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open A Friendship Delegation


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"Letter for you Twilight!" announced Spike, "and it looks important."

Twilight raised her head groggily. "What? What time is it? No, never mind. Why does it look important?"

"Because it's from Princess Celestia. And because it says 'IMPORTANT' at the top," explained Spike like this was the most obvious thing ever.

Twilight trotted over to the window for better light, and used her magic to unfurl the scroll.


Dear Twilight

You no doubt remember Queen Chrysalis' attempt to take over Equestria at your brother's wedding. What I haven't told you is that after her defeat, two changelings remained in Canterlot. They had already been apprehended by the time Shining Armor's defence shield was reactivated, and the thick cell walls held them in when the other changelings were expelled.

Although the changelings had intended to harm Equestria, we wished these two changelings no malice. They have lived a comfortable life in custody in our prison for many moons now, and formed a close bond with the royal guards that are responsible for them.

What fascinated me, and several of the research scientists at the school for gifted unicorns, is that rather than getting weaker without romantic love to feed off, they have instead grown stronger in captivity. It was Crystal Clear who first hypothesised that the changelings were feeding off not romantic love, but friendship - the friendship that had grown between them and their guards. Our experiments have shown her theory to be correct without a doubt.

So we have decided that we need to reach out to the changelings, and offer them not just the olive branch of peace between our kingdoms, but the hand of friendship. I need you, and your friends to journey to Queen Chrysalis' kingdom and offer our friendship to the changelings.

Yours, Tia.

PS: One complication is that nobody seems quite sure where the changeling kingdom is located, other than it being somewhere north of the Crystal Empire. I enclose some maps made by Starswirl the Bearded of the area in question, but they are very incomplete.


Twilight sprung to work quickly, checking train timetables and organizing everything she needed for the journey. She sent Spike out to spread the word to her friends, and ask them to prepare for the journey. Meanwhile she had somebody else she needed to talk to.

* * *

Deep in the Everfree Forest, Zecora heard a knock at the door. She opened it to find Twilight Sparkle.

"I hope this isn't a bad time Zecora. I need your help," said Twilight.

"You're always welcome my dear princess. Please come in, and excuse the mess," replied the zebra.

"I have been sent on a mission my Princess Celestia north of the Crystal Empire. But nobody seems to know what we'll find there. You're the only pony I know who has travelled outside of Equestria. Please can you come with us?"

"A tempting offer, but the answer's no. I'm afraid I'm too unwell to go. But listen closely, and take heed: I know just the pony that you need. Florafilla lives very near, in a cottage not far from here. Many forests stand in your path, and she will help you through the fast."

"Flora-what now?" asked the alicorn.

"The pony's name is Florafilla. Something something hmmm... gorilla."

((OOC: I'm glad Zecora's not coming so I won't need to think of any more rhymes for her.))

Zecora promised to get in touch with Florafilla, and ask her to meet Twilight at Ponyville station at high noon tomorrow. Twilight went home to finish packing.

* * *


The next day, Twilight waited at the station for the other ponies to join her. They were going to catch the 12.30 train to Canterlot, and then change to catch another train which was coming from Manehatten and going to the Crystal Empire via Canterlot. There were no trains north of the Empire, so they'd have to make their way by hoof and by wing, guided by Starswirl's very sketchy maps.

((OOC: other ponies please come and meet Twilight at Ponyville station, except Riley Blythe who is in Manehatten and needs to be thinking about boarding a train bound for the Crystal Empire for some reason.))

Edited by Vital Sparkle
  • Brohoof 1

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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Florafilla was surprised upon receiving the news from Zecora, which she couldn't quite comprehend fully at first — that she was of need to Twilight on such adventurous mission She knew the friendly Zebra quite well but she wasn't too familiar with Princess Twilight Sparkle. But from what little Florafilla can recall, Twilight and her 5 other notable friends have been on countless missions together and have saved Ponyville from all sorts of threats during these past few years. She found their stories admirable and she was quite excited and curious to get to know them personally, especially the element of magic herself.


Florafilla quickly left the Everfree Forest and galloped through Ponyville straight ahead. She stopped briefly a few times to ask some of the residents about the direction to the train station, before continuing her way through the town. It took a good 15-20 minutes but eventually the train station came into few and Florafilla's excitement grew.


Oh I wonder what Princess Twilight Sparkle needs of me! Whatever it is, I don't want to let her down ... hopefully she'll be patient with me. I've never done anything quite like this before. Oh my Celestia, I can't believe that I am going to meet a real alicorn! And not just any alicorn but the very element of magic herself!!


Flora's thoughts were racing at a million miles per hour as she was getting closer to the train station. She then became immensely happy as she arrived at the station to see the purple pony in the near distance. Her pace slowed and she took a deep breath, not knowing what to expect exactly. She greeted Twilight with a big smile before speaking.


"H-Hello Princess Twi-Twilight Sparkle. It is a great honor to finally meet you. Excuse my hesitation, it's just that I've never been called to an opportunity like this before. Whatever you need, I'll do my best to be of service. Oh ... darn ... Sorry, I forgot to bow down." The nervous mare then slowly takes a bow.

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Applejack had spent the better part of the morning trying to figure out exactly what would be needed for what was definitely likely to be the most difficult trip she'd ever had to take.  It had been weighing on her mind ever since Spike had come around to Sweet Apple Acres to tell her about the trip Twilight was taking. Besides a full snowsuit, though, it was hard to tell. What could she need in a  frozen wasteland that could help her escape from a hive of changelings if needed?


After settling for a thick sleeping bag, a small tent, snowshoes, a few small rations of food and a shovel, she cinched her saddlebags to her back and prepared to head off.


Applejack was never fond of saying goodbye, but this one was even harder. She could see how much it worried her entire family to see her go on this trip, especially looking for what they were looking for, but if what Spike said was true, it could have meant the difference between a long-lasting peace with a former threat, and the spectre of another invasion that might just be successful. That alone was worth leaving her home and family to try and bring about.


Trotting to the train station, she found Twilight on the platform easily enough, talking to another pony she didn't recognize. Trotting up to her friend, she said, "Mornin', Twilight. I'm all set. Well, ready as I'll ever be."


Then turning her attention to Florafilla, she added, "Hi. My name's Applejack," with a warm smile.

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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Pinkie Pie sprung out of Sugarcube Corner and hurried to the train station to meet Twilight and the others. Once she was close enough she bounced her way there at a lesuirely pace until she saw the purple pony up ahead. She started yelling at the top of her lungs.


TWIIIILIIIIGHHTTTT!!!! I'M HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh I hope I got here on time, I sorta ran out of Sugarcube Corner a little late and I was a little worried I wouldn't make it in time for the train, and if I didn't make it in time then I would miss everything and if I missed everything I WOULD FEEL SO BAD!! *GASP*


She then quickly got practically nose to nose with the new pony that was standing before them. "OH MY GOSH A NEW PONY!! Where are you from huh huh huh?! Are you catching the same train? Wanna be train buddies?!"

Edited by Pink Mist
  • Brohoof 1


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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"I'm sorry Angel, but you know I can't take you with me. You and Spike can watch Twilight's new castle together and I'm sure it will be lots of fun..."

 Fluttershy says to the small white bunny pouting next to her as Spike waits at the door. Just behind Angel is a bowl of delicious looking carrots and other vegetables. They give each other a strange look before Spike speaks up.


"Oh ya, I'm sure it will be LOADS of fun watching him for however long you're all away." He says sarcastically before stepping out of the way for Fluttershy to leave. "You'd better hurry Fluttershy, the train leaves really soon! We'll be alright here."


 Having already loaded a saddlebag full of things she might need Fluttershy begins walking to the Train Station. "Thank you Spike! I'll be back as soon as I can!"

She waves goodbye one last time.


As she arrives Fluttershy turns the corner to see Pinke Pie getting into her 'Met a new pony mode' and makes sure to stay a safe distance until Pinkie was done. As soon as she reaches Twilight and Applejack she gives a tired smile. 


 "Hello Twlight, Hello Applejack. Sorry I'm late... Angel was upset at the sudden news and I had to make him a special treat to make him feel all better. Ooh, I hope he will be alright without me for a while." 


She glances over at the pony Pinkie is talking to and realizes she knows that pony from a flower-food drive.


"Is that Florafilla? I haven't spoken to her in a while, I hope she's not too upset about that."

Edited by WindyParadise

 "Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown

 "There's always another secret." & "I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows." -Brandon Sanderson(Books)

Above are my three favorite quotes.


I support a [United Equestria].

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Rarity put the lat of her supples in her blue suitcast. This one patual was make up.  After spiek ahd tld her hte new she had propped for hte trop trying her hardest to ignore her ever os nagging fashionista in her.  Although she had like 4 suitcases at this point.  He first two were full of set of winter clothes made of insulation.  She also packed scarf's.

Along with that she had packed medical supplies such and goths and other such things in case of injury. She ake her bag to her main room and hugs Sweetie Belle.

"I'll promise I will return Sweetie." She said nuzzling her sister.

"I'll miss you sis." Sweetie replied.

After a quick goodbye discussion she heads out towards the train station with her bag floating in her magic.  Once near the station she waves the her friends.  "Sorry I took so long I tried my best to limit what I brought, just the essentials. " she floated her bags into the cart by the train for loading.

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"I know I keep saying this, but... sounds like a great adventure you had!" said Riley to Anala sitting beside him in the coffee shop.


"Yup," replied Anala. "Kay Dreamer told me a lot about the Crystal Empire. Goes without saying, I was rather fascinated. I've been thinking about going there to see for myself. Just one problem."


She blushed. "I'm scared of trains."


Riley frowned. Anala had told him that a train was one of her obstacles on her adventure when she was shrunk down to the size of a walnut.


He had an idea, however. "I'll take you there! On my back!"


Anala raised an eyebrow. "You sure?"


"Sure!" said Riley. "I had a pretty empty schedule today, so why don't we go now if the same applies to you?"


Anala shrugged. "Sure, why not?"


Riley finished the last of his milkshake and led them outside. He got down into the ready-to-fly position. Legs bent, rump poised in the air, wings spread.


Anala got onto her generous friend's back, and off they went.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Rainbow Dash was well relaxing on a cloud watching the other pegasi go on their merry way she had to admit it was quite a fine day today she wondered what her friends were doing she remembered Twilight talking about a important mission from Celestia and meeting at the train station today...Then the realization hit her Twilight told her and her friends to go meet at the train station at 12.30 today


"OH NO I"M LATE!" she shouted wasting no time whatsoever she quickly took to the skies destroying the cloud she was on in the process and quickly dashed to the train station.


She easily spotted Twilight on the platform along with some of her other friends and a pony she didn't recognize and quickly landed. "Sorry for being late i was busy warming up for the awesome and potentially dangerous journey ahead and lost track of time." she said stretching her wings in the process "So who's the new pony?".

  • Brohoof 2


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The train conductor was calling "all aboard" just as Rainbow Dash arrived at the station.


"No time for introductions," said Twilight, "we need to get on the train. It's about to leave."


The other ponies filed aboard and found seats, and the train departed for Canterlot. On board Twilight explained that she'd invited Zecora, the pony she knew had travelled the most, but she'd been unable to come because she had pony flu. (It's funny; she hadn't seemed that unwell.) Florafilla coming along was her suggestion. Fluttershy seemed to already know her, making it a little less awkward. The ponies chatted amongst themselves on the train while Twilight went over her maps.


The train arrived in Canterlot a mere half hour later, and the ponies had another hour to wait around before they caught their next train to the Crystal Empire, where they would be staying overnight at Cadence's castle. Some of the others decided to explore Canterlot while they waited, so Twilight went off on her own to find Celestia, hoping to have a quick word about their mission. However she was disappointed when Raven told her that Celestia was in a meeting.


Twilight arrived back at the station just as everypony else did, and they all boarded the next train to the Crystal Empire. The journey was uneventful. Everypony admired the sparkling landscape that could be seen as the train sped through the Empire. No matter how many times you go back to the Crystal Empire, you can never get tired of that spectacular view.


The train steamed into Crystal Central station and the ponies decided to make their way by hoof towards the castle. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a dark blue pegasus swooped out of the sky and flew past them. Fluttershy looked around and realised the pegasus had taken her saddlebags.


"Somebody stop that thief!" shouted Twilight.


((OOC: this is an opening for Riley if he's arrived at the Crystal Empire yet.))

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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Unfortunately, as she heard the train conductor yell "All aboard!", Florafilla felt that there wasn't much time to introduce herself fully. She hoped that she would get know Twilight and the others better soon. Before making her way towards the train, Florafilla at least took the brief time to smile and greet Applejack and Pinkie Pie.


@@Red Cedar, @

"Oh hi Applejack! It's an honor to meet the element of honesty. I-I'm Florafilla but you girls can just call me 'Flora.'" The mare replied before turning to Pinkie Pie. "Hehe I'm from the Everfree Forest, I don't live too far from Zecora. And of course! I would love to be the element of laughter's train buddy!" She responded as she gave a big grin and a slight squee.

The trip to Canterlot was wonderful and their arrival to the Crystal Empire was especially amazing for the young green mare. She had visited Canterlot once with her mother but never before had she seen the Crystal Empire. She only recalled hearing legends but to finally see this legendary city was an opportunity of a lifetime for her.


Flora was immediately startled as a dark blue pegasus swooped in and suddenly stole the saddlebags.


"Ahhh!! Somepony do something!" Was all she could yell in her state of shock. Strangely a few flowers could be seem cracking and growing subtly out of the ground around her.


No ... I don't think we should make a scene here. Just relax ... Everything will be fine ... I-I hope.

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"You know, Riley, you can land and take a rest. I don't mind," said Anala.


"N-no... *pant* I... can... *puff* hold it out... *pant*" answered Riley, clearly exhausted. "Hey, whaddaya know, we're here!"


They landed.


"Wow..." was all that Anala managed to produce.


Just then, Riley noticed the Element Bearers standing nearby. He was trotting over to greet them, when suddenly, a dark blue Pegasus swooped in and stole their bags.

"Somepony stop that thief!" exclaimed Fluttershy.


"Yeah, get back here!" called Riley, and began flying after the Pegasus.

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Train rides are always so relaxing." Just then the train hits a bump and Fluttershy is thrown slightly into the air before landing on the couch.

  "Well... most of the time."


Fluttershy mostly spends her time catching up with her friends and (if possible) talking with Florafilla.

 In Canterlot Fluttershy takes time to visit an animal shelter and help out a little before heading back to the Train for their trip to the Crystal Empire.


After the Train Ride she looks around at the Crystal Empire and gives a smile at the beauty of it all. But just as she begins walking her saddlebag is stolen from her!

"Somebody stop that thief!" shouted Twilight.

((OOC: this is an opening for Riley if he's arrived at the Crystal Empire yet.))


"Oh no! My saddlebag!" Fluttershy gets a worried look on her face as she begins running after the thief.

    "I had my favorite scarf in there..."


A bright red Pegasus flies past her at the thief and she stops in a moment of surprise to watch what the newcomer is doing.

Edited by WindyParadise

 "Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown

 "There's always another secret." & "I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows." -Brandon Sanderson(Books)

Above are my three favorite quotes.


I support a [United Equestria].

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"Pleased ta meetcha," Applejack said, smiling to Florafilla as she introduced herself, but waved a hoof as she started to go on about meeting her. "Aw, look, you don't have to feel ya gotta be on your best behaviour around me. At the end of it all, I'm just another pony like you, okay?" Applejack was hardly as shy as her friend Fluttershy was, but sometimes the attention she felt she was receiving was simply embarrassing, especially when all she felt like was just plain Applejack.


When the train arrived in Canterlot, Applejack took the opportunity to stretch her legs before the longer trip to the Crystal Empire. After buying an apple, she wander the streets of the town a little, remembering back to the wedding and the chaos that had erupted as a result of the horde of changelings breaking through the barrier around the city. Though things had returned to being peaceful now, Applejack could tell that, even after all this time, there were some ponies a little on edge. The guards seemed a little warier. The citizens seemed to look over their shoulders more. Returning to the station after her walk, she silently repeated her hope to herself that she and the others could put those fears to rest once and for all.


The train ride to the Crystal Empire was long, but at least it was always scenic. Even the stark landscape of snow around the Empire seemed beautiful to Applejack, in the right light. As they gathered on the platform at their destination, Applejack piped up and asked, "Okay, y'all, so what's the plan from here...." Except that before she could get an answer, there was a flash and a flap of wings as a pegasus stole Fluttershy's luggage.


"Hey! You get back here with those!" she yelled at the thief, even as another bright red pegasus was giving chase.

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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Rainbow Dash didn't do much when they stayed at Canterlot for a short time other than maybe fly around for a bit stretching her wings and hooves and maybe looking to see if she can meet the wonderbolts and have a little talk with them since they're often from around there but sadly she had not found them.


Rainbow Dash mostly snoozed during the train ride to the Crystal Empire because it was boring and she would like to save her energy so she wouldn't be tired when she has to protect her friends or when she has to race someone or just show how awesome she is, whatever the reason may be she just wants to make sure she has enough energy to do anything.


As they gathered on the platform at their destination, she was about to answer Applejack's question until a dark blue pegasus decided to steal Fluttershy's saddlebags. "HEY HEY GET BACK HERE YOU DON"T STEAL SOMETHING FROM MY FRIENDS AND GET AWAY WITH IT!" she shouted without a moment to spare she began to fly towards the dark blue pegasus as fast as she could, which was well pretty freaking fast and most likely catch quickly.


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Rarity got on board the train happily setting her back down where they were suppoe to stored.  She wore a nice hat to Canterlot.  Afterall  a mare has to look her best after all.  When in Canterlot she took her time to explore the few shops and see how her dresses were selling, self promoting when she could.  Along the way she had a nice chat with a yellow stallion about gemstones quie he fasinationg topic to be sure.


Rarity chatted with Fluttershy on the way to the empire moslty talking about the spa and other such things they talk about during long trips.  She puts on one of her scarfs before stepping off into the empire station taking in the fresh air.


Rarity had been a bit focused on looking around and was startled when the commotion broke out simple resorting to following her freinds in the action to follow.

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Twilight comforted her pegasus friend. "Dont' worry Fluttershy. I'm sure Rainbow Dash or that red pegasus will get your saddle bags back."


She considered chasing the thief herself, but he'd had a good head start, and Twilight was nowhere near as fast nor as confident a flyer has Rainbow Dash.

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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@@Red Cedar

"My apologies Applejack. It's just ... you're one of my favorite of the mane 6! But umm ... no worries, I'll try and behave more like myself around you."


Florafilla was immensely surprised at the sudden theft that just took place out of nowhere and immediately became very confused. She wondered what a random pegasus would want with Fluttershy's stuff anyways. She decided to not bother with these questions and focus more on the scene that was unfolding before their eyes. She saw Rainbow Dash quickly take off and chase after the pegasus, who was surprisingly proving themselves to be fast enough to remain ahead of Rainbow Dash for an extended period of time.


Oh this is bad ... and as much as I don't like having you plants go wild, I-I am giving you permission to take action. You remember my dear friend Fluttershy, right? Such a kind mare. Please help her retrieve her stolen luggage! Florafilla yelled anxiously in her mind.


The plants responded in an millisecond as the ground began to crack. Several vines bursted out of the ground and began to dart straight towards the mysterious pegasus, some even surpassing Rainbow Dash and that one random red regasus that Flora didn't really think too much of at first.


She hoped that Twilight wouldn't mind her additional help.


To Flora's surprise and relief, two of the vines latched onto the pegasus legs, stopping him midair. "Now's your chance Dash!" She called out in excitement. "Take that thief down!!"

Edited by Dsanders
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"I know, Rainbow is a good friend like that. But I wonder where these two Pegasus' came from and why one of them wanted my bag."

 Fluttershy gives a sad shrug as she slows down to respond to Twilight. Still watching the event play out in front of her.


She gasps in surprise as she watches two vines grab onto the thief and kept him from getting away, letting Rainbow and the red Pegasus catch up to him.

 "Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown

 "There's always another secret." & "I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows." -Brandon Sanderson(Books)

Above are my three favorite quotes.


I support a [United Equestria].

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Pinkie Pie chatted with Florafilla during the whole train ride to Canterlot and to the Crystal Empire. She really wanted to get to know her and become friends. "Oh my gosh! So you're from the Everfree Forest? It must be scary living there by yourself!! And oooh I really like your cutie mark. Does it mean that you're good with plants?"

When the train stopped at Canterlot, Pinkie rushed out to buy some cupcakes and look around the town for awhile. She told Florafilla about all the adventures her and the other ponies had while in Canterlot. The royal wedding, Discord's maze trap, all the while while munching on her cupcakes.

As the train pulled into the Crystal Empire after their break in Canterlot, Pinkie gasped as she saw the Crystal Castle in view. "OH MY GOSH!! I swear it looks even shinier than before!!! It's so sparkly!!"

She got off the train and looked around at everything with a huge grin as she once again took in the magnificent view. Then before she knew it a dark figure blurred past her view and she realized it had stolen Fluttershy's luggage. "SOMEPONY DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!! THIIIIIEEEEEFFFFF!!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!"

She ran around the train station in a panic frenzy hoping nothing else would be stolen by the mysterious pegasus. She stopped only when she felt the ground shaking slightly as suddenly vines came up and grabbed onto the thief. Pinkie could do nothing but sit down and let her mouth hang open in awe at the sight before her.

Edited by Pink Mist


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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Riley was getting close to the thief when suddenly, vines came and held the Pegasus in place. Riley grabbed the Pegasus and carried him forcefully down to the ground before Anala helped restrain the Pegasus.


"Hey guys!" Riley greeted the Mane 6 cheerfully.


(OOC: Can we assume that Riley has spoken to the Mane 6 a few times?)

OCs: RileyAnala

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((OOC: God mode. I'm game master, so deal with it!))


"Hey Riley!" shouted Pinkie Pie excitedly. "What are you doing here?"


"You know this pony?" asked Fluttershy.


"Yep, sure" confirmed Pinkie, "he's in Ponyville like all the time!"


"Well thank you so much" said Fluttershy quietly, accepting her bags back from Riley.


"It's great you guys are having a reunion," Twilight interjected, "but in case you haven't noticed, that thief has just flown away."


"I'm on it" announced Rainbow Dash.


"Don't bother," replied Twilight, "he'll get caught by the Crystal Empire guards soon enough. My brother runs a tight ship. Besides which, it's getting late and we all need to get some rest. There's a long journey ahead for us tomorrow."


"Hey, where are you guys staying? Do you know any good inns in the Crystal Empire?" asked Riley.


"Actually, we're, errr... staying at the castle," answered Twilight, "But you're welcome to join us. There are plenty of rooms, and I'm sure my sister-in-law won't mind. Come on everypony, let's get to the castle. We were expected there half an hour ago!"


The ponies trotted through the town towards the castle. When they arrived, the guards recognised Princess Twilight Sparkle and immediately allowed them to enter. One guard showed everypony where their rooms were.


((OOC: God mode disengaged.))


After Twilight had dropped off her things, she went to look for her BBBFF and favourite sister-in-law. She found Cadence in the throne room, both ponies simultaneously grinned, excited to see each other.


"Sunshine, sunshine. Ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!"

"Sunshine, sunshine. Ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!"


"Cadence, it's great to see you!" said Twilight, beaming from ear to ear.


"You too" replied Cadence.


"But where's Shining Armor?" asked Twilight.


"You didn't know? Celestia asked him to go to Canterlot on important business. He's been away for almost a week."


"Really? That's a shame - we've just been there - it would have been nice to see him."


"I'm sure he would loved to have seen you too. But whatever it was Celestia needed him for, it did seem pretty important."


The two ponies spent the next hour or so chatting before Twilight felt tired and excused herself to head back towards her room.


((OOC: hint - she's not got to her room yet, so if anybody wants to bump into her in the corridor, that's fine.)

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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Applejack looked suitably impressed at the display of vines capturing the pegasus that had stolen Fluttershy's bags in order for Riley and Rainbow Dash to return them. "Neat trick," she said. "I hope it works in the deep snow, too, could come in handy, though, I don't suppose you could do something for apple trees, could you?"


Later, as Applejack wandered the halls of the castle looking to find a kitchen and a snack before bed, she rounded the corner to come face to face with Twilight. "Oh, Howdy, Twilight," she said cheerfully. "Havin' a good visit with your kin?"


The thought of the mission at hand weighing on her mind as it was, she also couldn't help but ask, "Say, do y'all really think we'd be able to find this hive of theirs? I mean, that's an old map if it came from Starswirl. How do we know they're even still this far out here? They could have moved on ages ago."

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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Fluttershy decides to be quiet on the way to the Crystal Palace, thinking over the events and generally trying not to get to pushy at somepony. Though she does plan on speaking to Riley to thank him properly.



 After their short meeting with Princess Cadence she seems to perk up and quickly heads over to Florafilla. 

  "Hey Florafilla, um, is it okay if I ask about your... uh, um... About the vines? If that's okay with you..." She seems to hesitate and begins backing away in embarrassment about bringing it up.

 "Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown

 "There's always another secret." & "I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows." -Brandon Sanderson(Books)

Above are my three favorite quotes.


I support a [United Equestria].

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Anala had gone elsewhere by the time the ordeal began and unfolded.


(OOC: Since we've gone past Anala's opportunity to jump in, I'll just write her out)




Now that he was in the castle, he was rather peckish. He hadn't eaten since that sandwich back on the train.


To his delught, he saw a snack table! *Zelda fanfare* He noticed an assortment of chocolates.


He ate one from one bowl. "Plain..." Next bowl. "Walnut..." Next bowl. "Cranberry..." Next bowl. "Mint..."

OCs: RileyAnala

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Twilight almost bumped into Applejack in the hall. Applejack asked about her visit with Cadence.


"Yes, it's always nice to see Cadence. My brother's in Canterlot though. It would have been nice to see him too."


Applejack asked about whether Twilight was sure they'd even be able to find the changeling kingdom.


"Well, I've been told that when Cadence's wedding was invaded by the changelings, they were seen to come from the north, so they definitely live up here somewhere. The location isn't shown at all on Starswirl's maps I'm afraid, but the maps should at least help us find our way through the mountain passes.


"Once we're through the mountains, Starswirl's maps become even more sketchy. We might need to split into search parties to find the changelings. The pegasi should be able to cover a lot of ground quickly. Say, I was thinking about that Riley pony we met today. He seemed to be a fast and confident flier. He's no Rainbow Dash, but he could certainly outfly either Fluttershy or me. I wonder if we should invite him to come along? Sorry, just thinking aloud."


Twilight yawned. "Anyway, it's late. I think I need to get going and study some of these maps."

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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