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open A Hoof in Two Worlds

Midnight Starfall

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"You know I just remembered we need to go to school"Black said.


"Oh yea I completely forgot about school but maybe I can just bend into your shadow" Blacknowledge said trying to bend into Black's shadow.


"Woah wait how did you do that?"


"Think I come from a univrise where magic is possible in both equestria and earth, I picked up shadow magic quite easily."


"Well we better get running."


Black started running to school so he pressed a button on his watch and his backpack popped out as he snatched it in air and put it on but on the way accidently bumped into Eps, when he was at school

Edited by EB Creations
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Eps bumped into Black and looked suprised.

"Black?... Seriously?  Do you also study here? This is a small world after all, isn't it? Anyway, I need to head to classroom 1 1 5,  but I can't find... wait..."


Eps notices something strange.

"What the...?"


Eps takes off his blindfold to take a beter look at Black.

"I sense 2 lifeforms in front of me but... I can only see you..."

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Storm saw something which made him decide to skid to a stop, "What's up Stormy, why'd we stop?" Pinkie asked curiously. Storm pointed at the person on the ground. "Ooohh...." Pinkie commented in surprise. "That's why..." Storm poked the person in the shoulder, "Hi there! Are you okay?" he asked the kid that was currently lying facedown on the path.

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(OOC: For now my character will just be a teacher and spy in the human world unless said otherwise)


Black finded his way around the question by just mentioning Eps probably just had a slight problem with live forms "But anyways I actually teach room 1.15 umm it has to do with Math and Computers while also mentioning Business so I could lead you to it right now but let's just say there's going to be lots of homework and you might bring some heavy books or more but since the heaviness might be too much I designed a feature on your watch which by just pushing 2 buttons it should reduce the weight to nothing like there's nothing in your backpack. Also I should mention your watch is linked to mine so I can update yours with new features."

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He grunted at the poking of his shoulder, and the pain of getting concrete in the face. "Ugh...." he grunted once more, before trying to sit upright. He did not fail. "It's fine... just tired... very very tired...." he said, indeed sounding tired. "Thanks though... at least 5 other people past me."

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Storm chuckled, "No problem..." He told the kid, "I'm Storm Shine, and this is Pinkie Pie! Just call us Storm and Pinkie though..." Storm informed the tired human. "Need some help getting to school? We're on our way there now..." He asked. "Yeah, you look really tired!" Pinkie commented, excitedly bouncing on Storm's shoulders.

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(OOC: Have their species changed, or are your characters human? I am very confused :P)

"Sure..." he said, a little unsure. "Why is... she bouncing on you...." he said, even more perplexed. He picked his bag up, and looked around, still confused and disorientated. "Thanks for before...."

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Storm held out a hand to help him up, "She's just a bit... Excitable..." He explained with a small smile. "Plus Stormy's like SUPER fast and it's fun to ride on his shoulders when he's running!" Pinkie exclaimed, throwing her arms out for emphasis. "You should see him when he sprints! Or better yet you should see him fly, It's -" She was cut-off from continuing by a muffin Storm quickly shoved into her mouth. Storm chuckled as Pinkie quickly lost focus and happily started eating the muffin.

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'Did she say fly? Eh, probably just hyperimaginative.' He thought, standing up. "Thanks for that. I'm really tired due to me... well, programming. Ruddy error can't be fixed..." he said, still despising the code. "Do you do Pascal programming? If so, could you look at my code?"

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"No, I don't do uh.... Programming? ... I actually don't know what that is..." Storm admitted, "Sorry...."



(I don't know Prascal, but I do a bit of programming... Storm obviously wouldn't even know what that is due to being of Equestrian Origins.... :P I'm working on mastering Python, myself.)

Edited by Huggle Prince Storm
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(Ah, I do Pascal. I actually do have a bug in my code :P)


"... you don't know what programming is? It's where you program a computer..." he said, perplexed at his naive general knowledge of computers. "... you sure you've never heard of it? It's quite... common knowledge now." (filler)

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"Ummm.... What's a come-poot-er?" Pinkie asked curiously, looking up from the muffin she'd been munching. "It sounds funny!" She giggled. Storm shook his head in amusement, "I know what a computer is, but I don't know what 'programming' means..." He told the person. "Quick change of subject, I don't think I got your name..."


(So what is Prascal generally used for?)

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(It's Pascal, not prascal. It's just a general-purpose language.)


"Ah, good. I thought for a second you didn't know what it was..." he said, still slightly perplexed. "...oh, you need my name?" he said.


"Soprano Aurora is my name. Nice to meet you two." He said, offering a handshake. 

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Storm shook Soprano's hand, "Nice to meet you!" He said happily, "Pinkie's a bit busy for a handshake though, sorry..." Pinkie nodded from atop Storm's shoulders where she was holding an armful of muffins. "We should probably start heading to school..." Storm suggested, pointing towards school. "Pinkie, why'd you have to go and mention flying... Now I miss my wings.." he thought, mentally crying.

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"Yeah... I'm already late as it is. Ugh... it's not good to pull an all-nighter off on a school night." he said, groaning from sleep deprivation. He looked at Pinkie, then to Storm. "She's a bit hyper-imaginative, isn't she? She mentioned flying..." he said, laughing slightly.

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Storm laughed nervously, rubbing a hand on his head. "Y-yeah..." He agreed as a small tear slipped from his eye. "J-just a hyper-active imagination..." Storm sniffled slightly. "I miss my wings..." He thought, looking towards the ground. "Why can't humans have wings too?" Pinkie giggled and patted Storm's cheek, "Don't worry Stormy, you'll get them back soon..."


(Couldn't add effects like color or italics since I did this from my tablet, sorry...)

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Soprano was confused. "Okay.... should we get a move on, or..." he said, accidentally making it awkward. "...."




"You alright? You seem sad all of a sudden." he noticed. He was even more curious now than before. "... do you want me to go, or...."

(OOC: Soprano is very curious. Just saying XD)

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Storm shook his head, "no, I'm fine..." He said, before starting to walk towards school. "Stormy just realy misses his wings..." Pinkie explained, "their like one of THE most important things to a pega-" she was cut off by another muffin which caused her to lose focus again, happily nomming the muffin.

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Soprano looked at them weirdly. "... what do you mean, human's don't have wings!" He said, laughing. "Unless you're a weird bird-man, I highly doubt someone could have wings." he said again, still giggling lightly. 'Jeez, she has a really big imagination.' he thought. 

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Pinkie looked up from her muffin again, "Bird-man?"she asked, "what's that? Stormy's a Pegasus!" Pinkie informed Soprano with a smile as Storm froze mid-step. "Darn it, secrets slipped..." He thought nervously, "though maybe he'll just laugh it off as imagination....?"

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Soprano looked at them both weirdly. "... okay, sure..." he said, in a sarcastic voice. "Yeah, he definitely looks it!" he said sarcastically again, laughing. '...how old is she, six?' he thought. "More imagination... it's like me when I forget my medication..." he said. He stopped laughing.

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Storm sighed in relief, "She's just never grown up, though neither have I really..." Storm said with a nervous smile. "But Stormy, well yeah that's true.... But the necklace brought us here from Equestrian and made us all weird human-y, remember? I mean... Oh... Right... Secret hushy-hush... Oopsies..." She trailed, off having remembered it was supposed to be secret. "Yepers, totally my imagination, thats all!" She said, trying to cover up her mistake.

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"... okay..." he said, still confused. "... yeah, she's stuck in prematurity, huh?" he said, laughing. "What's this thing she's going on about...? Equestrim, whatever?" he said, trying to get what Pinkie is saying, still thinking it is just her imagination. "Sounds like an element."

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"Equestria? An element? It isn't anything like fire or water or....." Storm trailed off, "I mean, yeah! An element, totally! Equestrian sounds much more like an element than a nation!" He quickly agreed, trying to play it off. "Twilight's right, Pinkie and I are terrible liers...." Storm thought.

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"... Who's Twilight... the really bad book and movie tie-in?" he said, laughing, also suspicious. "You seemed so unsure before... what's going on? Are you OK?" he said, still very suspicious of the duo. "... seriously, you seem serious about it. Are you guys alright?" he said, concerned slightly.

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