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The Last Derp

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Riley shrank back a little in response to the pony's furor. "Whoa, hey, take it easy, sunshine. I'm just stating my opinion," he said. "I just prefer this world to my homeworld, is all."


"I don't know about you, but that's just the way I feel," he said, hoping not to get beaten up.

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Anala stood tall, now a bit defective. "Look, it's strange, but your not going to get anywhere if you start picking fights with ponies. I'm Anala, and that's Riley. We came here with our friends Logan and William,but I have no idea where they went." She explained.

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@@@Melody Word,


"Yes, just trying to remain calm would be the best thing." Riley told the pony in an effort for him to calm down.


"Riley Blythe," he said as he pointed to himself. "Anala Elderberry," he said as he pointed to Anala. "Like she said."


He pointed to the pony. "And you are...?"

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Wiliam approached the new pony and possibly-a-soon-to-be-a-couple ponies and said, "Well, I for one, like this place and would hate to see anything bad happen to it. Wonder if there's anypony that would need our help. I've been practicing my unicorn magic! By the way, I have came up with a new name for myself: Will Guide. For I can help guide you all through this new land!"

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"Cool name. " She said to William. "Also, where did you and Logan go? Oh.... you guys were probably still in the cafe, huh? We sorta left you guys.... sorry about that. Well, I do agree that meeting and helping ponies sounds good." She said. "Though pranking ponies never hurt ether." She said mischievouslly.

Edited by Melody Word
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Anala looked guilty. "Well, now that I think about it... This place is so amazing, but I don't want the people in the other world to be worried.. Maybe we should vote. One vote per pony, to see if we should stay here, or look for a way home. So voting, yes or no? " She asked the group.

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@@Melody Word,


"I vote we stay," said Riley. "Back at home, my parents constantly hammer in how stupid and clumsy I am, and how I'll never become a useful member of society."


"But here, I just so happen to be with the one person who I want to be with for the rest of my days..."


He put a hoof to his mouth. "Um... that was nothing."

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Anala looked at Riley, but said nothing.

[Did he mean me? Is that good? Well, I hope he ment me.... ]

"I vote we stay as well. Here, we can learn about a new world, meet new ponies, leave school and work behind, and start everything over again. Like a whole new life. I definitely vote to stay." She said. "It's two yes, zero no, and four votes left. You guys" she said looking at the ponies who had not vote yet. "what do you think?"

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Will Guide thought for a while before finally responding with, "At the very least, I want to find out why this world connected to our world via strange portal in the woods and a trail of green slime. After that mystery is solved, I could give a more direct answer, but for now, let's stay." 

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Soprano overheard the conversation between the others, but decided to stay hidden in the forest. If no body else was going to find a way home (or at least to be a human again), he would just do it himself. "Fine. If you guys aren't going to work on it, I will!" he yelled out, going deeper into the gloomy forest terrain.

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Anala jumped up quickly. "Wait! Who knows what's in that forest? You could be killed you know?! We need to all stick together, or who knows what could happen? Look, we have three votes to stay, well at least until William makes his final decision. One vote to leave, and Logan still needs to vote. If he votes to leave, we should all stay together until William makes the final vote. The people staying can try to help the others get home, but then the rest of us can stay here. Is that a good plan, or did you think of something better than running into a possibly deadly forest yet?" She asked a bit sarcastically.

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@@Melody Word,


"You're right, Anala." Will Guide said. "Those who want to stay in the end can stay after helping the ones who want to go back get back. But in the meantime, we should all try to stay of danger!" Will Guide shouted that last part toward the forest where Soprana run into.

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Soprano decided to stick with the forest, not replying to the others. He didn't want to waste potential investigation time exploring this town. "You do whatever you want to. I'm staying here, and i'm not wasting any of my time." he said, ducking slightly to avoid being in their field of vision.

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Anala turned to the others. "We need to fallow him, or who knows what could happen? We need to be careful. Anypony who wants to stay in town, can." She turned and charged into the forest. [i really don't want anypony to die.. or get lost. We need to stick together if we want to understand this place. We need everypony here to do that though.] She stopped at a strange blue flower, and sat down to catch her breath, and see if anypony else followed her. She sat looking at the strange flower. [What is it?]

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@@Melody Word,


Determined to catch up with Soprano to ensure that the frightened human-turned-pony did not end up in trouble, Riley caught up with Anala, just in time to see her examining a peculiar blue flower.


He nestled his hoof in it...




When the blue smoke cleared, Riley realised he had been shrunk down to a centimetre tall.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse
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Anala turned to look at Riley, who she had heard behind her, and her hoof bumped against the flowers. She saw blue smoke surround her, and when it cleared, she saw her friend, who had now shrunk. She gasped. "You shrunk!" She cried, pointing to her friend, and as she pointed, she saw her hoof. It was now purple, with orange spotted. Her mane was pink with blue stripes,and one eye was green, while the other was yellow. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" She screamed, not knowing what had caused her coat to change colors. "My coat.... what happened?" She wondered out loud.

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@@Melody Word,


It didn't take Riley long to realise how tiny he now was, and he began to panic. "What do we do?! I don't wanna be stuck tiny forever! I'll get stung by a bee, or eaten by... anything! I'll get squished, or eaten..."


He stopped. 'W-would Anala be able to love a midget?' He began to sob.

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Will Guide also took a sniff of the blue flowers. Suddenly, his horn turned as blue as his vest, then he started to sneeze periodically. He realized that with every sneeze, his magic did something crazy (mostly comical), like the trees turning into the number three, or the colors of the background flipping back and forth through opposite colors, or him briefly looking like a Disney character. "Great, I've gone from Will Guide to "Ill Guy" William groaned. "And why does the capital "I" not have horizontals lines on the top and bottoms? It'd be easier to tell an uppercase 'I' from an lowercase 'l' that way"


The others stared at him on that last one.

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After a fairly lengthy session of plain laughter and ridicule for the others, he calmed down a bit. His mood 'swang' from euphoria to dysphoria within seconds. "See? That's why I find a way out. Stuff like this would be everywhere!" he said. "It seems like what you americans call 'poison ivy'."

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