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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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Rave received the news from his radiomare. "Send word to Happy Smile Caravan immediately. We will have to band together quickly. Happy Smiles will resist these idiots. It is the largest caravan company in all of Equstria. They have a small army of griffon mercenaries as well as a lot of well armed caravan guards. Contact the Hellhounds as well. We will need their help". The radiomare moved out to give orders. Lasher entered the tent. "So? What is her mission?". Lasher smiled. "To infiltrate the Iron Warriors and kill their leader". Rave smiled. "How diabolical of you. Any word about the new recruits". "We've managed to recruit a lot of ponies. Most of them were hungry and wanted a job. I have sent them to training. There are some older ponies that have been experienced the Wasteland. They will be very useful. Also, we have one recruit that says he can fly a vertibird". Rave's eyes seemed to glimmer. "Bring him here". "At once". Lasher exited the tent. 


Rave was alone in the tent. "Iron Mane you idiot. You have just made a mistake. Not only are you facing Slavers, the Happy Smiles Caravan, Hellhounds and Ponyville residents. You are also facing Steel Rangers. By renouncing yourself from the Steel Rangers and taking matter into your own hooves, you have declared war against the Steel Rangers and they don't tolerate betrayal. This should be fun. A lot of blood will be spilled". Rave had a psychotic smile on his face. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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6:00am June 15th 2280. That was the time and date that was listed on Wade's Pip buck, but it felt like a life time ago since his Wasteland journey began almost 10 years ago. He did not sleep last night, the roar of the Vertibirds had been enough of a shock to prevent him from falling asleep. "EDNA we need to be careful now. With the new occupation of these Iron Warriors, we could be facing almost certain death. No doubt the locals will make a violent response to this attempted takeover of territory. Rave will most likely mobilise and entire army to fight against them. That will not end well for either parties. The Brotherhood will not do anything about this, and the Enclave is essentially a snake with no head, clinging to the last clutches of life." "I don't know what we are going to do EDNA. We aren't hiding and we would do best not to take sides." "Good point EDNA, let's just focus on our current mission with the Slaver Mare and then we will decide what to do about the Iron Warriors."


EDNA gave of a series of beeps and whines that made Wade's face flush red. "You would do well to keep those words to yourself when around others, although I may be one of few ponies on the surface able to understand you. Best you keep your observations about somethings to yourself. Don't make me regret thinking about giving you a vocal adapter next time we go home."


Wade sat down in a very well hidden spot, turned on his Stealth buck and linked into EDNA'S systems. "EDNA, you know your job, go and keep a close eye on Rave and that Mare, stay in stealth and they will never find you. We need to make sure no harm comes to our new ally. And see if you can figure out her name for me."


EDNA engaged her Stealth systems and made her way inside the Slaver base, keeping her eye open to anything.

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Rave watched as Clover was dragged out of her tent. Clover looked very confused and scared. "It is time that you prove yourself Clover. I have given you a very important mission and you will see it done or die trying. You are to assassinate an enemy of mine. Is that clear?". "Ye--yes of course". "Good, your target's name is on this sheet of paper". Rave handed her the paper. She looked at it and started crying. "I guess she is so happy she is crying" Rave joked and the other slavers that were nearby laughed. Rave got his head close to hers and held her hooves. He whispered into her ear. "If you fail you will die. There is no turning back. However, if you succeed, you will have earned my trust. I know this is not an easy task, which is why you will be proving yourself". He let her go and grinned. "Gather your weapons, ammo and supplies. Whatever you need, oh and don't go running off. Otherwise Lasher here will get what he wants. Your head". Rave laughed as he entered is tent again still laughing like a maniac. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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"EDNA, stay on watch. Inform me if anything interesting happens after I break link." CONNECTION TERMINATED: RETURNING TO ORIGINAL POINT OF ORIGIN.


Wade reconnected with his body and stood from his location over watching the Slaver Base. After a moment of silent thought, Wade realised that there was only one real target that Rave would send Clover after. Iron Mane.


"It's a suicide mission. No way she can even get close to that Elder. I pray for you Clover. Hopefully you can do this without my help. I'd rather not bloody my blade in Warrior blood so soon."

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Rave watched as Clover exited the Slaver base. He could still remember how horrified she had looked when she saw the name. "No more questions from you, hehe". Rave walked back to his tent. "This is getting boring. I hate being stuck here, there is nothing to do except prepare for battle. Ugh, I want to go somewhere and do something exciting. Kill some zebras or Enclavers". Rave thought for awhile. "That's it. I going out for some "fresh air", hehe". Rave walked out of his tent and wnet for the gate. Some ponies were patrolling. They were all armed with Snipers or Varmint Rifles. "Halt. Who goe--- Boss? Sorry, didn't see you. Will you be going out? Will you need some escort. We've managed to get a contract with the Blackhaw griffins". "No, need for that. I hae--". A pony came running, interrupting Rave as he handed out a letter to him. Rave's face went pale. "Shit, I have to go now". Rave ran out of the base. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck, she sounds really pissed off. I better get as quickly as I can to her before she has my head torn off". 

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"This goes against every better instinct I have EDNA. But she is going to die soon unless we intervene." "I know I fucking said we will not help her unless she needs it! But this is pure suicide. Get back here EDNA we need to have one more talk with her face-to-face." "Again EDNA your ability to grasp the obvious is inspiring. Yes she may be a bit shocked by my appearance, I'm more than half machine." "I'm aware that she may shoot me, but when have bullets stopped me." "Just do what you're told."




When Clover was a far enough distance from the Slaver base, Wade made his move. He positioned himself a few feet in front of Clover and stood tall on his hind legs, before fully de activating his Stealth Buck. His raised his Gauntlet to around level with her eyes. "Stop!"

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Rave ran as if he were being chased by Hellhounds. "Shit shit shit shit, she is going to fucking kill me. She doesn't like ponies being late". He could see the Happy Smiles Caravan HQ of Ponyville. 


Clover stopped and looked up. She did not care how Wade looked. She knew she was going to die. No matter what. "Hello there". 

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(Sorry 'bout the lack of posts, stuff happened)

Ebony had grown bored of staying hidden and decided to intervene, She fired the high caliber rifle at the pony running towards the other. She looked away, either the shot killed him, grazed him or scared him. The effect of the shot was to delay and she wasn't too bothered for how long, it seemed like Wade needed this pony and Ebony owed him for the Brotherhood incident.

"There you go, dept paid in full." She looked off into the distance, "O.K, lets move." She barked at her captive deathclaw. "Those bodies aren't moving themselves to the stable for testing." She whipped the deathclaw repetitively to get it to move. She grinned in a sinister fashion as she gazed at the stable entrance, "Soon, it will be finished. Soon..."


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"I suppose I should formally introduce myself now we finally meet face to face. My name is Wade, I'm the one who hired you to spy on Rave for me. I know who you are, Clover and I know what you have been tasked with. And let's me just say that you are being sent on a suicide mission intentionally. Rave is trying to get you killed. I'm trying to save you and that's not a thing I do often. You can go on with his mission, try and kill Elder Iron Mane, and die a horrible death in the process. You can allow me to help you, and we may both die trying. Or, the option I recommend. Is you can come with me, I can still give you the Caps you need to start a new life, and I also offer the safest place on the wasteland to live and the best luxuries available outside the Brotherhood of steel. That is if you are ok knowing that you living with a Cyborg. This offer stands forever, I don't want to see others die a worthless death. I pray that you will take my offer." Wade gave a paper map to Clover, showing her the location of his underground bunker. "Make the right choice. I belive that you will." Wade actiaved his Stealth buck once more, leaving Clover to make her choice as he headed for his bunker.

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Clover was thinking deeply. "What do I do what do I do? He doesn't know Rave. He has dealt with traitors before. No where is safe from him. Rave is a monster that always gets what he wants. If he wants my death he will get it. But what if I can be protected? If I don't do this I will be condemned and I will never be able to travel safely. Rave hates traitors and will see them skinned alive". Clover looked for the longest of time at the map. She mad the decision. She changed direction and started heading for the bunker. 


Lasher stood on top of a hill far away looking through his scope. He had followed her just to be sure. He had seen the stranger talk to Clover. Clover was now changing directions. "I knew you were a traitor you little bitch". He aimed. His rifle roared as he pulled the trigger. Everything fell silent. He watched the body of Clover lying still on the ground, covered in blood. "No loose ends". Lasher headed back for Rave's base. 

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"What the fuck was that? Lasher rifle?"


Wade rushed back to where Clover was an the sight was quite horrifying. Clover lay on the ground in front of him in a pool of her own blood. "Lasher. He'll pay for this." He could not tell if Clover was alive or not, but he would do his best to try and save her. He picked up her body and began to bring her back to his bunker. "You may be dead or dying. But I'm gonna damn well try and save you."

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Clover was having a hard time to breath. Lasher's shot had gone through the neck, nearly ripping the head off. Blood was spraying everywhere. 


Lasher returned to Rave's tent. "The bitch was a traitor. I did as you asked me to do if she did something stupid. I... Rave? Rave where are you?". Lasher exited Rave's tent. He went to the gate. "You there? Yes you. Has anybody left the base since I left?". "Rave did. He looked very pale and was cursing. He received some letter and said he had to go somewhere". "There is only one pony I know about that can make Rave shake" Lasher thought.

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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With a severe limp on a shoddily-bandaged leg, Silvermind Goodspeak did his very best to walk in a direction that he hoped would lead him to other ponies. After the Brotherhood base had been destroyed and Silvermind had been separated from the Alchemist, he was lost in the Wasteland with no direction and in severe need of medical attention. Despite the quick bandage job Silvermind had done on his leg after it was damaged by an explosion within the base, he was losing blood quickly. Much longer, and a new skeleton might be littering the wasteland...

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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With a severe limp on a shoddily-bandaged leg, Silvermind Goodspeak did his very best to walk in a direction that he hoped would lead him to other ponies. After the Brotherhood base had been destroyed and Silvermind had been separated from the Alchemist, he was lost in the Wasteland with no direction and in severe need of medical attention. Despite the quick bandage job Silvermind had done on his leg after it was damaged by an explosion within the base, he was losing blood quickly. Much longer, and a new skeleton might be littering the wasteland...

While on his way back to the bunker, he spotted a pony who looked surprisingly familiar. Of course, he was the pony that Ebony wanted to take hostage yesterday. It mattered not now, he needed help and he was the only pony around do so. "I hope he will be willing to talk to a Raider carrying a body."


"You over there, I hate to be a bother. But I need help. Do you have any medical skills? I have a pony will th a severed spinal cord and I need an assistant to help me with the operation."

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Overjoyed at having found another pony, Silvermind quickly hobbled over to Wade.

"Yes, I'm quite proficient in medicine. I studied back in the Vault. But first, could you provide me with some medical supplies? Not too long ago, an explosion damaged my leg quite badly. I fear that in a few hours, I may not be able to help you with that operation."


In his hurry, Silvermind failed to notice that the pony was clearly a raider.

Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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Rave walked inside the Happy Smiles Caravan base. Two griffins immediately flanked him on both sides, escorting him. Rave gulped. He went into an office where a pony was sitting by desk. "He--hello there Le--Lena" Rave stuttered. "Hello there Rave. So good to see my favorite slaver" Lena Smiles walked towards him. When she reached him she hit him with a baton in the face. Rave fell down but got up again. "What the hell were you thinking. I know that we can handle dealing with these Iron Warriors but I would rather have it not come to that. Your actions are proving to be troublesome for us, The only reason I haven't killed you is because you now have control over all of the slaver gangs and I can use that. Now I only have to pay one price for slaves instead of many different varieties". "What is it that you require of me ma'am?". "I want you to secure your position and RESTRAIN YOURSELF. People are afraid of traveling the roads because of you. Even some of my caravan workers are afraid and that is not good for business. Lay low. Is that clear?". Yes ma'am. Anything for you ma'am". "Of course. Now be a sweet dear and fuck your self back to your base and do as I have told you to do". "Of course ma'am" Rave exited the office. He held his cheek where Lena had hit him. "Well, that went rather well. She has been in worse moods". Rave started walking 

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"I don't have any medical supplies on me at the moment. My home is not far from this location. I have plenty of medical supplies there. We need to move quickly before both of you bleed out."


After about one minute more of walking, Wade pulled back some rocks revealing a hatch which led to an underground bunker. "This is my home, be careful on the way down. It's dark and a bit tight on space. Once we are at the bottom, you're in the safest and must luxurious place in the Wasteland." He looked back over he shoulder to make sure Clover was breathing before making his decent down the 40ft tunnel.

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As Silvermind gingerly descended into the bunker, he took the opportunity to talk with his mysterious savior.

"I'm Silvermind, by the way. Silvermind Goodspeak. What is this place? Did you build it? No, something like this... this existed pre-war, yes? And who are you?"

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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Rave neared his base. Lasher came out running towards him. "Lasher? What is wrong?". Lasher told him about Clover's betrayal and described the pony Clover had talked to. "Hmm, I will be sure to remember that description. Did you deal with her as I told you to do?". "Yes, I did what you wanted me to do". "Good, I think we don't have to worry about her again" Rave smiled intensely. "So how did the meeting with Lena go?". "Quite well, surprisingly. Shall we go inside and toast for the death of the traitor?". Lasher and Rave walked together towards the base. 

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"Yeah, nice to meet you. Do you mind if I call you Silver for short? No I did not build this place. I decorated it and installed a few features like plumbing, bur it's all a pre-war safe house."


When Wade got to the bottom, he turned on the lights revealing a large, pre-war looking front room. "My medical room is at the far left of the hall, catch up with me their. Feel free to look around while I get the operations set up. It's very much what you would expect a pre-war home to be."


Wade rushed to his medical room and set Clover down on the operating table, attaching her to life support and giving her a shot of Med-X to null the pain and a tranquiliser dart to put her to sleep for a few hours. "Tools, tools where did I leave my tools. EDNA, go keep Silver company until I find my tool and wash my hooves."


EDNA gave several beeps before moving back to the main room, popping out of stealth to say hi to Silver, but the only noise that came out where different tone beeps and whines.

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Clover was starting to choke on her own blood, she could not breathe. She was starting to black out. If nothing was done soon, she would be lost forever. 


Rave held up a bottle of Sparkle-Cola while Lasher had a bottle of beer. They drank up, cheering. "Soon, this wretched Wasteland will burn". 

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Silvermind was in awe. A real-life Enclave Eyebot! And this bunker was like a trip through time. It was perfectly preserved, and just like the pictures he'd seen in books! It was a dream come true. Turning to the eyebot, he introduced himself.

"Hello, you must be EDNA. I'm Silvermind Goodspeak. Your friend brought me here to doctor a pony." He lowered his voice to a whisper and leaned in closer to EDNA. "Between you and me, I don't think she'll make it. She's in an awful state, she was shot through the throat. Her jugular wasn't hit, but the bullet came awful close. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some serious internal damage." Silvermind raised his voice back up to a friendly, audible level. "Do you mind if I get a closer look at you? As I'm sure you understand, you're a real technical marvel."

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Ok, tools are ready, hooves are clean, operation can begin. I have to clear her airway. This incision will have to do for now." Wade made a small cut into her neck which managed to divert most of the blood out of her airway and onto the table, breathing would be hard but possible. " now the spine. Silver, I need you in here right now."


EDNA atempted to 'growl' at Silver, but with her electronic voice it sounded more like static. Hearing Wade's voice from the Medical room, EDNA rushed in to be what ever help she can.


"EDNA, plug yourself into the electronics and give me frequent status updates on her condition. It should no longer be deteriorating, but still critical."


(EDNA does not like people other than Wade to touch her. One thing about her. Unlike regular eye-bots, she has a hyper advance level AI software that can be quite moody.)

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Silvermind ran into the operating room.

"Oh, geez, this is not good. Shit, this is really bad. Fucking shit, how the hell am I gonna fix this!? Alright, do you have any Stimpaks or Med-X? We need to slow the flow of blood and regenerate the arteries and veins. Luckily the jugular wasn't hit directly, but the bullet did graze it on the way through her neck. Once we've done that, I can patch up her neck, no problem. Are there any other injuries?

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Spinal chord is severed, and these wounds ain't being healed by no Super-Stimpack. No this tissue is lost, several major tubes have lost enough soft and hard tissue to make it impossible to regenerate. She was shot by an anit-machine rifle. These will require replacements of the electronic kind. Ok, what I need you to do is to help me mark the point of incision and to hold her cords in place while I remove parts of the high Cal round still lodged in her spine. Ok?"


(Also, should leave this section to a time jump of about two hours, as it will mostly be uneventful?)

Edited by Child of Darkness

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