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Blitz Boom

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@@Blitz Boom


caliber smiled sadly. "well, it broke once, due to my arrogance. you better believe i wont make the same mistake."


he grinned. "but lets not reminisce about the past, lets look to the future!" he grinned. "i was gonna go back to suger cube, you wanna tag along? ill even buy some food, my treat."

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"It's an outmost pleasure to meet you Grey."


Briar bowed to the colt and took the outstretched hoof, shaking it gently. Grey's small, smooth hoof was an interesting contrast to his own, which was covered in a short layer of grass and would likely feel like he was stepping on a moss-covered tree trunk. Hopefully, the dear colt would not find it an issue, though it was hard to say with the different personalities of ponies. He hoped Grey had taken from his new father though, in which case, Briar was certain the boy was a rather open-minded sort.


After raising his head again after the bow, Briar had one of his normal smiles, with all it entailed, and let go of the colt's hoof before he would think Briar uncivilised and clingy.


"Storm speaks highly of you, and considering what I can hear, the words do you justice."


A little away, a hooffull of ponies away from being at the front of the muffin line, Ziggy was looking at things silently, but with big eyes at the energetic colt that had zoomed in and more or less tackled his dad. It was always good to see some good, family fun going on, far as she was concerned, and it might end up being fun to watch, so perhaps she shou- Oh, another few steps closer to the muffins!









"Last grinned slightly at Caliber.


"If there's any left after you and Storm raided the place, then sure, why not?"


She neglected to say anything regarding his sword as he had said to not delve on it. She would respect that decision for now, and they'd see if it was something that came up later, cause she was a little curious as to how he was able to reforge something magically enhanced like that. She couldn't imagine it being something like how you handled regular blades.

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@@Blitz Boom,  @


caliber grinned. "then lets go!!" he started walking again. he noticed ice blizzard skating up, and he waved. "yo!" he said, "i though  said to wait at sugercube?" he asked. "dont tell me you got scared, and ran back?" he teased, "what, ice blizz cant handle a walk to pinkie's?"

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@@Blitz Boom


Grey laughed a bit, "You talk funny Mr. Briar!" He said grin.


Storm chuckled, "For a pony of the forest, you do seem to talk more like a Canterlot pony Briar." he agreed, "But then again, anypony who speaks 'properly' sorta does... Oh well."


Grey smiled brightly at Briars second sentence, "Dad was talking to you about me?"


"Of course I was Grey! How can I not talk about such a happy little colt?" Storm asked, pulling Grey into another hug.


Grey laughed, "Dad, you're so silly!"


Storm stood up, thrusting his hoof into the air, "Of course I am!" As he brought his hoof back down towards the ground, he revealed... "Want a muffin?"


Grey cheered happily, snatching the muffin from Storm's hoof before clambering onto his back. "Thanks Dad!" He chirped, sitting on Storms back as he happily nommed the muffin.

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Blizzard stopped skating when he saw Caliber, "Um...no. I wasn't scared...I just dropped something back here and came back to look for it..." he said with shifty eyes. "Anyway, let's get back to where we-- hey who's your new friend? Hi, I'm Ice Blizzard, how ya doin'?" Blizzard looked at Caliber's new friend with somewhat intrigued eyes.

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Briar chuckled slightly at what the two of them said.


"Perhaps I do speak as one from higher standing, but I can assure you both, it was not always such. Back in the jungle, my way of speaking and vocabulary was quite a bit rougher, but after I left it behind and went into occupied territory, I was found by an elder pony who taught me a few things on how the world worked during several months. He spoke in this same manner, and told me that to best adapt I should be on my best behaviour. Others I heard, said he was a well mannered pony, and as such, when I had to focus on somepony to learn all I could from... Well, shall we say that a few more things than he had intended stuck around?"


He never saw the point in not being honest about things, and as such, he would tell when asked or confronted by things where some clarification might be in order. At the same time though, he didn't see the reason to not soften things at the same time, which is also why he let a few things be rephrased or slip, such as the case that it had only been some months he had stayed with the elder pony because he had... Reached the end of his line, if you would.


It didn't seem like the right company to discuss that sort of thing, so it had been glossed over, which was likely for the better.


"That reminds me, if I may ask, you mentioned you had joined something called the Cutie Mark Crusaders when you arrived? Would it be a bother for me to ask what that might be? A club of some sort perhaps?"










Last gave a nod towards the other pony. She recalled him from Sugarcube Corner with ease, as it wasn't exactly easy to forget what he had done there on such short notice.


"Last Stand, good to meet you."

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@, @@Blitz Boom,

Blizzard replied, "Hi, I'm Ice Blizzard, but you can call me Blizz. How ya doin?" Blizzard noticed this pony had a sword, "Oh, you have a sword too? I guess you and Caliber made friends pretty quickly. Haha. Question though, was that you in the bushes creeping while we were at the bounty board?"

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"Foooood..." Jackie Trade hurried over to Sugarcube corner, treats on her mind. All the other sweet shops were closed for some odd reason, so she had to hightail it to what was arguably the most popular bakery in town and hope she could fit into the store, much less get something to eat before the day ended. However, the surrounding area didn't seem as busy as usual, so maybe it wouldn't be too bad. Other than the fact that she was running for sugary sweets as a meal. Now that was a problem.

The large mare, standing taller than quite a few stallions and built a bit sturdier than almost as many, pushed the door open without stopping, catching it so it didn't slam into the wall. Broken glass did not fit a bakery's image well. There were a few other patrons in the shop, some milling around in line (which was thankfully only two customers long) or others at the bar, but she wasn't paying attention. Instead, she focused on the scent in the air, at the same time silently urging those in front of her to get their order over with.

She glanced around, noticing a colt badgering at who she was assumed was his father and quickly noticed the others... unusual attributes. "Awfully strange." she returned her focus to the counter, hoping that the pony behind it was a bit calmer today. She can't handle too much crazy right now.

Edited by x0jackie0x
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@@Blitz Boom


Grey nodded vigorously, "Yeah! The Cutie Mark Crusaders is a group formed to help ponies find their Cutie Marks!" he exclaimed happily, "We're not all that large right now, Ponyville only has four members including myself and I heard that Manehatten might have a few, but we're definitely going to work our hardest to earn our Cutie Marks!"


Storm laughed, "Unfortunately, the fillies who started the club would trampoline on a skydivers parachute in mid-fall if somepony told them it could get them a cutie mark. I'm hoping that Grey can add a small sense of reason to their group, though it's a small hope since he's outnumbered 3 to 1 in there."




"Hi there! What can I getcha?" Pinkie asked the new mare happily, having quickly cleared out all the customers ahead of her.

Edited by Storm Shine
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"Hmm... four honey buns, three peanut butter cupcakes... oh!" Jackie resisted the urge to glance around but she was pretty sure that no one was watching her. Why would they be? To them, she was just another customer. She tapped the counter to make sure the pink mare was paying attention. "And four um... 'rich' brownies, if you catch my drift."

Edited by x0jackie0x
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Pinkie nodded and began listing the items off as she placed them onto a small tray, "Okie Dokie Lokie! Four Honey Buns, three Peanut Butter Cupcakes, and four Extra Chocolatey Brownies!" The ever-cheerful pink mare then placed the tray onto the counter, "That'll be 10 bits! Do you want a small bag, or are you planning to eat here?"

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Jackie gave her a dumbfounded look, before shaking her head. "N-no, hun... Not extra chocolatey... I mean." How could she explain this without directly saying it? "I heard that this bakery had a new kind of brownie in. You know, a special brownie? The kind that's different from the rest?"

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Pinkie thought about that for a second before giving a big "Oh~..." Of realization. "Okie Dokie, I got it!" She replied, winking as she took the brownies from the tray and replaced them with a slightly different set of four brownies from a different container. "Sorry about the mix-up, anything else?"

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"Ah, cool. No, that'll be it. I'll be eating here." Jackie dropped ten bits, plus an extra six for the new treat, and headed over to a table by the window. She sat down and started eating a honeybun happily, her growling tummy thankful for calories, no matter how empty they were. She eyed the group nearby, but said nothing.

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"Y'know, I don't think they'd mind if you wanted to talk with them."


Ziggy got up to the side of the pony's table from... Well, hard to say really. She had gotten her muffin just before this mare entered the shop, and she had looked at her from one of the corner of the place, looking over things whilst chewing her treat and seeing what she thought was the mare, looking over to Storm, his kid and... Briar, right, that was his name. Or was it he? Wasn't like- Oh, nevermind.


To be completely honest, she had just started taking good notice of the new mare because, well, she was a tall one too. There wasn't many of those in her personal experience, and Ziggy liked ponies she could see eye to eye with, even if she had to bow her neck a little bit. Better than what she had to do with most to see them eye to eye though, so who was she to complain? Sides, a bit taller, a bit shorter, meant little in the grand scheme of things.









"It sounds like your club includes some rather lively members, though I will side with your father and say that I hope you will make them refrain from too dangerous activities. While I hear cutie marks are important to ponies, I cannot imagine it being worth a bad outcome from not being prepared."


To the best of his knowledge, Cutie Marks was a sign of maturity in their particular race. A path ahead, and knowing your potential, which could make you grow along with your skills in whatever particular thing you excelled in. In that regard, he could see a club of like-minded colts and fillies trying to reach for that goal a reasonable outcome. Sometimes, things happening on their own did not come fast enough, and he could understand that.


Yet, he hoped the example Storm set out was meant as an exaggeration, and not an actual thing that could happen. It wounded awfully dangerous, and not something he would think would be good for the nerves of their poor families, in case things started to go to extremes where an injury was the likely outcome, rather than the low chance possibility in most things.










"Yes, I got curious.Not every day I see armed ponies 'round these parts."


Sure, she hadn't been in the area of Ponyville for long, but the way here hadn't shown much in the way or armor, weaponry or any of the like. Mostly, it was simple, peaceful and not with any real violence. While she had come to accept that, the road here had been rather frustrating because of it frankly, since she was used to environments where everypony was either readying for, or actually doing, some fighting. These silent, peaceful places... Well, she doubted she would ever fall completely in line with that, but she'd manage fine enough.

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@@Blitz Boom@

Blizzard replied, "Yeah that's true. Armed ponies aren't really a thing around here. But you could call an earth pony with ice powers a weapon in itself. Which I am. Caliber here is the best swordspony in Equestria. And I'm his best friend. Welcome to Ponyville Last Stand!"

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caliber shied away. "i wouldn't say im the best..." he said sheepishly. "but i am the fourth best. i even have papers to prove it." he ruffled around in his bag, and produced a scroll that was gold encrusted, and bore the royal seal. "signed by celestia and luna themselves stating im the 4th strongest." he said proudly.

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@@Blitz Boom


"Wait, huh?" Jackie paused in her chewing to examine this stranger suddenly chatting her up. She instinctively covered the brownies she had purchased with the bag before anything else, even before finishing her bite. It wasn't too subtle, but most wouldn't ask. She swallowed what she had in her mouth and cocked an eyebrow. Was her glances more obvious than she thought?


"Well, you're probably right, but why do you think I'd want to talk with them?" She didn't like to interrupt anyone mid-conversation, just like she wouldn't want to be interrupted. Even if she was bit bored... the sort of thing that a conversation would get rid of. She finished her honey bun, wanting to move onto the brownie, but not when someone was watching her. Maybe it could wait.


//Just a heads up, Jackie gets grumpy when hungry, so don't take her too seriously yet.//

Edited by x0jackie0x
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"I don't know, just looked like you were glaring at them."


Ziggy found it a bit odd that the pony's first instinct was to cover one of the bags she had bought a the counter, but it looked like the sort of things you didn't ask about. Though, she figured that it was perhaps a bit of guilt over getting the treats that some ponies got when they were on a diet or wanted to keep things minimal. Just an idea, but you never knew.


"Besides, nopony should be alone here, or Storm will zoom over. I saw it happen just before, zooming and everything."


Ziggy pointed at her eyes as she said it, making an example of how it had looked by zooming herself over the the other side of the table, where she couldn't see what was going on with the others, but have a better view of this pony. Although... Perhaps a teensie little peek wouldn't hurt? After all, there was all sorts of ponies right there, so what would a little look really do?


Ziggy turned smiled even wider at the pony, then turned her head to look at the others. It would last for a few hooffull of seconds where she tried to absorb everything she could before she would look back, though if the mare was still there when she looked back was anypony's guess. Some didn't like the company when they ate.










Last went over and looked at the scroll, then eventually back up at Caliber with a look in her eyes as if she was eyeing a price worth fighting for.


"The fourth best? I'm curious to who the first three are then, but at the same time..."


She didn't eye him like she was literally gonna hunt him. She meant it more in the sense that she had found a challenge worth going for now, and in an area where she had begun to think that there could go years with nothing more interesting to fend off than the Timberwolves.


"I'm considering making that a fifth place."


She got her eye off Caliber and back to Blizz, still having a little of the challenging look in her eye, but it was diminishing some.


"You run with some interesting friends Blizz. And thanks for the formalities."


She would normally have asked him to prove his icy point, but considering she had seen it in action, and what the last one had looked like... Well, she wouldn't step in that wound more.

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@@Blitz Boom,


Jackie's ear folded back at the mention of glaring. Did she really look like that? She was only hungry and in a rush, but she didn't think she was giving anyone dirty looks! She felt a little worse now and rested her forehead on the cool table, letting loose a tired sigh. There was something about somebody named Storm coming over, but she just felt a bit confused, like she joined in the middle of a conversation and didn't know the prior details.


Ziggy looked away from her and towards the group, leaving Jackie a little fidgety. She was fine around ponies, but every so often, she had difficulty talking to others if they were in a group. It was difficult for her to insert herself in a setting with many ponies. Biting into another snack, now self-conscious, Jackie waited. It would certainly be easier just to sit here quietly, but she didn't think that's what she wanted.

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@@Blitz Boom@

Blizzard replied to Last Stand, "Good luck, but don't count your chickens before they hatch because almost every swordspony who's challenged Caliber has lost. And you may be thinking, 'This guy doesn't have a sword, so what does he know.' Well I've studied history of EquestrianSwordsponies and Caliber here has THE MOST unpredictable style of any sword. And you can bet that if I'm hanging with him, as a team, we're unstoppable. And that makes Ponyville itself a pretty good place to find fighting ponies as well."

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caliber went into nerd mode. "oh, you better believe im only fourth, you shoulda seen Zenru! i couldn't even see him, and he had more technique than me! the best swordpony in the world...i cant even compare..." he heard last stand say how she might bump him down to 5th, and he grinned, returning the challenging stare. "oh? well...your welcome any time to spar. im always down to fight with a friend."


he then looked at ice blizzard. "huh? i have a page in that book? all to myself?" he blushed. "aw, shucks...i didnt know i was that popular..."

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@,@@Blitz Boom,


"Who's zooming?" Storm asked, tilting his head in slight confusion though still happily nomming on a muffin as he looked at Ziggy from next the Jackie. Grey was committed to a similar action while sitting on his dad's head. "Is it Sis? Or maybe you? Oh! I bet it's the wiggly-figgly zoomer-foomers! They like to zoom around and cause little bits of mischief sometimes..." He paused, "Or maybe that's the CMC I'm thinking of." Storm laughed, thinking about the mischief those foals get up to. "Dad~, it's not that bad...." Grey complained slightly before resuming his muffin destruction via teeth.

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@@Blitz Boom,@,


Jackie kept her mouth shut as Storm looked over at the two of them talking about... something. Zoomers? CMC? She didn't know what the first one was, nor did she think she wanted to know, but the latter sounded barely familiar. No, maybe it didn't. Maybe it was just some kind of bug. Either way, she was still hungry but chose to address the pony.


"No, she was saying something about zooming over or something." Jackie didn't want to mention the reason as to why. It was a little embarrassing, honestly, and while she didn't mind company, she preferred it to occur under different circumstances. "Lord knows why you would."

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@,@@Blitz Boom,  


"Oh~..." Storm made that noise of realization, "Me zooming? Yeah, sometimes ponies look kinda lonely, so I like to zoom over and say 'hi' and be their friends and introduce them to more friends and then usually throw them a party at some point with some help from Pinkie!" He explained happily. "Hi, by the way!" Storm chirped.

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