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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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Rave was going over some files and checking some maps of tunnels as the Iron Warriors approached, not suspecting an attack yet. "Hmmm, yes, if were to go through there we would be able to sneak it perfectly into Tenpony. Tenpony may be able to resist any bombings from the outside. However, there never built any defenses to protect it from being attacked from the inside" Rave smiled. 

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The team made good pace, and used the environment perfectly, and made it quite close the the Slaver base without being detected.


Demo 1: "Ok, recon team. Get to higher ground and keep an eye out for us. Do not shoot unless shot at first. Assult team, wait for the signal and get that Mini nuke launcher ready. We need it done soon. 2 and 3, with me. Stealth Bucks on and C4 ready. We have two objectives to destroy.


Objective A is the wall. A large enough hole to allow the assult team to flood in with high speed.


Objective B is the mine field. We will not trip it as we are very light on our feet, the others are not so 3, you need to set some bombs that will clear a good chunk of the mines away from the opening that we are creating.


As soon as the C4 detonates and the smoke clears Fire that mini nuke through the opening then move to the Howitzers. You are free to fire at will then. The star paladin and the elites will join us once the Howitzer crews are dead. do not destroy them. Everyone has their orders, good luck brothers. After this, beer is on me. Move out."


The Warriors moved into position, and the Demo team waited for the perfect opertunity to start the attack.

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Elegron gave dash a strange look "Because if we go there to defend, once all the ghouls are dead they'll make us dead too. As for the tower, I'm sure there's at least one left, know where it might be? I think I saw some wired tower whip on my travels... But I doubt that would be what your looking for" he realized what this meant if they could pull it off "dash your a genius! Hellhound a on our side? Perfect! We need to track down one of those towers, I just need to know what they look like" Elegron kissed dash "we may actually be able to pull this off"

Dash says, "According to my file the towers fell at the same time as the enclave. That was years ago. I have the locations of the ground bases. So we could try there." Dash motions for the sky carriage to follow before turning to head to the nearest base from their current location.

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Lasher entered Rave's tent. "When do we move out?". "I still haven't heard Pon3 broadcast anything about the attack. He might have gone into hiding. If so, attacking Tenpony would a mistake as it would alert him to our intentions". "Understood". 


A guard patrol was coming by the corner of one of the walls where the Iron Warriors were nearby. "She really did do, she did". "Caymbra would never kiss someone like you". "Come one guys, why won't you believe me I---" "Shut it will you, we are on guard duty, not gossip duty, you guys are the worst". 

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Demo 3: "Bombs are set on the mines."


Demo 2: "Wall rigged to blow to."


Demo 1: "Ok pull back and regroup. Time to light this candle."


All teams where now in position. The bombs set and the Demo team back to minimal safe distance. The Mini-Nuse launcher was ready, but only had one shot.


Recon team: "We are set. Blow it."


With the flick of a switch and the press of a button, a large section of the mines were destroyed and a hole, 10 feet long and 8 feet high, was blown into the wall.


Strike team leader: "Wait for the smoke to clear and then Launch the nuke. Hold position."

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Rave heard the explosions and knew what was going on. He had anticipated the attack, but not that it would be a silent one. "Lasher this is an emergency. You are going to have to wear you Enclave armor. Lasher nodded and ran outside. Rave readied his Magical Energy Rifle and ran straight to one of the radiomares. "Call in reinforcements, I don't care how much time it takes. Call Darkeye back, the line can fall for all I care, we have to defend this position. Call in Hellclaw as well, it is time that we use our alliance with those mutts". Rave was running around the camp giving orders. "Ready the artillery, I want everything bombardet, presto". 


Rave's griffin mercs had already scrambled. Phoenix Blackhawk was barking orders. Most of the griffins split into groups of 2, scouting out the area. 


On a ridge Lena Smiles was watching, smiling. "Oh dear oh dear, it seems like Rave is in trouble. Don't you think that is quite horrible?" she giggled. Beside her, stood the former leader of the 'Skinners' gang, Scalper,who had survived Rave's purge. "Quite so" he said darkly. "Don't worry, as soon as the Iron Warriors finish, we will swoop in and kill everybody, replacing Rave with you. If the Iron Warriors fail, we will swoop up the remnants". Scalper walked away from Lena. "I haven't forgotten when you took over the gangs, when you took over MY gang. I shall have my revenge".

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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When the smoke cleared. One Warrior stood from cover Holding a nuke launcher over his shoulder. And in one second, he pulled the trigger and sent a nuke into the Slaver compound, causing huge levels of destruction, killing several slavers and flooding the south area of the compound with medium levels of radiation.


Assault 1: "Move in. Take out the artillery crew ASAP."


The assault team moved into the Slaver compound, Miniguns and Laser rifles blasting. Shooting everyone in sight. Slavers and Slaves alike.



Wade and Blooddrop were set up in some hills with some Binoculars and Paralysis Bolts for capture.


Wade: "We have our Targets, we are looking for Rave Crystal and his lap-dog Lasher."


Blooddrop: "I'm tingling with anticipation. Its been near 10 years since I last saw Rave. And... Ohh... How much 'fun' that was. I can't wait, how much longer must we sit here."


Wade: "Minutes. Maybe. 15 minutes max. If we wait longer. We'll go in ourselves."


Blooddrop: "Fine. I can wait."

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Lasher came out of his tent wearing his Enclave armor painted red. He immediately flew into the air and started to fire at the Iron Warriors with his Anti-Machine Rifle, Fear. He took out the head of one holding a mini gun. 


The griffins were swooping around some dropping bombs, some used battle-saddles with rocket launchers. 


The slavers were in complete chaos. Rave was trying to get the situation under control. "Stop your squirming and get on fighting. GO". "I'll be damned if I let that pompous Iron freak win" Rave thought. Rave started firing at several Iron Warriors, hitting one in the chest. Some of the slavers were using weapons with regular ammo. "NO NO NO, AROMOR PENETRATION YOU MORONS".


A crew of engineers managed to get one artillery ready and started firing. 

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The Recon team turned their Rifles to the sky, and started shooting Griffins out of the sky.


Recon 6: "Assault team. Don't stay still. Rapid movement, but do not sacrifice aim nor armour."


Assault: "Affirmative. Switching to light weaponry."


The team put away their large energy weapons and miniguns, and changed them out for smaller, faster plasma rifles and pistols. Moving frequently to avoid both the Griffins attacks and Lashers Rifle.

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Rave jumped on the back of one of the Ironers, bringing his Energy Rifle to the head and firing. "They think that they have everything under control. They think that they are superior. They will pay the 'Iron' price... no pun intended". Rave moved towards Phoenix. "Have your griffins fly a little faster. They are our air support. Make them swoop down on the enemy firing when they can, otherwise stay away from their weapons. Phoenix nodded, she flew into the sky herself with a Magical Energy Minigun. She performed an air sweep, taking out 2 Ironers. She barked Rave's orders to the other griffins. "If you think your the only one that can play strategy Iron Mane, then you are wrong". 


Darkeye was scrambling his slavers. Windstreak flew towards Darkeye. "We need you here, we will not be able to hold out on our own here. The ghouls will overrun us". "Tough luck. I have my orders" Darkeye looked at a few slavers he thought were moving to slow. "MOVE YOU BASTARDS OR I WILL HAVE ALL OF YOU SKINNED". 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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the explosions cut dash off. "you hear that? i wonder what it is" Elegron pulled the sky chariot around and flew towards the fight. "ill be damned... rave is under attack. well we'd better go help. his attackers anyway" elegron flew around a rock, out of sight. "you said you could make balefire eggs fly? now would be the time." he levitated 1 out, peek over the rock and snuck it over the wall into the camp. using his binoculars to see what he was doing, he threw it in the line of fire of one of the slavers just as he took his shot. boom. a corona of balefire lashed out at any and all nearby slavers. anything within its blast radius was decimated. "HAH that should give the other team a bit of an edge. we could pull out at any time, or keep fighting, just try not to alert them to our presence."



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Recon 5: "Star Paladin. Resistance is stronger than anticipated. We need reinforcements."


Star: "Affirmative. Vertibirds are on the way. The rest of the ground forces will take the long way. Through their Blind spots. ETA 10 minutes. They stand no change against an entire army of us."


10 Vertibirds took off into the air, custom made to have mounted Laser Mini guns inbuilt missile launchers, to destroy anything that posed even the slightest little threat, and the ground force set out on foot, through some hills to avoid artillery fire and get the drop on them.

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Elegron poked his anti material rifle. he knew he would have been spotted anyway. he looked through the scope and saw a slaver who looked like he had some authority, and fired at lasher. he didnt even check to see if he hit his mark, he was already getting his escape ready so he could pull out at any time.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Lasher got hit in one of his hooves. "You think you can shoot? I'll teach you how to shoot". Lasher brought his Anti-Machine rifle, Fear, around and fired at Elegron.


Hellhounds started to spring up from the ground, tearing into the Ironers, ripping them appart. They were led by Hellclaw, Rave's ally. 


Rave was growing angry. "Iron Mane you coward, you don't have the guts to show yourself. You hide far away, while others battle for you". Rave fired madly at some Ironers. "Poindexter, use the air defense you made on the ground troops. "Yes, of course". The turrets were not made to be accurate, only to fend of air attacks, but it was easier to target ground targets as there was less room to move. The turrets open fired. "I will blow up this base before I let anyone take it". 

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Within a few minutes of fighting, a large rumble could be heard coming from the distance. A fleet of assault vertibirds came over the horizon. Missiles ready and Lasers primed. They done one quick pass of the base to get their bearings and then open fired with ther mounted Gatling Lasers, tearing the Griffins apart. A few diverted their attention to the ground units, using missiles to clear out entrenched Slavers, decimated the Hell hound numbers and to destroy one of the AA guns. The Warrior were now in phase two of their 4 part plan.

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The AA guns aimed up and focused on the Vertibirds. 


While the battle raged on, Rave walked inside the armory that was underneath the base. The slavers kept their their guns, bombs, artillery shells, all of their weapons. He had Poindexter with him. "The bombs ready?". "Ye-- yes" Poindexter said with a shaky voice. "It will blow up the whole base?". "Yes". "And kill everyone inside it? Including the Vertibirds hovering above?". "Yes". "Good, you have been of good use". Rave plunged his knife into his sides. Poindexter fell down dead. "I will be long gone when everybody dies". 

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Elegron heard the bullet whizzing by his ear. Way too close for comfort. Elegron ducked down, and saw a group of Griffins flying towards him. His team took them down, and only one of Elegrons soldiers was injure, and downed a health potion. 2 of his ponies pulled out their sniper rifles and started taking down slavers, ducking back down after every shot. The slavers were too busy with the iron warriors. Elegron took another shot at lasher before ducking down again behind the rock. He didn't plan on staying much longer, he just wanted whoever was attacking rave to win this fight. He would make friend or corpse of them later.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash used her battle saddle and pop shoted a few slavers. She kept moving low so as to not be easily hit. She kept going till the recarge warning hit then pulled back a bit. She seams to use low flight tactics of the enclave. She so far isn't using the tail blade.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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The alone time was good for him. He would deal with Elegron later. He began to wander again, killing aimlessly anyone slaver, merchant, or unsuspecting traveler just to spend his time when he was otherwise idle, all of a sudden he heard the deafening sounds of explosions at Rave's base. He hoped it wasn't too late going through the back entrance of the fortress to assess the damage for himself. 

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Dash withdraws to aid and get close to Elegron. She says to him. "They have to have control of a tower. That is the only known way of controlling a hellhound. I think we need to take that tower. If i can get the device's blue prints, i can craft a smaller short range transmitter."

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"this place is a battlefield, we can't just run in there. I won't let you get killed like that, our best bet is to wait out the fight, and assist when needed. Once it's over we can deal with whoever is left" Elegron looked up and took another shot, as a griffin fell out of the sky from the bullet.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Screams, explosions, gunfire of all sorts could be heard up above. Wandering through the under of his fortress, he stumbled across Rave's bomb and the dead assistant. "My, My, My, Rave what are YOU planning?" [science] Attaching his latest plague to the bomb. "This should spread and contaminate food for miles, anyone who ingests this will surely perish." Finishing his work, he left out the back door once more to find sanctuary from the impending blast that would soon ensue most of the wasteland not that it already was ruined. "Like the icing on the cake," he said laughing. He wandered out the back door looking for a good deep cave to find shelter in. He radioed Rave, "Do feel free to join me friend, here are my coordinates. Oh and careful of what you eat yes? I added a little spice to your surprise dinner." 

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Elegron looked up a bit to see a certain pony that he remembered. Jack. He recoiled in disgust knowing that jack was with rave. Jack was not a good pony, had no good in him. Of this, Elegron became certain, as he slid the bolt on his anti material rifle. He lined the crosshairs up on jacks head. And pulled the trigger.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash aided in the main battle and melee'd with a few griffons who challenged her. It was tough but she brought them down with minimal damage taken. She downs a health stem to recover before withdrawing. She hides near the chariot. She bunkers down to defend.

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The sound of gunfire immediately made him duck shooting the nearby tree nearly having it collapse on him, "Elegron, we meet again? You have to relax friend, I feel like whenever we meet you shoot me, Can we ever be nice for once?" Ducking behind a nearby boulder to stay out of sight.

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