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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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"Why not? I'll definitely come over for a bit then." I smiled at Blooddrop, "Let me dismount first." I looked at Rex, "Go keep yourself occupied while I discuss things with Blooddrop for a bit." He made a look that strangely resembled concern, 'Don't get too drunk now, we are a team you know.' I smiled at his request, "I need to teach you some humor. We can work on that in the days to come, okay?" 'Fine, fine, I'll be close by if ANYTHING happens. Your a sister to me now.' I walked away, I couldn't imagine Darkeye's reaction to this, "Would he be jealous of my new partner?" I entered Blooddrop's abode, "Oh these are for you from Slasher. Reports he thought you should review from the Ponyville area. (You can decide what they say Child.) I took a seat pouring her and myself a drink. I offered her one while she read on curious. 

Edited by Sriracha
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"Well I hope you are good at improvisation." She said with a sincere fear for Elegron and the groups safety, they seemed nice enough except for the lasher fellow, but every group has their flaw.


"I mean, if you could make everyone invisible or something you may not need shelter." She said looking at Elegron "But that seems unlikely and the enclave have been working on a synthetic swarm, their designs were to extract naturally occurring minerals from the earth, however a dire flaw presented itself in the prototyping, it would "harvest" living specimens for their minerals and that has only been addressed with a compromise to program the swarm to not attack those wearing enclave identifying software." She winced as she said 'harvest' for a lack of a better word and looked at Elegron.

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"Sounds fun, so does this happen often? If so, then why have I yet to see it. I'm no hermit. And I'm also not worried about a few robot bug things" he said " some of us are carrying impressive firepower. Stable city has custom gun designers. They charge out the ass, but their work is top notch. I was going to have them make a gun for dash, but I never got around to it."



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"You humor me Elegron, you really do! You think a few images are going to scare me away? Just because I don't share your interests doesn't mean I am a fool to life. I have seen things you know, I like em' better dead! They look prettier when they aren't talking all the time. You should have seen my sister when she got in to an elaboration, oh boy I swear your ears would bleed from the vocal assault! Pretty sure she's dead though, I could not imagine her living this long anyway."

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"Well twilight sparkle IS dead." Elegron thought back to jack. "But rain isn't. She's very much alive. She's the only member of the white poison I actually like. She was a lot stronger than you. She didn't fall to the same madness that you did. Ok so maybe she tried to stop me from stopping the world from blowing up, but she was pretty pissed when she found out you had died. And she knows a mistake and doesn't hold it against me that I stopped her then. So things are going fairly well. Aside from me not seeing dash for another 10 years."



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"You are hilarious! She lives! Hahahahaha! You do a good job stable dweller! I would believe she would try to blow up the world, could use a little...renovations, you think? I might go visit her and congratulate her, oh right...she is dead! Of all the preposterous lies, you tell me she lives. I might actually like you if you can prove that! I haven't seen family in...oh what is time to me anyway. I can watch you sleep and I still lose track of the days I spent wandering..."  

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"You watch me sleep? Again, nothing wrong with being into stallions, just keep "yourself" to yourself" he mentally joked. "Go ahead and visit her. She lives in Ponyville with darkeye. You don't have to believe me, but I would recommend doing so if you want to see her. Also, if she weren't alive, then how would I have known her name? After all, you never told me."



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"How else do you wake up with animal crap on you? I love defecating on your corpse when you sleep! I love when I get a good animal dropping in on you eh? Okay, I will make you a proposition, take me to her and i'll help you for a change. I hear things you know. I am an excellent purveyor of secrets. I even know where your Stable City is. I am personally surprised I haven't told anyone yet! Oh and you could have met another Rain that says she knows me. The chance is there and besides you are stubborn like me anyway, we could argue like this for ages!" Taking a moment to think, "So there is a chance that she lives. What would I say? I mean really, what would you say to sibling who you thought were dead and has just realized she actually lives? For once, you have stumped me Elegron. I barely know how to spent my time anymore..."  

Edited by Sriracha
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"It usually happens when visibility is low, like during a sandstorm or something close, which brings me to my next point, I don't think fighting them is something you want to do, unless you want an early grave or have some sort of EMP device, they were designed for operating in hazardous conditions and regular bullets would just dent them." Leone couldn't help but laugh a bit as Elegron looked like he still wanted to shoot them up "Let me guess, you have a Ion or Plasma torch and Armor piercing rounds in that 'firepower' you speak of, right?" 

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"Oh yea. I've got a whole hell of a lot more than that." Elegron whipped out two crazy looking, souped up combat shotguns. Then both had holographic sights, extended magazines, and a dial on each. On it had 4 settings for the enchantment. None, fire, EMP, and armor passing. In general they just looked badass. "Do these count?" He said with a grin.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"They count if they infinite ammo." Leone smiled under her helmet, surprised and impressed with the weird unicorn fellow to possess such magnificent weapons. "However, I must warn you that if you do choose to fight the swarm head on and manage to destroy them all the Enclave wouldn't appreciate it one bit and probably track you and torture you and.." She stopped herself there, the unicorn probably got the gist of it. 


"Don't get me wrong, I would actually like to see your display of combat proficiency, but perhaps it isn't in your best interest as you seem like the type of guy that has enough enemies that you have to deal with already" She paused a moment and then jumped up with a burst of energy "Oh how rude of myself, we haven't formally introduced, I'm Ripley."

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"Right... Wait, they would hate me just because I defended myself? Damn... Add the enclave to the list of groups in not too fond of. Except for dash. She's different. Although unlike some ponies I won't murder somepony just because they wear enclave armor. I'm Elegron" he greeted the pony, something he should have done a bit sooner. He spun the shotguns around before putting them on his back, and they vanished. "Also stable city mass produced ammo. So essentially it is unlimited. I carry a lot with me. And those aren't my only guns, they're just my favorite."



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"It's a miracle you haven't exhausted yourself considering all the guns you lug around for celestia knows how long."


Swarm Event in 30 Minutes.


"Well I hope you find a place large enough for your party in 30 minutes, because that's all the time you have before shit hits the fan." Leone then had no clue why she was disclosing this information to a couple of random ponies, one of which wants her dead just because she's enclave, hell she could be convicted of 'treason' for not murdering the lot on sight, of course she could always argue that they were forcing her to act against her will, but that would mean betraying Elegron, the pony that saved her. "Ugh.." she grunted in distress at the confusing ordeal very uncertain about a lot of things. 

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"Well stable we've found this stuff that is very durable, and super lightweight. Ive heard it's called saturnite. We don't have much as its really really rare, but that's what my guns are made of. And the metal in my armor" Elegron scanned the area for shelter. "There" he pointed a hoof at a nearby cave "let's go in there and camp out! I don't know why, but I've always thought caves were cool."


"NOT COOL" Elegron blasted the deathclaw with his shotguns, the fire and small explosions damaging its hide, but not doing major damage. After deciding that wasn't the best weapon, he switched to his assault rifle, the armor piercing rounds penetrating the tough organic armor of the creature before it died after taking 7 rounds to the head. Elegron looked down at where it had clawed him. It wasn't a deep cut thanks to his armor, but it still drew blood. He drank a health potion, the wound slowly healing, when 2 more deathclaws ran out of the cave. "Damnit! Why did I have to choose this cave!"

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Seems like the wildlife don't take kindly to you also." Leone remarked as Elegron got slashed by the deathclaw which was met with seven shotgun rounds to the head at close blank range. Two more came rushing toward the ill-prepared unicorn that probably ran into more trouble and tight spots than he can count, and with that Leone decided that maybe it was time to demonstrate a glimpse of her capabilities. 


Initiate Energy Sequence 


Leone's armor glowed a brilliant blue that illuminated the cave, revealing the Alpha Death Claw that was rushing along with the little claws. Once Leone heard the distinct *click click* of Elegron's shotgun she charged the Alpha dead on, two blades of pure plasma protruding from her hoofs and sank them deep into the Alpha's head with pure precision, she held that for a few seconds and kicked off the carcass landing beside Elegron. "By the way, if you had payed attention to the scents and the prints on the ground, you would have known deathclaws lived here." 

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The last deathclaw leapt out of nowhere, and swept at leone, its claws mere inches away from decapitating her, then Elegron spun on his hooves and BLAM! Teh deathclaw was reduced to a paste. "That's what you get when you mix explosive rounds and a fire enchantment." He said, grinning and slinging his shotguns over his shoulder

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Thanks." She said as death claw flesh splattered on her helmet, briefly wiping it off a moment after. 


Energy Mode Deactivated

Swarm Event in Progress


"Good thing we secured this cave, the swarm has been deployed and should be out for about an hour or so, anything you like to do to pass the time when you're holed up in a cave?" She casually asked as she moved deeper into the cave that was unusually deep and continually descending into the ground. Bats could be heard screeching from the deep of the cave as the enclaver had disturbed them, and gunshots soon followed "Scary little shits.." she remarked as she gazed at a bat she accidentally slew in the discharge of her weapon. "Doesn't this cave feel a little too synthetic? I mean it just seems like the deeper you go the narrower and deeper it gets."

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"You probably don't want to ask what I do to pass time" Elegron remarked with a suggestive tone. He called back "how's everypony holding up back there?" Strawberry lemonade and Greenleaves caught up "good, I think everyone except for you was unharmed. I'm going to have to take a look at that soon" Greenleaves said

"Yes mom." Came Elegrons sarcastic reply.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Lasher was suddenly behind Elegron, having sneaked behind the group. "Well then, I guess you've dealt with the Death Claw problem. Would have wanted to put some bullets through their brains had you left some for me". He kept one eye on Leone, letting her know that he would be watching her. "Looks like the zebras are about to get wiped out. I flew over the area of Glyphmark, I saw them charging Giggler's group, but then everything went to hell and the civilians were caught in a massive explosions. They got Hellhounds. Couldn't do anything as I was not the only thing in the sky. A griffin I know who is as fast as shit, names Windroarer, is with them. He is their eyes in the sky". 


Many Justicars were killed, but then suddenly Hellhounds sprung from the ground and started ripping zebras apart, disarray broke for moment within the zebra ranks. Flamer's ponies had been moving to encircle the zebras, so when Windroarer signaled them they moved to the area Windroarer had pointed for them. They began firing at the civilians they saw. Some civilians managed to hide behind rocks or get somewhere out of sight. But most were killed as Windroarer kept on signalling the Justicars. Hellhounds sprung from the ground where civilians were running. It was a overkill. Flamer was not happy, he would not be as remembered. Mad Dog walked up beside him. "I guess these weaklings could nothing against my Hellhounds?". "Well, without Windroarer your mutts wouldn't be as effective. Damn, I swear that he has some cybernetic eyes or some shit, I don't believe that they are normal". He looked over the field. "We must capture Xenith alive. She must face a public trial to boost morale within the WPS". 

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"Just great.." Leone muttered as she heard Lasher make an entrance, which made her wonder how he made it through the swarm. "Must be a good flier I guess?" she began reasoning with herself, after all he had been enclave, however something just didn't sit well about that pony about his whole story and how he seemingly waltzed through the swarm. 


Shrugging it off she continued scanning what she now concluded as an artificial cave. "Well Elegron, from my studies of the anatomy of the cave this could either be a really old enclave safehouse or some sort of abandoned brotherhood depot, the placement of 'natural' pillars is too convenient  and I don't doubt that there is some hidden door or trapdoor here somewhere, I'd be careful though, both factions really enjoy placing turrets and other safeguards in their lairs."

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Many brave zebras gave their lives for the plan to work. But xenith escaped with some of the citizens, just barely.


"Damnit.... Nothing we can do. I hope the zebras have a plan..." He hated leaving them like this, but he didn't have much of a choice.

Elegron turned the dials on his shotguns, and they took on a slightly different design, and the parts that previously glowed orange turned blue. "EMP it is then."



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Windroarer had spotted Xenith but had taken her for a normal citizen and had only directed 2 ponies to follow them. He had turned his attention back to the battle. The two ponies were dispatched easily. 


Flamer looked over the dead. "We lost a few, however, the zebras lost a lot more". "You had the element of surprise and our help". "You sure do speak like a pony for a Sand Dog to be.... for a robotic one at least". "I have a robotic paw and a cybernetic eye. That's nothing. You should meet my brethren that dwell beneath Hoofington". "How did Darkeye ever find you?". Mad snickered. Many zebra civilians were led before Flamer. "They will be taken to slavery. I'm sure the Happy Smiles Caravan would pay a pretty price for these". The few zebra warriors that had surrendered had been separated from the civilians. "What of the fighters?". "They are too dangerous to be kept alive. Kill them". "With pleasure". Mad Dog and Giggler rushed to action, killing the warriors. Windroarer landed in front of Flamer. "Darkeye will be wanting these zebras to go under some inspection first before they go to the Happy Smiles.... just a little check with Dr. Zomoro and then they can proceed to be hoofed over to the Smiles". Flamer looked at Windroarer with suspicion. "Hmmm, ok, we will do that". 


Windroarer watched as the zebras were being led to a camp created by Darkeye for slaves to go through. Bomb collars could be seen being put on slaves. Dr. Zomora stood in the gateway. "Ohhh, am zo glad zat you could bring zem over here. I am very exzited to get zome zebras". 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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(I'm just going to say that Cryssi has been following you)


Cryssi: "Ok. Hold up just a minute. So the Enclave have been destroyed for nearly 13 years. All their safe houses and storage facilities have been looted clean. And now you are telling me that a whole Swarm of what ever these things are just came our of nowhere conveniently after you find us. Am I on drugs right now? I don't remember taking drugs. Why is everyone acting so calm when something as major and unexplained as this is going on right outside? Am I the only one questioning this? Am I the only sane person in this group? Why is no one even curious about this? This world is too annoying for me." she sat down a top of Zac, who gave a very stern 'now you fucked up' look at everyone before trying to calm down Cryssi.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Blooddrop: "So Rain, how come after all these years of being a member of the society, how come only now you chose to come and try and get a scorpion that matches and shows your standing withing the society? Their had to have been some trigger. What was it?"


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Kalus: "Darkeye! Pay a bit more attention to when you are being called. I have the information that you asked me to aquire concerning the whereabouts of Rave and your son."

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Darkeye exited his working room. He walked over to Kalus. "Well, where is my son? Where has he taken him?". 


Scar walked into the library where Rave was training Dark Sun. "What? What is it? Why do you disturb us?". "This Dark Horn. He aint nothing but trouble. Nothing good will come from him". "I don't care about what you think. But that can't hardly be what you came here for. We've gone over that many times". "Dark, he could learn more than just dark magic. He could learn blood magic". Rave thought for a while. "Not old enough, he doesn't have enough body strength for it. He is still just a foal". "How long must we wait?". "5 years". "Can't you just age him like you did to your son?". "No, age forcing can lead to...... madness". "I don't like all this waiting". "That's because you've never been patient like me. Always rushing ahead". "Easy for you to say, you're dead. Not like you have some pressing appointment somewhere". Rave didn't reply to him. 

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"I think it's a bit strange too, but we have bigger concerns. I got a message from xenith. Some of the zebras have been taken as slaves. Anyone up for a little rescue mission?" Elegron twirled around his shotguns to emphasize his point. "Let's teach these slavers a lesson." He was glad to have a chance to fight without feeling bad about killing ponies. Everypony in the happy smiles knew what they were doing, knew it was wrong, and did it anyway. That made things a lot easier on Elegron. "I'll call some backup from stable city, but we won't want an army. I'll call midnight and xanthe and that should be all we need. Any objections?"

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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