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searching Equestria Divided: Titanfall [Action RP]

~Chaotic Eddie~

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"If you fail, the dropship is your only escape option. You miss the dropship, we ain't giving you any other way out."


Field Commander Rainbow Dash of the Solar Empire remembered those words from her very first days of pilot training as she looked up to see that great gunship sailing off into the distance...
Almost forlornly, she turned her head to the giant robot beside her... "Well, Nataliya... Guess we're on our own..."

The mech did not reply, being an AI programmed mostly for war, simply standing there awaiting orders to follow or enemies to shoot.
Little did Dash know that more than just enemies were headed her way... She was about to have an encounter with an old enemy, thought dead for years...



Hello, good evening and potato! This is a little action RP I came up with, inspired partly by the video game Titanfall - though you need not really know much about the game itself to roleplay, all you need to know is that there's a war and there's mechs.

The roleplay will likely take place over Skype or instant messaging if not on the forum itself - this is just to quicken things up a little.




After a tragic accident which resulted in the deaths of Princesses Celestia and Luna, Equestria hurried to find a new leader. Princess Cadence of the Crystal Empire had to remain with her subjects, and Princess Twilight, unable to face the pressure of ruling the entire empire, abdicated after a shaky two-year rule. Equestria was thus left without a monarch - As such, control over the country was handed by default to the Solar Empire (SoE). However, after a few years the Empire found a powerful rival in the New Lunar Republic, who rebelled against the Empire's regime.
Unrest slowly grew, and before long, conflicts and fights started springing up across the country. In turn, the severity of these fights escalated, and after a few months, Equestria was at civil war.

Solar Empire Field Commander Rainbow Dash has been left behind on the battlefield after being defeated, and encounters former Wonderbolt and NLR Commander Spitfire, who has been presumed dead for some time. In actual fact, after being left behind she managed to escape the battlefield and, with her Titan engineer, went rogue, setting up third faction with the intent of ending the stalemate between the NLR and SoE.


Characters involved:

Rainbow Dash - Windbreaker
Spitfire - Myself

Monkey Wrench - Myself

Aha'ban Steelwings - IllusivePony

Whisper - Golden Shield

Tempest Shift - Tempest Shift

OC Expansion Slots:
OC #4

OC #5


The OCs can be canon characters instead if you so wish.


Rainbow Dash is priority - For story purposes, Spitfire and Rainbow Dash must encounter each other before the RP can begin in earnest.

If you're interested, simply leave a message or send me a private message either on the Forums or on Skype. Roles will be given out on a first come, first served basis. Please note: You will need to be descriptive and able to roleplay in a paragraph style.


Constructive criticism is also welcome.
I await your opinions and replies~  :lol:

Edited by ~Chaotic Eddie~

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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While Titanfall could've explained it's lore better, I've had a fair interest into it's world.


I'm highly interested into this RP. :D


Just wanting to confirm, is our allegiance in this RP with the solar empire?

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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One question: How are there the Solar Empire and New Lunar Republic if Celestia and Luna are dead?


That detail aside, I'm rather interested in this RP. I liked Titanfall, but it was kinda lacking in the 'story that wasn't drowned out by gunfire' department. Speaking of which, is there more to the story or just what's listed in the OP?

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Just wanting to confirm, is our allegiance in this RP with the solar empire?

Our alliegiance won't be with either team - All will be revealed soon enough.


One question: How are there the Solar Empire and New Lunar Republic if Celestia and Luna are dead?

The groups were initially founded to folloe the ideals of the dead Princesses, but as the OP says, there was unrest between the two groups and by the time the war began, the original ideals they were following were forgotten.


Looking back through again, I may not be able to play via Skype. I lack a PC and home internet. And my smart phone isn't exactly the "smartest" phone.

No problem - We can do this over MLPF


Speaking of which, is there more to the story or just what's listed in the OP?

There is a bit more, and it'll be revealed as we go along.

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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Hmmm, I might join up. Two questions, do you need to be familiar with titanfall to join, because I am not. The second, can I have an OC that brings a knife to a gunfight?


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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Cool - I'll add you to the OP~


I'll volunteer for RD.


Out of curiosity, are we all just equipped with R101-Cs or do we get to pick our loadout from the Titanfall armory?

Fantastic, I'll add you to the OP. And you can basically pick your laodout from the titanfall armoury, or make some stuff up if you so desire.


Hmmm, I might join up. Two questions, do you need to be familiar with titanfall to join, because I am not. The second, can I have an OC that brings a knife to a gunfight?

1. No, you don't need to know much about titanfall - all you need ot know is that there's a war and there's mechs. Just ask if you need something explained.

2. Sure thing, just as long as you don't make him too OP.

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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If there is still space, I'd be interested in this.

My OC is here: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tempest-shift-r7495

My Other (More violent RPs) OC is here: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/nozdormu-felwrath-r7358
I hope you can get back to me on that. :)


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
-Avatar by Odyssey-
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Alright then, I would Like to join up with Whisper. I'll send you a PM to talk about the details of her fighting, but basically she primarily fights with three daggers she manipulates with her magic. She is very strong in one on one fights, but is vulnerable to groups of enemies. 


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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What's the style of the mechs? Will they be bipedal or be something similar to ponies?


Imo: I feel the bipedal would be more... Convenient.

I was thinking more quadrupedal like ponies - The weapons would sort of hang off the sides, linked into the controls.


If there is still space, I'd be interested in this.

My OC is here: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tempest-shift-r7495

My Other (More violent RPs) OC is here: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/nozdormu-felwrath-r7358

I hope you can get back to me on that. :)

Cool beans - just choose which one you want to enter, and get back to me~


@@~Chaotic Eddie~

Also, if its okay with you, I'd like to introduce a new class of mech units.


I think they'd be a unique class in combat.

As long as they aren't overpowered, fine by me~


Alright then, I would Like to join up with Whisper. I'll send you a PM to talk about the details of her fighting, but basically she primarily fights with three daggers she manipulates with her magic. She is very strong in one on one fights, but is vulnerable to groups of enemies. 

Cool! I'll add you to the OP~

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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Alrighty then.




So these mechs, unlike the giant armored titans are classified under the mech class Munchkin.

Patrol Rats are the single seated light armored mobile vehicle, with their speed and agility they are best suited for recon, patrol, and light assault against infantry.


The Badger is a medium armored transport mech who's role is to transport and provide support for fellow infantry. They even have support roles to work along aside Titans as added firesupport.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Alrighty then.




So these mechs, unlike the giant armored titans are classified under the mech class Munchkin.

Patrol Rats are the single seated light armored mobile vehicle, with their speed and agility they are best suited for recon, patrol, and light assault against infantry.


The Badger is a medium armored transport mech who's role is to transport and provide support for fellow infantry. They even have support roles to work along aside Titans as added firesupport.

Sounds good~

I'll just assume that they're quadrupedal like this universe's Titans - The weapons would be attached to the sides and controlled from within

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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