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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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Elegron and his team were already aboard the sky chariot and flying back home, crossing over the badlands. Elegron spotted a group of ponies traveling together, but he couldnt make out who it was. he flew the skychariot down to a good level where he could easily talk to them, but could get out fast if he needed too. he then immediately recognised 3 of them. "oh hey silvermind, didnt expect to see you here. and umm... blooddrop and wade right?" he stared at the ponies before realizing that last time they met, it wasnt on good terms. "i think we got off to a bad start earlier. I really didnt mean to barge in like that."



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Hmph. Of all the people to suddenly appear out of the goddamn sky." Silvermind turned to Buckshot. "Buckshot, this is Elegron. He broke into Blooddrop's house a few days ago and then asked to live with us. Since then he's become the f*cking messiah and has been going around massacring those he deems unworthy."

He faced Elegron.

"Hello, Elegron. What brings you here?"

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"hey, dont put it like that, i never asked to be called a hero. anyway, i just saw you out here and wanted to say hi. we havent seen each other for a while. i will admit i wasnt very kind then, and im sorry for that." he turned to the unfamiliar pony "hey buckshot, hows it going?"

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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As soon as Elegron uttered his first word to the group, Wade's targeting system listed Elegron as a hostile. The natural reaction to this situation for him, was to activate a stealth buck. So that's what he did. Wade turned on his Stealth buck and jumped out of the road, no one knowing which direction he had went, at least Blooddrop knew that he would not go far.


Blooddrop: "You. You're that pathetic Stable Dweller aren't you? Been causing quite a few problems for people just trying to make a living out here haven't you? Your body count is quite high for someone who supposedly is against the mindless killing of ponies. I'm detecting a hint of hypocrisy within you. Now excuse me, I have to go and find Wade before he most likely stabs you in the back or rips out your spine. Or both."

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"why is wade acting like this? anyway, i dont claim to be a hero as ive said. im sure some of the ponies ive killed dont truly deserve it. i realised this not too long ago. im going to lay low for a while and try to help out towns rather than hunting slavers. maybe ill find a way to get that bounty cleared... look, im sorry for breaking into your house. it was my third day out of the stable and i still had no clue what i was doing." elegron looked at the bottom of his eyes forward sparkle to make sure wade wasnt actually trying to kill him.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Hmm." grunted Silvermind. "Good. If you live long enough, maybe you'll learn to live and let live. Sinners are in no place to judge other sinners, and no pony has the right to sentence another one to death. Speaking of, I suggest you take your leave. Wade isn't quite as pacifistic as I am."

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"heh. i have a gorgeous mare who could slice him to ribbons, cyberpony or not. anyway, i dont really want a fight as i said, so ill be going now. and wade, you can turn off that stealthbuck, i can see your EFS mark. anyway, goodbye guys, see you if i see you" elegron flew the sky chariot over them, not wanting to get into a fight with the cyberpony. he knew he could probably be dead before dash could do anything about it. he set off in a random direction until he was out of site, then continued on his way to tenpony.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Jack wandered for a bit, gathering herbs to replace his lost cache. Using the inspiration from his visit with the stable dweller's spell ,he did synthesize a compound that could be ingested to create temporary paralysis. Fortunately for him, he found a zebra sleeping that night [Friend of the night] and surely enough had a free meal of zebra. You gotta love the exotic flavors of this place, he remarked later that night, especially after he cooked it. As a bonus, he saved the pelt for later. At first light, he found the slavers fortress coming clearly waving his hoofs. "Anyone here?", he yelled, trying to get the guard ponies attention. He waved the zebra pelt in the air as a sign of common interest hoping not to get killed. He was tired but sleep wasn't quite the priority just yet.

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"Well, that was quite unpleasant." Silvermind broke the slience after a few seconds. "Anyway," he started, "what I wanted to say to you, Wade, wherever you are, is that Buckshot here would like to join our group. Personally, I think this is a good idea, but as leader of our group the decision is of course yours."

Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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elegron looked over the horizon to see the sunrise. he wondered about jack. had he truly changed? elegron didnt think so, but at least he had tried. he thought about some of his other fights. was it wrong to raid the caravans? elegron decided that he wouldnt raid them anymore. if he could sneak in and free the slaves with no casualties, then he would however. He didnt want to think about it much longer, he had been up all night, and wanted to sleep back at tenpony. it slowly came into view, and he turned around to the mare who had fallen asleep in the sky chariot and smiled. given the place he was in, he was actually happy. happy with his decision, his friends, and most notably, his marefriend. he knew things wouldnt stay this way for long at this rate, so he began his plan to create Stable City"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Two of the guards looked at Jack for a second and then started to aim at him with his rifle. "You're a dead pony" one of them said with a smile on his face. But before they could shoot, Rave came into view, still levitating his binoculars. "You fire and I will skin you two alive". Both of the ponies lowered their rifles. "Open the gate". The gate to the slaver base opened. Rave stood in the gateway and walked towards Jack. "So, you've killed a zebra. I can see this is not fake. I've skinned enough of them to know what is real and what is not. Come inside, come inside. We will have food and drink if you require such luxuries. But you probably wished to talk about something since you are coming here. Let us go into my tent to speak privately" Rave started to walk towards his tent. 

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"Well, that was quite unpleasant." Silvermind broke the slience after a few seconds. "Anyway," he started, "what I wanted to say to you, Wade, wherever you are, is that Buckshot here would like to join our group. Personally, I think this is a good idea, but as leader of our group the decision is of course yours."

Wade came out of stealth inches away from where Elegron had previously been standing, Sword unsheathed and a disappointed look upon his face. "It's sad. I was so looking forward to ending his pathetic life. I don't like the idea of buckshot coming with us, but like I say, I trust your judgment on the situation. Fine, if he so wishes, he can come with us. But I'll be keeping an eye on you. Come. We are close to my bunker, their are a few things I need to grab, and a few more things I need to talk to you all about." Wade started to pull ahead of the group again, but keeping within eyesight.


Blooddrop: "What has got him in such a bad mood? I'm surprised that he is even listening to you Silver. Maybe all that Stealth Buck radiation has finally gone to his head. Or maybe he is just paranoid about something. Even I can't tell just yet. Come on Silver, Buckshot. We best get moving."

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The Blackhawk griffin mercenaries were starting to settle in Rave's camp. Phoenix Blackhawk flying around Rave's base to stretch out her wings. She had a mini-gun battle saddle. She landed again and watched as Rave and Jack entered Rave's tent. 


(If anyone is confused with this post, then I posted a post with the griffins arriving but somehow it got deleted  :okiedokielokie: ). 

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Dash remained quiet. She didn't want to interrupt their chat. After they left, she decide to fly next to them. "So those were the ones you were after? They don't seam bad. They just need a new line of work is all. And a way to vent their frustration. That wade looks to have needed a mare-friend or something. So what do you think of the base idea?"

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"After the initial commotion, and walk through of this place, I got to say I like it. We both share common interests friend, we revel in others suffering" he said  passing by a slave getting whipped on a post. "My expertise comes from my extensive knowledge of science and medical training I have had over the years. My proposition is this: the wastes change everyday and somebody has the gall to bring "Justice" to these parts when we were perfectly fine before he even came out of his pitiful stable. Let us work together, to bring about his end and we can focus on a better future for slavers everywhere. Besides, I never thought I say this but, I always killed for fun however this pony quite simply needs to know his place. Let my knowledge empower you in all you do and you help me get rid of him, what do you say?" 

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Rave listens to what Jack has to offer. "What you tell is true. Or at least in some ways. The Stabledweller really is not of a big concern to me... yet. He has been annoying and even got my biggest supporting town to support him even though he was wanted. That is something I will not forget... nor forgive. So I razed the town to the ground killing everypony and let everypony in the Ponyville area know that disloyalty will result in vengeance". Rave paused, offering Jack some Sparkle-Cola. "I have a lot of medics and scientific ponies. But non of them know much about the old world technologies. If you know anything about it, you could be really useful. I really don't care for the future of other slavers. Also, I don't share your opinion about the Waste. The Wasteland never changes. It may take a different kind of form but it will never change. The Wasteland does not give, it only takes". Rave looked Jack in the eye. "You are free to roam around the base, you are free to use our little testing lab. If you want to join me, you simply have to prove yourself" Rave grinned. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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"One can simply never have too many friends, besides, talking to corpses after a while gets to you. You know how stubborn that zebra was during dinner time. VERY stubborn, he could talk me into doing anything. Any who, how may I show you my good intentions?" Looking to his bed, "now that you mentioned it, a bed would be nice too eh?" giving him a smile someone would wear to watch the world burn.

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"Well, it turns out that I am having problems with interrogating a former Enclave scientist. I am currently holding him in the tent next to mine, the reason being, I love to hear ponies scream in pain. If you can get him to talk, you will have proved yourself. You can use any kinds of methods to pull out information from him. Just don't kill him. What I am looking for is an old Enclave override code to one of their few ground based bases. I need the real code. After you've pulled out the information, you may rest in my bed if you want. I don't sleep too much these days". Rave walked towards the entrance of the tent. "The Wasteland will burn" Rave mumbled has he exited the tent. 

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"Well then, you know your pre-war history Rave?" I asked curiously. "I say, the ancients back in the mid-18th century had a wide variety of torture devices when slavery and torture were commonplace." Pulling a device out of his coat, "This handy thing is called a Thumbscrew, operated manually for the best fun in my opinion. You can crush a pony's hoof with extreme pain and cause some bleeding of course, but I practically guarantee results from anyone except for robots. Oh, Oh and you'll love this too, I love to create new things and this initially was a drug to inhibit pain, naturally when I was BORING, but I revolutionized it to accentuate pain to levels even with the most non-lethal prodding. PLEASE, I must show you the effects, and personally, I never had a reason to keep anyone alive before but aha, you have provided me with once in a lifetime opportunity!


(By the way, I love history and the Thumbscrew is a real device. Almost scares me to be honest but look it up.) 

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Rave walked into the tent where the Enclave scientist was tied up to a pole in the ground. "I know my history. In fact I love it. I collect pre-war books. I was a student of the Followers of the Apocalypse when I was young. I know that a lot of our history is fake and was falsified to help the war effort, but I have found written logs and audio logs, many kinds of evidence of what really went down. But that is non of our concern since that is all in the past". Rave walks up to the tied up pegasus. "Hello there Cloudmaker. I have a dear friend here with me who would love to meet you. Me and him have been talking so much about you and I think that you and him could become very good friends" Rave walks to Jack. "Have fun, come back to me when you are finished" Rave chuckled. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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"well dash i was thinking of a stable we could use metal to create a city outside of it, and use the stable as sortof a vault to keep things secure. this way if we ARE attacked, we can hold down the fort in the vault. until it opens on its own, and this one isnt set to for at least 100 years, the only thing that can open it is the override code. these things survived the bombs after all. i think i can work something out with stable 42"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Rave left the tent, and I took a deep breath. "Cloudmaker, This is not my usual reply but since I am here might as well go through the proper procedure. You decline, I have my fun", he said with a subtle smile. "I only give you this mercy once, what is the code to the base Rave requires access to?" Shaking in his bonds, "I give you nothing, I know only that you are a monster, I know exactly who you are!" He couldn't hide his fear, false bravado was all that he spouted. "I love when my subjects play, lets see how you answer after this, laughing to myself singing a quiet lullaby. I pulled a small vial out of my bag along with a sanitized syringe, slowly drawing the fluid, he fought even more against the binding but to no avail. "You bring this down upon yourself boy, you only need to answer my question. After all I am only asking one, is it so hard to answer?", I asked innocently. He winced as I injected slowly savoring every tiny moment of his pain, then again, I had just begun. "I give you one last chance before I play, what is the code to the base?", I asked menacingly. "NEVER!", he proclaimed. "I am going to roll some die, even number you lose a front hoof, odd you lose a back hoof? "You ready?" I asked suddenly giddy. "Here we go!"       

Edited by Twilightpie17
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Rave walked around his base thinking. "I'm sure Jack will handle Cloudmaker just fine, judging by his skinning skill, although a little rough around the edges, but still quite good. I have skinned enough zebras to know where to begin. Perhaps he is right about taking out this Stabledweller. The Ponyville incident cannot be forgiven. Who knows, perhaps Jack might prove useful for Project Hellfire". 

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Elegrons voice was heard by all on the radio. "to the ponies of the wasteland i want to apologize. Many ponies call me a hero, which i may or may not be. i would be, if it werent for the bad deeds that i have done. I have killed ponies, who while they were doing wrong at the time, may not have been bad ponies. many of them truly did not deserve it, and it took me until now to realise this. I will be opening up a city soon, in which ponies can live in peace. Until it is complete, i will not say where i am building it, nor will i give a name. I cannot risk it being attacked. If anypony has any ideas of attacking when its opened, just know that it wont be as easy as you think. I dont think i will stop my adventure, but i do know that i wont be raiding any more caravans. I will not hunt down cannible doctors, or crazy raiders. I will fight them when i must, to protect myself and others, and only then. I believe this way i can truly help the ponies of the wasteland, without taking from them." And with that, the radio went silent.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash smiles and says, "You have done the right thing, Elegron. You know you will have my support. If I may, when we take care of Dark Horn, use the broadcaster to send a message to any enclave. It is so that they will have a place to call home. I care deeply for them."


Dash's movements indicate she is serious and telling the truth. There is a hint of love there as well.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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