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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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"You don't know if he is not making any effort. This might be a very well hidden base. You are wasting your time. You can't even prove your points with facts" Lasher was starting to shake, which only made him more dangerous as when he gets nervous he usually strikes.

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"You don't know if he is not making any effort. This might be a very well hidden base. You are wasting your time. You can't even prove your points with facts" Lasher was starting to shake, which only made him more dangerous as when he gets nervous he usually strikes.

Blooddrop stood firm against his threats, showing neither fear or any need to disarm him. "And you can't prove that he is. What will it take you to realise that you were used by Rave as a means of gaining power and keeping people in line? Rave himself cannot do much on the way of fight, I've seen him try. You however, I belive that you can fight and are capable of keeping an army in order. But that's just it, without you, Rave would be dead. He used you to get power, and now he has lost it, he surrounds himself with ponies who can can do much more than you can and are more useful in his current situation. Answer this then, why did he not tell you that he was leaving, and left you behind to die by the hands of Iron Warriors? If we had not told you to leave, the nukes would have taken you. Answer that one. Because true friends don't leave others behind to be murdered."

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Lasher was stunned. "I--I-- FUCK YOU RAVE. The only reason why I stuck out with him was because he was my sister's husband. He promised me that we would get revenge for her death. However, you are still wrong about Rave. You've probably never seen him with an Energy Weapon, nor have you seen him use his magic. He can also order ponies around as he is a strategist. He would have gotten power even without me. He is very.... persuasive. He took control over the gangs without me. What do you want with me here? You probably thought by convincing me that Rave betrayed me that I am suddenly your ally or something. I am not, I already know that raiders can't be trusted, judging by all of your brutal acts and you just further proved it when you were torturing me". 

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Lasher was stunned. "I--I-- FUCK YOU RAVE. The only reason why I stuck out with him was because he was my sister's husband. He promised me that we would get revenge for her death. However, you are still wrong about Rave. You've probably never seen him with an Energy Weapon, nor have you seen him use his magic. He can also order ponies around as he is a strategist. He would have gotten power even without me. He is very.... persuasive. He took control over the gangs without me. What do you want with me here? You probably thought by convincing me that Rave betrayed me that I am suddenly your ally or something. I am not, I already know that raiders can't be trusted, judging by all of your brutal acts and you just further proved it when you were torturing me".

"Im not looking for your friendship, or for your trust. And for your information I saw his skill with energy weapons and his Dark Magic. Crystals. I can delve into history and suggest that he may be directly linked to the Sombra blood line. No other blood line can control the crystals like they. And let me tell you a thing or two about us Raiders. We are bit the savages you make us out to be. What we do is true, we steal, murder, torture, rape and generally make life hard for our enemies. But behind the scenes is a strong community, filled with ponies who've never shot a gun I'm their life. And have never taken another life. We are a society of friends, a brotherhood. We kill our enemies in such a way so they fear us, as a way of protecting those who cannot or do not fight. If we did not make people fear us, they would kill us all, simply for not falling into social views of normal ways of living. You can't understand our ways of life, you refuse to understand our motives and what we desire to achieve in the long term. Most Raiders are under my command, and we have such a reputation that even the Iron Warriors is scared to attack us. Shows what good that Slaver army did for you in the end. I don't want your friendship, all I ask is that you see the error in your own ways and set yourself free of the chains you so willing put yourself in."

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"There were no chains holding me, only delusions. If convincing me was your only goal, then I guess you are done. I guess you aren't a raider raider. Real raiders are all psychopaths and they don't care about other ponies, not even about the ones that are like them. They are cannibals who giggle and laugh while gorging on a prey. You don't strike me as a real raider, by what I have now witnessed. If the Iron Warriors were willing to take us down, they are quite willing to take you down. While you still exist, they can't take full control and what I've seen, they are power hungry as shit. Iron Mane wants to be something. They have lost quite a lot by attacking Rave's slavers, but if they are allowed to lick their wounds, they will strike again and harder. With their victory over the slavers, many Steel Rangers must be joining them, forsaking the Brotherhood of Steel". Lasher stopped for a moment to think. "And if Rave is related to Sombra... let's just say that Rave is obsessed with his family history. He always spoke greatly about one of his relatives, called Blackforest. From what I have gathered in history books, he was a grey unicorn and the general of the Crystal army during Sombra's reign. He was very large, larger then most ponies and could crush other ponies with his hooves. He was also well versed in dark magic. He was known for his brutality. Killed the general leading the army of the Two Sisters by crushing his skull during the war for the Crystal Empire. Now that I think of it, I see a likeness between him and Darkeye. It is good that Darkeye is an Earth-pony. Now, if you are done, I would like to go. I need to do a lot of thinking". 

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"There were no chains holding me, only delusions. If convincing me was your only goal, then I guess you are done. I guess you aren't a raider raider. Real raiders are all psychopaths and they don't care about other ponies, not even about the ones that are like them. They are cannibals who giggle and laugh while gorging on a prey. You don't strike me as a real raider, by what I have now witnessed. If the Iron Warriors were willing to take us down, they are quite willing to take you down. While you still exist, they can't take full control and what I've seen, they are power hungry as shit. Iron Mane wants to be something. They have lost quite a lot by attacking Rave's slavers, but if they are allowed to lick their wounds, they will strike again and harder. With their victory over the slavers, many Steel Rangers must be joining them, forsaking the Brotherhood of Steel". Lasher stopped for a moment to think. "And if Rave is related to Sombra... let's just say that Rave is obsessed with his family history. He always spoke greatly about one of his relatives, called Blackforest. From what I have gathered in history books, he was a grey unicorn and the general of the Crystal army during Sombra's reign. He was very large, larger then most ponies and could crush other ponies with his hooves. He was also well versed in dark magic. He was known for his brutality. Killed the general leading the army of the Two Sisters by crushing his skull during the war for the Crystal Empire. Now that I think of it, I see a likeness between him and Darkeye. It is good that Darkeye is an Earth-pony. Now, if you are done, I would like to go. I need to do a lot of thinking".

"Go on then. Leave. Next time we meet I may not show the same kindness that I did today. Sorry about the embers, I guess that was a small bit excessive. You can leave right now, or you can stay for a while and let EDNA do a more high quality reconstruction job of the organs and tissues you burned. What will it be?"

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Elegron came back over the radio. He had secrets of his own, not wanting anypony to know about his new power "yes we're done, we can meet up. Don't you or dark eye still have a few soldiers? I stumbled across bloodrops base on my first week out of the stable. But if we're going to attack we need a solid plan. We're seriously outnumbered here. Or we could lure her out."

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Lasher walked past her. "I will leave, but I will be taking Clover's body with me. Even if it was I who shot her, she is still my wife. And it is my responsibility to bury her".


Rave thought for a while. "Well, I do have plans" Rave smiled. "I will talk to you again later, I will be here at the Enclave base" Rave turned off the broadcaster, still smiling.

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Elegron wasn't done talking "and what about lasher? You weren't the only one abducted by aliens. Anyway, were heading back now" Elegron turned off the broadcaster

"Hey dash, we should head back now. Rave seems to be getting impatient." Elegron started to walk towards the sky chariot, glancing back to see if she was following him



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash follows. She says, "They can't know abouy my cyber joints. As far as they are concerned a doctor here knew how to give me back my joint without cybernetic replacement of all my joints. If they ask i got the one joint." Dash also asks, "can we make a pit stop at our base? I want to pick up a few thing and you need a better gun. What are your thoughts on a novasurge rifle?"

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Lasher walked past her. "I will leave, but I will be taking Clover's body with me. Even if it was I who shot her, she is still my wife. And it is my responsibility to bury her".


Rave thought for a while. "Well, I do have plans" Rave smiled. "I will talk to you again later, I will be here at the Enclave base" Rave turned off the broadcaster, still smiling.

"Very well. I offered to help, and no one knows more about Cybernetics and medical use than us. Clovers body is this way. Follow me."


Blooddrop left the room and moved deeper into the bunker to the morgue. She pulled open one of the draws and opened the body bag, revealing Clovers body. Still as preserved as the day she died, although she was cold from being frozen. Only sign of injury was a large chunk of her neck was missing and some stitches around the neck. "Their. Take your wife and leave. And don't do anything stupid."


The machines Wade was attached to had greatly accelerated the process of recovery. He now had control of most of his body, but his limiters had malfunctioned from the EMP, so Dark Magic was still in control of him, mostly. "Bound and restricted. This is degrading. May this be over soon."

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Headache, severe headache was all I could feel at first. Then, I noticed my radio was gone despite being so groggy. Calming myself before I could get too irritated, I was pretty sure Rave needed it but didn't he have his own pip buck? Finally Rave noticed me and let me go. Walking to a mirror, I had some pretty good scarring up near my scalp but nothing a hat or cloak wouldn't cover. "You feel better," inquired Rave? "To be honest, no, however, I came prepared", drinking the same vial I gave him. "Well I still feel like shit, your a doctor aren't you? All I have felt is a constant headache but I do admit, I can see farther, and assess threats better", he said. "Like I promised yes? Now to test my theory", using my knife to cut myself, the pain felt real enough but my wound definitely healed faster. Bones would probably take days to heal on their own but I wasn't about to test that theory yet. "Keep using your noggin, and moving your body, everything should fade within time. Your pain will not fade with being here simply being idle. Now can I have my radio back?" "Sure", handing him his device back. "I will open the doors and keep the system on stand-by for threats. I'll see you outside." "Fine with me, but I have a few things I need to take care of first.", and he walked out. Getting Elegron's gun, I packed my things, while i was there, replaced my coat with an Enclave scientist's coat. Finally, I went to help Rave with whatever he needed help with.   

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"Of course, we should head to the base. Isn't a nova surge rifle a laser weapon though? I could learn, but I would do better with a powerful rifle or fancy revolver. Something with an actual barrel and recoil." He held up his revolver to add to the point. "But yes we need to head by the base first. And don't tell rave or jack about it, I don't trust them that much yet"

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Lasher traveled West with his wifes body. He intended to bury her there. 


Rave was in an old room with a bed on it. He saw Jack coming and closed the door before he could come inside. Rave walked towards Darkeye, talking quietly. "You understand all the instructions, right?". "I do". "If anything should happen to me, you will have to take command. You are my successor. The linage of the Crystals must live on. If I am to fail, you are to finish the job" Rave pointed at his PipBuck. Darkeye nodded as he had regained sight with one of his eyes. "Gladly". 

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They were talking again and boom! I simply don't understand! Everyone has some secret agenda going on, I thought to myself.



During Rave's operation, I took the liberty of perusing the contents of his pipbuck. What is this? Operation Hellfire? Oh Rave, if I thought you were conspiring to rule the wastes then, then what you have planed now will be the greatest fortune for this entire realm! Making a copy for himself, he set the data out of sight.



I went to the main console in the lab and set the base to blow in one hour.  I packed my things and traded my old radio for a new one in the Enclave base. I set my course for the Badlands. In case anyone tried to disarm it, it would automatically make all droids hostile to the user. It would be night soon so I left since my vision was equally good in night as day. I donned my cloak and slipped away. Oh there would be warning, but it would be far too late for anypony to save their lives. I even left his brain that I didn't eat next to the computer. Ah, Life is good yes. I go down, I go down my way.     

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Wade's body was back online. But the limiters that restrict his magic had broken. They no longer worked and he did not have the technology to fix them. But two days spent with magic flowing through his veins had ley him adjust to it a little. Extended use would no longer kill him, only wound him severely. The machines holding Wade turned off and he dropped to the floor with a thud. "Free. I'm free. I can finally get on with what I was doing an finish what I started. Elegron, Light bringer. I'll hit him were it hurts. That Pegasus mare." Wade left his room and exited the bunker. He only had one idea of a place to start looking. Tenpony tower. So that's where he was going first.




Blooddrop went to her radio and set about contacting Jack on the private network he had. "So. You wanted to talk with me? You have one chance to convince me why I should waste my time listening to you. Go on. Talk."

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Having just left the blast radius of the doomed base, I kept at my pace if I wanted to make proper time. "I do apologize, but you have to understand, I had my own agenda to maintain. I have some information that you will find very useful. Besides, I set the Enclave base to blow where Rave was staying at, there is a good chance that I will have done some damage yes?" 


*30 minutes out*

"You should see some fireworks on the horizon soon, that will be my gift of apology for my actions against you earlier."

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Rave was looking for Jack. "Jack? Jack? Where are you? I have work for you. Where the hell is that bastard. Probably playing with himself down in the lab". Rave entered the lab. His stuff was gone. "What the?". A feeling crept along his mane. "Leaving, huh? And without saying goodbye?". He saw a brain lying on a table next to the computer. "A message?". He checked it and checked for the latest action. "You bastard, Rave tried to deactivate it, but it set off the security droids. Lights flashed red. A few immediately charged into the lab area. He levitated his Novasurge rifle and fired at the first 3, destroying them completely. One got close enough to singe Rave a little bit with his flamethrower. Rave put a few holes into the robot. He could hear cries of battle and Darkeye roaring as he tore down robots. "You are so dead Jack, that you don't even realize it". 

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Hearing the gunfire and chaos, "Good luck Rave, you'll need it", I said through my radio. "You can say hi to dead that you've killed later, courtesy of myself naturally, you have fun getting through the turrets outside yes? As well as other surprises! Don't need my prey escaping the cage now, don't we?" Watching the faint bursts from miles away, he laughed through the on-site intercom with a final fare well, "It was nice working with you but our contract has ended. I'll be by later to personally move the bodies of you and your son to bloodrop herself. That's if evidence survives yes? Fare well slaver friend, have a good final moment." Ending the transmission, he laughed and continued to Bloodrop's stronghold.     


(A mini-minefield exists on the path out as well as turrets with anti-personnel rounds.)

*22 minutes left*

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Elegron turned on his broadcaster, sending the signal to the old radio jack left, just in earshot of rave. "hey rave, you there? It's been a while, is something wrong? I didn't plan on going back just yet, but if you need me I can head over there." Elegron had the sky chariot flying over the wasteland, they were heading towards the base, but the building rave was at was fairly close by

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash says, "We could use the stuff. Also who are we aiding? It seams our break has made friends of enemies and enemies of old friends. I do still need to ask Rave about Dark Horn." Dash was next to the chariot flying. She wanted to get a new toy and finish her set up of the base.


"By the way, your code for our base is your name." She adds, after he turns off the broadcaster.

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"Well dash, rave is a little hard to read sometimes, but I've mostly changed him I think. Jack isn't changed. I know that. That's why I've always had a backup plan. I have a feeling he will turn on us soon, and I'll just kill him then. Trust me, he can't escape this one. Speaking of which... Where is he going?" Elegron saw jack walking along away from the bunker. He flew the my chariot down and eavesdropped on the conversation conversation. "Jack. I sortof expected this. I gave you a chance, and you betrayed us." Elegron was slowly levitating out his anti material rifle.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Here comes the hero, when are you going to learn your kind is not welcome here, you should have gone out west ages ago where the civilized ponies live. However I am done with you", simultaneously releasing toxic fumes while turning on a stealth buck I acquired from the enclave fortress. The darkness made for easy hiding using the night to my advantage.  

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Rave was running along the tunnels beneath the Enclave fortress. He had not had his ponies explore for nothing, but he had not lost nothing. One pony had died fighting the security droids and he had to leave five others since there was no time to warn them. Rave had never sweared as much in his life time. "I'm gonna skin him when I get him". "Can I eat him when you are done?". "You will eat him alive, after I have skinned him alive". They were nearing the exit and came up to the surface again. He could see Elegron in the distance talking to Jack. "So, he is in league with him. The Stabledweller put him up to this". Rave was not happy.

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Elegron fle out of the gas cloud, firing blindly at jack. He saw rave, The half a dozen turrets pointed at his unlikely companion. He flew the sky chariot as fast as it would go, and jumped out, leaving spark to land it, and took out one of the turrets with his AMR. "Rave, what did that traitor do?!" One of the turrets had fired on Elegron, and barely dove out of the way



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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