they'd send someone like me, and then kept an eye out how I did. Got so impressed, she offered me a better job. Just had to fake my death, and that stuff's easy, when the old dust collectors back home, can't even figure out where I was in class half the time. More freedom too. Gawd that place was stifling to innovation and fun.

And good meeting you again, Sen and Lin. Omen too. Had a good look at you earlier, but it ain't the same as just meeting you face to face, yeah? Don't go worry I was stalking you or something, cause the boss told me too. That one was just something personal. After all, you're running around here with my favorite little bat pony in tow. I just had to see how you did. A market improvement from I saw him, moping around with a bottle in tow."

Where she had seen them, for how long, or looking like who, she wouldn't say. C. G. wasn't keen on giving up tips like that, when she could instead hold all the cards, and maybe make them slightly paranoid about whatever or not she were looking at them from some cranny, trash can, or hiding in plain sight, in Rosa's house. Might not be the nicest to them, but it rattled him, and that was well worth it.

"Are you here simply to torment me?"

"Nawh, that's just a bonus. Boss wanted me to help with an experiment, and hearing you'd show up too? I went and put in extra effort. Ain't often I run into old friends. And don't go pretend we weren't. Wasn't like too many others wanted to keep talking to you, after what happened. You cant go and get picky after that."

Rosa narrowed his eyes and grumbled lowly, which seemed to just get a bigger grin on Crow's face.

"Regardless of that, it is good to meet you once again too, Lin. My time have mostly been occupied with research. In parts to the potential destinations that you inquired me of, and otherwise something that have been requested of me, by Scarcity. I am not at liberty to elaborate further."

"Nor have you the time. We are about to be greeted."

They would see a row of torches held high, marching towards them in the darkness, outside of the tunnel. Halting as they reached the entrance, at which point, a single figure would wander forth, lit up by the torches on the walls, and from the background behind. The Stone Matron herself, yet not exactly as they had seen her. She no longer presented herself as having cracks and dents here and there, covered in a robe to hide certain other damages too. She looked as if she were formed of fresh marble, glistening in the light, with not a blemish to be found on the incredibly detailed, griffin golem body of hers. The light in her green, jade eyes, shining with bright intensity.

"And so you return."

Scarcity would give a delicate bow to their hostess.

"Greetings, Stone Matron Lydia. I see your reforging have proceeded without incident. It must be quite reinvigorating."

"It were long overdue, but there are rules that must be followed."

"As if often the case. Before we proceed, I brought along an associate. She'll keep quiet about what she sees here, but I required a protector, in case our new arrivals will turn out hostile, and my dear friend have fallen ill. Crow here will act as his stand in, until his health improves."

Truthfully, Brick were fine, but she required him for other things, and thus could combine a few things here, to waste less time with several things she had been meaning to get done. Efficiency were key to get things done in the long run, in her experience.

"I will allow it. Are you all ready? I will explain the rules before we arrive at the altar."



@Catpone Cerberus

Magma would listen closely to what he said. He made several good points, expanding greatly upon the available data, to make his points come across more, and paint a large scale picture of what were potentially happening too. And she would agree that this is what made the most sense, though his comment about it being a good thing were somewhat disturbing. No love for his home indeed. Not that it sounded nice, since a full scale war like this... There had to be innocents that would be caught in this, and they would pay a heavy price for this, more than likely. She could understand him having no love for his home, yet this still sounded harsh, and rather cold.

Then again, so would it if that brewing war, would spill into their world. A bunch of war-ready, technologically advanced soldiers, working for a pair of corrupted princesses, that would want a new place to rule, as their own home were falling apart... It would be a hostile takeover, the likes of which the country had never seen. If that would be diminished enough, through the other side having their grand scale war... It were repulsive to think about obviously, but logistically, it were in their Equestria's best interest, if it came about as Solar presumed. It was not the nicest thought to have, but her logical side had a hard time disagreeing with the facts in this matter. In the end, she had to consider this world, where she knew there were many, many innocents. A lot who wouldn't be prepared for a war that scale, that would perish quickly. On Solar's side, at least they had some degree of readiness for the sort that would come to them. Much as it were harsh, it were better this way.

"I can certainly see why they would have the inkling to fight back. To think that they spent so much time preparing though... The hatred must be substantially ingrained in them, to endure the things they presumably have, in the pursuit of setting everything up before they began the revolution in full. I can admire the dedication, whilst admonishing the substantial amount of blood that is going to flow in the streets.

But it is your world, is not mine. It is divergent, and from my perspective, will likely seem corrupt to the core. Perhaps of the possible outcomes, this is among the better, despite the gory outcome. You would know better than I. It sounds as if it is at the very least, an inevitable one. Though if you would indulge me, I would like to know if this is what is best? Not just for us, but for your home too? Surely you must have some degree of sorrow for your home, being in the state that it will now be, and an opinion on what this might mean for it? Not that I am here to presume your intentions. I just wonder what this might mean for your world. Presuming it stops falling apart. If not, I suppose it is all but a moot point."

That suddenly got a lot more depressing to her, now that she thought about it. A world at wart, tearing itself apart around them... She wondered if perhaps there were some hope of stabilizing it, but she were going to assume that either the dimension itself were unstable, or the corrupt princesses, and potentially others, had done something that were now tearing at the foundation, and it were too late to be halted.

*sigh* Maybe she should have listened to those karmic studies, that had been offered her years back. She recalled there being some mention of horrendous things happening, if the balance of things were not correctly kept, but she had arrogantly assumed it were an elective, that she would never find use for. Something told her that perhaps, she'd have at the least, a theory more brewing now, had she done so.

"Furthermore, might I inquire what the plan is now then? You have found corpses, and a working, likely theory, about what is happening in your former home. Yet what is the next step? Not that I am busy, and wish to rush you. I merely wish to know to a certain degree, how things will proceed, if you have some idea. If you do not, then perhaps we can formulate a plan?"



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2024-05-11 at 10:28 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"So that explains why he hasn't moved for a good while." Ruby remarked mainly to herself "You know Spicy, I was hoping this would come up in better circumstances." she could tell that Spicy didn't recognize her, so dropping her name was mainly to see how she'd react, and it wasn't like she really had time to explain the situation. In this form, her voice was deeper than her pony voice, and of course more dragonic in general, but there was still a hint of something similar, so somebody could make a connection from that, not that Spicy needed to, as she'd get more clear hints soon. 

"Leviathan is up there." "And now, you will have questions, but this is not the time or place for that."

Spicy gave the dragoness a funny look at first, as she heard her name being said. Could well be Leviathan had just talked, but then... Few seconds more passed, and her words started to make a few things click. She didn't freak out about it though, just raised her right eyebrow some, while she looked at the large, scaled creature in front of her.

"...Ruby? That you? Well I'll be damned. I thought you were a changeling, not a dragon."

That had seemed the most likely reason, but nope. She were apparently a big dragon, who somehow managed to hide in a small pony form. Some funky magic going on there, but she heard Ancalagon could do something like it, so... Rare, but not unheard of, sort of magic? Hay if she knew, but it was whatever. Time for them to get out of this dump, and then talk things over afterwards. They had a few things to discuss.

On 2024-05-11 at 10:28 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

She however didn't transform right away, as while she planned to, she stopped due to feeling something, she rose up her front leg and stared at it for a bit, it was shaking; this was certainly unusual, just preparing to transform made her uncomfortable to the level that she started shaking a bit, but well, what can you do. After that, she once more took her pony form, though, assuming nothing stopped her, it was not pleasant, and when complete, she could feel herself shaking from discomfort, it wasn't strong enough to be easily visible, but she herself was well aware of it; she also stumbled a bit, as the unpleasant feelings from earlier came back with a force, this was getting quite inconvenient for her. "Just so you know, Marley figured this out almost immediately, the bird just promised to keep his beak shut." Ruby's voice betrayed her, as her discomfort was getting quite obvious, but she paid no mind to that, and instead started making her way up the pillar, she had to get out of here, as what had started as mainly mental anguish, was now actively hindering her physically, and with the feeling of suffocation, she was getting worried that she may actually pass out.

If something did stop her from activating the spell however, she'd look around her, then up, and then she'd state "Well this is a problem."

Nothing would stop the spell, as that wasn't in the interest of those who set things up here. Or maybe not in their repertoire? It were hard to say. Regardless, as she transformed, Spicy saw that yep, that was certainly Ruby.

Fancy that. Spicy were honestly impressed about this, but they had other things to sort, before they could get out of this dump proper it seemed. Also, she were being followed around by some deer with some real funky looking eyes. Reminded her a bit of Marley. Y'know, because he followed her around, and every once in a while, even kept quiet for an extended period of time. Made her miss the bird honestly, but... He had his old family to see to. Though she hoped he'd return in time. The chick he had gotten a good chat going with, were getting real curious. Seemed like he had finally found someone smitten quite a bit, who didn't appear to be a changeling.

She did seem a bit unhinged though. That whole *I have the urge to eat your face off* gaze that sometimes seemed to go over her, but she supposed it made sense for Marley to have the hots for a crazy one. Wasn't like his upbringing was normal, and it was his life. She just hoped he'd keep the sharp objects locked up, were all she were saying.

"Yeah well, the bird weren't as dumb as some would like giving him credit for, and he's loyal to a fault. He gives his word, he'll keep it. I hope the fancy feather duster is alright...

Well, ain't a time to be wistful. What seems the problem? And who this guy? Friend of yours?"

She'd point at the deer, who would halt behind her, more or less cementing that yeah, he were following her now.

Leviathan would pop her head down, and shake it.

"No, he seems to be some sorta cursed mummy. He's friendly enough though. Yanked some curses out of us and everything."

"Oh? Well that could be handy. Come on sugar, follow my lead."

The deer would not answer, but would continue to follow her, as she moved up the pillar, to join the others on the next level. One where the pathways seemed the same, with no undead currently in sight, but the dark magic were still likely running through the walls. It were hard not to believe that it could cause trouble with their escape. The thought came to Leviathan, as she tapped her chin, pondering things.

"Aight, let's get out of here, before your lil' friend starts panicking too much, and burns down my cart or something. Follow me."

She knew the way out, as this were not far from where she had entered in the first place. All that stood between them and freedom, were a few minutes of quick walking, a door surging with dark magic, and three skeletal guards. And at that sight, she'd strain her wing a little, as a card flipped to her front feathers, in a fluid motion, and slid across the side of her coat. A sound like a match being dragged across a matchbook were notable, and then she'd toss the card, that seemed to grow small flames across the surface. It barely connected to the skeletons, before it exploded, sending their parts blasting backwards and to the side.

"Annoying things. Nothing a little boom can't sort out though. We still have to get through there... Say, you? You could, right? Think you can work your mojo?"

She'd point to the deer, who seemed unable to understand what she meant, but she'd point towards the door all the same, hoping that might work. At which point he would go over, and put a hoof in it. The darkness draining from the entrance and swirling up his leg, rushing into his eyes, and the pores around his chest. A few seconds, and there would be an opening, that he would wander through calmly, leaving them room to follow suit. Spicy would stick in as the last, just in case more skeletons came popping up. Annoying things weren't gonna halt this, so close to the exit.

"Thanks mate. Now all of ya, get outta here."



@Catpone Cerberus

She'd nod, and wave her goodbyes, heading home to get some energy for the forthcoming day.

She'd show up around two hours after the sun had risen, wandering through the door to the inn. Neon were no longer wearing work clothes, and instead wore spiked leg bands, a sweater with a logo of a melting equine skull, with the melting goo beneath spelling out the name *Rebels With Attitude*. It was a very colorful coat. As were her mane, now seeing in the light, to be well colored. Likely with dyes, but it were hard to say, considering Rainbow Dash proved that sometimes, ponies had multi-colored hair. These were strong, bright colors, but it were possible they were natural.

SHe also had a saddlebag to her left, with the logo of what were likely a different band. This one adorned with a cutesy, chibi-looking alicorn, with big, pink eyes, on a white background with flowery themes around. The chibi alicorn however, also held a flamethrower, and in the fires roaring across the side, it said *Pink and the Pits*, in yellow letters, formed to look somewhat like demons.

She were hard to miss, but she didn't much care. Frankly, if they weren't going into the forest, she'd have styled her hair in a spiky mohawk again today, as she usually did, when she were off the job. But as they were, she'd have gone with a more sensible braiding, with more spiked bands holding the three braids closed at the ends. And like the ones ion her legs, the spikes were blunted. No need to wear something that could puncture her hide. She wasn't trying to let some blood out after all.

Her tail were puffed up and braided into a single braid, where at the end, she'd have tied an ornament, that looked like a cartoonish bat, biting down.

Once she found them, she'd raise a hoof, with a big grin on her face, and come over to say hi.

"Good morning you two! Were a bit later than I thought, but I guess I needed a little more sleep than I thought. Anyway, you ready to go explore your potentially new home? I brought some supplies, so we can be out for a while. You aren't allergic to nuts, right?"



@Lawyer Slip

"Awh, just lookit the two competitive little rascals. It's so tempting to just go and squeeze them, tightly, isn't it?"

This seemed like a great time were about to happen, and Ziggy was hyped! Two fast ponies, having a proper go of their abilities? That outta be fun. And pretty good for Dashie too, as she knew she had heard others say, that she felt bored, because she didn't have any real competition. This outta do it, and possibly get her a new rival, and friend. And Slipstream might calm down a lot more, after he had a chance to burn off some energy, and compete against a fellow speedster. And they were gonna witness it! Today was gonna be great.

She had brought along some snacks, and bottles of water before they took off. Some were for when they would be done, but some were also for herself and Rich, so they had something to munch on while enjoying the spectacle. She also needed a few minutes more to gather some ear plugs, just in case. All that chat about the sound barrier, made her think it best for their ear drums. Good she tended to keep a few pairs on her, in case of her having to help somepony with a broken bone. Ponies like that could scream Very loudly! Understandably so, but... Ouchies.

It also helped her to sleep better at times, as she were a light sleeper. Noisy areas could make it hard for her to find rest.

But prep time aside, the two ponies were settling in, side by side, ready to take off and see who was the real master of speed. Fit around the time that she had put down her saddlebag, and saw that a seat had been prepped for her, by Rich.

"And thank you for the seating, Rich. It's very appreciated."

She'd go and give the alicorn a hug, her warm, strong legs wrapping around him for a few seconds, as she enjoyed a good, friendly thank-you hug. She liked giving these out, and Rich felt soft. It was nice. Nicer than when she did so to dragons. They were warm and cuddly in their own way, but not soft like a pony.

"Alright, ready to give the signal, Rich? If so, then on your mark... Reeeeady, aaaaaaand... Go!"

She wouldn't count down if he wasn't ready to follow suit on this too (after she had let go of him), and would follow his lead instead. Maybe he'd use magic, to make a sort of starting pistol thingie happen? That'd be cool!

  • Hugs 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

*After Ziggy finished the countdown, Rich manifested a pistol made of magic, and fired it. And no sooner had it been fired, the two racers were off like rockets. The gust of wind was so powerful, that Rich had to hold everything at the starting line down with his magic. Once they were out of their line of sight, he pulled out his binoculars, and began observing them from a safe distance. He silently rooted for Slipstream.*

*Meanwhile, waaaaay far away, rocketing across the empty field, Slipstream and Rainbowdash were focusing harder than ever before. They pumped their wings and pushed their limits, neither one giving an inch. The race would be 200 laps, since with their speed, this could be easily accomplished in a manner of around an hour. They successfully made all four turns, and each completed their first lap.*

"Hey! Slowpoke!" *Rainbow began taunting Slipstream mid-lap.* "Let's see you go faster than this!" *She then surged a few seconds ahead of him, putting herself in the lead. She smirked, thinking to herself, heh, this kid's pathetic, I'm not even in the 300's yet.*

*Around lap 104, the duo made a pit stop. Rainbow Dash poured cold water on her face, and grabbed a sandwich Ziggy had brought, scarfing it in 30 seconds, making sure to chew, and swallow. Slipstream, just grabbed a water and chugged the whole thing. And seconds later, the two took off once more.*

*Rich had been carefully eyeing their speeds. He had Rainbow Dash's top speed so far at 326mph, and Slipstream's, was at 345mph. C'mon buddy, he thought.*

  • Brohoof 1
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On 2024-05-07 at 8:25 AM, Blitz Boom said:

We were more worried about you. Someone said that you were poisoned, Light. Are you okay now?"

The two looked at him worried, wondering if he were actually a lot more ill than he seemed right now. Maybe not, but... It were hard to say. Some showed it less than others.


" Well that's why im here, to report that I'm A o kay! Plus the things that happened. So yeah nothing to worry." He didn't want to worry anyone so he gave that report to them. More or less his report to the head mistress might differ.

They waited for their time to meet the head mistress outside. He didn't want to cut in line as it might not be as important to report his side.

" Hey Shark  this may take a while. Perhaps you should play with the kits and explore for now. I'll meet you maybe later or tomorrow. Hows that sound?"

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@Blitz Boom

On 2024-05-14 at 6:50 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Why I work for her, of course. She surprised me during one of my jobs, back at the consortium. Orchestrated things just the right way, to where she knew they'd send someone like me, and then kept an eye out how I did. Got so impressed, she offered me a better job. Just had to fake my death, and that stuff's easy, when the old dust collectors back home, can't even figure out where I was in class half the time. More freedom too. Gawd that place was stifling to innovation and fun.

And good meeting you again, Sen and Lin. Omen too. Had a good look at you earlier, but it ain't the same as just meeting you face to face, yeah? Don't go worry I was stalking you or something, cause the boss told me too. That one was just something personal. After all, you're running around here with my favorite little bat pony in tow. I just had to see how you did. A market improvement from I saw him, moping around with a bottle in tow."

It seems like the siblings and Omen have a commonality with C. G. now given they all have some form of working relationship with Ms. Scarcity. It was an odd time for sure, but with having a cast of odd histories between everyone present, it felt like the siblings were about as close to normal compared to everyone else. Even Omen has some degree of normalcy compared to faking a death, which just raises questions about what actually happened leading up to C. G.’s meeting with Ms. Scarcity. 

Then again, them being clocked by her was enough to get some of the gears in their heads turning. Just when was she observing them and how long? Did she see them moving around Canterlot, and what else does she have on them and their acquaintances around town? Questions with no discernible answers and only C. G. has them, but Sen didn’t have any reason to be antagonistic.

“I wouldn’t know how or where you first saw me, Lin, and Omen around Rosa, but we helped each other out a while back. After a while, it just felt normal to stick with him. He’s been a good friend to us, and it is only right that we lighten his spirits where we can. It's not nice a feeling seeing him so down.” 

On 2024-05-14 at 6:50 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Regardless of that, it is good to meet you once again too, Lin. My time have mostly been occupied with research. In parts to the potential destinations that you inquired me of, and otherwise something that have been requested of me, by Scarcity. I am not at liberty to elaborate further."

"Nor have you the time. We are about to be greeted."

As for Lin, she was met with more circumstances veiled behind confidentiality. It wasn’t out of the realm of the unexpected, especially given Rosa’s line of work and the situation he was in, but it was an odd coincidence that it happened twice in a row in a fairly short period of time. Despite that, she’d respect the need for privacy in these kinds of matters lest she drew the ire of Rosa’s employer, who was within their present company. 

“Ah, secret matters, I take it? All right. I won’t ask…” She’d make a gesture of one talon running along the length of her mouth before turning an imaginary key. Lin had seen other ponies make that gesture once or twice, so it seemed like it was appropriate for the topic. After that, she’d look to Scarcity and the torches with her brother, followed by another figure approaching them. “I suppose we can catch up later when there is time.“

The siblings would bow reverently to the Stone Matron following Ms. Scarcity’s example before facing the former. With so much having transpired between now and the previous meeting, it was apparent that Lin’s memory was having some trouble jogging relevant information. However, even her brother had some problems with memory recall on account of having to refocus his attention on matters at home. He’d still do his best to catch up to the others, as there was no reason to delay proceedings.

On 2024-05-14 at 6:50 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I will allow it. Are you all ready? I will explain the rules before we arrive at the altar."

A ceremony? Or something just as important? Seems like this is a lot bigger than the siblings could have imagined, even back during their previous visit. It could be true for their friends in the focal orb; a major occasion marked with them being separated and gaining bodies of their own. Moreover, Sen remembered that outside of their repository of knowledge, they never once mentioned their names. One could only imagine that those were also lost to the scholars along with their bodies, their last memories of their kind identified with the loss of their individuality and all that made them distinct from one another. Perhaps this moment could be a turning point, and the scholars could now carry the remnants of their past wherever they may go.

“I… We are ready, Stone Matron. By your lead.” Lin nodded in agreement with her brother, both anticipating what they'd see once they reached the altar.  

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@Blitz Boom
"Their ability to hold a grudge is quite impressive, I always thought it was exaggerated, but then I met a certain two kobolds, they talk about one of their ancestors like she had wronged them personally, the hatred in their eyes is as pure as someone's who was directly wronged."  "They make dragons look forgiving." "Is this kind of result the best? no, but at the same time, it is very much what we deserve." 

"What comes to my feelings about it, about my home, it is complicated. " "It is my home, and there are those I cared about, who I still miss; and I am no less a pony than any other, and the suffering of my kind brings me sadness." "Yet, the world itself, the Empire, the endless warfare, violence and suffering, I do not miss any of it, I do not miss the egoistical elites, I don't miss seeing the agony our kind, including myself, have caused to not only other creatures, but to other ponies too." "It is a world of darkness, where any light of hope is extinguished, any optimism is crushed; there are no heroes, no power of love or friendship, only war. Harmony is not upheld by kindness, no generosity; but by the powerful hoof of the empire, through weaponry and punishment." 

"Ultimately how I see it, is that it doesn't matter, even ignoring the futility of bettering a collapsing world, whether or not such a large scale battle happens, innocent life is still lost, every day, every hour; the land is soaked in the blood of those who deserve none of it, so what does it matter who's blade lets it out?" "And who knows, maybe after the storm there will be a rainbow, maybe after the rivers run red, after innumerable amount of bodies decorate the lands, the spark of hope ignites once more?" "Maybe from the ashes can something better be build?" 

"Do I feel sorrow for what my world may become, no, I feel sorrow for what it already was." "And as grim as it is, my feelings don't seem to be that unique; as I stated before, I'm not the only one from my world here, and from what I've talked with them, when it comes to the destruction of our world, the common response can be summarized as; Good riddance." "None of us miss our homes, we only miss what was left there, things that exist not because of it, but despite it." 

As Solar spoke, he kinda just stared into the distance, his artificial eyes focusing at nothing, it was clear there was lot of emotion behind his words, even if he didn't really show it through his tone or demeanor, his almost robotic nature coming through once again; it seemed that having half of his body made of metal may have affected his ability to show emotion, either that, or his experiences had just caused him to build massive walls around himself, after all, he was a soldier, and as he himself had stated, he had done awful things. 

"And what comes to my plans; I'll inform the local guard-branch about my find, along the instructions on how to proceed in case the body does find itself dislodged from the seabed, after that I'll inform the princesses on the potential developments in my world, and what it likely means for this one." "Then I'll put in the request to use some of my days off, and while waiting for that, I probably should tackle some of the paperwork before the desk collapses under their weight." his tone told that he really wasn't a fan of paperwork "I miss the days when I could do that by just thinking about it." 

Ruby didn't address Spicy's question regarding her problem, partly because she herself was yet to figure it out, and for the rest Leviathan responded, so she stayed quiet. Ruby didn't speak much in general, with the discomfort back, she didn't really feel like chatting, and since she was no longer able to hide it in her voice, she decided it was just better to not speak: she also figured that not using air to speak would help with the feeling of lack of oxygen.

She didn't mind Spicy being last, due to before mentioned reasons, so she'd follow Leviathan through the door.

If nothing went wrong and they made it outside, Ruby would walk some distance away before transforming once more, which went even worse than last time, as this time did she not only stumble, but she stumbled enough to actually lose her balance, and while she got up fast, she was not only visibly shaking, but she threw up soon too, before muttering something in her native language.  Charir meanwhile would come running, fear still visible on him, and would run to Leviathan to press his face against her body, this was their kind's natural equivalent to a hug.

If something did go wrong, or even seemed like it may go wrong, Ruby would do her best to make sure that Leviathan would make it out, even at the cost of herself, Charir's reaction would be the same in this case. 

If somehow Leviathan ended up as the only one not out, Charir would be happy to see Ruby, but would soon grow concerned about the lack of Leviathan. 


Neon would find the kobolds from the downstairs, all three of them, as Chega too was awake and was singing once again, the lyrics were about working together to beat impossible odds, and the tone was very positive; she was dancing around the room as she sang and played. Sear was sitting alone at a table, drinking something while keeping her eyes on Chega, a warm smile on her face.

Sheska and Trox were sitting at their own table, though they weren't eating or drinking anything, nor were there any dishes implying they had just finished eating either, they instead just sat there, watching Chega do her thing while discussing something with each other.  They noticed Neon come in, so they'd wave at her, not that they should be hard to spot, as there wasn't exactly lot of small lizards with scars and metal parts around.

Their thoughts about the outfit was the same as yesterday, it was very unique, but they weren't once to judge, and while they didn't know what the logos stood for, they could guess they were bands or something similar, after all, their world had bands too, even if it was more a pony thing, Kobolds were more into bards like Chega, and their music tented to be the kind that every kobold could take part in, be it by singing or doing something like clapping their hands. 

"Morning." the two said in unison "Yeah, we're ready." "And no allergies." they were friendly, but very matter-of-fact, quite the contrast to the third kobold dancing around, who as she passed the trio, sang "Have fun and don't get eaten by bunch of timber."  before going back to the song, which she clearly was making up as she went, as she continued with "Who am I kidding, they won't because..." before going back to the repeating lines about working together. The two got up and were ready to go.








  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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On 2024-05-16 at 4:45 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I wouldn’t know how or where you first saw me, Lin, and Omen around Rosa, but we helped each other out a while back. After a while, it just felt normal to stick with him. He’s been a good friend to us, and it is only right that we lighten his spirits where we can. It's not nice a feeling seeing him so down.” 

"You haven't seen the worst of it, and you're all the better for it. I was there, when his dad got the diagnosis. I'm guessing he told you about that, yeah? Well, if you think you've seen him miserable, it's nothing compared to then. But back when that happened, he sought refuge in anger and whiskey."

"I have already told them of my demons, C. G. You get nothing from poking at them."

"Get anything? You kidding? I'm thrilled that you're doing alright for a change. When I had to get out of there, you were a mess, and I gave it an equal chance of you deserting, or drinking yourself to death from depression. When I heard you picked the former, that were good news to me. Seems like you found a weird, but supportive bunch since I stopped getting updates. Least until Scarcity heard 'bout you.

Good goings to have you in the fold too. The work's special sometimes, but the pay is good, and there's a lesser chance of being stabbed in the back for a pension. Better chance of you being safe from Lady Astra Luna too."

The two of them shared a small shiver. A name that brought nothing good to their minds, by the sounds of things.

Yet before that, there had been a look of genuine surprise on Rosa's face. He hadn't fought C. G. actually cared enough to trying to keep track, and had been about to poke more at him. She always had when they grew up after all. Maybe some time away had changed her a bit... Or she were trying to lull him into some false sense of ease. It were always hard to know with her.

He did also bite note in how she had not spoken of when she had seen them earlier. Didn't want to give away her secrets probably.

On 2024-05-16 at 4:45 PM, EQ_Theta said:

A ceremony? Or something just as important? Seems like this is a lot bigger than the siblings could have imagined, even back during their previous visit. It could be true for their friends in the focal orb; a major occasion marked with them being separated and gaining bodies of their own. Moreover, Sen remembered that outside of their repository of knowledge, they never once mentioned their names. One could only imagine that those were also lost to the scholars along with their bodies, their last memories of their kind identified with the loss of their individuality and all that made them distinct from one another. Perhaps this moment could be a turning point, and the scholars could now carry the remnants of their past wherever they may go.

“I… We are ready, Stone Matron. By your lead.” Lin nodded in agreement with her brother, both anticipating what they'd see once they reached the altar.

"Good then. Follow, and I shall go over the rules you must abide by."

She would lead the way, a few of the larger golems flanking them as they left the cave, and following them towards the inner yard. Now devoid of the life there had been, yet many lights were present further away, yet little more than the mass of flickering lights were to be seen, from the site, still clad in darkness, as the rest of the quarry seemed to be wholly without as much as a flicker of light. Not even the moon cast much light, as it did not stand in a position, where it shone down upon them at this moment. Or something were blocking it. It were hard to tell, yet the stars shone brightly in the sky, so there were not a large roof on this place per se. Might well be the mountains.

"It is simple. The proceedings are strict, yet all the rituals and the actions are for us to take. You have been requested to witness, and only that. So when things happen, stay in your spot, and be silent. Merely observe, and be ready to address them, when they inhabit their new forms in full.

You will wait for them to be calibrated and spoken in full, before you bring your errand to them."

She looked at Scarcity as she said this. She knew not of the debt they would owe her, nor did she care to know. All she were aware of, were that this mare were one who would not simply do something, out of the goodness of her heart. There were something in this for her, and she would have to wait with it, until the matron were certain that the golems has calibrated rightly. Which should not be an issue, but them interacting would show in case there were something. She would not let substandard work leave her quarry.

"Not to worry. I have the patience to wait."

"Good. Will the rest of you follow troop too? This is delicate business, and it requires concentration. You interfere, and it will have consequences. For them, and possibly you. This is why normally I would not allow this, but the deal were struck with this in mind.

If you do not think yourself able to be calm and collected, I will ask you stay outside. And keep your pet on your beings. Do not let it go and bite someone, nor blast them, as I know it have done before."

Rosa and Omen would agree, with Omen making sure that Shrimp were with her. Though he seemed to be doozy again, judging by his yawning, so he might soon go for a nap regardless.



@Catpone Cerberus

"I see. Our business concluded much faster then I anticipated then, I must admit. But you are right. What happens are beyond our shores, and ability to interfere with. At best there is waiting and observing if more such as this will pas through, and then note how the story is going from the remains and debris that filters through.

*sigh* I do wish to be in your place now though. Not with this case, fascinating as it is, and I must admit, something that have peaked my curiosity. I mean more of the paperwork. I miss the good old days of sifting through form after form, cataloguing, sending in the proper request for funding, materials, letters to associates, and so on, and so forth. It is mentally stimulating to go through even a report of the days experiments, I find. Helps to focus the mind somewhat.

Sadly I haven't had the option for months. I have lend my aid to the O.M.I. before we met at the cafe, but it were still not much. Just requisite forms, and a minor sixteen page information sheet on where they can seek more funds for their new law agency. Yet Center Zero is bereft of life now, and even before that, I..."

She'd halt her words, looking to the side briefly, before letting out another sigh, straighten her neck, and look directly at Solar once again.

"You have told me much. It is only fair I do the same.

Before Center Zero fell, I were a research assistant. I spent years there, helping with various projects, yet I were primarily working for Professor Fahrenheit. He had an initiate fascination with elementals, and the power they possessed, theorizing on several ways that their power might be able to be harnessed in various ways. Theoretical at first, yet he would slowly get some results.

Three months ago, he had acquired an active shard, of a fire elemental. A feat to say the least, as they are not want to willingly give up pieces of themselves like that, to just anyone, and I had gotten the feeling that those he had taken some embers and semi-inert residue from before, were not keen on him.

Regardless, the experiment took place in our main hall, and we had everything set up, before he began slightly prodding it, with the first of many tests. An action which activated it fully. I will leave the technical details out, but in essence, it were going critical, and would over a matter of minutes, have had enough force to not just destroy the research lab, but potentially the entire town, and more of the surrounding area.

It became fairly quickly clear that this were a trap, and he had fallen into it.

We had safety precautions, but he hadn't activated the important ones, as he were just prodding, and when it began showing alarming readings, he bailed. Knowing what could happen, I elected to stay in the room, and manually activating several things, to try and minimize the reaction. And it did work. When it eventually detonated, I were engulfed in flames.

I... Felt myself die. An instant of fire consuming every small particle of my being, though no pain, as the end came for me. And then suddenly, I were awake. Locked into a holding tank, with my colleagues watching on in surprise, that I were even alive."

She would rise her right front hoof, and if he were keeping readings, he'd find her temperature were rising to alarming, inhumane levels, as he hoof cracked into flakes, and there she now presented a hoof, that seemed made of lava, radiating heat. Cracks going over the rest of her, as she focused on a controlled visualization.


Even her mane and tail, seemed to roll with red hot magma, and on her back, some gas and smoke would puff out. Then over a few seconds, she would concentrate again, and she would cool down. Her shell mending, and the fire remain inside of her, rather than burst out. Ten seconds to show this, ten seconds to calm it down, roughly.

"I asked you once, of biotransference, and science surrounding that? This is why. I sought answers, beyond what I can best estimate, which is that somehow, the volatile chemicals and the shard, somehow fused with me. I still think like a pony, and feel as one. But for all intents and purposes, I am an elemental of sorts now. Of the magma variety, which at the least is a high class fire elemental, so at least I am of note strength-wise.

That is also why I left Center Zero. At first I fully complied with the tests and samples taken, as well as remaining in the secure tank, as I believed that I were both contributing to our work still, and that they were looking to help me. In time, the professor simply stopped pretending though. I found myself being referred to as a number, and not allowed to be told of their findings, among other things, as I were deponyised. When he came forth and told others - whilst I could hear it - that they were not to talk to me That their friend and colleague had died, and this were just an experiment, I lost faith in them. I burned my way through containment, the side of the town, and ran away. A month later, the town fell. A month I spent practicing what I could and could not do, s well as making sure I could keep in control of myself.

I would not go into a residential area, if I were not fully certain I could avoid harming others, and I were right. I did melt a few bricks when trying to blow bubbles with bubblegum, but I have found a softer brand that works better. Less strain, means less risk of cracking and dripping, as it were.

Yet now that I can rejoin society proper, I have a hard time finding what to do with myself. I helped the O.M.I. as a favor, but beyond that? What does one do, when they are an anomaly, as it were?

I may have come to terms with newfound power, and the loss of most of my equine abilities, but accepting myself, and being seen fit by others, are not the same.

Hence why I say, I wish I were in your position. The nice, calmness of paperwork, would be a comforting sight indeed.

Hmm... Say, you wouldn't have to perhaps need assistance with yours, do you? You did not sound thrilled with the prospect. I assure you that I will gladly sign an NDA, if the paperwork is somewhat sensitive."

She were somewhat hopeful, yet at the same time, not a lot. The O.M.I. seemed okay after learning what she were, to give them help, but Solar? An oddity himself, he might be understanding with her as a being, but would he be able to trust her to be helpful? Even if for only a short time, now that he knew her true nature?



@Catpone Cerberus

Thankfully, nothing would go wrong, so they could stumble out in what way they wanted. Which for Leviathan, would be following Ruby close by, in case something were to happen. Her friend were not the only one with thoughts of sacrificing themselves, but seeing how shaky she were, Leviathan would reach out instead, trying to grab hold of Ruby with even just a hand, to try and bring some degree of comfort to her.

Yet at the same time, she too would be faced with another who needed comfort, as Charir would rush over, and seemingly headbutt her. She assumed it were some sort of sign of affection, and would use her other arm to hold him. A feeling of relief and peace over seeing him fine and healthy, mixing in with her worry about Ruby.

"We're okay. We're safe now. I... Ruby? Are you okay? I've never seen you like this."

Her other hand were stroking Charir's head, as she tried to hold on to the larger dragoness. Not a situation she had assumed to find herself in, and had it been under other circumstances, she might have even found a bit of joy, in being this appreciated, but she were rattled from the temple too, even if she didn't show it so much. Mostly because she were pouring all that emotional energy, into trying to be there for both of her draconic friends.

If anyone would try and attack them now, as she were tethering on the edge, they would be pulverized by lightning, and her eyes would crackle with electrical fury. Smart beings would not try that right now.

"Aight, that's good. You folks stay safe here, I'll go sort this stuff out."

"Wait what? You're in again? are you mental?"

"Heh, maybe. But I ain't dumb. Bringing this lad along. I figure if this place gets whatever's animating it destroyed, it should calm down, and he can drain this nasty stuff. Can't just leave this like it is, or it's gonna be a hassle."

"Wait. The top, we were at a door. There were a n intense dark energy in that room."

"Sounds about right. Come on, let's go."

She'd leave them be for now, and turn around, having still stood in the doorway, and headed the direction that Leviathan would briefly tell her, before she got away too much. The deer seemed unsure what to do, but would follow Spicy when she pulled on his leg, to guide him her way. Hopefully this would sort out the problem. The dragons could stay and sort things out between them until then, though she'd accept if they had left before she got back out.



@Catpone Cerberus

Neon would grin as she noticed them, but also further, as she saw another kobold! This one didn't have metal parts, but were instead wandering around and singing in the inn. How rustic. Like in the faerie tales. Not her usual sort of music, but she'd smile and clap all the same. And if there were a collection plate of sorts, she'd toss in a half dozen bits, though she weren't sure if this were the case. She'd look just to make sure, and she wouldn't mind giving some bits for this. It were a nice show, and street musicians, as well as bards, should be appreciated. It wasn't easy being a musician on low means. Some of those she went to go watch, could attest to that, as some had started out singing on the streets, just to make a living. One still did so, refusing to use a large theater or indoor arena, as she believed it against her artistic integrity. A bit eccentric, but a great griffon, whom she were gonna go out to see in a few weeks again.

"Haha. Well, I hate dragging you away from your friend, but if you're ready, then let's get going."

She'd lead them outside, and towards the edge of the forest. The trip from there, was uneventful, as well as short. Fifteen minutes calm walk, and they'd be at a most peculiar place, that seemed to be unfitting for the forest.

"Ah, here we go then. Welcome to Blitz's old hut."

The area were beret of fauna, with barren, uneven dirt, spraying out in front of the roughly ten by six square meter area, in front of the building itself. The largest holes in the dirt had obviously been filled, as there were some color variation, but not as much as the patches of dirt that were literally colored. Splotches of varying colors, were randomly seen in a few places on the uneven dirt. There had likely been vegetation on this before, as one could see the grass and trees sprawl out to the sides of this elongated area. Various explosions had likely just burnt it all eventually.

The housing itself were split into 2. A raggedy hut, little more than a shed in size, and then the workshop itself. Marked once by a wooden sign, that said *Blitz Boom's Workshop*, though that sign had come back with her, to the new workshop, that she shared with her brother.

It were somewhat spacious, with a door stuck to the frame, of what seemed a rustic building, made mostly out of rocks, and some sort of metal. The only wood were the door, and there were no windows in there. Though one could likely be made, however more space were likely needed, regardless, as this were nice and big for a filly, but two grown kobolds? They'd have enough space to live, move around, and have some things with them like chairs and stuff, but it wasn't big.

If they unlocked the door, they'd find that there were still a few crates collecting dust in there, marked with letters clearly written by a foal. Big, colorful letters, marking these leftovers as powders of various kinds, as well as bark, roots, something called *Yellow boom stuff* etc. Nothing technical, just what she called them to make them memorable to her.

If they checked the shed, they'd find a large pillow, and a blanket. Both seemed to have been more or less captured from a dumpster. Nothing else were in there. The doors also showed there had been something attached, but they were gone now. Probably some sort of trap.

The forge would be behind the hut. It looked rustic too, but still far better looking and well put together, than the rest. There were also an anvil, so the essentials for crafting right there. Minus the tools.

"Not too bad, right? Need some work probably, but it is enough to get by with at first, and there's room for improvement. The animals still tend to avoid the area too. Blitz tended to scare the timberwolves with small explosives, and use their shed bark for casings. Adorable little filly honestly. Hyper intelligent too, but very impulsive, and enthusiastic about her work."



@Lawyer Slip

An hour might be a while, but Ziggy were wooing and cheering all along, seemingly not running low on energy to do so. She hadn't a favorite in this race, but she did have confidence that Dashie were gonna ace this still, as some real competition, were gonna end up making her push herself to the max likely. Giving a real show, so she wouldn't go and lose to somepony she had just met.

Honestly, they'd probably both collapse from exhaustion after this, and would need some medical attention, to check for strains and other issues from prolonged exertion like this, but they would be fine. She were a professional. She'd keep them up and running.

"Just look at them go! They're rushing around like lights in the sky, just zoom, and whoosh, and woooo!"

When they briefly landed to get some drinks and such, she'd take a step back from the table, allowing them free and easy access. She would also be profusely clapping, grin nearly going from ear to ear, as she cheered them on, though almost as soon as they landed, off they were again. Every second counted for them, so eating or drinking too long, could cost the game.

"Oh man, they're really going at it, huh? You think they're saving some energy for the last laps, or are they frontloading all they got?"



@Evil Pink One

"That is a relief to hear. We wouldn't want you to be hurt. Especially not from something from our homeland."

They weren't sure if whatever poisoned him were from their home, but they did worry, considering so much else had happened, that had come from Neighpon. Grizzly business, which were thankfully over now. At least it appeared so, though the poor head mistress were not gonna have an easy time, with this long line. It could be hours before it were fully done.

As for his suggestion, Shark were tilting her head from side to side, seemingly thinking over the suggestion. She didn't want to leave her mate. Not when he had just been hurt. But if he said it was okay, and the fluffy ones were there... But what if he needed her?

After a dozen seconds or so, she'd nod, and wag her tail slightly, with a big grin on her face.

"Okay. But Shark come back later. See if mate okay."

She'd get closer, and nuzzle the side of his face, before giving a lick to his forehead. The foal that had been speaking to Light before, witnessing this and giggling slightly. An amusing sight it would appear.

If there were nothing else, she would look at the kitsune intensely, who would in turn, look at one another, then grin, before turning and starting to run, jumping over the obstacles that were the living beings and items in the hall as well. And she more than happy with the situation, would follow them, pretend hunting the fluffy ones.

As for the line, it would be about an hour and a half, before he'd get to the front of the line, if he stayed. A tedious, boring wait, but if he had reason to talk to the head mistress, it were the only way.

  • Hugs 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

"Not sure for the energy thing for Rainbow Dash, but if I know Slipstream, and I do, he hasn't even burned through a twelfth ot his energy yet. Before he started laying low, he flew for a full week, and when he landed, he still had a ridiculously large amount of energy left. His stamina is like nothing I've ever seen, and I doubt Rainbow Dash is prepared for it."

*It did seem like Rich was right. Slipstream hadn't even worked up a sweat, and he was quickly gaining ground on Rainbow Dash.*

*Rainbow Dash looked back. Her eyes seethed with anger.*

"You think you can beat me punk? THINK AGAIN!!!" 

*And then, using her ace in the hole, she created a Sonic Rainboom, widening the gap between her and Slipstream. Rich used his magic to hold everything at the starting line, including himself and Ziggy down, until the shockwave passed over them.*

*But Slipstream was not about to loose to Rainbow Dash. And as they entered the final lap, she still had some energy from her sonic boom left over. But he was about to blow her world away. He then caused a rainboom himself to catch up with her.*

"If you think, I'm going to loose. Then THINK AGAIN!!!!"

*He then did something only heard about in myths and books. And thus, the worlds first Double Rainboom occured.*

*Rainbow Dash was blown back a tiny bit by the shockwave, and Rich barley held everything else down.*

*Slipstream then blasted across the finish line, and landed with a smile of pride, and excitement across his face.*


*Rich immediately ran over and hugged Slipstream.*

*Rainbow the crossed the finish line, and collapsed.*

"Ziggy, I need some help."

oO(That kid is something else.)

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