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I turn back to face humbug,

"You're welcome,I suppose. It's Illiad by the way.

@@Miss Reaper

I whisper to Ariel in a private message.

"Your magical constructs, are they three dimensional? Or just two dimensional?"

(The private message has the subject line of "Psst...")

I lift my head and renew the search for clockwork, he's around here somewhere.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


Timeshift growled. "WHAT? How DARE you! I will destroy you if you don't tell me this plan right this second and if we make it back to Equestria I will flex my powers as a Celestia-certified lawyer and PUT YOU ON TRIAL AND SENTENCE YOU AS GUILTY! I WILL DESTROY YO-" She tripped on something in the middle of her dramatic villainous monologue and hit her face into the bars, causing her to whimper in pain for a second. After she recovered, she seemed to have given up the evil monologue. "...oh, darn..." She muttered to herself.


@@Miss Reaper,


After her breakdown, she turned to Ariel. "...well the same thing is happening to my time magic. I can't access it. I suppose that my visions still work... my special talent isn't really about time magic as more as whenever I touch something of importance I have a vision of one or two minutes into the future. These gloves are unfortunately blocking the power. I saw a vision of me getting drugged and passing out and getting carried off to Luna knows where once, though..." 

Edited by Shift

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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@@Miss Reaper


"That's nice Ariel but magic is magic. One of my many amazing and wonderful powers is disrupting magic by making sound frequencies that are equal but opposite to the ethereal aura that some unfortunate unicorn is using.




"Okay, Crazy mare. I see some pony hasn't been getting dog-walked at the park recently. You are antsy as heck."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"Well, pardon me if I want to get out of this hellhole and i'm stuck with idiots for partners." Timeshift shot back. "Including you, by the way. I'm not used to having helpful assistants, and when I have to work with somepony i'm used to them having a brain. I'm not used to being forced to work with morons."

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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@@Illiad Easle, @@MisterRe, @@Shift,


Ariel nodded in acknowledgement to the plan whispered in her ear, before continuing the conversation that was being had aloud. "Th-They're three-dimensional... Solid, too. For example, if I could make a key, it would work like a regular key to unlock something..."


Her ears folded again as she looked over and watched Timeshift rant and rave until coming to a rather abrupt end in her tirade. She paused for a few moments to gather herself before speaking again. "I guess we're kind of in the same boat, then... I just blacked out somehow, and then I woke up here."


She looked to Humbug when she spoke, keeping quiet this time. While magic disruption could be devastating against a foe, it did them no good here; the magic of the unicorns present was all but nullified anyway thanks to whatever it was suppressing their abilities.

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I moved my head upwards after trying to tone out the noise for a bit.


"I suppose it is high time that I introduce myself as well, as that seems to be the current theme of events around here. To anypony who cares, My name is Clockwork. I am an inventor, who resided in the Zebrican Isles before coming to this dank place several years ago. I feel as though what I have done in the past is of little importance in a place such as this, but if anyone would wish to wonder about my history, they should have no fear but to ask me about it~"


(I'd like to thank Lunia for my signature and big_blue_ghost for my avatar!)

My OCs: Sound Blast: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sound-blast-r5350

Clockwork: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/clockwork-r5351

My Tumblr: http://clockwork24.tumblr.com/ My DeviantArt: http://clockwork2.deviantart.com/

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i heard those words so many times and every time they pissed me off, i stood and yelled...........




Ahh, i feel better now i lay back down,

Edited by BackSlash2554
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"Ha, ha, Idiots and morons. I can't believe you haven't connived and back-stabbed your way out of here. You do look the type of mare to 'bed' their way to the top. As for that... I reserve my further 'condolences' to you."




The yell from a random pony surprised her. "Ouch, that hurt my ears. AH well. I'm NOT complaining!"

Edited by MisterRe

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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uhhh.........they just wont shut up..........




I really hate being woke up........I hate ponies who think they are Celestia's gift to the world.......I just want to go back to buckin sleep.....



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"Okay stranger pony. If you say so."  Humbug dampened her hair and used them as ear plugs for what she was about to do. "I'll shut up; I'll just hum you a lulluby..."


Humbug hummed to the best of her ability, which meant the loudest in her ability. It shook the metal bars but they stood strong. The symphony itself was 'twinkle-twinkle little star.'. It prompted ear pain from all the other ponies. Even with her Megaphone, her hum was her bite. She stopped after a couple seconds of earth rattling vibrations.


"...And that is why they call me Humbug..."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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I cant help but laugh at her comment of being an Equestrian lawyer.

I look over at her with a small smile, "Obviously you've never heard of Troy. Probably due to being from a different dimension than me, so i can't fault you for that. It's just funny that you think you could have power over the ruler of a foreign nation, independent from Equestria."

@@Miss Reaper

I turn back towards Ariel. Up close, she reminds me a little of my sister.

"Three dimensional constructs are fairly hard to accomplish, it takes a mind for three dimensional thinking that few non-pegasi have. I am quite impressed."


I turn again to look for the familiar voice of a recently lost friend, a casualty of Discord's attack.

"I would like to hear your history, just recently though, like what you remember before you arrived."

I don't dare hope that it could be the same Clockwork, though he recognized me as well.


I was stunned by the sheer volume of the hums.

"Wow. That could be useful."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Pain..........my ears hurt soooo good.......i think im in love.........ahhhh silence again......sweet sweet silence.....well minus the ringing in my ears....




good.......now Maybe i can get back to sleep........I really hope i stay deaf.......aww crap.....no my hearing is coming back already

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@@Illiad Easle,


Ariel nodded, smiling slightly at the praise. She actually did really like it when her talent was praised for how impressive it was; it made her feel good about that talent, and herself.


But when one of the ponies decided to make a ruckus, Ariel immediately withdrew. She disliked yelling in general; even when not directed at her, it tended to upset her a little. She slowly started backing away, until she had pressed herself into the corner of her cage. And she likely was going to stay there until things calmed down.


It got worse, though. Humbug performed her ear-shattering trick - and just when Ariel's ears had stopped ringing from the last time, no less. She whimpered as her ears were assaulted again, clamping her hooves over them to try and block out the sound. As powerful as she was in magical potential (and potentially quite dangerous when her mind unhinged), she hardly seemed imposing as she laid there huddled in the corner, tears gathering at the corners of her eyes.

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I turn to face the crazy load mare, Coming closer to her I sigh.

"If sleep is what you want, then I think I can help you with that."

It doesn't seem like she heard me though.

[Empathic push: Tired]

I could feel the fatigue I had gathered myself and taken from humbug moving out, I felt invigorated.

Her eyes seemed to droop at least a little bit.

@@Miss Reaper

I turn back to look at Ariel, slightly surprised to find her back in the corner, I am about to say something, something I noticed about her emotional strain, but decided against it. She probably didn't want the others to know. If she wanted to say something she could.

I move back towards the bars that separate us, of the two neighbors i have, her presence is preferred.

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"I do hate ponies who use swear words to prove their 'status'. Try to actually threaten somepony, you brute." Timeshift shot back, backing up into her cell slowly.




"For your information I got to my status using words and my brain. I am still... a virgin as one might put it." Timeshift actually seemed to look uncomfortable for a second but regained her compusure. "I don't con ponies. I argue until I get my way. I save ponies. You look like you just sit around in an office, and that's pushing it, darling."


 @@Illiad Easle,


Timeshift blinked. "...ruler? You don't look like one. You look like an ordinary pony i'd pass on the street, Troy. ...wait, Troy is a country? Oh, whatever, i'm still calling you Troy."

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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@Illiad Easle


Hey......why....am i getting......sleepy? i turn my head and see a pony, i notice him moving his lips, "Mare" im not a mare, oh hes making fun of me for the way i look...............you done bucked up...bro....


i shakily stand, this bucker is trying to put me to sleep, 




I rushed him more awake then i had been and aimed a hoof at his face......i hit the bar instead


You.........Dont you make fun of me again, you got that?

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I lift my head to face shift, losing a bit of the irritation by her recent comments.

"I know right? Utterly ordinary Empathic here, honestly I have no idea how I got elected, I guess mediating a global conflict goes a long way in public approval. Well, that and the recommendation from the previous Consul."

"Oh, the nation is called the Trojan Empire, Troy is the short form and the name of the capital."

"And my name is Illiad, I wont bother with the Consul stuff as you would ignore it anyway."


I back away from the bars in suprise,

I hadn't gotten as good a look at, him, as I thought I had.

"I thought you wanted to go back to sleep?"

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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She yawned, but nothing more. Humbug said her piece and was tired of the conflicts she pursued. She sit back again and fiddled with the batteries. She heard Shift and responded softly with.




"I babysit for bits... which is even worse than a desk job in my opinion. The world isn't ready for a singer that only hums. but I'll have my day... I'll have my day...." Humbug was quiet after that, her envy was as green as her coat but it refused to show on her face. "I just realized the gaurd is wearing wearing earplugs... This place is a nut house..."

Edited by MisterRe

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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I turn towards humbug, surprised at her recent comments.

"wow, you don't seem like the kind of pony to foalsit, but I guess your humming would be pretty useful in that regard."

"Also, what guard? I didn't see a guard when I looked around earlier?" 

I begin to look around for the guard, not seeing it from the corner of the cell connected to Ariel's (@@Miss Reaper)



((As far as I have been able to tell, we are lined up like this: Disruptis, Mr. Suit and Tie, BackSlash2554, MisterRe, Illiad Easle, Miss Reaper, Shift, Clockwork. is anyone missing from that list?))

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Ariel lifted her head, interrupting her own thoughts of newfound misery being stuck in this situation with so many ponies. The mention of a guard had captured her attention, and she rubbed the tears from her eyes before looking around as well. Not being able to spot anyone from the corner, she got up and hesitantly walked forth again to try and see the guard.


Though she still didn't see anything, she had been reminded of the plan Illiad had shared with her. The knowledge burned at the back of her mind, but she knew it was best to keep it between herself and Illiad.

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Thought; Ahhhh! i hate being ignored, and being made fun of, this is why i have no friends, no family, grrrr why am i even here listining to this crap?


"Hay you. Yeah you, mr sleepy, come here, i got a question, what gave yo the idea i was a mare? Why were you trying to put me to sleep? I swear, if you dont tell me,........"

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I look over at the irate stallion, Mr. Sleepy, Really?

"Again, I apologize, you were too far away for me to get a good look at you, and I was certain that i heard someone say they wanted to go back to sleep in your direction, so I thought it was you. Again I am sorry to have offended you."

Edited by Illiad Easle
  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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e@@Illiad Easle,



"There a pony in a green hood. That's why I was yelling in my megaphone before." Her throat hurt but she kept talking. "Ouch... I told myself I shouldn't hum that hard... I need a glass of water..." Humbug was crying in the corner because of her emotions. Though she liked messing with ponies, her own self-mitigation often took its toll in a subtle depression. 



"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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I look around, trying to find the pony in the green hood, and I find him, in a cell.

"You mean that guy?" I point towards the hooded one, "The one in his own cell?"

I try to feel his emotions to find, nothing. odd, not even the sense of a negative void usually present around a changeling.

"Hmm, are we sure he's even alive? Or capable of emotion? It's like he isn't even there."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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thought: Did he.......just apologize.....to me? Nopony apologizes to me, ever.


"Hay bro." Slash extends his hoof, "I accept your apology, and i offer you mine, I am sorry i went off on you, im not really one for social activity, and i also would like to know how, how you knew what i was thinking. My name is Back Slash" 

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