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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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((I really didn't think it would take me this long to respond, to make up for lost time I'll just pretend that he did like 50% of the job already))



Midnight finished dropping off the sixth order and started heading to the next two, the first one was the same as the last six and the second didn't seem to be home so he decided to just leave it on their front steps but aside from that everything went off without a hitch, as he was zooming back a bug collided with his flying goggles and made a little splat on the glass, he took them off and decided to just run to the next clients

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"Dearest me, it sounds like you have quite the number of things to keep yourself active with."


Briar wasn't entirely sure what this *Parkour* that she mentioned was, but it sounded like a physical activity of some kind from how it was mentioned, so perhaps he could simply think about that as a sort of special running style for the time being and then move onwards from this, as to not overflow the poor mare with too many stupid questions.


"If I may ask, you say you try to put yourself in good favour with the powers that be, yes? Might I ask which ones they are?


I know it might sound dreadfully stupid, but far as my travels have taken me I have yet to hear of any worshipped gods in Equestria, but I have beyond the borders of this land, and I can't rule it it being what is happening here. Surely it could also be spirits, as I do seem to recall hearing about that sort of practise before, but I prefer to be certain if possible."


He didn't think of mentioning the chance it could be offerings to the real powers that be that he knew of, which would be the princesses, because frankly he doubted offerings of this kind was laid out for them in random towns such as Ponyville. In Canterlot, perhaps, but everywhere else? It would seem too odd, even for him.







"So, you took notice once again then?"


The voice was sly, carrying almost a teasing undertone as the pony who said it moved up the stairs with no stop or increase in speed.


"Ah, but then again, I never did try overly hard to conceal myself, now did I?"


At the top of the stairs, the tip of a hood showed as the pony eventually got more into sight, and Cubus would be able to see who was following him.



((Tried a new creator. Liked it))


The mare was a little above average height and her ears where continuously moving at the to showcase that yes, they did appear to be mostly on fire. Red symbols slightly glowing showed here and there in a pattern on her coat, and while it was a summer day she still seemed to be dressed for something more akin to autumn or winter, especially with the thick, fur-looking scarf around her neck.


Behind her, swaying slowly from side to side, the tip of a pointy tail was swaying slightly from left to right as she walked before the view of Cubus and the sword he had drawn made her stop in her track whilst an amused little smile went over her face.


"Impressive weapon, but perhaps a bad place to use it, don't you think?"







"If you did, I wouldn't have a choice but to fight you away from this. It looks too much to be something of her majesty's design to make me want it harmed. It might not be, but what else am I to think of something that looks like the night sky have graced us with it's presence?"


Last wasn't overly aware of what she was saying at first, just going by the first thing that popped into her head, but as it dawned on her she slightly gritted her teeth. She didn't enjoy sounding philosophical and wishy washy like this at all, and right now she frankly had the urge to punch herself for saying it.


"And if the minor's an issue, we should get going before either of them wakes up.I didn't want to end my life as a bear snack."







"Perhaps it is nothing then. Just coincidence that makes this place draw in ponies, and not a remnant of power."


The silence of the pony she was looking at made her tilt her head slightly. As she couldn't read minds, only talk to, she was limited unless whoever she spoke to say something. Not in thought, not in sign, but in words, and for now she could hear nothing.


"In time I might learn. Yet, perhaps I can still learn something from you? Of who you are? It's so rare that I get to talk with anypony that doesn't run away,"


The pony tilted her head the other way around, looking a little like she studied Star Player. Not as if she was an experiment of sorts, but more like how you would stare at a lava lamp if you had never seen one before and it started to bubble in front of you.


"My name is Omen. Who are you?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


Cubus' eyes narrowed. whoever she was, she was obviously trouble. and this wasn't the first time someone seeked him out. whenever someone DID find him, it normally meant trouble. 


"...i have a few questions for you." he said, still glaring at her. "who are you? why me?"


his eyes narrowed further as he continued. "and apparently, you dont know who i am. this sword can be lethal in a moment's notice."
(what creator IS that? XD)


caliber listened to what she said. well, apparently, she didnt like killing majestic creatures. oh, well. he'll just be sure not to imply that around her. 


"yes, lets." he said, heading towards the cave entrance. "the ursa minor would prove a lot of trouble, even for the two of us."


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The following narration will now be performed by Chris Hemsworth. 



"Dearest me, it sounds like you have quite the number of things to keep yourself active with."


"Damn straight. Boredom will lead to the heat death of the universe. Buck that, up the shaft, with a rake." 



"If I may ask, you say you try to put yourself in good favour with the powers that be, yes? Might I ask which ones they are?   I know it might sound dreadfully stupid, but far as my travels have taken me I have yet to hear of any worshipped gods in Equestria, but I have beyond the borders of this land, and I can't rule it it being what is happening here. Surely it could also be spirits, as I do seem to recall hearing about that sort of practise before, but I prefer to be certain if possible."


"Ooh, hardly anypony asks me about this! Prepare for a lesson in Eastern Philosophy!"


The sound of a 33mm projector could be heard warming up somewhere in the background.  


"In my native tongue, they are called "Kami." Gods, would be inaccurate, and spirits would be an oversimplification. The Kami themselves are not either walk spirits, divine or transcendent beings.  The are the more... extraordinary, or awesome versions of life or beings in this world. People, places and things may posses Kami. People, places and things can be Kami. Like a waterfall for example. It may be less the "Kami of the waterfall" and more "The waterfall is the Kami." 


Astounding features in nature, like mountains, rivers, great trees, etc can be Kami. Forces of nature, like powerful storms, earthquakes,  or wildfires. Even beings that have done things of great importance or influence can become Kami after death.  All things possess the essence of Kami, but only those which manifest into something striking or awe inspiring in nature or in memory can be considered Kami. 


As to why I curry their favor, well, Kami hold, well "us", in high regard. They enjoy praise. The love attention. They savor being relevant. The work closely with the, for lack of a better term, mortals, to enrich their lives, but only to those who believe, and more importantly, show it. They can do almost anything, from improved business, to better test scores, to enriched health and good luck.


Make sense?" 

Edited by Denim&Venom

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"I think so, and it sounds rather familiar in a way.


Evergrown, such as me, are grown from great trees that makes for the lifeblood of our villages. We worship and nurture them even higher than our grand matrons, and in return it allows ours who wishes offspring to plant their combined seeds in it's bark where it will rise high and eventually fall, containing one of us. It leaves out homes fresh and alive if we treat it with respect and care, or punishes us with hardships or barren ranks if we neglect it.


The great trees grow seemingly randomly, and they draw us to them to make a new settlement, and a new place to worship.


It is perhaps not the same as the Kami you speak of, but it sounds at least somewhat close from what I can understand, and if this is the case with many more objects of grand designs in nature then I can understand your worship well, and why you would seek to keep them pleased."


Some thoughts of ages long gone, bad and good alike, went through his head before he shook his head slightly.


"I apologise if I may have missed the point, just in case, but inf I have not mistaken things too much, might I ask where this philosophy comes from? I have not heard something quite like this in any place I have visited, or the word itself, which likely means the native tongue you speak of is not one I have heard either."







The mare didn't look at all fazed by the threats or the demands. Frankly, it looked as the whole exchange was slightly amusing her.


"I don't doubt you could be dangerous with that, though I have my doubts you would have what it takes to surpass me, Cubus."


Vague outlines of purple flames seemed to burn in and around her eyes for a moment as she said the words and refocused her attention on him rather than looking at the, granted, impressive blade he lugged around with.


"Your reputation precedes you, swordspony. Though I must admit that I had thought you would be... Taller. Still, not bad from the looks of things. Somepony worth answering perhaps?"


She chuckled slightly beneath her breath.


"My name, is Vivid Loss. Though, through the older times some began to simply call me Voss. As to why I have sought you out..."


Voss' long horn glowed at the very tip with the faint purple aura and a sealed document flowed out from beneath her cape, floating in the air between them. The unbroken wax seal on it that was turned towards Cubus would bear the symbol of the tournament.


"I made a deal with the tournament that includes delivering a message to you and the other 5. I don't know what it says, but it was not part of my deal to open them either, and I am a pony of my word."


The sly smile grew slightly and she tilted her head a little forward without removing her eyes from his face.


"Heh, or rather, I am now."







When they had the cave entrance in sight again, Last turned her head towards Caliber and broke the silence she had been in whilst thinking after the Ursa Major.


"I mind trouble as little as I mind hunting, but these creatures... I've always been told to respect everything the princess of the night creates, and these are too eerily looking like her work to make me able to fight them. Frankly, I'd rather find another Tatzlwurm nest than this. At least those annoying buggers doesn't mess with my head."


She whispered the words as they were still not out and she didn't want to wake the Ursa Minor if possible.


Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"I think so, and it sounds rather familiar in a way.   Evergrown, such as me, are grown from great trees that makes for the lifeblood of our villages. We worship and nurture them even higher than our grand matrons, and in return it allows ours who wishes offspring to plant their combined seeds in it's bark where it will rise high and eventually fall, containing one of us. It leaves out homes fresh and alive if we treat it with respect and care, or punishes us with hardships or barren ranks if we neglect it.   The great trees grow seemingly randomly, and they draw us to them to make a new settlement, and a new place to worship.   It is perhaps not the same as the Kami you speak of, but it sounds at least somewhat close from what I can understand, and if this is the case with many more objects of grand designs in nature then I can understand your worship well, and why you would seek to keep them pleased."



"Well that's certainly one way to approach the matter. In a way, yeah, I can see the connection.".




"I apologise if I may have missed the point, just in case, but inf I have not mistaken things too much, might I ask where this philosophy comes from? I have not heard something quite like this in any place I have visited, or the word itself, which likely means the native tongue you speak of is not one I have heard either."



"Oh, I hail from the divine and sacred isles known as the Empire of Neighpon, specifically the city of Hinnyoto, though I frequent the capital of Trotkyo and a lot of ponies think I'm from there on first guess." 




When they had the cave entrance in sight again, Last turned her head towards Caliber and broke the silence she had been in whilst thinking after the Ursa Major.   "I mind trouble as little as I mind hunting, but these creatures... I've always been told to respect everything the princess of the night creates, and these are too eerily looking like her work to make me able to fight them. Frankly, I'd rather find another Tatzlwurm nest than this. At least those annoying buggers doesn't mess with my head."   She whispered the words as they were still not out and she didn't want to wake the Ursa Minor if possible. "


I think you meant this for somepony else bruh. 

Edited by Denim&Venom

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@@Blitz Boom


Star stood there. The mare had spoken once again. Perhaps meeting a new pony would be nice even if the pony seemed odd. Star walked a little closer to Omen before smiling.


"Hi! I'm Star Player." She said with a smile. Ponyville was a fresh start. This would be a nice opportunity for her to meet somepony new, somepony who didn't know her. This could begin with Omen. She put out a hoof towards Omen.


I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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@@Blitz Boom


'the other five? zenru? sparren? caliber?' he thought, 'i guess this should be expected...after all, we're required to partake in every tournament, or forfeit our title...'


'and she said her name was...vivid loss?' she preferred to be called voss, but he never really liked nicknames...


"...your obviously not intimidated by me, who you more then likely know that im the 2nd strongest. which either means your not so smart, or you have power, yourself." he said, taking the letter from the air. 


"so tell me. just what are you, and should i be on guard?"




"so, your quite the fan of luna, huh? thats cool..." caliber remarked, as they were now fully out of the cave. "granted, i never really wanted to fight that thing in the first place, but at least i have the fur which changes color every now and then..."


he stretched. "you ever been afraid to fight something? because ill admit for a while there, i was afraid i wasn't gonna make it."


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"The Empire of Neighpon? I can't say that it sounds familiar, but perhaps a place worth visiting one day when the draw of the road becomes too strong again."


He had been here and there in his days, from the jungles to the far south whose name he never knew, to the scorching plains of Saddle Arabia and where else his travels brought him, though not far in the north. If he was going to try that again he would have to invest in some sort of warm clothes as he really couldn't handle that dreadful chill in the long run.


Some of his kind lived there, a few of them he had met before it turned too cold and he had to turn back towards warmer climates, but they had told him of those further in and much as he'd find them fascinating to meet as well, he hadn't been able to do more on that occasion, and shortly thereafter his travels had made him reach the lands of Equestria, which had kept him occupied since then.


Ah, but he digressed. This place that Priestess spoke off should be more of a focus, and somewhere that could be interesting to head towards when he had wandered Equestria thin one day, though for that it could perhaps help if he knew a little more of it.


"I hope it is not a bother, but can I ask how things are like there? It never hurts to learn of new and fascinating places after all."







Omen tilted her head and looked at the outstretched hoof for a little, as if she was trying to figure out what to do with it before she slowly reached her own forward and gave a little shake of Star Player hoof.


The feeling of Omen's touch wasn't really any different from anypony else, just unsure and testing in the short bit it lasted before she looked down on her hoof, then back at Star.


"Hello, Star."


Omen wasn't certain whatever or not just taking the first bit of this pony's name would be good enough to use. Some she had seen had gone with just the first part and seemed fine with it, so perhaps it would be okay here too, or not. Guess she would see.







"Old power with dark roots. Even with the source gone, the power I bought back then have not faltered, and if I had the inkling to do harm..."


The mare let it hang in the air while a slightly predatory look went over her eyes to show him that yes, she had power, and she knew how to hurt somepony that might think themselves a little too rash in their actions.


"But for now, my word is my bond and they both have made sure I have sworn to not bring harm to the living unless a few things start to happen, so you can feel somewhat safe."


Vivid Loss was careful not to mention the exact names or specific details about the whole story of anything or anypony. It bored her greatly when everything was said at once, and though she might decide to answer things it didn't mean you wouldn't have to figuratively bleed it out of her.


"Not that I would expect you to fear little old pony me anyway, Cubus. It would seem out of place for the second of the five I would think, even in this calm age."







"A thousand years worth of loyal soldiers to her majesty Caliber, that's what runs through the veins of me and the others. Tradition, duty and honour keeps us holding her in the highest of regards, and it is what still holds us loyal to her command and prepared to follow her bidding at the slightest request, even after she relieved us from our old post."


Last neglected to add the last parts in spoken word and instead just let it stay inside her head. That she didn't know any other way of life, and that after Princess Luna relieved them of duty and they had to go into the world she was clutching at straws to not go down from having everything she knew just end in the passing of the 10 minutes she used to address them.


She kept her loyalty because it was ingrained and because she still saw Princess Luna as a great leader to follow, but hoping to hear her command again, chasing the mane six to thank them of freeing her highness from the influence of Nightmare Moon and now looking towards the tournament... It was all done in free fall while she tried to find a place to fit in and a general purpose again.


Not that she would ever say this out loud. She was too proud and stubborn to let it be said, and she could manage with this feeling without letting anypony see that cracks beneath the surface, at least for a good while longer. And it was still the better option compared to somepony feeling sorry for her or looking at her like she was fragile and weak. She would take fighting her demons alone over pity any day.


"Once. I think I was 10 about that time when this... I don't know what it was. Out of nowhere darkness just started to spread and a swarm of pale eyes looked at us from the expanding void. A few charged it to try and fight it off but... All we heard was the screams when the darkness took them


It didn't stay long, but that moment where we all realise that we can do nothing while our fighters falls to it was the only time I recall ever being truly afraid of an opponent. At least everything else we met could be seen and fought, and if something happened we could at least have bodies to bury, but this thing didn't even give us that."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


cubus still didnt trust her, but sheathed his sword nonetheless. "very well." he said, "now that you've done your job, i suggest you leave, and find the other four."


he turned, and started waking back to his 'room'. 


"ill give you five minutes. and i expect you to be gone by then, or we'll have ourselves a little problem."




caliber blinked. so, it was a natural instinct to feel loyalty towards luna...very interesting. 


he'd even met a few ponies that had a similar loyalty towards celestia. zenru was a very good example.


"im...sorry to hear that." he managed, in repose to the 'black darkness' that they had to fight.

Edited by PeytonJay


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"The Empire of Neighpon? I can't say that it sounds familiar, but perhaps a place worth visiting one day when the draw of the road becomes too strong again."


"Visit it! We want your money! There's no better tourist attraction than the gloriously divine Neighpon Empire!"




"I hope it is not a bother, but can I ask how things are like there? It never hurts to learn of new and fascinating places after all."


"Hmm. Well for starters, we typically govern ourselves independent of the crowns, and have done so for two millennia, even after officially joining as a nation state around 150 years ago.


We're a rather courteous and polite culture focusing on productivity and conformity. Etiquette, tact and reserve are a must in your day to day encounters.  There is a high focus on honor, duty, discipline and respect for your position and those above it.  We neighpon hold hard work in high value. Dedicate your efforts into your tasks, as hard as you can, for as long as you can. Take what you do seriously and make sure it contributes to your society. Out of all of equestria, we have the longest work week and the longest hours of schooling, and that's helped us become one of, if not the, country's strongest local economy.


In other words, think canterlot nobles w/ military discipline and work ethic. But as strong and respected as that's made us, there are some downsides, which are starting to show their effects..."

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So a hardworking, having to benefit their society through hard work until they can no more, disciplinary and bound by their stand people then... He wasn't so sure he wanted to visit that place after all now that he heard of it in more details.

Sure, it was not all she had mentioned, as honour had also come into the equation, but honour was a thing defined by the society that claimed it rather than it being the honour that you would perhaps think of first. For example would honour normally bring images into his head of being the best you can for others, not backstab them and generally uphold equality and good values in everypony.


Yet, from what was heard of the other parts of Neighpon, it could fit a darker and - for him - hated subtype. Where instead it was seen as the ponies honour to their ruling body, honour to never be disobedient to their rules and always bow before your betters. It was a horrible misguided road in his mind. Vile, enslaving and disturbingly close to home.


Frankly, the whole of Neighpon sounded too close to be comforting. He had come from a society that valued a lot of the same things. To find your place, work until it was impossible for you to do it anymore, and never, Ever question or be disobedient to the ones above you. You were supposed to act and behave accordingly to where in the order you were, and doing otherwise would be dishonourable and be punishable by death or exile in the worst cases, physical pain in the best.


He wasn't going to ask what they did with those that were unable to work anymore in Neighpon as the answer might end up being harsher than he would like to think Equestria could be, but just overall this place sounded like it could rag towards that.


Granted, he might simply jump to conclusions, but for now it sounded as if he was ever going to go there it would be with caution and a steeled mind as things that reminded him of the slave-running, brainwashed and individualism-killing hole he had come from tended to make him testy to be around if he wasn't prepared for it, and he didn't overly enjoy getting into fights.


Much as the storm raged inside, it wasn't something that Priestess would notice on the outside beyond perhaps a small amount of stirring under his cape and the *flower heads* nestling in his hide tended to react slightly on his subconsciousness. Other than that, he looked as calm and attentive as he had so far, though at the end of Priestess' words, he raised a questioning eyebrow.


"Downsides? What ones?"







At the door Cubus was trying to go through, tendrils in purple hues erupted from the walls and floor, entwining and effectively sealing the path. It didn't appear as if the house itself had taken any damage or wood been broken, which would indicate that the surfaces had just been used to make them block the way easier. On their surface an eerie, ghostly light randomly blinked at times, though never the same place twice in a row.


Behind him, standing with a slight smirk on her face, Vivid loss let out a small tsk tsk sound at the pony.


"Just like the fifth. Impatient and rash, unwilling to even have a little talk. You would think that in these peaceful times there would be time for that."


She wasn't taking another step towards him, instead simply standing back, prepared to handle it if he would try his luck against her or her barrier.


"So, we can do this the easy way, the hard way, or the foolish way. We can go outside and have a minor discussion to stave of some boredom, you can be rash and try to attack me, at which point I will simply drag you outside myself, or you can try and force your way through the barrier. Not that I would pick that option if I were you, unless you value scars on your soul."


Vivid enjoyed situations like this because it left her with the only loophole her deal really had given her: To not hurt anypony living unless they either were evil and had to be stopped, or if they chose to inflict harm upon themselves. As long as she included an option that gave the chance of them going a route that included a peaceful way of settling things she was technically golden, and if there was one thing she was, it was a stickler for the details.







"Thanks, but it was a long time ago and there's nothing that can be done about it. Not unless I find it again and find out what it was, but something tells me that's far off my payrate to handle without magic, and I don't have an ounce of that stuff."


It wasn't saying that there wasn't Unicorn blood in her veins, just that it didn't show in being active in any sort of way with her. No, she got the Earth pony genes as a main, and the Unicorn side went to her sister. Not that the supposed weaker physique had stopped her from proving her place as the oldest, even in pure physical combat, but that was what it was. Her sister just had a talent and a skill she wouldn't be able to get over anytime soon, and that was that.


"I'm just thankful it wasn't some of my close ones that got taken back then. Loosing ponies can be pretty rough if it's family or friends. and burying either never gets any easier, y'know?"


She looked at him slightly questioning. She wasn't gonna openly ask if he'd tried loosing somepony, and she wasn't gonna dig into open wounds, but if he had and wanted to talk about it he could take the offer in the question. She wasn't gonna get offended or anything if he wasn't though. Some things weren't that easy to handle after all..


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


cubus looked at the door, now covered in tendrils, and chuckled. "ah, vivid, you still underestimate me." he said. 


it happened faster then the average eye could follow. he was up the stairs, and face to face with her, faster then a normal pony could react. "shall we go outside, then?" he asked softly. "im interested to hear what you have to say..."




caliber listened intently. "well, now, it seems i have something to do." he said, "help you find and kill that whatever it was."


he grinned, which faded fast. "yeah...losing someone is never easy..." he said softly, "be it natural causes, or even being that one sliver too slow."


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"Downsides? What ones?"

"Oh glad you asked. Prepare yourself for a lesson in eastern social issues!


*cue whirring off a slide show projector*


For you see, dedicating so much time to your work or your education, doesn't leave much time for arguably more important things, like relationships. You work 8-10 hours a day, and those are just the hours that are registered, 6 days a week, and that's if you decide to take that 7th day off, you aren't going to have the time to find and build comradery with a colt or mare friend. Making a fortune for oneself and being a contributor, outweigh companionship. And if you've already found a relationship and married, well, said marriage is likely going to suffer when one half is gone working from sunrise to sunset, and beyond. It doesn't help that a good portion of marriages are built less on romance, and more on status.


It isn't talked about, and for the most part it's improved, but there is an air of gender inequality that persists from the olden days. Stallions get paid more and are more likely to get more fulfilling work than mares. It stems from the gatherer days of ponykind. The mare would stay with the foals, the stallion would go out and search for food and supplies. Since neighpon is isolated on islands, the trend of equality, and arguably, a feminist utopia in Equestria, hasn't reached until the past few centuries.


Mares are expected to "marry up" in society. After marriage and childbirth, they are expected to raise the foals, clean up the house and be subservient to the husband, who's off hard at work for the vast majority of time. Many a wife feel like nothing more than a single parent or a maid. But it's the honorable thing to do. Doing otherwise would bring shame to their family name.


Thus, the current generation has found ways to cope: by skipping the issue all together. Hard working stallions will just lock themselves away in their rooms, avoiding what little social contact the get, delving headfirst into a world of escapism. Figurines, catchy, upbeat music, motion pictures on film, and shelling out the bits needed to buy enchanted comics and games, living out their fantasies and finding companionship in the characters inside. A mare made of ink and magic, who won't grow lonely, who won't judge them and who will be happy to see them when they come back. We call them "Hikikomori"


Women are growing wise to the issues as well. They see the stature mares have abroad and are migrating out of neighpon or are working for foreign companies. The current generation of mares are tired of being treated like servants, so they proudly declare their independence and aim to make a living on their own. The want companionship and fair treatment out of a spouse, not a second employer. Which has now led to a spike in mare on mare relationships, something viewed as immature and childish, but hey, your rebuffing cultural standards by not marrying, why not go all the way?


Mares see stallions as never being there, and as slave owners in the making. Stallions see mares as complex, hard to get, and not worth the struggle. Combine that with both genders waiting until later in life to start families, the end result?"


Priestess then bounded over to a nearby large rock, leaping to the top of it. Sounds of scratching & clicking against the surface showed her efforts to stay on top. She then pirouetted on top of it, in a gesture that was only entertaining to her and proclaimed...


"Lower birthrates!" Further scratching sounds, followed by a quick scrape, then a *thud*.




"Teens and young adults aren't hooking up." said Priestess from somewhere low to the ground. "You place a high demand on productivity and service, it shouldn't be a surprise base mating and maternal instincts take a back seat. Essentials needed to produce stable families are no longer in high regard. This has led to the lowest birthrates in decades. it also doesn't help that Neighpon has some of the longest lifespans of ponykind. Neighpon has the highest percentage of elderly in relation to the rest of the populace. You work yourself to the bone, you are expected to be taken care of. "


"High numbers of retired elderly and not enough foals being born to supplant them, is making the possibility of a labor shortage, and subsequent economic collapse more and more real. But worse of all, the consequences of these cultural attitudes, may result in the end of Neighpon itself."


The sounds of scratching on rock sounded off once again, and Priestess voice could be heard from above. "I tried to warn them. I saw this coming from a long, long way away. But did they listen? Nooooo. Crazy shrine maiden is too wrapped up in her divinations to understand the complexities of economic turnover and national prestige. Hate to say told you so, but ...WATASHI BAKKINGU WA Sō ANATA NI IIMASHITA!"


A silence followed after that, only a large gust blowing through the trees filling the void in conversation.


"Course it ain't all bad. After all, all work and no play make Neighpon a dull nation."


More scratching followed, followed by a vocal "Uhnf!" paired with another *thud!*

Edited by Denim&Venom

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@@Blitz Boom

Star smiled at Omen. 

"So how long have you been living in Ponyville?" Star asked almost awkwardly. Sometimes she wasn't sure what to ask other ponies, but learning more about the town from the locals was a great start. She wasn't sure if Omen knew something about the town since Star noticed she had come out of some sort of hole in space/ time about five seconds ago. Maybe they were both new here. 


I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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"The second that the word *Slaves* are used in describing a place then yes, it is that bad, if not worse."


Briar didn't know what Priestess had done whilst she had been telling her story, only heard sounds and ending with some odd sounds and the air picking up a lot suddenly near the end, and right now he didn't care much either. Not after that accursed word had been used.


"With all due respect to your home Priestess, a place that judges you from birth to either work until you give out, then live the rest in the pain such hard conditions leaves upon you, or being little more than a furniture piece to slave at the minds of idiots and forced to believe it is a dishonour to think for yourself, is the signs of a place that is better off falling."


It was a rare occurrence to find any tone of annoyance in Briar's tone, or to see even a glimpse of annoyance on his face, but there was a point where he would break just like anypony else, and to him it was the concept or mere mentioning of slavery.


"Freedom, equality and choice. The three base things everypony should have the right to, and you tell me there is yet another place where that is instead seen as a list of things to abolish by those with power? Where you are dishonoured by not comforting to their ideal of the citizens being life-long drones, tossed to a side when they aren't usable anymore? The only reason I'm not surprised to not hearing of any chains is that it sounds like they're used to use brainwashing."


A low *grrr* was was heard from his mouth and a tickle of *blood* started to run from his mouth where his teeth had gone clenched to force himself to not say anything more stupid or dig himself a deeper grave than he already had by having a go at her home. A home better avoided, granted, but a home nonetheless.


It took several seconds before he eased up, getting over a very rare want to actually destroy something - even if it was simply a rock - but he still looked a bit tense after the outburst.


"I... I'm sorry. It isn't my place to say this or judge your home on that, but... Suppression of thought and freedom, and the notion of slavery tends to hit a deep seated nerve from certain... Personal experiences."


The rings bolted into his legs dangled a little when he fixed his posture and did his best to go back to a calmer outlook after his apology. It was likely not enough after what he had said, but the feeling of the metallic rings that marked his exile for wanting to be rid of his metaphorical chains made him certain of the reality at least: That he regretted only the way he had said it, not the meaning behind it because he knew what it was like to be controlled and conditioned to just accept the poor excuse of a life that would give you, and hearing about it... Well, the nerve had taken over for a spell there.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"The second that the word *Slaves* are used in describing a place then yes, it is that bad, if not worse."


"Slaves? I didn't say anything about slaves. I'll have to go back and check the transcript."




"With all due respect to your home Priestess, a place that judges you from birth to either work until you give out, then live the rest in the pain such hard conditions leaves upon you, or being little more than a furniture piece to slave at the minds of idiots and forced to believe it is a dishonour to think for yourself, is the signs of a place that is better off falling."  


"Hey don't worry buddy, you aren't the only one who thinks along those lines, although you may be misconstruing my history lesson."




"Freedom, equality and choice. The three base things everypony should have the right to, and you tell me there is yet another place where that is instead seen as a list of things to abolish by those with power? Where you are dishonoured by not comforting to their ideal of the citizens being life-long drones, tossed to a side when they aren't usable anymore? The only reason I'm not surprised to not hearing of any chains is that it sounds like they're used to use brainwashing."


"Okay! Liberal attitude much?! I may need to straighten out all of this. Maybe I should've gone with the cultural highlights first. Yeah, you typically don't mention your nation's cultural misgivings to potential tourists." 


Then a scent began to waft its way to Priestess sensitive nose. *sniff* "Hold up." *sniff sniff* An unmistakable coppery scent. "And it's coming from... Mr. tree thing. And he looks pissed.... Sounds pissed? Hmm, Feels pissed? Some non-sensory & tactile describing term pissed!"


Then she heard the growling. Very low, but unmistakable growling. A sound she usually hears from her own throat. The blood, the growls, and that uneasy, agitated "aura" were more than enough to alert Priestess to a threat. She began to crouch low and back off, stepping to the side, not going quickly, but making sure each side step covered a lengthy distance. Far enough to diffuse a situation, if need be. Staying at a proper angle to abruptly put an end to it, if need be. 


"I think I struck a nerve. Yep, thats probably it."




"I... I'm sorry. It isn't my place to say this or judge your home on that, but... Suppression of thought and freedom, and the notion of slavery tends to hit a deep seated nerve from certain... Personal experiences."


"Yep. Totally misconstrued. Blown way the buck out of proportion." 


"Well first off.." She said from a bit of distance away.  "I never said the word slaves. Sorry if it seems like it's implied. I'd like to think there's a bit of difference between slavery and servitude. Pretty sure there's some modicum of choice in servitude. The Neighpon work as hard as they do out of a sense of duty, pride and respect, for both oneself and one's country. We want to be the best. We want to get more done. We don't half ass anything we do. It's either all in or all out. They raise their foals to be contributors, not slaves, and to work their hardest, on behalf of themselves and their society. It's a higher calling, almost. 


"Granted, while Neighpon is one of the more economically, industrially and technologically regions in the world, aspects of our cultural norms and standards to stem from archaic times. Mares not questioning their role and being subservient to the stallion, worked to stabilize society during after the feudal days. A hyper dedicated work force, helped build a strong economy in multiple fields and helped us become a world leader. A devoutness to personal education has brought forth some of the most knowledgeable and prepared fillies & colts around. All of these lead to a stable, healthy nation."


Priestess then took a deep breath, then let out a long sigh. "There's the old saying though: if it ain't broke, don't fix it. But even a working part, can cause a jam in a ever changing machine. Yes, the old ways are now hindering progress. The people are outgrowing the society, and it's customs. The old ways may have made long term progress, but have produced potentially farther reaching consequences."


"The princesses and the rest of Equestria have shown us that there is more that can be done, many more opportunities to await, new avenues to pursue, new approaches to life and it's problems. We've gotten this far in some respects. They've gotten much farther in others. The ponies of neighpon, now want to become something more, and that ingredient, mixed in with the old ways, is starting to cause some turbulence."


Priestess, started to jump onto the nearest large rock, but all it produced was a string of scratching and scraping sounds. "Y'know what, buck it." She muttered under her breath. The scratching stopped and she resumed speaking.  


"As I said earlier, I tried to warn them. For a long time even. I saw the influence a modernising Equestria was having on our land... but I was disregarded, if my previous outburst wasn't informing enough." 


"But, all this ridiculous hard work has to be done for a reason. Mindless hard work for the sake of mindless hard work and the regimes that endorse it never last long. Sombra, Discord, Nightmare moon, those oppressive enslaving regimes never lasted. If we neighponese were like that, well, we wouldn't be talking about them, cause they would've been overthrown long time ago. We're around cause we have things we're all working towards. All that extreme fanaticism about work, is producing some good results."


Briar wouldn't see the wide, fanged smile spread on Priestess' muzzle. "Hm, hm hmm!" She said in an almost hummingway. "and as  I said before" *cue sound of a tape rewinding, followed by a prerecorded:*  


"Course it ain't all bad. After all, all work and no play make Neighpon a dull nation."
*followed by a click* 


"Let me put it this way. Walking around Canterlot during the changeling invasion, while on an acid trip, is more dull than Neighpon. Believe me.  I've tested that theory."

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"The mistake here is mine. A few things strikes a nerve with me, and there was a point in your words where my mind started to go from curious and slightly cautious to more... Erratic areas, where poor judgement and focusing on smaller parts instead of the big picture tends to happen. I like to think I am more open-minded and neutral than that, but alas, reality is not as glamorous as one could hope at times, and for that I apologise. It was premature and short-sighted to come with the outburst I did."


Briar bowed deeply to Priestess, and when he rose up again, any remnant of anger was gone and instead replaced with a look of regret and awkwardness. Although, a slight smirk started to show at the right side of his muzzle.


"Although, if I may correct you one one thing? You did say, and I quote-"




Mares see stallions as never being there, and as slave owners in the making


There was no sound of a tape recorder when Briar repeated the words that had strayed him from the path of logic, simply him saying, in his own voice, what he had heard her say.


"I likely heard that out of context, but the word... Slave, did indeed show itself in your explanations. The focus I put on that combined with my own assumptions and personal feelings on the matter though, is still something I am solely to blame for."


He felt calmer now. Awkward like a foal caught doing something bad by it's parents and with the realisation that he had come of as quite the idiot, yes, but calmer at least. Though perhaps it would be for the better if he tries not to make a further fool of himself and comment on the Neighpon society until he was completely calm, so that he could at least attempt to not make this worse than it already was.


"...While I am not sure what you mean with acid trip, you mention you were there during the invasion of Cnaterlot? I spoke with a Changeling a few days ago who told me of his former queen's attempt to overtake the capital, and I must admit. I had not thought *dull* to be in a sentence including that attack from what he told.


Dull to me gives me pictures of things sitting too idle and set in stone for too long, and II would have thought that an invasion of such scale was about as chaotic as anything besides chaos itself could be,"







Omen looked to the sky at Star's question, settling her unblinking gaze on the sun for a little time before the mind talking began again.


"The sun have risen four times since I found this place, but it is not where I live. My home is in the place between where nothing is, but everything can be."


The sun was the indicator she used to judge how many days had gone by at this point. Counting them rather than watching the numbers ponies put on papers and called calenders.as it was a constant she could understand. Something that was there, then would vanish and return when a new day showed in a steady, unchanging constant.


"Where the sun never shines..."


The last few words seemed to hold a small mixture of confusion and longing, but it wasn't something that lingered much as Void angled her head to once more look directly at Star.


"And you? Is this town where you find your home, and for how long have it been so?"


Void had grasped that tar was new in town as far as she knew, but she wasn't completely sure and she had asked her after all... It seemed like asking back was the sort of thing she was supposed to do.







Vivid simply smiled, unfazed by the fighter suddenly being in her face like he had. Not because she didn't think he had skills, he did, but she had faced things before that tended to make her a little jaded about these sort of things. Besides, she was durable, if he had thought himself willing to test his skills... Hmhmhm, he would have learned that he wasn't the only one high up the food chain here.


"Not bad."


A short glimmer showed at the end of her horn and behind Cubus, the tendrils and eerie light dissolved like it was made of smoke. It had served it's purpose.


"Not bad at all."


With that she turned around and started to wander towards the outside. She didn't care that she turned her back to Cubus as there would await him a nasty surprise if he tries to attack her, and she doubted a swordspony would go against their honour like that anyway, so she saw little reason to be too wary around him. For the time being though. You never knew what could lurk beneath the surface of ponies after all.


"I will talk to you about a little of this and a little of that, but nothing that should make somepony like you worry. Politics bores me, and I have little use for learning where faults are in the kingdom since I don't see a point in attacking it. Especially since, from what I have learned since they set me free, it never seems to end like the opposer's of the rule wants anyway."


Cubus wouldn't be the first to think she would want to bleed them for information if he had that thought, and he wouldn't be the last if it was, but frankly she didn't care to know what they might be afraid to tell. What she cared to know was simple things that held little meaning or consequence to share for most, but for somepony in her *situation* was more interesting to hear than boring tales of unrest that could be sparked here and there. The fools who thought invasion was worth it could take that for all she cared.







"Much as I'd like to charge at problems and deal with them I'm not letting you anywhere near that thing, even if I knew where it was. It can take without trace or resistance and doesn't even bother doing any actual attacks you can see and trace. Whatever it or them are, it's suicide to just face it without knowing some things first and frankly, I doubt I'll ever find anything."


She looked seriously at Caliber. Perhaps she looked and sounded like a harsh mood had gone over her and she was trying to tell him what to do, but if it helped getting the point across that she wasn't going to let that thing eat anypony again if she had the chance and it was foolish to just jump at it when you didn't know anything, she would do it. Better to be resented than being the cause for someone's end.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


" 'a little of this and a little of that' " cubus repeated. "and im just gonna assume we're not swapping cake recipes, either, huh?"


be followed her, keeping a close eye on her movements. of course, her sheer confidence that he wasn't a threat only proved one of two things. either she were idiotic, or she simply hasn't seen him in combat. either way, he was confident in his abilities. 




"..." caliber stared at her. "...im no stranger to dangerous situations, you know." he said, after several moments have passed. "and i honestly have nothing better to do, besides compete in the tournament, again. which would only take a maximum of three days. then its 'wander for another two years' before the next one starts. it gets boring, honestly. and if you wont let me help you, as a companion, then ill just look for it alone."


his tone had changed. it was more serious. mature. "and we both know if i look for it alone, chances of success is minimal."


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"The mistake here is mine. A few things strikes a nerve with me, and there was a point in your words where my mind started to go from curious and slightly cautious to more... Erratic areas, where poor judgement and focusing on smaller parts instead of the big picture tends to happen. I like to think I am more open-minded and neutral than that, but alas, reality is not as glamorous as one could hope at times, and for that I apologise. It was premature and short-sighted to come with the outburst I did."  


"Aww don't worry bruh. Apology accepted.




"Although, if I may correct you one one thing? You did say, and I quote-"


"Frickin transcript!"




"I likely heard that out of context, but the word... Slave, did indeed show itself in your explanations. The focus I put on that combined with my own assumptions and personal feelings on the matter though, is still something I am solely to blame for."


"Yep. definitely a touchy subject."




"...While I am not sure what you mean with acid trip, you mention you were there during the invasion of Cnaterlot? I spoke with a Changeling a few days ago who told me of his former queen's attempt to overtake the capital, and I must admit. I had not thought *dull* to be in a sentence including that attack from what he told.   Dull to me gives me pictures of things sitting too idle and set in stone for too long, and II would have thought that an invasion of such scale was about as chaotic as anything besides chaos itself could be,"


"It was an analogy.  Yes I was there. And I came out fine. The 'lings were ordered to attack ponies, not... ponies like me. Yep! And acid, is a term for a hallucinogenic substance, and the trip, is what you experience. If you've ever heard of mareijuana, rocksalt, angel dust, ecstasy, hayote, LSD, oatpium, it's a lot like those.  Acid makes things... a lot more interesting." Priestess put a bit of emphasis on those last four words.


"So no, it certainly wasn't "dull" by any stretch. But by comparison, my homeland, will make it seem as such."

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Briar frowned slightly at the clarification about what acid trip meant. He was not a fan, advocate or supporter of any kind of drugs, and quite frankly he would put his support with those that would want it banned in all its forms, but he could control others lives and their choices, even when they would turn out to be incredibly bad.


"I have heard a few that have told me of that sort of thing before, though not under the name you first mentioned,a nd they do tend to say it distorts things and make them seem... Strange, so it says something if your homeland indeed are less dull than an already unusual situation heightened by that sort f thing."


The frown eased, and so did his mind a little more as he went back into the more calm looking expression with the slight smile going over his face as he had when he had first met Priestess. He did hope though that the frown being there in the first place would not be an issue for her considering it sounded somewhat like she had had some experiences with the things it had happened over.







"Cake? No. I never had much of a sweet tooth, and the things of this age tends to be far more than it was back then. Mundane topics in general however, that can be something of worth when you spend enough centuries sealed in crystal. You would be surprised how much have changed really."


They began to reach the door to the outside when she stopped, looked over at a painting on the wall of a simple, grassy field and smirked slightly further before opening the door and taking the first step forward through the open door.







Last looked at Caliber with an eye like frozen stone, silent whilst he finished what he had to say about that and then letting it hang in the air as the seconds ticked by before finally opening her muzzle.


"...Fine then, but I'm not letting you throw your sorry flank run into the maw before we know something about it or how not to be taken. I'm not loosing anypony to that thing again without a fighting chance."


Truth be told she didn't mind the company, and frankly, it might help to have a full set of fresh eyes looking on things, but her stubborn self just wasn't gonna make a backflip and scream *Really?* with glitter in her eyes. It wasn't her style, and if she seemed to eager she was gonna play off like a lunie, and from what she had seen this town had enough that strained normality as it was.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"I have heard a few that have told me of that sort of thing before, though not under the name you first mentioned,a nd they do tend to say it distorts things and make them seem... Strange, so it says something if your homeland indeed are less dull than an already unusual situation heightened by that sort f thing."


"Oh it says plenty. It isn't just manual and corporate labor we excruciatingly work hard at, but more creative and entertaining fields as well. We neighpon are an inventive, innovative, and creative bunch to say the least.  Though when some view our cultural exports, they begin to say we must've been on some kind of trip of our own to come up with such things. Strange as what we sell might be at times, it's all selling regardless. One of the Equestria's strongest economies for a reason!" 

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"It might be weird, but as long as the export remains popular and prosperous then it must also be very appealing to others. Besides, some weird occurrences are good after all. It keeps things from growing dull."


Briar smiled at the thought that they once again touched on the subject of dullness, though this time his thoughts about it was different. Back at the start of their conversation when it had been brought up he had thought of simply having something to do now and again and having new places to thread upon as ways to stave of the dullness, but with what he had learned from Priestess, and his head now clear from his unfortunate prejudging thoughts about Neighpon, he could see how utterly dull even wandering like he did must be for somepony from that place.


He would likely have to be on fire, juggling three live chickens and speaking only via whistling to be considered somewhat okay, but still at bit of a bore, and he would admit that he had yet to visit a place like that. Why, the inhabitants of Ponyville had so far been the most... Shall we say *Jaded* ponies he had yet to meet and he had found that fascinating. It seemed like it was a first place that didn't hold for long, though he would likely still have to try and go there for himself then and check out for himself. Much as he had his reservations in the beginning, the thought was starting to warm to him now.


"Might I ask, could you perhaps give me an example of these odd things? Perhaps I have heard of some of them."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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He had no idea how to approach.


The sights, sounds and smells of Ponyville were floating merrily on the air, wafting across the distances between the happy little town and the edge of the Everfree Forest.  Ponies chatting, capering and generally living the way they did were active all around the place.  It was an idyllic sight.


... and he had no idea how to approach it.


The black & green stallion lingered behind the thick scrub bushes at the very tail end of town.  He knew of the town, and had been watching it for quite some time; ever since he had left his parent's house, actually.  He'd known that he couldn't just wander into town - he might have been recognized, after all.  And the last time he'd checked, the Blackwater family wasn't exactly the toast of the town.


They'd never accept me, he thought, they'd shun me, or worse - exile.  He shuddered at the thought.  But, I keep hearing music... and the smells!  


It had been the smell that had brought him here.  If there was one thing he couldn't resist, it was green apples - and he could smell the pies & cider in the air.  His mouth watered.


Not too close... just close enough to imagine it.  He closed his eyes and sniffed the air deeply.  A small smile played across his lips, and he licked them unconsciously. 


Maybe... maybe somepony will head through the forest & drop a tart... or a piece of pie... or...


He shook his head.  


... and maybe the Thunderbolts will retire & take up tiddlywinks.  Yeah, sure.


He sighed... but kept sniffing the wind, all the same.

=====  ( 0=====


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A small sproing sound was heard as a spring flew in a curve through the air past Dax and landed in a bush.


"Hey, get back here!"


What followed after nearly in the same curve, was the quick look of a filly with momentum mid-jump before she headed into said bush head first.


After a few seconds of rustling around an orange-coated head with patches of deep, gunpowder colour here and there, a broken horn and a mane that looked like it was on fire popped out, albeit said mane was currently also occupied by branches that had gotten stuck which ruined the look of burning a bit. Yet she didn't really care, the unruly spring was firmly grasped in her muzzle now and the smile on her face over it wasn't gonna go away that easy unless something bad ended up happening.


She was about to start to move out when she saw the pony sniffing at the air and after a few seconds managed to lift a hoof and wave at the nearby pony from her position. It wasn't one she had seen before, but that could be said about so many these days so who was she to really say anything? It was a pony, so that meant he was a friend until proven otherwise, and it would take a good deal to convince her it wasn't like that before she would believe it.


"Hi new friend. My name's Blitz Boom, who're you?"


Her voice was a little muffled from having to hold onto the spring, but it shouldn't be by enough to make so the pony wouldn't be able to hear it, and besides he wo-uuuh, an emerald cutie mark. Like Rarity, but with green, and only one, and there was some stone too, but otherwise totally the same. Was he a gem-pony too?


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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