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open ~ENDING!~ Hearth's Warming Eve party-- SOL


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With awareness Ahaban could notice a hesitance from a pegasus who was approaching from his peripheral. Looking to the stallion he sees him return back to his original spot.

Excusing from his spot he approaches to the fellow pegasus.

"Marhaben." He.speaks in his native language.

"How are you?" He asks

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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((So many ponies are trying to get Plum's attention--sorry I've been offline!))


Afer Ahaban had apologized for his cousin and left, Amber whispered to Plum:

"You still aren't used to ponies flirting with you, eh?" Plum flopped her ears down, ashamed. Amber chuckled.

"The bakery isn't open yet," Plum explained, turning back to Silver Shield. "I'm still doing preparations in the new building...but once it's up and running, I'll be working it by myself." She hesitated a moment.

"I might hire some employees once I earn enoug money," she decided.

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Silver returns the friendly hoofshake and smiled. "I dont think we have. My name is Silver Wing. Nice to meet you." After sitting and watching everyone talk and laugh, Silver was happy to be a part of it all again. Silver seen out of the corner of his eye somepony familiar approaching. After looking over his shoulder, he seen it was Ahaban. "Hey Ahaban. Im doing good. My wings have finally thawed." Silver opened his wings as a gesture. "So hows the party been for you and your cousin so far?"

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"Very well. Though somepony seems to lack a form of decency." He looks over to his cousin who sticks out his tongue playfully in response. He returns his attention.

"Maybe we could take a flight sometime." He adds giving a slight smile.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" He asks

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"I'm Thillseeker," the tan pegasus replied. "Nice to meet you, too."


As he and the other pegasus shifted the conversation back to the Saddle Arabian pony, the weather outside caught his attention. "Thawed?" he raised his brow to Silver while looking at his wings. "Was it really that cold outside?"

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Silver chuckled when Ahaban gestured to his cousin. "Well, at least hes enjoying himself" laughing at the sight. "Im finding this party quite a lovely treat, and the food is absolutely delicious!"

Silver turned back to Thrillseeker, saying "Thrillseeker? I like that. Now, as for the weather." Silver paused, remembering the bitter cold. "Oh yes, absolutely! Earlier, the storm was way worse than than it is now. Im a weather pegasus, I volunteered to help try and keep this storm outside ponyville. Since I dont have any family in ponyville and not many friends, I figured it would be a good way to kill some time." Glancing over to the now gently falling snow, "Ive delt with storms before, But this one was different. I couldn't keep the storm under control and were its colder the higher up you go, ice started to form on my wings. If the ice got to thick i would have fell out the sky, so i dived through the cloud layer to find this cozy little house. I was happy to see a warm place to rest, but when Plum opened the door, i noticed it was actually a party." Silver chuckling a little over his luck and remembering Nasirs face. "Yea, I actually had no idea there was a party here, but im really enjoying it and glad the twist of fate led me here."

Edited by tKestrel
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"In Arabia, there is no weather teams. It's neither controlled by magic. The air condition is such that each season.comes upon it's on cycle. And weather forming based upon cloud patterns." Ahaban inquires in response about the weather team.

Once again Nasir has retrieved another plate fill of baked sweets

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@tKestrel, @,


"You had to fly pretty high to keep that storm out of control," Thrillseeker complimented. "I wouldn't know much what it's like because my job doesn't really deal with weather unless it's to keep the storm clouds away during business hours. My parents are on the weather team in Manehattan. They work pretty hard to bring snow to the entire city for the holidays. I just spread it around when I have the time."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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"Oh yea, I was way up there. I was tryin to take out the higher storm clouds so that the lower clouds would only be able to let out a gentle snow fall. Unfortunately the storm got the best of me." Silver let out a sigh of disappointment. "But, if the storm wouldn't have forced me down, I would have never got to come here and meet so many nice ponies." Silver raised his ears and gave a friendly smile.


Silver turned to Ahaban with a baffles look on his face. "What??" Silver couldnt understand even the thought that the weather controlled itself without any weather pegasus help. "That is unbelievable!" Silver paused to thank about it again, almost speechless now. "Wow!" He finally said with a sigh as he simply coukdnt understand weather that controls itself.

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"Well, you're here," Thrillseeker told Silver. "That's what counts. It's great that you can spend the holidays here. I had to travel pretty far from Manehattan to get here but it's pretty easy by train. It's just a long commute. So, what do you like to do aside from the weather?"

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Silver smiled. "Your right. Its really nice to be able to spend the holidays with somepony. My family all live in Cloudsdale, so i dont see them very often anymore and most the time spend the holidays alone. Thats why I volunteered, I had nothing better to do anyway." Silver gave a little pause and looked outside again. "Looks like the other weather pegusus have gotten the storm under control. I may get to stay after all."


Silver Wing had to think for a second since he doesnt go out much. "Besides dealing with weather, I usually will fly out of ponyville for about 4 to 5 miles. Thats where I hang out at. Its a beautiful little green valley with almost contant cloud cover and a gentle breeze. I go there to relax and reminisce. Some times I test my speed and cloud buck and sometimes I just sit on a cloud and rest. I dont know many ponies so I dont often go out with friends."

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This party has been going on longer than most ponies realize, but it's a great party that really makes the time fly. It really has been that much fun.


And in the background has been a sharp dressed haberdasher unicorn who has been enjoying everything with every pony. He has sang carols here and there, enjoyed the fire and the food, made some pretty narcissistic small talk, flirted with the mares, tried to imitate some of the awesome skills the other ponies have, tried to enjoy the stuff that every pony else is into, and just have all kinds of fun!

But all good things must come to an end...


When he checks what time it is, Trilby knows.

He waits til Plum is by herself, goes up to her, and thanks her for the invite to the awesome party.

He grabs some food and wraps it up for the trip back home.

He puts on his winter gear; it's still very cold outside.

But since he has a few moments, he makes one last arrangement...


Though he all ready made a hat for one or two ponies who came to this party, there are still many more unaccounted for.

So, he makes hats for everypony there and puts them in a wrapped up Heath's Warming present.

Sure, each package contains some unique extras...

The mares get flirt notes that say "Call me sometime, gorgeous." or "Nice flank, bae.", while the ponies from foreign lands get notes like "Write me up if you ever need a pen pal." But all of them definitely get coupons for Hatter's House, Trilby's hat shop.

And the hats themselves, the ones in the presents? They aren't cheap or mass-produced hats. No, these are the kinds that are really nice, the kind you take good care of. Some are tailor-made to fit the needs or tastes of the receivers. They are made with care. There is plenty for all the current party guests, and a few extras in case more ponies come to the party.


When he steps into the cold outside, Trilby can see by a street lamp light that his hat shop is a ways to go in the distance.

He still has a shop to run, and maybe a family that he also needs to spend the holiday season with.

Still, with warmth in his heart, he takes one last look at Plum's place, nods, and trots off on his way. And as he does, there is only one looming message in his heart...

"Merry Hearth's Warming Eve, everypony. And a Happy New Year."

  • Brohoof 1


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Plum smiled, watching as Trilby wrapped the last of his presents and trotted away into the snow (--but not before giving her a sly wink, or course).

I guess that's my cue, she thought, looking over to the clock that hung above the fireplace. A bittersweet feeling manifested in her heart as Plum looked around at all the wonderful ponies. Each of them had travelled through the blizzard for warm food and good company, and brought with them happiness, laughter, and stories that Plum would not soom forget.


She hoped to herself that she would see them all again.


The mare smiled to herself, green eyes glittering in the firelight and falling snow. It was time to wrap up the party, but not before one final thing. Plum walked into the centre of the room.



"Everypony, may I have your attention...?"




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Silver Wing, still talking to Ahaban and Thrillseeker, overheard Plums voice and looked around to notice her standing in the middle of the room. Silver politely excused himself, "Wow its getting late, Ill have to head out soon. I need to check on all the other weather pegasus and see how their sectors are going since my piece of sky has softened to a gentle snow. It sure has been great talking to you two. We should keep in touch and feel free to stop by my cottage if you are ever in the neighborhood." Silver turned to listen to what Plum had to say, and planned on giving her a final thank you and a farewell before he departs.

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Ahaban and Nasir turned as,if like automata to see upon Plum. Curtious they both await as to her message.


It was becoming rather late in the day and Ahaban had himself for once in so many moons had this completed sense of hospitality. Never in so many moons had he simply to settle and enjoy the company of ponies unfamiliar .

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Red had been enjoying the table of sweets far more than he should have, he was certain, but when he heard Plum call for everyone's attention, he grabbed his mug of cider and trotted into the main room. He smiled at the sight of everyone gathered around in the warmth of the fire. This had been one of the best Hearth's Warming parties he'd been to in a while, and not just because of the goodies.


Standing to one side, he looked to Plum and listened.

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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Plum smiled at the room full of guests, as the storm outside quickly died down to a light dusting of snow. The moon shone bright through the windows.


"I'd like to thank everypony here for attending," Plus began. "It's been nice meeting all of you, and I hope we can all see each other again sometime soon. I hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as I did..." She paused a moment, looking about the room full of kind and interesting ponies.

"You're all welcome to come to the grand opening of my Cafe Bakery once preparations are done, and of course, you can stop by here anytime. One of my guests has generously prepared gifts for everypony here before he left, so don't forget to pick yours up." 

Plum smiled. She was so filled with joy and warmth that her shyness melted away. Amber trotted up to her happily.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" she said, grinning. Plum laughed.

"Of course! The mare said, tilting her head.



"Merry Hearth's Warming, everypony. And have a wonderful New Year!!"

  • Brohoof 2

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