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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@@A Canadian Fritter,


The stallion behind the counter smiled and let out a huge sigh of relief and started to write down a little by little where the deliveries were for, interrupted by customers needing their wares and packing some stuff into a few bags with his horn all at the same time. it took about 6 minutes before he was ready where you could see the stress trying to get the better of him, but after the time he had 4 packages ready with the addresses written down on a slab of paper gliding down the side of one of them, at which point he waved Midnight over to them.


"The regulars paid in advance and are likely waiting, so just knock on the door and give it to them, then come back for the next shipment. There's about 12 orders more, and in case you get the job done before time, I'll still pay full up when it's done. And really, thanks for the help. I was just about going mad here."


it would be a simple action of pick up and deliver, with the merchant having 4 arm orders ready more or less as Midnight would come back until the 16 regulars had been fed, at which point he would come back to a more relaxed looking unicorn with his gil in a bag on the counter as promised and a giant thank you. He would still be busy and not have the time to talk afterwards, but Ponyville was a big town, and you ever knew who would have the time.







Briar simply chuckled at the strange pony that was trying to turn his head around. It was a valiant effort, and quite entertaining in it's own right, but he knew his own senses and dreams enough to know that this was real. But if the mare wanted to play this game, then certainly, he could play along.


"My innermost desires you say? Well then, let us try if that is the case then, shall we not?"


With that, and whilst still smiling, Briar opened his eyelids in the direction of the amusing mare to reveal the blank, green surface behind where no eyes had ever been or meant to be. Afterwards, he lifted a hoof and tapped the area with his front hoof.


"It would appear to not be the case dear. And I must say, that in case this is not a visual dream but more reliant of my other senses, then I can assure you that the voice I would desire to hear are not the one you carry, with all due respect of course."


He didn't close his eyelids as he wandered a few steps closer to the mare, yet stopping after those few to not intrude too much on her personal space.


"This combined with the lack of any familiar marks and the, if I may say so, highly unlikely case that her majesty would seek a humble Evergrown out, leads me further to believe that this is still nothing short of the reality we all so know and love, although I will commemorate you on your valiant effort to try and convince me otherwise, miss?"


The question was there in his voice near the end, his somewhat subtler way to ask what the name really were of the pony in front of him. It would be okay if she would not say so, she would not be the first, yet he would attempt for a little further and see where things would go.







"Yep, though we gotta look at the positives: it ain't raining."


He grinned slightly towards Cubus before looking forward in the group again, trying to guess how long it would be before the line would be at its end. He was about to think that it might have grown stagnant when it started to move a few ponies ahead and he let out a small sigh of relief.


"Grand, looks like Derpy and the others are in after all. Got a little afraid they had gone for a while since I can never remember when they usually holds their lunch."





"A good way of judging it. You're never gonna end up knowing any real strength by going for the weakest in any town after all, though the will to kill is where it ends up mattering mostly to me. If anypony got the will to do so, but don't know when to aim for it, or worse, hesitate when it must be done, then I can't believe there to be real strength."


She grew silent a little further before turning her head slightly towards Caliber with a challenging grin going over her face and a slight teasing in her voice.


"i get the sense you know though, and I gotta say, makes it more and more tempting to take a swing and see what the top really haves to offer."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"Yep, though we gotta look at the positives: it ain't raining."


He grinned slightly towards Cubus before looking forward in the group again, trying to guess how long it would be before the line would be at its end. He was about to think that it might have grown stagnant when it started to move a few ponies ahead and he let out a small sigh of relief.


"Grand, looks like Derpy and the others are in after all. Got a little afraid they had gone for a while since I can never remember when they usually holds their lunch."





"A good way of judging it. You're never gonna end up knowing any real strength by going for the weakest in any town after all, though the will to kill is where it ends up mattering mostly to me. If anypony got the will to do so, but don't know when to aim for it, or worse, hesitate when it must be done, then I can't believe there to be real strength."


She grew silent a little further before turning her head slightly towards Caliber with a challenging grin going over her face and a slight teasing in her voice.


"i get the sense you know though, and I gotta say, makes it more and more tempting to take a swing and see what the top really haves to offer."

cubus didnt say anything, but continued to wait. "indeed." he said simply.




caliber grinned again. but this one was a tad more unsettling then the others. "i usually dont go for the kill, unless the pony im fighting is also trying to go for the kill." he said, with that same grin. "and i cant wait myself, until we can finally go head-to-head."


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You are now reading the following narration in the voice of Sean Connerey


"He's chuckling about all that. I wonder if he's on the same stash as that Zebra lady." 

"My innermost desires you say? Well then, let us try if that is the case then, shall we not?"

Priestess then conceived of an articulate rebuttal within the sanctum of her own thoughts..."




"Oh wait, he actually has eyes. Sort of. Maybe? No. No he's tapping on them. How the ovaries does that work? How does evolution endow a creature with eye sockets, yet doesn't make effective use of them? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of the orifices existing in the first place? Is this thing from the umbra? Looks like something that would exist from within the umbra. The umbra is trippy as buck."




"It would appear to not be the case dear. And I must say, that in case this is not a visual dream but more reliant of my other senses, then I can assure you that the voice I would desire to hear are not the one you carry, with all due respect of course."


"It was supposed to be figurative, the whole vision quest thing. Sound quest doesn't... well... sound as mystical. Oh wait, he's coming closer. Better start side steppin... stealthily this time. Heh, like there's any other way..."




"This combined with the lack of any familiar marks and the, if I may say so, highly unlikely case that her majesty would seek a humble Evergrown out, leads me further to believe that this is still nothing short of the reality we all so know and love, although I will commemorate you on your valiant effort to try and convince me otherwise, miss?"  


"Killjoy." She subtly stated within her own consciousness


" Call me Priestess." She finally affirmed. 


"And congrats, you've passed the test. Your rigid and steeled convictions on your reality are higher than the average sapient organism. Most just tend to stumble away with a half glazed look upon their faces." 

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"It's a pleasure to meet you then Priestess. And thank you for the kind words"


Briar closed his eyelids again. It started to itch the blank, flat surface behind them if exposed for too long and though it would still be some time before that he would rather not have it go to such lengths. He liked to keep a certain amount of dignity after all.


"It was a good effort though. I can imagine I would have fallen for it had I been a little less... Simple, so to speak. Although, and I hope you take no offence from this, but might I ask Why you attempted to mislead me? I assume some sort of entertainment value, yet you never truly know unless you ask."


This was much how he preferred an encounter with somepony new to be. Not a series of bad things leading towards battle, but good parts fun and banter, and hopefully when all was said and done, a pleasant vibe in the air. Certainly there was still a chance that things would end badly, but so far it seemed like it would be a positive meeting.







Some way from them, the pony in the shades kept her eyes on them with a slight smile standing on her face. She had thought that perhaps the fighter would have tried to confront her after noticing she was watching, but it seemed she had given him less credit than he was due when he had not went for the bait. This could end up being an interesting one to bite notice in after all.


"Until later, fighter."


With the few low words spoken to herself, the watcher stepped backwards and disappeared in a puff of dark purple.


If Cubus still felt like being watched, he might notice the feeling vanishing again after she went away. That is, if he, like Track, wasn't more focused on the line suddenly getting some speed up going. if this kept up, they might be at the front desk within the next 3-5 minutes.







"At worst it will be a few weeks, cause I can guarantee you Caliber: I'm not backing out at having a go at you at the tournament. I have a few moves that's gonna be interesting to try against the top out here, and I'm not going to let anypony stand in the way if i can help it, even if I end up loosing to you."


Pondering things for a little she turned her head and looked questioning at him.


"Do your tournament have any strong healers by the way? Might as well learn how much force that can be used there before I end up chopping a wing off that can't be put back."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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This post is now being narrated by Pierce Brosnan 


"Hey, when you have the opportunity to get a pony (or whatever the hay you are in this case) to think more critically about life, or at the very least, be more open and aware about what's around them, then take it. If one can be fooled so easily, then they probably wouldn't make very good company, and deserved to be played with until they actually stop and think for a minute." 


"Personally I just wanted you to leave. Best not to be outed."  

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@@Blitz Boom


Cubus felt the feeling lift, and he moved his hoof away from his sword sheath. it appeared that whoever it was smartened up, and backed off. a wise move.


"...you say nothing ever happens here, correct?"




caliber grinned. "thats the kind of fighting spirit that'll take ya far." he said, with a glittering in his eyes. "i like it."


he frowned, and thought about what kind of healing does the tournament have? "well, at least one alicorn has to oversee it, and alicorn healing magic is fairly advanced..." he said.


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"Yep, nothing ever... Or well, okay, Sometimes weird things happen around here, like when Discord was set free and rampaged through town."


Track shivered for a second while a vivid image of the family farm descending into random acts of madness went through. It had been a very bad time.


"But it's been fairly quiet recently at least. How come you ask?"





"Eh, I better try and restrain myself anyway. It ain't home, I got no reason to collect wings here."


She scratched the side of her head a little before realising how that sounded.


"Collecting trophies starts getting a part of you when fighting's all you've got to look forward to. I went for wings since a lot of the critters that went after us could fly. Never went for ponies for that though. There's a limit.


Not sure if you understand it though. Lot's of things are different out here and I've seen plenty think our ways are barbaric when I let 'em know a few things."


Damned be if she cared they did though. They never had the luxury of living peacefully and handling everything with a chatter where she was from. And yes, it skewed her perception on some things and the need of things like violence, but she still didn't think it as bad as some had said it was, and she wasn't gonna be sorry for what she had done.


Well, not more sorry than usual anyway. There were a few points...


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom



"...nothing. no reason." cubus said, "i just got the feeling we were being watched..."


he was still waiting. "..."




"i have a few trophies, myself." caliber said, "they're in my house, its stuff like dragon scales, or ursa minor fur...nothing too fancy..."


caliber could relate to last stand all too well. he, himself, often resorted to drawing his sword more often then not.


and the fact that just about no-one in equestria could actually give him a good fight often left him feeling unsatisfied. i mean, why train, work hard, and study swordsmanship if your not allowed to use it?


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Track scratched his chin slightly.


"Well, you're a pretty big name in the tournament, can't fault them if somepony gets curious when they see you."


Shortly after saying that, it was his time to get to the front and after a few seconds of handing the letters over alongside the bits needed for postage, he got back out and shook with a big grin on his face towards Cubus.


"Alright. Now that that's sorted, let's get home and see if we can't get you sorted out. Follow me."


With that, Track would start to lead Cubus towards the west out of town.







Last raised her eyebrow near the start of what Caliber had said, catching something there that she wasn't familiar with.


"I know Dragons, but what's an *Ursa minor*? Some sort of wolf?"


Even though they had varied creatures attack where she was from, she couldn't say that she had ever heard of something called by that name before. Might be they just had another name for it out here than she had at home, sure, but if Caliber counted its fur as a trophy it sounded like a beast worth biting some note in and make sure.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Star Player stared across Ponyville. It was really nice to have finally been able to start a new life here. There wasn't anypony that Star Player really knew, but she knew that she could eventually learn somepony's name. She grabbed her luggage in a dark blue aura and set off into town.

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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@@Blitz Boom


cubus nodded, and started to follow him. perhaps he'll have something to do before the tournament, after all...




"you've never heard of an ursa minor? or an ursa major?!"


caliber cackled. "they're some of the most feared monsters in equestria! wait, i think theres an ursa minor living nearby ponyville, actually."


his eyes glittered. "you wanna see it?"


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"So many that comes to this town..."


The whispering voice would be heard somewhere near Star Player, but she wouldn't see anypony at first.


"Fighters. Merchants. Travellers with weird boxes from metal and string."


Out of nowhere, about a meter in front of her, a dark dot appeared, then expanded as a regular sized pony wandered out and looker her over with the big eyes wide open. The opening the pony had wandered through lasted not a second before it then shrunk back together and vanished when the dot was all that was left, though if she had looked through while it lasted  she would have been able to see a twisting, never-stable place in black and varying degrees of grey.



((This is how she looks))


"What draws everypony here? is it power? Purpose? Does that brings those like you from far and wide?"


The voice wasn't a whisper now as it was simply lower than most, but it wouldn't be an issue to hear considering the mare - whose mouth were as unmoving as her eyes - was speaking directly to her mind with a hint of curiosity lurking in the voice. Even if Star had run away from the pony, or even just when the hole had appeared, she would be able to hear the voice, though the pony still had not moved beyond the few steps to get out of the hole, and the continued movement from her mane and tail flowing in the breeze.







It would take them about 20 minutes to get there, but eventually, they would be able to see a simple, blue and red painted farm on the edge of a 93% harvested field and a barn that was likely currently filled with grain.


"It ain't no Sweet Apple Acres, but I don't need that much space anyway. Especially since my parents moved into town. Dad got a back issue so he passed the place on early, and beyond the few times I've accidentally put the chickens inside the barn, it's not going bad."







"You ask if I wanna see a feared monster living near town, that's likely a right bother to be against since you kept some fur as a trophy?"


Last grinned with a flare in her open eye.


"Heh, bring it on."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


cubus looked around. "...i once again thank you for your hospitality." he said, "is there anything i can do to earn my keep?"




caliber grinned. "im liking you more and more by the second!" he exclaimed, "'c'mon, but im just gonna say this now, try not to wake it up. i swear, i had never been so tired then after i had managed to fight it to a stand still..."

he started elading her out of town, heading towards the everfree forest.


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Briar's left ear twitched ever so slightly, hearing something Priestess had said under her breath, halfway mumbled, but not low enough to escape his ears.


"What the hay I am is a simple enough question to answer Priestess. I'm an Evergrown, heaving from the great jungles far to the south of Equestria. As a sort of baseline I presume you can say I am a plant pony, of a subtype more akin to carnivorous plants than others of my kin."


The temptation to cement this somewhat further by pulling out one of his vines was there, but it would serve no purpose to do such a thing at this point in time when he thought about it, and he would rather not push things unless it was needed right now.


"Bugs and fish mainly though. The mere thought of going for a being of higher stages of consciousness and intellect such as a pony are rather... Vile, so to speak. Besides, it would rob me of quite a few fascinating conversations from interesting beings, such as yourself, and what would a travel of many lands be without such encounters? Rather dull I would think."







"Well, since you're asking..."


Track scratched his chin again gfor a bit whilst thinking things over. The harvest was more or less done so he could finish that himself no problem, it was stashed well within the barn so that wasn't a problem either, but there was one thing he wouldn't mind a hohelping hoof with if it was.


"Gonna have to get some grain to the mill tomorrow so we can get some flour. I could use a hoof to help me get it there so I ain't needing to run back and forth all day, if you don't mind that is?"





Hearing the beast was an even bigger challenge than Caliber had made it sound like to begin with started to tempt her to wake it up anyway and test herself against it to see what was what first hoof. Finding a challenging beast was getting trickier for her and being presented with something that could get the fourth-best swordspony in the land to use a day to get to a stand still... Well, she would have had a go at it without a second thought if she hadn't been injured frankly. Sorta still wanted to if she had to be honest.


When they reached the forest she rose her head slightly and looked that the treetops while they were getting nearer. She wasn't sure why, but it was like she had expected something to be standing up there in this weird forest.


"I'm guessing it's far in?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


cubus merely removed his cloak, and stretched a bit. "gladly." he said, "i shall see to it that the work is done."


he started to move, intending to start right away.




"well, its a little bit farther in here." caliber said, walking into a cave. "shh...if it wakes up, we're gonna be at this thing for a while."


he shined a bit of light on it, using a basic light spell, and the size of it became known.


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This post will now be narrated by Brian Drummond. 




 "What the hay I am is a simple enough question to answer Priestess. I'm an Evergrown, heaving from the great jungles far to the south of Equestria. As a sort of baseline I presume you can say I am a plant pony, of a subtype more akin to carnivorous plants than others of my kin."

"When someone mutters something under their breath, you're not supposed to outright reply to it unless you're trying to be a smart flank. But regardless. He's a... plant pony? As in, half flora, half fauna? How does... I mean... did one of his parents get it on with a fly trap ors something? Did they do the deed with a Sequoia tree? Was there like forbidden fruit involved and the seeds were swallowed? That takes being filled with one's seed to a whole nother, and frankly, more literal context. But then, what does he have for genetic compounds? Is it DNA? Is it RNA? Does he partake in photosynthesis? Is he exuding oxygen right now? And he's from the jungles far south, so Hayzil? And he's not wearing a Foalfly T-shirt?  I mean, just what? What da buck? How can this be a thing!?"


Briar would no doubt find some humor in the someone incredulous look that Priestess was affixing him. 




"Bugs and fish mainly though. The mere thought of going for a being of higher stages of consciousness and intellect such as a pony are rather... Vile, so to speak. Besides, it would rob me of quite a few fascinating conversations from interesting beings, such as yourself, and what would a travel of many lands be without such encounters? Rather dull I would think."


"Good to see he has morals, or at least standards. He's far from the first to find me interesting, but, I still enjoy it when others do." 


"It would be a sightseeing tour is what it would be. How exciting or aesthetically pleasing the place is will help agge the dullness. Out of curiosity, on a scale of obsidian needles to a sack of hammers, how dull would you rate ponyville?"

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"Yes, it would be sightseeing, but when sight is not a thing that have ever graced your presence, conversations starts to become more memorable indicators and descriptions of areas that simply having a look."


Not saying that he couldn't recall fauna and such of areas he had been in, just that there was an unfortunate limit to what he could see for himself, which was one of the reasons why descriptive talks and conversations in general tended to be richer in information. Granted, the feel of the wind licking against objects and the feeling of anything from rich soil to hard granite beneath his hooves did help with the broader pictures, but the devil was in the details after all.


"As to how I would rate Ponyville in regards to dullness... Rather low I must say. Granted, not many things appear to happen there in the grand sense most  might think of, but I have met quite a bit of open-minded, good-hearted creatures in town, where some have started to count themselves amongst my few friends, a delightful mare that have helped me on my long search living within these very woods and, most importantly, an old acquaintance that had been on the lookout for me."


He let out a sigh, not noticing the looks Priestess sent him as facial expressions was beyond what he was able to sense, unless it was a great smile as that tended to change how a pony talked.  


"I hope she is still resting at this stage. It seems to be the only time when the dear girl isn't jumping out of her own skin. But, regardless of that, with the scale you presented I would rate Ponyville to be at around... A hooffull of needles for now, though perhaps inching towards a hammer if the times doesn't change too much within the next month or so."







Track let out a small chuckle at the pony.


"Hold on there sparky. I like seeing somepony with drive as much as anypony, but there's a reason I said tomorrow. The mill's closed today, and I got the stacks ready to get there bound up in the barn already since I like to get that troublesome stuff done fast. So for today there ain't a whole lot to go around doing beyond making sure the guest room's clear. Can't recall if I left some tools in there or not for some reason."


Track started to go towards the house with an average, steady pace, ready to have a looksie about thing. The house was two stories high with a small loft his family mostly used for stockpiling things lost to time and memory.


The ground floor was simply made out with kitchen, living room, bathroom and a small room that seemed to be not really used for anything, all done in a typical, country feel style.


The second floor had a locked door closing off one place and otherwise three rooms that seemed to be Track's own room, a more colt-focused room that he used for when his little brother came atround for a visit and then the aforementioned guest room. Neither of them had anyone in them currently, and the third room seems to have a few dozen small crates lined up near the door that made it hard to see what was behind it. These would appear to be the tools Track mentioned.


All of this was simply if Cubus wandered inside though. The house wouldn't run off, so if he wished to stay out here for a bit more that would hardly be a bother, and Track wasn't walking fast enough to not make him able to stop and stick around before he got too far away.


Or Cubus might simply decide to be out here for a spot of peace whilst Track wandered inside to get a look over things. Really, there was a lot of ways the swordspony could approach this.







Straying away from directly having the light spell shine in her face, Last instead opened her normally closed eye that was better at seeing in the dark surroundings, which helped to get a scale of the massive thing in front of them in the dim light.


She wasn't sure What she expected really, but what looked like a gigantic bear carved out of the very night sky was not it by any means, and now that she was this close and seeing it any idea she had before of challenging it was abolished from her mind. Considering how it looked, it might as well be sacrilege considering she were pledged to the princess of the night and this might very well have just wandered down from her grand creation.




The whispered word were left hanging in the air whilst Last stood basically in awe of the creature. This area really was getting stranger and more impressive with each passing day.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


cubus merely frowned, and put his cloak back on. he allowed himself to be led into the house, and didnt say anything throughout his little...tour.


"...its a fine house." he said, "fine indeed."

he looked around, for a moment, and spoke again. "is there anything that you might want done? because if not, id like to just have somewhere to sit..."




caliber merely grinned, looking at the beast. "this thing really did a number on me." he whispered, "honestly, i got lucky. the ursa major would've...well, lets just say that it would've taken more then just me and the other top five. you know what...as a matter-of-fact..."


his eyes flashed. "you wanna see the ursa major? that thing makes the ursa minor looks, well, minor."


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"Thanks, trying to keep it tidy, but seems like I put some tools in the wrong place... Hold on a sec."


Track went ahead and started to move the crates around, stacking them in one corner instead so they didn't fill that much.


"It'd do for now, I'll figure out somewhere else to put 'em later. There should be room now so that you can go in and have a lil' rest for your legs."


The room wasn't that much special. It looked like a regular guest room, and after the boxes had been moved it was possible to close the door as well if he wanted some privacy. There wasn't any pictures in there of anypony, but a framed one of a cornfield bigger than the one outside hung over the door-frame.







Last turned to look at Caliber at what he said, but forgetting that was also where the light were she had what felt like a painful stab in the head and with gnashing teeth quickly closed her light sensitive, paler eye. She didn't say anything, as she wasn't gonna let that make her whimp, but she spent a few seconds before she looked a little more relaxed again, at which point she whispered back to him.


"There's something bigger than This? How in the world is that even... No, better to see and be sure it's real after this."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


cubus nodded, and walked into the 'guest room'.


he took off his cloak, bag, and sword sheath, and laid them on the bed, ad then sat down, and apparently started to meditate.


"just give me a call if you need me." he said.




caliber grinned. "you aint seen nothing yet." he said, "c'mon, we can afford to be  a little louder around this one..."


after a few minutes of heading deeper into the cave, they came across what seemed to be the end of the cave. "alright, here we are!" he said, "the dreaded ursa major! one of the most powerful creatures in equestria!"


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The following narration will be performed by Bruce Willis. 




"Yes, it would be sightseeing, but when sight is not a thing that have ever graced your presence, conversations starts to become more memorable indicators and descriptions of areas that simply having a look."  


​"Ah, that makes more sense. When you don't' get landmarks, the locals will have to do." 




"As to how I would rate Ponyville in regards to dullness... Rather low I must say. Granted, not many things appear to happen there in the grand sense most  might think of, but I have met quite a bit of open-minded, good-hearted creatures in town, where some have started to count themselves amongst my few friends, a delightful mare that have helped me on my long search living within these very woods and, most importantly, an old acquaintance that had been on the lookout for me."


"Ponyville really is a mixed bag. You get folks who are hopeful and friendly to an annoying fault, or you get those types that go doomsday prep at the drop of a hat. But hey, if he can blend in with members of the populace, that is just sure fire proof... that I have absolutely no hope of authentic acceptance around here.




"I hope she is still resting at this stage. It seems to be the only time when the dear girl isn't jumping out of her own skin. But, regardless of that, with the scale you presented I would rate Ponyville to be at around... A hooffull of needles for now, though perhaps inching towards a hammer if the times doesn't change too much within the next month or so."  


"Boy isn't this guy just an uplifting ray of sunshine sunshine to be around? Friendly, but not very positive. And what town has he been living near? If he thinks things are just now starting to get dull, then I'd love to see what his definition of exciting is."  


"Well, in situations like that, when things are beginning to get dull, it's time to take a more proactive approach and stimulate things to make them more interesting. Even a grain of sand can cause ripples throughout a whole pond."


"Which reminds me, what the hay was I going to do today if and when I woke up?" 

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"Correct, but are there not time when dull is something to strive for though? A hectic life can lead to many fascinating experiences, but even a wanderers heart must at times rest for a little while, and momentary dullness can be a gift at that point. Though I will agree, there comes a time when you must make your own fun if it starts to linger at such a time for too long."


He had not thought at first when he came to Ponyville that dull is what he wanted really, but the last few days had taught him that although it might eventually test him, it was something that was needed, and not just for him.


With him learning of Discord and what he could do for his quest he had prepared to settle in for longer periods of time already, helping here and there, see if he could gain some favour with the locals and when the time arrived when the lord of chaos himself would visit town, perhaps looking like less of a lecher simply begging for help, and instead somepony that was not here only for that, and would have proven to not be a threat to anypony in the area with his friends who's words of approval he might need in such a case.


Fluttershy would, as Storm Shine had put it, be the most difficult one as her affinity for animals and apparent nervous tendencies would not go well with his rather unorthodox appearance and dietary requirements, and as she was perhaps the closest of anypony here to Discord it would not be good for anything if he accidentally scared her, which was a situation he did not want to happen anyway as it was.


Yet, it was not as simple as just that anymore. With Brittle here now and her need for stability, the part where he would do the best for both himself and others in staying had become apparent, especially since the dear filly were not in any position to handle more travel right now he would wager. Besides, Ponyville had seemed acceptable of most, so if there was any place he would try and help her it was likely the better of many places.


"If you don't mind me asking, it sounds like you are not a fan of dull times? Anything in particular you tend to do when times get stale?"







"Right on. It might be a while, but you look like you could use a bit of time on your own anyway. See you later."


Track lifted his hat in a farewell greeting before going out and slowly closing the door. When he was done with that he went downstairs, looked through the cabins and started to mumble a little under his breath about knowing he had forgotten something. He looked up towards the ceiling, wondering if he should go up and let his guest know, but the poor sod had seemed like he could use a bit of time, and it would only be an hour or so before he was back so it was probably okay to just get a move on and then be back as quickly as he could.


About 20 minutes would pass after Track would leave before steps could be slowly heard entering the house and head towards the stairs.







Last could feel her jaw slack and the want to go to her knees in awe rising, though only the first thing would end up being true.


In front of her, though she had not thought it possible, laid a gigantic beast that even more than the Ursa Minor looked like it was created by taking part of the night sky and bring it to life. It was a thing of beauty, and though she could imagine a cloak of this fur being a good way to show her allegiance the thought was forced away as she was now sure that this had to be sacrilege somehow. No way could something like this just exist out there, not without eating everything.


"How in the name of Princess Luna herself is such a creature even possible? And how have you even... I mean, have you actually faced this thing awake before?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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The following narration will be performed by Fred Tastiacore. 




"Correct, but are there not time when dull is something to strive for though? A hectic life can lead to many fascinating experiences, but even a wanderers heart must at times rest for a little while, and momentary dullness can be a gift at that point. Though I will agree, there comes a time when you must make your own fun if it starts to linger at such a time for too long."  


"Actually if something becomes dull, that's  the sign you need to start doing something else. If you are content with rest, then rest itself is not dull. When you want to do something else, that's when ti becomes dull. Dullness is to be avoided if a healthy psyche is to be maintained."




"If you don't mind me asking, it sounds like you are not a fan of dull times? Anything in particular you tend to do when times get stale?"


"Oh quite a bit. Usually I start by racing into town full speed. Then I jump onto the nearest roof and start parkouring my way across town. It usually works best in a cityscape, but I'll make do with what I've got. I just do that until I reach my destination, if there is one. Other times I'll just rollerblade on whatever smooth and sturdy surfaces there are. Keep doing that until I crash... a few times. Other times I'll just combine the two and really go crazy."


"If I'm not going from point A to point B and somehow not detouring to point D, I'm usually proactive. I tend to clean up around town, tidying up and purifying what needs to be, leaving offerings,  maintaining good favor with the forces that be, etc. Occasionally I'll manage the local nightclub, run and promote some shows and events there. Oh and I also run a stall over in the market.  Make a bit of profit and spread word of my stock."  

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@@Blitz Boom


cubus twitched, and he had his sword's sheath in an instant. 


he got up, and started to silently walked towards the noise. perhaps it was that same pony who was watching them from the mail office...?




caliber was simply grinning up at the huge creature when last stand asked if he had faced it. "oh, no." he said, chuckling. "i wouldn't even be able to pierce the fur. and even if it woke up, odds are it'll simply eat something, and go back to sleep. we're like ants to it. that, and its usually rather docile. its really only the ursa minors you gotta watch out for."


he seemed the be thinking now. "although...im sure if i figured out a way to make my magic last longer..." he muttered. 


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@@Blitz Boom,


Star stared straight at the mare. It was the weirdest thing that she had ever seen in her entire life. She wondered if this was Ponyville's idea of a welcome party, but something told her that wasn't it. The mare was speaking directly into her mind. The mysterious mare mentioned something, some unknowable force that was drawing ponies to this town. The mare had said that they were ponies like her.


Star knew she wasn't anything special. Yet, why did she choose this town? Of all the places she could go? It was tiny and practically in the country and far away from mostly anything. And yet did she feel as though something was indeed calling her to this small town?


No. Perhaps she was overthinking everything. She did just get here after all. However, what did that strange mare want from her?

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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